Pook's Place
Ban the Man!
By Pook
Greetings all. Well, this past weekend kicked off the 2004
Summer Olympic games, an event that only comes every four
years. Additionally, there is another event that happens
only one every four years, and that is the American
presidential election. Sure, I’m not eligible to run until
I’m at least 35, but I have been following the campaign
trail for both major party candidates. One thing I’ve
noticed is that the candidates have to pick a side for most
of the big issues. Of course, my Yu-Gi-Oh obsessed mind
immediate went towards an issue that is splitting the
Dueling nation (yeah, there is no Dueling nation…yet…), and
that is the issue of the ban list.
Ever since I started writing this column a few months back,
people have been emailing me, wondering about my stance on
the ban list. I decided that rather than having to email
back each and every single person, I will just come right
out and say where I stand on the issue. Hopefully, I won’t
lose your vote based on my opinion.
Personally, I am for the ban list. At first, I was hesitant
about accepting these changes, but once I started to look
over the situation, I realized that it is a good way to go.
Here’s why. As many of you know, I am a major proponent of
original deck designs (see “You Play With Fire, You’re Gonna
Get Burned”). Every time I tried to design a new deck, there
were certain staples that I constantly put into my decks (Harpie’s,
Raigeki, etc. – you know the story). I always felt weighed
down by so many of the staples.
And that’s where my support of the ban list was born – I was
taking up so much space in my deck, that my custom designed
decks were far to big for normal play – around 50 cards or
so, a big faux pa. So, I ditched them. Flat out tried to
play without them against decks that did have them. Big, big
mistake. I had no choice. Back they went, and I was forced
to ditch certain cards in order to make it a playable deck.
Then, Konami answered my prayers.
Ah, the ban list. My saving grace. Sure, it was only in
Japan, but I liked the idea. Then, the shop I played at back
in New Jersey decided that since they were an unofficial
tournament, they were going to impose the ban…2 weeks after
I moved. Yeah, big let down. But the fact was that there was
a demand for ban-list tournaments. So, I decided to play two
decks – my Water deck, with the ban cards, and my Fire/Burn
deck, ban-list compliant. At the World Championships this
year, I played them both. You know what happened? My
ban-list compliant deck held it’s own. Why? Because most of
the hardcore gamers, even ones who run CED and other
“bane-of-my-existence” decks, are starting to phase them
out. I couldn’t be happier.
Yes, I support the ban, but only because Konami went through
with it in a very smart manner – letting stores decide
whether to allow them or ban them. Bravo, Konami (honestly,
no joke or sarcasm here, they finally did something really
right). The fact that they are letting the American stores
be democratic is pure brilliance. If they had said that
stores had to be ban-list compliant and left no room for
compromise, I think that I wouldn’t be so supportive of it.
This way, people who really want to learn and grow and try
some new and innovative ways of dueling have that freedom,
or those who feel more comfortable with their current
dueling style can stick with it. For me, I think I’m going
to try to stick with a ban-compliant store, because decks
that in the past stood no chance (i.e. FINAL decks, theme
decks) will finally get some play, and it will be up to the
smart duelist to figure out how to achieve victory.
There you have it – my stance on the situation. Sure, up
against major political issues, this seems trivial, but to
you, my fellow duelists, this is the major issue, and I hope
you will vote for me in November to be King of Duelist
Kingdom, or Student Body President of Domino High School, or
Mayor of Battle City, or whatever authoritative figure of a
Yu-Gi-Oh location you please.
By the way, on a side note, I was informed that a certain
other Yu-Gi-Oh magazine (not Pojo) has posted an article
about a live-action movie, very similar to mine. It’s good
to see that other people in the industry read and like my
column, so much so that they printed their own version of
it. However, it would have been nice to have been
acknowledged by them. No, I’m not claiming I INVENTED a
live-action movie, but come on, people, my first article
about it was posted months ago. So to the kind people at the
other magazine, thanks for reading. Happy dueling! ^_^
**NOTE: Please respect my opinion, because I completely
respect yours. If you feel differently about this, or any
other idea, please don’t send me hate mail – I would never
do that to you. If you’d like to share your opinion with me,
that’s totally cool, you know me, I’m really laid back about
things. But no mudslinging – this isn’t a real election!**