It's always somewhat of a struggle for me
deciding what to write about, as I generally
try to brush up on things that are more
general strategy than talking about how
awesome it is that Mermails got more
support, or that Wind-Ups are good.
This week, I am going to be on a bandwagon
talking about the upcoming banned and
limited list, and what I think should
Firstly, let's talk about what I think
should happen with the forbidden list
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the
Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End
Cyber Jar
Dark Magician of Chaos
Destiny Hero - Disk Commander
Fiber Jar
Fishborg Blaster
Glow-Up Bulb
Magical Scientist
Makyura the Destructor
Mind Master
Rescue Cat
Sinister Serpent
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Victory Dragon
Witch of the Black Forest
Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Dark Strike Fighter
Goyo Guardian
Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Number 16: Shock Master
Brain Control
Butterfly Dagger - Elma
Card of Safe Return
Change of Heart
Cold Wave
Delinquent Duo
Dimension Fusion
Future Fusion
Giant Trunade
Graceful Charity
Harpie's Feather Duster
Last Will
Mass Driver
Mirage of Nightmare
Monster Reborn
Painful Choice
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Temple of the Kings
The Forceful Sentry
Crush Card Virus
Exchange of the Spirit
Imperial Order
Last Turn
Ring of Destruction
Royal Oppression
Time Seal
Trap Dustshoot
New - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the
Beginning, Number 16: Shock Master, Monster
Nothing too shocking here. I think
that both of these cards are detrimental to
the game, and think that they are both too
easy to summon and are overpowered as a
result. The release of Lavalval Chain
will make BLS even easier to summon and
stack, and Wind-Ups are just able to cough
up Shock Masters out of nowhere. The
Monster Reborn has more justifications later
in the list, but, in general I think that
the card is just too powerful, and hate the
fact that your opponent can benefit from
your deck performing better than theirs.
I've lost multiple games because my opponent
was able to Monster Reborn my Gorz and I
just didn't have the answer to it.
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
Atlantean Dragoons
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Chaos Sorcerer
Dark Armed Dragon
Elemental Hero Stratos
Exodia the Forbidden One
Gladiator Beast Bestiari
Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
Inzektor Dragonfly
Inzektor Hornet
Lonefire Blossom
Magician of Faith
Morphing Jar
Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Night Assailant
Plaguespreader Zombie
Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
T.G. Striker
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Wind-Up Shark
Evigishki Gustkraken
Evigishki Mind Augus
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaity
Advanced Ritual Art
Allure of Darkness
Black Whirlwind
Book of Moon
Burial from a Different Dimension
Card Destruction
Charge of the Light Brigade
Dark Hole
Fire Formation - Tenki
Foolish Burial
Gateway of the Six
Heavy Storm
Infernity Launcher
Limiter Removal
Mind Control
Monster Gate
Monster Reborn
One For One
Pot of Avarice
Reinforcement of the Army
Magical Explosion
Return from the Different Dimension
Solemn Judgment
Ultimate Offering
Wall of Revealing Light
NEW - Atlantean Dragoons, Magician of Faith,
Tour Guide from the Underworld, Wind-Up
Shark, Evigishki Mind Augus, Fire Formation
- Tenki
I'll just break down all of these selections
in order, since none are super obvious as to
why, and it's just easier that way for both
of us.
Atlantean Dragoons - I think the biggest
problem with the Atlantean deck is that it
is hyper-consistent. Not that it is a
bad deck on its own, but the fact that the
deck has so many search effects and none of
them are limited is a big problem in my
mind, and this card is the most balanced way
to take some of that away, without actually
hurting the archetype too bad. Konami
realistically won't touch any of the cards
that are still in print, but, if they hit
anything, they'll probably just semi-limit
something or hit Genex Undine.
Magician of Faith - Thankfully I already
have shields up for this one. I think
that this card is very good, but I'm not
necessarily positive it is ban-worthy.
With Dolkka and Atlantean Marksman running
around, not to mention the plethera of OTK
decks out there; I don't think that this
card is good enough to merit the ban hammer.
I could be totally wrong, but bringing this
card back was part of the reason for axe-ing
Monster Reborn.
Tour Guide from the Underworld - I hate that
you can play two of this card, nothing else
in the tool box, and still go into rank 3's
so easily. I think the best way to
balance this card, is to make players choose
whether or not the 50/50-33% chance is worth
playing her. Those statistic are
obtained by factoring whether players would
play just the Guide and Sangan, or if they
would stick with Night Assailant as well.
I imagine the Assailant build is better,
since TGU could get Assailant if you draw
it, and you still have a Sanagan, OR if you
get Sangan, it can then grab the Guide to
prevent dead draws and grab Night Assailant.
