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Nick Curtis on YuGiOh Hello again players! I decided to write another article this week, and I want to discuss the cards in the game that are increasing in play, and others that are spiraling downward. Because as we all know, with every format, some cards increase in effectiveness, and others lose it entirely. I will post an article like this from time to time, as the Meta will change too. So if you want to know what to trade for, then read on…
Cards seeing a rise in usage:
Thunder King Rai-Oh: This card is a baller! Gladiator Beasts and Lightsworn decks will have a tough time coping with this card. It essentially locks down the field for a turn, and is hard to get over with it being at 1900 atk. The banning of CCV helps it out a lot, and with the limit of Gale, it makes it so it’s not as easy to half and kill it as much. It can also be protected with Honest, which is in general a good card by itself, and strategically brutal (refer to my previous article). He can stop the opponent from searching, like Gladiator Beast decks tend to do a lot, and disrupt their flow.
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer: This card is such an amazing anti-meta card now. Both of his effects hurt all tier 1 decks at the moment. His ability to stop a play from removing cards from the graveyard hinders Lightsworn, since they use Necro Gardna. It can also stop Chaos Sorcerer from hitting the field, while at the same time removing the fuel he needs to come out. His removing cards effect definitely hurts Lightsworn, and can stop Dark Armed Dragon as well. Sure, they can still summon him, but they can’t blow up your field while he’s there, and 9 times out of 10 you’ll have some sort of defense. With Kycoo being at 1800 atk as well, he’s a good beat stick as well. And yet again, with CCV banned, he has become playable even more so.
Gold Sarcophagus: This cards playability increases the slower a format gets. Since this new format is way slower than last, obviously this card increases in value. Many of the decks now rely more on combo pieces, and this is the card to complete the set up. Many decks, if not all should be main decking at least 1 of these. Now that the Dark Strike Fighter OTK engine is gone, some decks such as Lightsworn can now set up their field much better, and with 2 Sarco, searching out Charge of the Light Brigade, or Solar Recharge seems too good that you have to run them! Blackwing decks can benefit off of it by searching out Whirlwind, Chaos can benefit by searching Rota (depending on the build), Dark Armed Dragon, or my personal favorite for a turn 1 search, Heavy Storm. Or even search out your draw engine cards such as Destiny Draw, Allure of Darkness, or set up a Reckless Greed play.
Trap Dustshoot: A staple in my mind. With the format not yet set in stone, many players are still uncertain as to what to play. Slower formats mean you can set up in multiple turns as compared to a fast OTK like format. A card like Dustshoot can completely stop a strategy you have set up if played right. A turn 1 Dustshoot is huge too! You can see what the opponent is playing without giving out any information as to what you’re playing right away. Also a reminder, you are allowed to write down the hand of your opponent after you have picked your target. I always recommend doing this, because not everyone has an amazing memory, right? I don’t consider it cheap, after all, you get to see their hand anyway, and so what’s the big deal? D.D. Crow: Sure, this format is not 100% certain yet, but it’s so apparent that many decks revolve around graveyard usage, that this card is still too good that if you’re not main decking it, at least side him. Too many cards exist in decks that involve recycling themselves in and out of the graveyard. Cards such as Plaguespreader, Treeborn Frog, Necro Gardna, Mezuki, and Blackwing Vayu just to name a few. I already have tested out main decking a single copy, and it has proven to be VERY good.
Cards seeing lesser play:
Threatening Roar: This card sees more play in quicker, more OTK like formats. Last format players would commonly chain this to a Cold Wave, or stop the OTK push. Now with DSF banned and Cold Wave at 1, this card has become much less appealing. It is still a decent card at best, but not necessarily needed as it was last format. Lightsworn decks used to main 2 copies of this, and can now easily convert over to two copies of Bottomless Trap Hole. But overall, defensive traps tend to become less appealing the slower a format becomes. With the exception of BTH, Mirror Force and Torrential, I do not see defensive traps playing a big part this format.
