An Outline of the Future 11.18.04 We’re beginning a new cycle in our smooth journey together; with most of the goal-related focus out of the way, the next few weeks will be filled with numerous deck-fixes and analysis regarding numerous requested deck-themes that have been requested. Polls will help gauge your interest in seeing Machines, Exodia, Burn, A Legendary Ocean, Beast, Control, Beatdown, and numerous other underlooked deck-types examined and analyzed. I take my work here very seriously, and I want to help everyone out there become the best duelist they can be. Truth be told, there’s no reason Warrior Chaos, or Chaos Metamorphosis, or Chaos Control, or Burner has to continue to dominate. The ban list was created so that every deck could reasonably and hopefully compete in the environment. Originality is not dead. Properly cultivated, any decent theme can be a top-tier deck, I’ve seen it happen and I know we have a chance to turn things around. JAELOVE’s Smooth Journey will continue bringing exclusive Yu-Gi-Oh content, aimed at all the pojo fans who keep this site afloat, and we will continue fixing decks, constructing decks, and getting fan’s names onto this site! Now hurry up and go read about FORCE, my new theory, so we can get started constructing the next deck, waiting for you down here :D
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