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TheMcShakeAlchemist on Yu-Gi-Oh!
The playable cards of 2010, at the time and in retrospect (part 1)
Hey everyone! It's The McShake Alchemist
here with one of my most cliche`articles
yet! This is going to be a new series that
I'll do over the next couple of weeks (or
less depending on how much snow my area
gets, 9 inches and counting currently). To
basically break it down for everyone I'm
going to take a set from 2010 and take, what
in my opinion, are the playable cards from
the set (not counting tech decks like k.
meiru and stuff) and talk about each of
them, why I think they're playable, etc. and
at the end, I'll have a top 5 list of cards
from that set at the time, and in
retrospect. At the end of my series I'll
have my top 10 list of 2010 and explain my
card choices. So, let's get things started
with Absolute Powerforce
Playable cards from Absolute Powerforce:
1. Battle Fader
2. Gravekeeper's Descendant
3. Consecrated Light
4. Drill Warrior
5. XX - Saber Hyunlei
6. Gravekeeper's Stele
7. Saber Hole
8. XX - Saber Emmersblade
9. Super Nimble Mega Hamster
(these are just in the order that they
appear in the booster set, not an order of
usefulness etc.)
1. Battle Fader
This is a card that I like playing with a
lot, but overall I wish that they hadn't
printed. I feel that it really helps the
game, but, I'm personally a combo player and
a very control oriented player, and I've
always felt that reactions from the hand
that affected board positions weren't
really....how do I say this.....Yu-Gi-Oh? I
guess that's the best and most vague way to
put it. I'm just an old school player that
doesn't like accounting for more than an
effect veiler or d.d. crow in the hand.
From a design standpoint I can understand
why it was created. There are a lot of
cards that needed answers that battle fader
was a great answer to (Judgment Dragon,
Gladiator Beasts, etc.). I feel that at the
time, this card was fantastic and was one of
the things that Monarchs really needed to be
a force to be reckoned with again, in
hindsight, I feel that it was a bit overused
after it came out, but now is a bit
underused because many view it as a -1 card
advantage wise.
2. Gravekeeper's Descendant
Has anyone else noticed how few cards there
are in the Gravekeeper's deck that are
actually from Pharaonic Guardian? I find it
somewhat funny, but at the same time like
seeing that decks can evolve with the times.
When this guy came out he was a replacement
for Gravekeeper's guard as a 1-of to round
out the card advantage engine with
Gravekeeper's Spy. This guy was obviously
better due to the fact that not only was he
a +1 coming out the gates, but he was also a
+1 by popping the spy that had been attacked
and hitting one of the opponent's cards. In
retrospect, I feel that I prefer the guard
over the descendant in decks that I build
that just play the engine because I don't
mind drawing guard, where as drawing
descendant is something me and my friends
cal "piss poor".
3. Consecrated Light
This is probably the best side deck card to
come out in awhile. I love Consecrated
light and how much he can affect basic
gameplay when he hits the table. I've won
games because of this guy, and, at the same
time, I've lost games because of this guy.
When he came out most people either loved
him or hated him. Some said "This is
awesome! Now we have answers to DaD and
Blackwings!" and others said "They'll just
book it, summon DaD, and kill it." In
hindsight, I feel that this guy is good
enough for a two of in non-dark deck side
decks, and the reason that most dark side
decks have fissures.
4. Drill Warrior
Man, oh man, this guy. This guy was the
king for awhile there. Let me play out a
drill lock turn for you.
Draw phase: Draw
Standby phase: Get back drill warrior,
activate effect to get back Dandylion.
Main Phase: Half drill warrior's attack
Battle Phase: Attack Directly
MP2: Discard Dandy to remove drill warrior,
get two tokens for a wall, (maybe set a s/t)
End Phase: go
One of the most annoying cards ever, and
enough rulings with it to give a judge a
headache. Keep in mind this guy wasn't
special summoned with drill synchron, you
would discard dandylion to special summon
Quickdraw Synchron in order to get a drill
warrior without even normal summoning. It
was kinda nuts. On a side note, did you
know that when Drill Warrior is special
summoned by it's own effect you cannot
Bottomless Trap Hole or Torrential Tribute
or things of the like? It misses the timing
because immediately after Drill Warrior
comes into play the monster recursion effect
goes on the chain, and bottomless/torrential
really don't do a lot about getting monsters
back from the graveyard. I think the ruling
is really screwy, but, it does stand. In
retrospect, Drill warrior has fallen on the
wayside due to the fact that most of the
cads in the deck also go in plant synchro,
but, with solemn warning out there are a lot
of times that quickdraw synchron attempting
to synchro summon is just a -1 or worse, so,
this deck has pretty much turned into Plant
5. XX- Saber Hyunlei
The level 6 synchro of the Saber deck. I
really don't know how much there is to say
here. He is one of the only synchros that
is borderline guaranteed to generate card
advantage when he hits the board. He has
solid attack compared to his star level. He
also clears the way so you can keep comboing,
what more do you want from a synchro? At
the time that ABPF came out Sabers were
finally getting some lovin because they
finally got Emmersblade and Hyunlei and
Saber Hole, but it wouldn't be for a few
months that Darksoul would come out and rip
the deck in half. In retrospect these cards
are even better than they were at the time.
