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TheMcShakeAlchemist on Yu-Gi-Oh!
First Reader Deck fix, a Rant, and Tri State Tournament Report!
Hey everyone! Sorry for not
doing anything for a few
weeks, I've had a lot going
on with the holidays and
have had almost no time to
get articles done. I'll try
to make up for it in the
next couple of days and get
a few up for anyone who
actually reads these.
Today I'm going to be
talking about a few things
in my article. Firstly, I
am going to be posting my
first public deck fix for a
friend of mine that
apparently found me through
pojo and wanted a deck fix
for his Gravekeeper deck and
his Chaos deck. I did both
for him and afterwards asked
which he would prefer me do
publicly and he said the
gravekeeper deck so here it
Original message:
I like the original decklist
alright to start with, I
feel that is is a lot closer
to the way gravekeepers used
to play. I tried to update
it though and make it more
consistent, and here was the
fix that I sent him
My message to the reader:
"Alright, after extensive
playtesting here is the
'optimal' list I was able to
come up with as far as
taking the meta by storm and
being able to fare well.
later on I got this feedback
message from him
Final Message:
"[I] just wanted to let you
know and than you for the
deck review. well i went
x-2. first loss was game
loss for coming late haha :/
then i faced blackwings, and
then i faced a kid with a
gravekeeper variant that had
a blue eyes lol. then it was
a naturia deck and my top
match was vs. gravekeepers.
win g1 but lost g2 + g3 i
can honestly say i kicked
some butt at my locals with
my gravekeepers. it ran very
consistent and with high
synergy. mvp of the tourney:
my body as a shield and
seven tools. awesome support
to keep my pushes intact. my
only loss was in the
elimination rounds against a
mirror match. he seriously
out-sidedecked me."
I was really happy to hear
how well the deck fared. I
playtested the deck a lot
with my teammates and ended
up falling in love with the
deck without solemn warnings
or pots, so I wanted to test
it with them, (without
proxying is why I only play
1 pot). Here is the list I
ended up settling on for my
own deck to play with at the
as suggested by: Sean Handy
Monsters: (14)
3 Gravekeeper's Spy
3 Gravekeeper's Recruiter
3 Gravekeeper's Commandant
3 Gravekeeper's Descendant
2 Gravekeeper's Assailant
Spells (17)
1 My Body as a Shield
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Dark Hole
1 Pot of Duality
2 Smashing Ground
3 Book of Moon
2 Gravekeeper's Stele
3 Royal Tribute
3 Necrovalley
Traps (11)
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute
3 Solemn Warning
1 Mirror Force
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
2 Rite of Spirit
Extra Deck:
Pretty standard, the only
cards that matter are
Stardust Dragon x3
Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
Side Deck
3 Cyber Dragon
3 Mask of Restrict
3 Prohibition
2 Shrink
2 Malefic Stardust Dragon
2 Imperial Iron Wall
Most of the card decisions I
already explained in the
previous deck fix, but for
some of them I'll explain
Triple Solemn Warning: I
feel that this is one of the
decks where triple warning
is correct. I say this
because Gravekeeper's is
really solid at protecting
it's lifepoints with
monsters that are bigger
than theirs, and if they
play one that is bigger, it
needs to be dealt with
immediately or else
gravekeeper's will have some
trouble dealing with it. I
also really like triple
warning in this deck because
generally you only need 4
direct attacks in order to
win and with the amount of
removal in this deck that is
very plausible, the warnings
just help with that.
Triple Cyber Dragon in the
side: I prefer three of
these because the mirror
match and stun are
gravekeeper's worst match
ups in my opinion, and this
guy is a great answer to
both of them.
3 Mask of R: I originally
boarded Nobleman of Crossout
in this card's place, and
then a Nobleman'd a spy, and
liked it considerably less.
I'll explain more about the
Mask being my choice later.
3 Prohibition: There are
always silver bullets for
gravekeeper's in various
decks, that's obvious, but I
love that once you name the
card, they can't respond
with the card. (Technically
you only name it upon
resolution.) So some cards
that can be absolutely
crippling to call are Icarus
Attack, XX - Saber Darksoul/Faultroll,
Consecrated Light, Gladiator
Beast War Chariot, Thunder
King Rai-oh, Elemental Hero
Neos Alius, etc. I won a
couple of matches for making
correct calls with this
Shrink: I love this card in
gravekeeper's because it is
fantastic before you get
necrovalley online, it can
shut down what your opponent
thinks are going to be big
plays, it is a good answer
to shura, and good in the
mirror match as well, I was
a pretty big fan of
shrinking a goyo guardian
during damage step.