This card in my mind is just unbalanced
altogether, but I don't think necessarily
Wind-Up Shark - A serious amount of people
that I talk to think that Wind-Up Magician
is the problem card in the WU deck, and I
have a hard time buying that. The most
basic way to analyze which card was the
problem, we can look at when the deck became
a problem globally. The deck wasn't
playable in the US until ORCS came out, and
then the deck became tier 0 if the opponent
wasn't playing hand-traps, and tier 1 if
they were. In Japan, the deck was
roughly a tier 3 deck until Wind-Up Shark
popped up and broke the deck. We can
also look at some sample hands to figure out
what card is more problematic. These
are going to be very extreme cases, but I
think it will get the point across:
Hand #1: Shark, Shark, WU Rat, WU Factory,
Heavy Storm, Solemn Judgment
Hand #2: Magician, Magician, WU Rat, WU
Factory, Heavy Storm, Solemn Judgment
I think it is safe to say we know which of
the two hands is better. I understand
that Magician can lead to more broken plays
based on having more of them, but, we also
have to recognize that WU Shark allows the
plays to happen faster, whether or not you
only have one magician. In the second
hand, you have to hope that they kill your
Magician, give you another turn, AND have no
responses to the WU Rat, which is roughly
one of the most easily countered monster
cards in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Note that with
both hands, if you draw whichever loop piece
you are missing, both hands become broken (ie
Draw Magician in hand 1 and vice versa).
Evigishki Mind Augus - Konami hates FTK
decks, and that is fine, but they need to
deal with all of them. Look up some of
Joe Giorlando's articles from the past
couple of weeks if you don't understand how
this deck works. Not a bad read, also
insightful on how to beat the deck if
nothing happens to the Augus.
Fire Formation - Tenki - This is just a
Reinforcements of the Army with a bonus
tacked on to it. It also can grab some
pretty sweet cards that aren't fire fist
archetype specific, such as Reborn Tengu and
T.G. Rush Rhino. If RoTA is limited,
this should be too.
Archlord Kristya
Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow
Card Trooper
Debris Dragon
Destiny Hero - Malicious
Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner
Reborn Tengu
Rescue Rabbit
Summoner Monk
The Agent of Mystery - Earth
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
A Hero Lives
Chain Strike
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Pot of Duality
Royal Tribute
Shien's Smoke Signal
Abyss Sphere
Bottomless Trap Hole
Infernity Barrier
Mind Crush
Mirror Force
Ojama Trio
Solemn Warning
The Transmigration Prophecy
Torrential Tribute
NEW - Tsukuyomi, Abyss Sphere, Infernity
Barrier, The Transmigration Prophecy
I think that Tsukuyomi is an incredible card
with a good effect, please don't think I am
underestimating it. I merely think
that the format is just too fast for such an
effect, and the fact that she cannot be
special summoned also hurts my stock in her.
I think that if any Merlantean card that is
from a booster set should get hit, it is the
sphere. It is incredible in the triple
MST format, as you can just grab Abysslinde
if they try to pop it, and if they don't you
can just grab a beater for game if you need
another monster. The judge-calls over
people declaring the activation during end
of turn is also headache-inducing over
several rounds, so I'm sure that judges
would love a break on this one. The
Infernity Barrier is more pre-emptive than
anything. I think that Lavalval chain
can push the combo-styled Infernities over
the top, and would like to think that the
deck won't get completely nuked by the list
if that happens. Transmigration
Prophecy is not broken at two. Most
people don't even remmeber why this card was
limited. Period.
Newly Unlimited - Spore, Formula Synchron,
Primal Seed, E - Emergency Call, Magical
Stone Excavation
Everything here is pretty self explanatory.
I'm sure the 5 players still on KMP (Karakuri
Machina Plants) would love to have more
spore. Primal Seed sucks if the cards
to activate it aren't legal. E-Call
just isn't that broken in my honest opinion,
and Magical Stone Excavation is fine at 3.
I'm sure most decks that play it would onyl
play two anyway, outside of Dragon Draw.
If I had the time to analyze the
repercussion of bringing back more
experimental cards, then I might be one of
the writers who makes a whackier list in
hopes of being able to bring a new age into
yugioh. Alas, I am not, and have been
testing a lot for YCS Miami, as well as
several Magic events bordering the YCS.
Feel free to contact me and tell me about
how much you hate my list, love my list,
what you think I should do to it, or, if you
just want to talk about the game in general.
Thanks a ton for reading!
Sean Handy
The McShake Alchemist
pojo forums: themcshakealchemis (no T)
youtube: themcshakealchemist (with a T)
twitter: @paper_gangsta_
dueling network: shakezilluh