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TheMcShakeAlchemist (Sean
Sidedecking - The thing nobody talks about
Hey everyone! I know I took a short break, but, I'll try to get two articles in this week for everybody! I'm going to take a short break from my World Championship Qualifier articles from something that applies to those articles, but, also applies to just about everything else at the same time: Sidedecking.
Versatility is good. This is obvious. It's why Book of Moon is so good. It has several different purposes, all of which are fantastic. We can apply the same logic to sideboarding. Don't be afraid to sacrifice a little bit of power in order to have a card that is good against multiple Matchups. The Emperor's Holiday is good against Inzektors. It hoses just about the everything the deck wants to do. Try Shadow Imprisoning Mirror instead. It doesn't stop Giga-Mantis like Holiday does, but, it also stop Darkworlds, as well as Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, so you basically got 3 sideboards slows for the space of 1 (assuming you play 1).
4. Try new things
Another thing that sounds obvious, but, you'd be amazed at how many times I've heard "Well, this has been great for years" when I tell somewhat to take D. D. Crow out of their sideboard or something like that. Don't be afraid to 'stray from the beaten path' perse`.
5. Have a plan
6. Don't over-compensate for a matchup
This is probably the most important point in this whole article. We've all heard Rotten Ricky across the table grumble out:
7. Know what decks to expect
I've already mentioned that you should be aware of your bad matchups and what to side for them. I've also said that you should board more for your bad matchups. This does not mean include 5 cards in your sidedeck for the Naturia matchup if your deck has problems for it. If you have problems with a 'jank' deck, it is probably ok to only board 1 or 2 cards for it.
8. Always slam 15 cards in your main deck when side decking
Have the same sleeves on your main and side deck. After game 1, shuffle all 15 cards into your maindeck, then, take the 15 worst cards in the 55-57 card pile out of your deck. Your opponent doesn't need to know how many cards you boarded. It could be 0, it could be 15, they don't know.
9. Sideboard differently games 2 and 3
Different situations warrant different gameplay. Take Wind-Ups, for example. You only want to board so many cards, so, some cards are better going first, and some are better going second. If I'm going second against Wind-Ups, I'll probably take out a couple of trap cards for me Maxx "C"s and extra Effect Veiler. Going first, I might take out one of those 'Veilers for a Chain Disappearance. You have to think about what is good when, and what you need to actually prevent, via side-deck.
Side-deck myth #1 "I boarded out 5 for 5"
Side-deck myth #2 Extra deck?
Side-deck myth #3 You always have to side deck
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