Malefic: I actually didn't
have this in my sidedeck
until today, so I won't talk
about it anymore this
article, but I think this
guy is really good against
blackwings and the mirror
Imperial Iron Wall: Fuck
Nobleman of crossout
I took it down to a
tournament in Hickory, North
Carolina for part of the
Tri-State Tournament series
with a pretty good payout
(1st Wii, 2nd Box, 3/4 half
box, 5-8 6 packs),
therefore, pretty good
turnout playerwise. I don't
know exactly how many people
showed up, but, I do know
that they were short on
table space until the last
round of swiss. The
tournament wasn't sanctioned
and they just did swiss
until there was only one
undefeated player, but I
dont remember if there were
4 or 5 rounds of swiss.
After getting there and
having 5 people ask me if I
had raiza, mobius, thestalos,
and/or caius for trade I put
mask of restricts in my
sidedeck, best decision of
my ygo career thus far.
I do however, remember, that
the following matches
Round 1: Coelcanth Combo
G1: He beats the piss out of
me. The first couple of
turns I don't know what he's
playing so I just play
conservatively and by the
time I realize and start to
aggro out he combos out and
I lose.
My side deck:
-2 Smashing Ground
-1 Mystical Space Typhoon
-1 Bottomless Trap Hole
-1 My Body as a Shield
+2 Prohibition
+3 Mask of Restrict
I took out smashing ground
because its either
irrelevant, a -1 with dupe
frog, or sitting in my hand
while he combos, MST wasnt
that helpful G1 from what I
saw, bottomless didnt hit
anything until he combo'd,
and I didn't see anything
that My body helped against
except for torrential and
bottomless (Idr if he played
mirror force)
I put in the prohibitions to
hit either cold wave or
giant trunade, and mask of
restrict because he actually
tributed monsters for
coelcanth and the water art.
G2: Turn 1 Royal tribute for
Swap frog, Coelcanth, and
Fishborg while his other two
cards are monster reborn and
Moray of Greed, this game
was pretty fast.
G3: This game lasted
forever. I remember getting
a turn 1 Mask of restrict on
him turn 1 and him turn 2
gold sarc'ing for giant
trunade. I turn 2 prohib
trunade. We go back and
forth for awhile with him
finally getting a
ronintoadin that I just
can't draw and answer to get
over and stalls him FOREVER
with him at 2500 and me at
8000. I finally draw a
Descendant and sac my
recruiter to kill his toad,
and attack to put him to
500. He draws the next turn
and topdecks MST to kill
prohibition and combos.
This sounds like the end of
the story. But, he tries to
Colossal Fighter + Armory
Arm to kill me with two arms
on my descendant, but,
forgets how low his life
total is, and kills himself.
Afterthoughts: I
shouldn't've won this game,
but, I can't complain. I
thought it was interesting
that he actually played the
deck style that tributes
rather than uses the field
spell card to cheat
Coelcanth into play. Also,
this guy top'd in Atlanta as
well, I keep finding these
people and winning against
them when I really
shouldn't, I am glad I'm
this lucky, but I'm curious
as to how long the luck will
Round 2: Frognarchs
G1: Turn 1 Royal Tribute for
his hand except a monster
Side deck:
-1 MST
-1 Smashing Ground
-1 Gravekeeper's Assailant
-1 My Body as a Shield
-1 Royal Oppression
+3 Mask of Restrict
+2 Prohibition
G2: Turn 2 Mask of restrict
after warning his monarch.
Afterthoughts: I felt bad
afterwards because they
really weren't very good
games, just me getting lucky
as shit, and other than my
teammate this was probly my
only friend at the
tournament DX.
Round 3: Plant Synchro
G1: Turn 2 Royal Tribute for
his hand and leave him with
pot of avarice
Side deck:
-1 MST
-2 Smashing Ground
+3 Mask of Restrict
G2: I don't draw a monster
the whole game
G3: I draw a GK Assailant
Afterthoughts: I think that
it is funny the only thing
one of my teammates every
plays is Plant Synchro so,
even when this is a
favorable matchup, AND I
have loads of playtest
practice against the deck
whenever there is a big
tournament I lose to it (my
only losses at the most
recent regional I went to in
Charlotte were to plant
synchro variants). This,
thought, is the rant part of
my article.
