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Pook's Place Greetings one and all. Pook here, after one of my now trademarked hiatuses. Now I know I haven’t been around in a while, and that is no excuse for not writing, but I’m back, at least for the time being. My last time around, I came across as somewhat confrontational, even controversial. Some people even said that my articles seemed a bit angry, and “not like the good old days.” Well, I can assure you that wasn’t my intention, but I appreciate the concern from my readers. That being said, I can now address why my articles seemed out of place – I was going through a rough time in my dueling. For you see, I’m a recovering duelaholic. To paraphrase Homer Simpson, I am a duelaholic – I just can’t get enough duelahol. I’ve been a proper duelist for just over four years now, and looking back on it, I’ve had my ups and downs. At first, there was the thrill of being part of a new community, wholly embracing a new game and even the lifestyle associated with it. But at the same time, I was somewhat ashamed (see my very first article for the half-true/half-over-the-top escapade). I was completely invested in the game, both emotionally and financially, but then real life hit me. You see, and I’m going to put this as simply as I can, having to pay bills stinks. It really does. Forced to make my way in the world, I worked different jobs – some that I loved, some that sucked my very soul into a deep, depressing void, and some that were in the middle. During the dark days, the one thing I had going for me was my obsession (and yes, that is the proper term) of Yu-Gi-Oh. It acted as my portal out of my depressing, go nowhere job, but I let it get out of hand. I really couldn’t think of much else. Luckily for you, this was during the time I wrote some of my best articles, but my obsession wore me out. That’s when you didn’t hear from me for a few months. I was burned out. Time passed, as it has a habit of doing, and I found myself returning to the game. Now I never completely fell out of the game (nor will I ever) – I’d still read the news sites, the reviews, etc. every day, but I was removed from the community. In essence, I needed to recharge my batteries. It worked. I was back on the horse, dueling for the love of the game, while still trying to curb my habit – there is a fine line between hobby and obsession. But once again, I found myself tiring out. I took my second hiatus. It was during this time that something magical happened. I was returning to my Third Age of Dueling (very Middle Earth sounding, I know), but all the while I was exploring new options. I started to play VS, I learned the rules for the Naruto card game (which I never took a shine to), and I was finally back to watching my long-neglected anime collection. That’s when fate smiled upon me – I was hired to work at a card shop. Now I’m sure you’re all familiar with the phrase “kid in a candy store”, but this was something else, something bigger. I had landed at geek ground zero, and I mean that as the highest compliment. It put me back in the very center of the dueling community, but for the first time, I wasn’t the one playing. I was more like the mentor, passing along the wisdom I had learned over the years to new players. I was like a much taller, less puppet-like Yoda. It was great. I had finally found my balance for love of the game and existing as a human being in the real world. Essentially, I found my dork equilibrium. And that’s where I am now. I’ m no longer working at the shop (had to move on to bigger and better), but I’m now in good place. While I haven’t actually participated in a duel in a few months, I don’t disregard the game by any means, nor am I so obsessed that I see cards in my every day life. My name is Pook, and I’m a recovering duelaholic. Now for my disclaimer: I know that there are people with serious problems, and duel obsession isn’t really one of them. I am not making light of any serious conditions that people have, this is just me returning to form, putting a heartwarmingly comedic spin on life to relate to Yu-Gi-Oh. I know I don’t have to include this, but I want to, as a responsible writer. That being said, emails are always welcomed. Share your stories of duel-recovery (or decent into duel-madness) all you like. And as always, happy dueling. It’s good to be back!
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