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“A View from the Top”
with Mike Pianka
By: Bryan
Camareno, 3.31.05
Welcome everyone to the
first edition of my new interview series “A View from the
Top”. This series, as said before, will feature the top
players from around the United States as well as the top
players from around the world. If you are from Europe,
Australia, Canada, Mexico, or wherever don’t sweat it; write
me an email and I’ll put you on the schedule for an
The interviews will be displayed in Q & A format since I’ll
be doing most of my interviews on various instant
messengers. The first interview is with Mike Pianka from
Watertown, Connecticut. He’s currently ranked #1 in
Connecticut and has some great insight on many aspects of
YuGiOh. All in all he’s a great player and a pretty cool
dude to boot. So…without further ado I invite you to read on
and find out; Who IS Mike Pianka?
Bryan Camareno: So what’s your full name Mike?
Mike Pianka: Michael K. Pianka
Bryan: What's the K. stand for?
Mike: Let’s let that to be found out.
Bryan: LOL okay.
Bryan: So where are you from originally?
Mike: Watertown, CT
Bryan: How old are you?
Mike: 16
Bryan: 16? A lot of 16 yr. olds seem to be the star players
Mike: Well I’m going to be 17 in a month.
Bryan: Where do you go to school?
Mike: Watertown High, nothing special.
Bryan: 11th grade?
Mike: yup
Bryan: What's the name of your home store?
Mike: Well I have a couple; Dragon's Lair and Omni Comics &
Cards, but I started Card Empire
Mike: I have more friends at some locations, but I travel
about 45 min to each store.
Bryan: 45?! Wow. That's dedication man.
Mike: Well with a lack of any closer stores....
Bryan: Do you live way out of the way?
Mike: No, I live right next to a city, but there aren’t any
sanctioned tournaments in my area.
Bryan: Oh I see…the sanctioned tournaments are the ones that
are the farthest?
Mike: Exactly.
Bryan: Wow…I was just thinking about it…45 min...That must
be one heck of a drive man, is gas expensive up there?
Mike: Very.
Mike: Luckily I don’t drive
Mike: I have to rely on rides from family and friends
Bryan: That's cool, that way you don't have to spend much
Mike: But 3-4 tournaments a week can be costly.
Bryan: I can't imagine lol.
Bryan: Alright so for the readers...what's your UDE Ranking
in CT?
Mike: I am currently ranked #1 in CT.
Bryan: #1? Very impressive, how long have you been #1?
Mike: For a few months now, maybe since December.
Bryan: That's quite a feat Mike. Are there any other players
close to your rank or are you way up in the lead?
Mike: I’m feeling some competition from my friend John right
now but he’s 60 points behind me.
Bryan: 60 points? That’s pretty close, but I know local
tournaments don't rack up a lot of points so you should be
fine for another month or two.
Mike: Definitely, but the tournaments around here have
problems sending in points.
Bryan: I have the same problem down here as well so no
worries; I should be a lot higher than I am right now
anyway. :)
Mike: 2/3 sanctioned events lost there passwords up here, so
of course UDE isn’t getting in touch with them to get the
Bryan: That sucks Mike. I’m sorry to hear that.
Bryan: Alright Mike. Next question...what are your
credentials? Your qualifications...Top 8 appearances at
Regional events...the works?
Mike: I have qualified for nationals last year and this
year, I have had 3 Top 8 finishes this year in the current
ban format and 3 Top 8s in the last ban format.
Bryan: Nice. Are those including when you qualified?
Mike: Yes.
Bryan: 6 Top 8s this season...You’re no joke man lol.
Mike: I take what UDE throws at me.
Bryan: Well said. :)
Bryan: How long have you been playing YuGiOh?
Mike: Since the release of LOD.
Bryan: Favorite Card in the game?
Mike: D.D. Assailant.
Bryan: Any particular reason why?
Mike: He won me the final match this season for me to get
qualified on the first day I used him.
Bryan: Nice.
Bryan: Favorite deck archetype?
Mike: Well…definitely Warrior/Chaos.
Bryan: Is that your current deck?
Mike: Gotta play whats good.
Bryan: Lol that’s the best way to do it
Bryan: What do you think sets you apart from all the other
top players in the world?
Mike: I always keep my cool while playing and except the
fact that luck is part of the game and don’t blame that for
any of my losses.