I almost never leave a game
of Yu Gi Oh pissed off at
the other player. This
person though, he will
probly read this because I
know he reads on pojo, or,
he might not because I'm not
a crazy qualified player
that just so happens to
write for free, either way,
this guy was an asshole. I
commented while we were
shuffling for game one about
how we both had white
sleeves and joked that only
scrubs play white sleeves.
I understand that some
people could take this
offensively, so afterwards I
added that I should probly
just scoop to him beforehand
and save him the trouble of
beating my ass through the
floor. Afterwards, all he
did was comment about me
being an asshole and how
karma was gonna kick my ass
for shit talking. Again, I
know I'm not the nicest guy
in the world, but for real,
I was trying to make light
of the situation and make
small talk. I know that is
somewhat petty and I
normally wouldn't be that
angry if I played against
someone that I had a bunch
of...'disagreements' with,
but, I also feel he was
trying to cheat. I say this
because all 3 of our games
he would try to play cards
that involved the graveyard
while I had necrovalley out.
I can understand making
mistakes and the first time
or two it being an accident,
but it obviously wasn't for
two reasons.
A. I recognize him as a
regular at bigger events,
I've seen him at every event
outside of locals I've been
to in my life.
B. He's 3-0, he obviously
doesn't misplay that much.
C. When he played the card,
even if I had nothing out,
he would pause and look at
me, and then when I didn't
say anything, because I was
confused, he would start to
resolve the effect as
quickly as possible, I
almost didn't catch him once
on a pot of Avarice. By I
almost didn't catch him I
mean that, he waited about 3
seconds, grabbed the first 5
monsters in his graveyard
and almost threw them into
his deck before I pointed
out necrovalley.
Anyway, I really don't mind
losing, I generally only get
mad under circumstances like
this, or if I lose because I
misplayed. Even in the
latter, I don't get angry at
my opponent, and even then,
I'm just more frustrated at
myself than actually angry.
Round 4: Absolute Zero
G1: I found out pretty early
that he played Royal Decree,
but, he misplayed after a
giant trunade and didnt
activate it at end of turn
so I had a chance to solemn
judgment it the second time
around. I got it pretty
soon afterwards because I
had double rite of spirit
and his giant trunade turned
of my Royal oppression that
I had activated previous to
him Trunade'ing. On a side
note he also Nobleman of
Extermination'd my Solemn
warning, he said he liked it
with diamond dude and later
he exterminated a smashing
ground that I bluffed.
Side deck:
-1 Smashing Ground
-1 Bottomless Trap Hole
-1 Gravekeeper's Assailant
-2 Solemn Warning
-1 Rite of Spirit
+2 Prohibition
+2 Shrink
+2 Imperial Iron Wall
G2: This game was kinda like
game 1 v. Frognarchs
earlier, I felt bad because
he just set a monster and
played pot of duality,
adding deep sea diva to his
hand. I turn 1 Royal
tributed, revealing 4
monsters and pot of duality.
I set a spy, warning, rite
of spirit, and smashing
ground, and MST before the
tribute and passed turn.
The following turn he
played pot of duality and
grabbed future fusion. He
tributed his facedown
monster in order to set a
monster facedown (obviously
malicious) and played future
fusion, sending ocean and
malicious to the graveyard.
I end of turn MSTd his
Future Fusion and won in the
next couple of turns, he did
top deck Deep Sea Diva the
next turn and grabbed spined
gillman but I booked the
gillman before he could
Afterthoughts: I love abzero,
I'm happy to see that it was
doing x-1 before be played,
I almost played it or stun
instead of GK that day.
After this round I went and
talked to the judge and
asked if my teammate and I
could run and get some food
before the next round and he
said that he would wait for
us. We went across the
street to Jack in the Box
and as soon as possible got
Top 8: Gravekeeper's
G1: He roflstomps me with a
turn 1 royal tribute.
Side deck:
-1 MST
-2 Necrovalley
-3 Royal Tribute
-1 Gravekeeper's Assailant
-1 Smashing Ground
+3 Cyber Dragon
+2 Prohibition
+2 Mask of Restrict
+1 Shrink
G2: I get all the right
responses at the best times.