Mind Control: Obviously with this card being restricted to one, it would naturally see less play. But this format Synchros are not at explosive as they were last format. The only decks that main multiple tuners now are really any deck that uses the Dhero engine. Usually when you use that engine you also main two copies of Krebons, and an Emergency Teleport. Plague will most likely be in that deck too, and maybe a Gale. People would also run three copies of Cyber Valley and a Machine Duplication, and use this in combo to create tons of advantage, but with Machine Dup also seeing less play, this in turn should follow suit.
Honorable Mentions:
Doomcaliber Knight: This card has only recently been reprinted in the Turbo Packs, and is now more easily accessible to players. This card can fetch about $70 on some online sites, and may only go up when Turbo Packs cease to be made. Obviously this is a good anti-meta card at the moment, but it’s not for sure how good it really is until the format is in full swing. Running 3 of these, and 3 Thunder King definitely can create some problems for Glad and Lightsworn decks, so we’ll see as time goes on how this card really does. One problem though is that he cannot be special summoned, unlike Thunder King. I recommend running a Pot of Avarice if you’re running multiple copies of him in a deck. Not only that, but since you can’t special summon him, he makes great fodder for Chaos Sorcerer.
Arms Hole/Hidden Armory: Supposedly we will be getting this card in the near future in the new Warrior’s Structure Deck. This card is quite amazing. Be on the lookout for this card for sure!
Dark Bribe: Recently online, I have seen a resurgence of C.O. Burn decks. Even though Solemn is down to 1, we can still run 3 Bribe. I strongly recommend that you at least side some anti-burn at the moment. I have heard multiple rumors that in SJC Orlando coming up, Burn will see a lot of play, as not many players will be siding for it and be focused on the GB and Lightsworn matchups. If this holds true, expect to see this cards value shoot up. But just like Arms Hole, we are supposedly getting a common version of this in the Warrior structure deck as well. So right now it is iffy as to whether or not to invest in a set of these in my opinion. Orlando will definitely define what is good and bad for most players.
The winner to last week’s question: “This week’s question is: Other than Lightsworn, Gladiator Beasts and Chaos/Monarch decks that right now seem to be dominating the playing field, what are some future decks you see rising from the ashes, and achieving the rank of tier 1? Email me your response, and I’ll have another winner next article!” is Ryan Diato. Here is his response….
“Hi, my name is Ryan. I have an answer for your question this week, although I don't believe I have the proper reasoning behind my choices. 1. Gadgets - I believe with the new ban list gadgets will slowly start to rise back to tier 1. With the release of Doomcaliber Knight (while not as easily accessible as I hoped) and the limiting of cold wave, I believe that oppression gadget will make a comeback. Some other choices will/can include multiple copies of D.D. warrior lady, breaker and fissure.
2. Dark World - With all of the monarchs (namely Thestalos) and X-saber decks that I believe will be running around, this can be a new anti-meta deck. It is fast enough to keep up with numerous decks, and with many effects that discard from the hand becoming popular, this is one of the few types of decks that can create advantage(s) while losing their own hand.
3. Zombies - I believe that this is the one deck that will be on everyone's list. Mezuki at 2 is reason enough to run the deck. Plaguespreader Zombie and the recent popularity boost of Burial from a Different Dimension give this deck more options regardless of hand size. This deck has the ability to recover from complete field wipes, provided they have a decently filled graveyard. In a slow format, I believe that this is one of the faster decks that should be looked out for.”
I do agree with choices 1 and 3, but I do not see Dark World becoming a good any kind of deck personally. But who knows the format is still young and only time will tell, right? Thanks for your response Ryan!
This week’s question is: Do you feel that it is unfair how Doomcaliber Knight was reprinted? Many people have complained to me about how hard it is to get a set of them, and how pricey they are. So do you feel like a card of this nature should be released in another fashion, or keep it the way it is due to it being so powerful and sought after? Email me your response, and you could see your name here next article!
~ Nick “Techno Syndrome” Curtis AIM: ssjtrunks756 Email: ssjtrunks756pojo@gmail.com
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