Hey! Thanks to everybody for writing
in about these articles! I love the
feedback. This will be a shorter
article, as I went out of town for Magic:
The Gathering both Saturday and Sunday, so I
only have Thursday locals to really give any
trading material for Yu-Gi-Oh!, but, here
First, the trade binder I started the week
Secret Rares
Gagaga Girl
Inzektor Exa-Beetle
Lavalval Dragon x2
Vision HERO Adoration x3
Elemental HERO the Shining
Frozen Fitzgerald
Tardy Orc
Scrap Orthos
Locomotion R-Genex
Elemental HERO Neos-Alius x4
Dark End Dragon
Ultimate Rares
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Number 17: Leviathan DRagon
Inzektor Sword Zektkalier
Gold Rare
Herald of Perfection (Ghost)
Naturia Barkion (Ghost)
D. D. Warrior Lady
Blackwing Armed Wing
Ultra Rare
Blackwing Armor Master
Blackwing - Vayu the Emblem of Honor
Dimensional Prison
Inzektor Giga-Mantis
Lightpulsar Dragon
Darkflare Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Super Rare
Ryu Senshi
Master Hyperion
Masked HERO Vapor
Archlord Kristya
Preperation of Rites x3
Blackwing Armed Wing
Blue Eyes White Dragon (Dark Legends)
Wulf, Lightsworn Beast
Kuraz the Light Monarch
Charge of the Light Brigade
Elemental HERO Gaia
Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
Temtempo the Percussion Djinn
Queen Dragun Djinn
Eclipse Wyvern x2
Gishki Aquamirror x3
Gishki Shadow x3
Wind-Up Rat x2
Genex Ally Birdman x9
Evo-Force x3
Magical Exemplar x2
Dark Diviner
Beast King Barbaros x2
Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon
Cyber End Dragon
Malefic Stardust Dragon x3
Limiter Removal
Submersible Carrier Aero Shark x2
Fossil Dyna Pacycephalo x2
Black Ray Lancer x3
Dark Armed Dragon
Power Bond
Jurrac Guaiba x3
Nimble Sunfish x3
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
Raiza the STorm Monarch
Gold Sarcophagus x2
Dark Flare Knight x2
Reborn Tengu x2
Blackwing - Vayu The Emblem of Honor x2
Normal Rare
Blackwing Armed Wing x5
Bottomless Trap Hole
Super Polymerization
Chain Disappearance x3
King Tiger Wanghu
Hero Blast
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Elemental Hero Bubbleman
Photon Thrasher
Raiza, the Storm Monarch (black rare)
Torrential Tribute (black rare)
Wind-Up Magician x2
Photon Papilloperative
Shien's Smoke Signal
Legendary Six SAmurai - Kegeki
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
Instant Fusion (Duel Terminal)
Alligator's Sword DRagon (Duel Terminal)
Doomcaliber Knight x2
Doomcaliber Knight Starfoil
Greenkappa Starfoil
Call of the Haunted Starfoil
Gem-knight Pearl Starfoil
Double-Edged Sword Technique x2
Gateway of the Six
Torrential Tribute
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Cyber Dragon x3
Dark Armed Dragon x2
Forbidden Chalice (Starfoil)
Future Fusion
Snowman Eater
Trance Archfiend x3
Gilta the D. Knight
Trade-In x2
Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
This first amount that I made today wasn't
actually a trade. Someone decided to
play me for cards and after a few games, I
had not lost anything, and had gained
Gorz, the Emissary of Darkness (Black Rare)
Elemental HERO Gaia Super $1 x3
Compulsory Evacuation Device Common $1 x3
Total: +$8
Now, though, I'll get to the actual trades.
As stated previously, I won't have as many
due to the lack of local attendence my part,
but here's what I got:
Trance Archfiend $1 ($1) x3
Evigishki Gustkraken $3 ($5)
Net: +$0 (+$2)
There isn't much to say about this other
than people will undervalue Hidden Arsenal
secret rares pretty low at the release.
Know which ones are good beforehand and you
can get little deals like this.
Tragoedia Ultra $8 ($7)
Queen Dragun Djinn $7 ($6)
Black Ray Lancer $4 ($3)
Total: $19 ($16)
Genex Ally Birdman $3 ($5) x2
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon $2 ($5)
Rekindling Playset $10 ($9)
Total: $18 ($24)
Net: +$1 (+$8)
This is one of those where being able to
speculate is fantastic, because I assume
that Lavals will make the Rekindlings
fantastic later on. I also would like
for readers to take note of the Gadjiltron
in this trade. Most people don't
realize how much this card has been driven
up by the casual crowd. It's huge in
OTK decks and Malefics but only has one
printing that is pretty hard to find.
charge of the Light Brigade super $4 ($2)
Chain Disappearance $6 ($7) x2
Super Polymerization Rare $7 ($7)
Total: $23 ($23)
Gladiator Beast Murmillo Secret $0.50 ($1)
Gladiator Beast Bestiari Secret $1 ($2)
Gladiator Beast Retiari Secret* $5 ($7)
Gladiator Beast Heraklinos Super $1 ($1)
Elemental Hero Prisma Gold $3 ($5)
Monster Reborn Parallel Rare $13 ($15)
Total: $23.50 ($31)
Net: +$0.50 (+$8)
There isn't that much to see here other than
me deciding to try and pick up some
Gladiator Beast stuff. Generally if
you have the whole deck foiled out you can
move it at a lump price, after picking up
all of the pieces for relatively cheap.
The reborn goes back to my first article
about the ease of up-trading shiny staples.
Lastly, before everyone jumps down my throat
for losing value on the Chain
Disappearances, please note that it was
recently spoiled as a reprint in the
Legendary Collection for this year. I
was honestly just desperate to move them,
seeing as the most expensive card out of the
most recent Legendary Collection is roughly
I ended up selling a card to a player, so
I'll start documenting the amount of money I
have in my "Yu-Gi-Oh! Fund".
Elemental Hero Gaia Super $1 ($1)
$1 Cash
Net: +0
Interesting thing to take note, if you can
sell something of yours for anything near
retail value, DO IT. Cash is king when
trading, and generally you can buy the same
card back later for about half of what it is
actually worth. Selling cards for
retail value is a great feeling.
Total Net: +$9.50 (+$26)
Overall it was a pretty slow week, but, as
stated previously, I was out of town
traveling for Magic both Saturday and
Sunday. Please let me know if you'd
like to see smaller articles like this in
the future, or if you would rather me wait a
week and try to have a bigger article out
there. Even if you ahve ideas that
aren't related to trading and want some
deckbuilding advice, feel free to get in
facebook: facebook,com/shakezilluh
twitter: paper_gangsta_
dueling network: shakezilluh
pojo forums: themcshakealchemis (no T)
youtube: themcshakealchemist (with a T)
Thanks a ton for reading!
Never stop learning
Sean Handy
The McShake Alchemist
*Damaged, but still playable in a sleeve