G3: He gets a turn 1 Royal
tribute but only hits
assailant and discards his
own recruiter and reveals
Allure of darkness, after
setting a monster, so that
tells me it's either a spy
or another recruiter. I
prohibition his allure of
darkness, set a solemn
warning and my body as a
shield, and finally set my
own spy that I top decked,
and end my turn. I warning
his spy, he summons a
commandant and attacks into
my spy, I get a descendant,
and on my turn I sac spy to
pop one his monster and
attempt to attack, he mirror
forces and I play the Stele
I topdecked, set spy, and
end my turn. After us going
back and forth in a similiar
manner I end up winning with
a shrink when he attempts to
attack my face up defense
mode spy with his assailant
and change its battle
position and I shrink it
during damage step. We were
both at low life totals and
when he attemped to attack
spy while it was facedown I
book of moond his monster
and he solemn'd the book
thinking that he had me on
the ropes and it was a move
of desperation, I ended up
getting a recruiter in
defense mode and he
bottomless'd my recruiter
the next turn.
Afterthoughts: I noticed
that he left his
Necrovalleys in G2/3 which,
personally, I feel is
incorrect in the mirror
match, that is, if you think
that your opponent is
leaving theirs in, which I
thought he was, because I
noticed him only sidedeck
two cards (noblemans). I
think that he hadn't
playtested the mirror match
very much but I think that
he was a good player, I
think I just had a lot more
experience in this matchup
than he did. Second best
match of the day though. I
have to give props where
they're due.
Top 4: Blackwings
G1: I was shaking at this
point because I was honestly
pretty nervous about the
matchup, I thought that he
was playing BW and I hadn't
playtested this matchup at
all, but I heard it was
pretty poor for GK and it
was one of their worst
matchups because of delta
crow and icarus attack being
pretty huge. I end up
pulling it out of my ass
with a really nice Turn 1
Royal Tribute
-1 MST
-1 Solemn Warning
-1 Smashing Ground
-1 Gravekeeper's Descendant
-1 Bottomless Trap Hole
-1 Rite of Spirit
-1 Royal Tribute
-1 Book of Moon
+2 Prohibition
+2 Shrink
+2 Mask of Restrict
+3 Cyber Dragon
G2: I don't remember a lot
about this match, except, I
bluffed the shit out of a
Prohibition because he
didn't have anything in
play, and neither did I
other than Necro, I set it
facedown, and he drew a bora
and set it in def mode and
passed turn (he was at 200
and I was at 2500ish) and I
topdecked assailant and
flipped prohib naming
Sirroco MP2 after killing
bora because he had already
played gale, so I figured
that Sirroco was the only
card that could kill my
assailant other than a
straight up removal spell at
that point. He died the
next turn but two cards down
was a Sirroco, so I couldn't
Afterthoughts: HOLY SHIT I
Finals: Blackwings
G1: Turn 1 Royal tribute GET
G2: Idr how this game went,
other than I wanted to just
quit afterwards out of
frustration at my own draw
G3: This was the best game
of the day, easily, it
totally made up for the
first two games of the match
sucking, I ended up
misplaying the very last
turn. I had him on
prohibition for icarus
attack and two of his
facedowns had been there the
whole game, so I figured
they were I.A.s, and he had
one more facedown and was at
2900. I was at 300 and only
had a solemn warning
facedown and a royal
oppression faceup. I asked
to see my opponent's
graveyard and he had a
solemn warning, but hadn't
played torrential or mirror
force that game, so I
figured that was what he had
face down. My monster zones
had a facedown recruiter and
a descendant in atk mode, (I
had valley out) and I had a
descendant in hand. He had
1 card in hand. I realize
now the correct play was to
flip summon the recruiter
and attack with both, but I
just attacked with
descendant and ended my
turn, putting him to 900.
His turn he allure of
darkness'd (topdeck) and
removed DaD, played black
whirlwind, summoned kalut,
got gale for game. I was a
sad panda.
Afterthoughts: Well played
on my opponent for sure. I
really wanted to get the wii,
but I really can't complain
since I got a 10$ box of
STBL basically.
Tournament afterthoughts: I
had a really good time in
Hickory and want to thank
Time Tunnel Comics for
hosting a great tournament!
(I promise they didn't pay
me to say that or anything
xD) I got some really good
trades while there, I was
pretty excited that I
finished my playset of
fossil dynas and second team
playset of Caius while there
so I got a lot of stuff that
I needed and was having
trouble getting otherwise.
Thanks a lot for reading and
I hope that you enjoyed the
article! Feel free to
contact me with questions or
deck fixes or if you jus
wanna talk some yugioh, here
are my contacts
youtube: Themcshakealchemist
facebook: facebook.com/shakezilluh
also! Just a small
reminder, my girlfriend is
still doing custom playmats!
They're all hand drawn and
on my facebook is the one
that she did for me, feel
free to contact her or her
facebook or deviant art with
any questions or requests
that you may have for her!
her Deviantart ID:
Thanks again!
The McShake Alchemist
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