Pook's Place
Cartoons and Contest!
By Pook
So this week, I read that 4Kids, the company and dubs and
imports new episodes of Yu-Gi-Oh! to America is
bringing the spin-off series Yu-Gi-Oh! EX to us this
Fall. Granted, I don’t know much about this series, but I
do know that it will open up new opportunities for
characters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! universe. I think we all know
where this is going…
Allow me to introduce a new
character I’d like to see – Pook! Yes, that’s right. I
think that I’d make a great character for the new anime.
The following is how I’d like to see my character
introduced. But first, I must state that this is purely for
fun, not based on fact, blah blah blah, legal mumbo jumbo.
Ok, with that said:
Yugi, Joey, Tea, and Tristan are walking down
the streets of Domino City one day. They’re walking and
talking and just being best friends, as they make their way
to Yugi’s grandfather’s game shop. As they enter the shop,
they see a young man talking to Yugi’s grandpa. “Who’s
that?” Yugi asks.
“Yugi,” says Grandpa, “don’t be so rude. This young man has traveled all
the way from America to interview you.”
“Interview me? But why? Who are you?” Yugi asks the young man.
“I am a writer, Yugi, and I’m also quite a big fan of
yours,” the young man says.
“Wait a minute,” says Tea, “I know who this is. He’s the
famous Duel Monsters writer, Pook!”
“That’s right,” says Pook. “Yugi, like your Grandfather
said, I’ve come all the way from America to interview the
number one duelist in the world, and, if it wouldn’t be too
much trouble, I’d like to duel you as well!”
::Cue dramatic music:: Well, I’m my own
harshest critic, but I love it. I wouldn’t be a villain,
I’d be more like a Duke Devlin character, popping up when
the situation calls for it.
When I was coming up with this idea, I thought of a second
idea for this week’s article. This is your chance to get in
on the Pook’s Place action. I am hereby announcing the
first ever Pook’s Place Contest! Now is your chance to show
off your artistic abilities and to draw the anime character
Pook. The contest begins as soon as this article is posted,
and you have until December 21st, 2004 to submit
your idea. All entries must be emailed to
doonpook@yahoo.com. Now for the fun part – you can
design me however you like, just please keep it in good
taste (i.e. no R rated type stuff). Use my previous
articles to get a feel for my personality, how I look,
dress, deck type, etc. The winning submission will be
announced the week of January 3rd, 2005, and that
submission will become the official mascot for Pook’s Place!
Sounds good, huh? Plus, as a reminder of what I look like,
here’s a picture of me with a group of duelists at this
year’s World Championships (thanks to HRF for finally
getting me the picture). I’m the redhead on the right-side
of the Pook book.