Maybe they just ate Drill Warrior's
6. Gravekeeper's Stele
All the things that Gravekeeper's needs!
Recursion, unaffected by necrovalley, a way
to cheat Royal Tribute, and a +1. I love
it! At the time that this card came out
Gravekeeper's were still a tier 2.5 deck
that hung in the casual area of most game
stores. In restrospect.......damn GKs rule.
7. Saber Hole
This is my teammates least favorite card in
the game. I kid you not. It's not even
because it is that broken, he just gets
shafted by the same person every week
playing Sabers and he only gets shafted by
very luckily placed Saber Holes. I know it
sounds like something easy to play around
but he even has the side deck and main deck
that should be able to answer it but it just
seems when playing in tournament play he
can't get to the answers. At the time that
this card came out it was pretty nasty,
obviously, but, it's sortof in the same boat
as Hyunlei, sabers didn't have Darksoul yet
so the deck wasn't completely busted in
8. XX-Saber Emmersblade
Cards like this make me want to quit the
game. Not because they're actually good,
Emmersblade is just in the club with Dark
Armed Dragon and Pot of Duality. What club?
$100+ club? That too, but, the one I'm
talking about is the "We were normal rares
in japan but Konami wanted to sell more
packs so they printed us as Secrets" club.
I'm really not that bitter about cards
being in high demand, just stuff like that
where other countries have easier access to
the same cards, I feel that it gives them an
advantage when it comes time for Worlds, and
that is part of the reason that there has
never been an American World Champion (I
believe that we've taken second twice
though, in our own defense). Getting back
to Emmersblade, though, he is amazing.
Simply put, there is always the Darksoul v.
Emmersblade debate, and I'll get to that in
a later article, but, Darksoul wasn't out
yet, so, this was /the/ tutor for Sabers at
the time. He was fantastic at his job too.
Nothing like your opponent attacking your
emmersblade with Cyber Dragon and having
another monster, you get Fulhelmnight,
negate the next attack, and next turn sync
like crazy and pull it out of your ass. I
feel that this guy is one of the problem
cards in the format that gives Sabers such a
huge edge, but, I also feel without the deck
being able to play a bunch of tutors the
deck would somewhat lack consistency and
become a tier 1.5 deck at best. That's just
my playtesting experience and rambling
9. Super Nimble Mega Hamster
At the time this guy came out all he ever
did was search for Ryko. In retrospect he
can get darksoul. Overrated as shit. Do I
still play him? Sure, as a 1-of at best in
my decree plants, but not in regular plants.
There is no reason whatsoever for this guy
to be the $8-$10 that he has sat pretty at
for almost a year. On a side note, I refuse
to say this guy's full name out loud. If
you see someone call this dude "Adjective
Gerbil", chances are, that's me.
Now that I've listed the candidates for the
two top 5 lists, I'll put them down here and
hope that I don't get flamed to harshly for
my opnions.
Top 5 cards at the time of ABPF release
5. Gravekeeper's Descendant
4. XX - Saber Hyunlei
3. Drill Warrior
2. XX - Saber Emmersblade
1. Battle Fader
Top 5 cards in retrospect (as of 1/2011)
5. Super Nimble Mega Hamster
4. XX-Saber Hyunlei
3. Gravekeeper's Descendant
2. Consecrated Light
1. XX-Saber Emmersblade
They were both pretty hard lists for me to
come up with, even if there were only 5 (I
really wanted Hamster on the first one
somehow and 'fader on the second). I feel
that they are based on how big they are in
competitive tournament play, and not
necessarily big based on how often they're
played, just on how useful their deck is in
comparison to the meta right now. I must
admit that I'm somewhat partial to
gravekeeper's at the moment though. That
may have persuaded me a bit.
Thanks a lot for reading and I hope that you
enjoyed the article! Feel free to contact
me with questions or deck fixes or if you
jus wanna talk some yugioh, here are my
youtube: Themcshakealchemist
facebook: facebook.com/shakezilluh
Also! Just a small reminder, my girlfriend
is still doing custom playmats! They're all
hand drawn and on my facebook is the one
that she did for me, feel free to contact
her or her facebook or deviant art with any
questions or requests that you may have for
her Deviantart ID:
Thanks again!
The McShake Alchemist |
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