
Article 5
~Underused Deck-Dragon
Hey guys! Instead of another article, I decided to make a deck study
instead. Well, you guys voted for it- I'm just giving the viewing public what
they want. Well, dragons killed back in the day. Today they are dubbed as "slow"
and "vulnerable," but in the hands of an experienced player it can work. There
are numerous dragon support cards. I'll list their name and set numbers for
SDK-041 Lord of D.
SDK-042 The Flute of Summoning Dragon
LOB-048 Mountain*
LOB-092 Dragon Treasure
MRD-067 Dragon Piper*
LOD-043 The Dragon's Bead
LOD-044 A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
LOD-045 Dragon's Gunfire
LOD-046 Stamping Destruction
LOD-047 Super Rejuvenation
LOD-048 Dragon's Rage
LOD-049 Burst Breath
PGD-102 D. Tribe*
MFC-026 Paladin of White Dragon*
*indirect support
I didn't put the dragon sub-type monsters mainly because there are way too many.
Okay, back in LOB times the excuse for underusing dragon decks was "Too
many Anti-Dragon Cards." What's the excuse now? The way I see it, if you don't
think something is going to work, you don't play it. That's defeating the
purpose of new cards in itself- did you actually try using a Dragon Deck before
shunning away the idea? Most likely not, but that is not your fault. It is the
fault of the others around you that create pressure on you to play what's
popular. It's very hard to resist something that works and is popular, but if
you try you can make something else that works too. I'd be happy to lose to a
well-built Dragon Deck.
What are the dragon monsters like? Well, with the exception of the
low-level dragons in LOB, Dragons overall have the highest attack power. They
have easy ways to bring them out and many support cards that can be used with
just one on the field. Once you learn to play conservatively, you'll notice that
a couple of direct attacks is all a dragon deck needs to win.
Okay, above are the strenghths so I will list the weaknesses. Speed is
not an issue with Dragons as a good dragon deck can burn through your deck very
easily. Hand management is a big issue, but you shouldn't empty your hand out
unless it's for the win. Taking a couple of direct shots is worth it when you
can pull off the set up. I play a Dark Necrofear Deck and most of the time I
don't lay anything down first turn. This because I am prepared with a Kuriboh or
something similar so I am safe. The pre-negators shouldn't be much of a problem,
seeing as you'll want your high-level dragons on the graveyard anyway.
Yata-Garasu poses a huge threat if your hand is full of high-level dragons.
Side-Deck some Fengsheng Mirrors just in case. Fengsheng Mirror is a great
side-deck card seeing as you get to peek at your opponent's hand whether or not
they have a spirit monster in their hand. What you've really got to watch out
for is the increasingly popular Torrential Tribute. Nothing hurts more that
using 2 Flutes and a Lord of D. just to have them TTed. Unless you somehow know
that the face-down card poses no threat, you shouldn't completely empty your
hand. Clear it first, if at all possible. One thing I find incredibly helpful
when playing is constantly looking through the graveyards so you can see what
hasn't been played, what can be played, and what you won't draw. In the stress
of the game especially in tournaments, this is overlooked. It's fun to watch
your opponent squirm when you look through their graveyard (with permission of
course) because they thing you have a Monster Reborn. Keeping the opposing
player guessing as to what you're thinking can set off their game, causing them
to mess up in numerous ways. Example- World Championship 2003: Didier Maille vs.
Huai Tao Sun; Didler forgot to attack with his Jinzo for whatever reason and
that folks, is what cost him the match.
The TV show should not determine how we play the TCG and OCG. BEWD isn't
just a fan card anymore. Serious gamers should be able to find the courage
within themselves to play something new and a bit unusual. If you want to read
more about my views on originality, click here. Anyway, take a minute and think
about why and how you got involved in Yu-Gi-Oh... Okay. I'm sure the majority of
you didn't say "I got into Yu-Gi-Oh because I wanted to play EXACTLY like that
one guy." You most likely said "Because it looked like fun." It did look like
fun, but the way players are playing the game today it seems as though that is a
fantasy. By encouraging newer and older players to think outside the box we give
the game new life.
So far we've gone over how to play a dragon deck, its strengths, its
weaknesses, and why to play a dragon deck. All we're missing is a Dragon Deck.
I've played this deck on YVD and so far, it's record is (W/L/T) 37-6-2. That's
about a 77% winning ratio which is above average (about 66.7).
Okay, here it is.
~Silent Killer*Name is like that so the deck is not a dead giveaway is someone
1x Blue-Eyes White Dragon
1x Tyrant Dragon
1x Jinzo
2x Spear Dragon
3x Luster Dragon
3x Mystic Tomato
2x Lord of D.
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
1x Fiber Jar
1x Pot of Greed
1x Graceful Charity
1x Mirage of Nightmare
1x Painful Choice
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole
1x Noblemen of Crossout
1x Change of Heart
1x Snatch Steal
2x Flute of Summoning Dragon
1x Premature Burial
1x Monster Reborn
1x Imperial Order
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Waboku
1x Ring of Destruction
Okay, even when I look at this deck I see a bunch of things that are very odd.
Before we chew our heads off, I'll explain. BEWD and Tyrant Dragon are the heavy
hitters for this deck. Jinzo is there to take card of traps. Spear and Luster
are basic level 4 hitters. Tomatoes bring out Lord of D. and Sangan. Lord is
obvious. Breaker is there to clear the way. Tribe is monster destruction and
occasional tribute dumper. Searchers need no explanation... and Fiber is our
reset button. No DDWL because the whole point is to set up before your opponent
does in which case their monsters become irrelevant. Plus, you'll need the
Normal Summon for Lord of D. or a searcher. No V-Lord because it has no place
here. Magic and traps... All the basics without the Pre-Negators and added
Flutes. In this deck you might take a couple of hard direct attacks for even the
slightest amount of self LP-Loss can hurt. It seems weird, I know. Traps are
basic. Torrential Tribute is unneeded because this whole deck is based on
getting monsters quick on the field. It works for me. It is very odd and unheard
of, so feel free to send hate-mail. I'm expecting to get a lot of controversy
about this. Yare, yare (oh well) ,that is the cost of originality. This is just
an example of an "original" dragon deck.
E-mail at Suicune@optonline.net. Give me your thoughts, give me your money. In
fact, just give me your money. ^_^; Vote for the next article!