Return of
the Different Jaekimsection
I'm sure you're astounded by the pun.
Hello, after watching my dear Lazaro
Bellido sweep Costa Mesa, and seeing Hugo Adame
rocket back onto the scene, I've decided to return
to the game of Yu-Gi-Oh! that we know and love. I'll
be entering law school next year, and the lure of
the competitive Yu-Gi-Oh! culture is too great to
ignore. Plus, I have some things I want to get off
my chest.
I think it's rather fitting that a
lot of people haven't even linked my JAELOVE persona
to the ghastly figure I became on For
the past two years, I have been creating articles
for the official arm of Upper Deck Entertainment.
When I was first approached, I was at the top of my
game having made strong showings at Shonen Jumps,
while spearheading Team Savage. The naive person in
me believed I could make a mark on the website by
contributing insights into the nature of competitive
Yu-Gi-Oh! After a year of churning out deadlined-induced
articles that were heavily edited and not really
mine, I grew fed up and quit Yu-Gi-Oh!
I mean, having to shill pathetic
cards like Goe Goe the Gallant Ninja as if they were
the next coming (by then, half of the words in the
article weren't even mine) is quite the interesting
Now that I'm back, I feel like Rip
Van Winkle falling asleep in a Delorean and going
Back to the Future. That's how much the game has
changed. I'm coming back to This isn't a
temporary tease like my last comebacks for this site
either. This time, I have five articles queued up.
When I mail PojoBill, I am sending the goods.
But here are the pertinent facts of
the situation.
I will spend much of my time
complimenting friends, rivals, and even enemies in
the interest of promoting the game. Creating star
players creates more incentive to play (since the
prize support is still a bit lacking). In this
regard, I have written for the three biggest
Yu-Gi-Oh sites in existence. I have made day 2 at
multiple Jumps (a feat quite cheapened now, I must
admit), came close to winning it all, pioneered a
few deck types, have *intimate* access to most of
the best players in the game, have arranged special
events in the past such as gigangtic
INTERCONTINENTAL team battles, and have exposure
into the business practices of Upper Deck
Entertainment and
I have forsaken a paid, contracted
position and put my proverbial "money where the
mouth is." The unfiltered
truth of my message is more important than the
company line.
When it comes to competitive,
tournament Yu-Gi-Oh! analysis, there is a huge hole
in the market. None of the current writers on any
site, other than Matt Peddle (Conspire, Superfriends
all star), have been there. This isn't meant as a
slam at anyone, it's just a simple fact. Yet people
and players everywhere on different communities are
posing as if they have a sublime understanding of
the game! When you pose as an authority, you have
people relying on your word as a lesson. I don't
like this. I didn't like this while writing on
Metagame (and gradually selling out), and I don't
like it now.
In short, I will be striking back. My
articles on will not involve inane deck
constructions. Everyone has gotten so good at
Yu-Gi-Oh! (I love you all), and decklists are so
prevalent, it would be presumptuous and downright
arrogant to try to make some themed decks. I might
be doing a few deck fixes or spotlight a new theme.
But let me offer a delicious table of contents of
what JAELOVE's new journey, now retitled Jae Kim:
Theory and Practice, will offer.
If you use Dgz, XC, YGOrealms, or
any other communities, post a link to this article
and alert everyone to it. is the new hot
spot for Yu-Gi-Oh! I aim to make all of my writings
*required* reading for any solid player who is
looking to gain insights into how the best operate.
Yes, you can be the next Yu-Gi-Oh! superstar by
reading these works.
1. One
series of articles will involve interviews, with
REAL cutting questions offered by a qualified
interviewer, with some of the best players in the
game. Yes, right here on I'm not talking
about silly questions like "What's your favorite
monster." I'm talking about exchanges like (on the
JK: "Do you feel the players trying
to work their way up to the elite, or at the elite,
have begun to learn toward stacking their decks?
What do you, as a player at lucrative events, do
about this?"
JK: "Team Yu-Gi-Oh ETC! is a rising
star that's really challenging for the top spot. How
do you feel about their chances of supplanting you,
and are there any messages you want to get across?"
Also, I may at times interview
JK: "How are you doing?"
JK: "Fine."
JK: "Good."
2. I
will be "reviewing" the different article
contributors of different sites. I am a fan of many
author's works, and I am a constructive criticizer
so I tend to never simply go on a flamefest.
However, I haven't been a big fan of some of the
stuff that's been churned out lately, and I would
love to speak out on it in an instructive manner.
I don't think spreading false
information to players who look up to these writers
as authority figures, or even experts, is the way to
go. In a classy and reserved manner, I seek to bring
the truth to the young Yu-Gi-Oh youth.
3. I
will be constantly griping about the designer's lack
of vision for the game. This will involve rigorously
analyzing card-advantage mechanics, explaining
complex mechanics for players, explaining how a pro
goes through reads on the field, and how to set your
opponent up into mind-games and second and third
level thinking.
4. I
will spotlight players who either make notable
contributions to the game, or play sloppily and/or
submit terrible decklists.
5. I'm
back. Hello.
Jae Kim is a creative contributor
to You may contact him (every e-mail will
be answered) at He can also be
found contributing to the Message Boards and the
Card of the Day.