Bryan: That’s a great attitude, I think that’s the best way
you can go about things in this game. It's good to hear that
luck doesn't bother you as much as it does other players
Mike: Just between you and the readers out there…I
pointed out a lot of people to the sore loser article you
wrote lol.
Bryan: LOL.
Bryan: Alright. Give us a little of your insight on the
game. For example: Some concrete strategies; Are you
conservative or aggressive? Things of that nature…
Mike: A good player takes what is given to them and makes
the best of it. A loss to me can help you learn, and
sometimes it is not possible to always win. LOL I hate to
say it but sometimes the cards don’t come.
Bryan: LOL I hear ya mike
Bryan: Are you a conservative player or an aggressive
Mike: I like to think of my self as a conservative player,
but I do get aggressive in some games.
Bryan: In some games? Why's that?
Mike: A good player sticks to a certain way of playing, but
a great player changes with the pace of a game.
Bryan: :) I had a feeling you were going say that. That's
great advice.
Mike: Great minds think alike
Bryan: Indeed. :)
Bryan: How often do you practice and with who?
Mike: I don’t play outside of tournaments, and I won’t ever
play a serious deck in a non-sanctioned tournament. It’s my
superstition and it’s been working.
Bryan: Superstition? Interesting...I know someone down here
that does that same exact thing.
Mike: I won’t play in any matches other than in tournament
play either. Once I start its tournament only.
Bryan: Hmm...I should try that out for a while. For me I've
found that the less thought you put into your deck the
better it works out for you. That way I don't second guess
my card choices in my deck
Mike: True. I like to build my tournament decks on site to
the meta-game
Bryan: How do you prepare for major events mentally and
Mike: I like to not travel with anyone I know, because I
usually like having no one know me.
Bryan: Why's that; for that extra edge over the competition?
Mike: Exactly.
Mike: I also like the traveling for events because I always
have for major events. I just don’t like talking to people
while I’m at an event. I like making new friends though.
Bryan: That’s an interesting paradox, but I see what you’re
getting at...not talking too much helps you stay focused?
Mike: Exactly.
Bryan: Interesting concept...I'm learning a ton of stuff as
we speak, I’ve got to incorporate these things into my game
as well lol.
Bryan: Do you get nervous or anxious at serious tournaments?
Mike: I do sometimes, but I don’t really like getting over
confident in myself because that leads to mistakes. Being
nervous keeps you on the edge and expecting anything.
Bryan: Looks like we're much alike, the pressure definitely
keeps me on point during serious tournaments.
Bryan: What deck will you be using at Nationals this year?
Mike: I haven’t thought about it. I need to know somewhat
what everyone else will be running, but I have Regionals to
find that out. Just hope I play the right thing.
Bryan: I'm sure you'll play the right deck, why not try
building on site like you always do?
Mike: Definitely. See what happens when you make me think?
Bryan: LOL. I see, I'll remember that for Nats. :) Just
Bryan: What are your predictions for Nationals this year?
What will dominate?
Mike: I think that Chaos when it gets out won’t be as good,
but will still dominate games.
Mike: Beasts are up and coming even more so than ever.
Bryan: Beasts eh? How so?
Mike: I like not having to rely on Darks and Lights in the
Grave, and the power of a Beast deck played right can be
very overwhelming.
Bryan: So I've seen, I think the trample damage is the most
effective aspect of the Beast deck, don't you think?
Mike: Exactly what I think, but a 2000 slamming into your
opponent’s Kycoos helps out also.
Bryan: LOL you got that right, Berserk Gorilla is a pretty
nasty beater.
Mike: I see it helped you.
Bryan: You’re right it did lol.
Bryan: What direction do you see YuGiOh going in? A good or
bad one?
Mike: I liked this format a lot, but I haven’t tried the new
one. I think if Upper Deck can stay on target this game may
Bryan: Haven't tried the new format yet? A couple of
tips...that Pot and Graceful draw is so cheap...
Mike: Most definitely.
Bryan: And Delinquent Duo is definitely a killer.
Mike: Great draws will be a major factor, but I’m not saying
it isn’t now either.
Bryan: I think the most important factor in the new bans is
how well you can manage your resources
Mike: Maybe…I might try Morphing Jar in this format; for a
little extra draw.
Bryan: That's a little risky, but I can see why you want to
use it.
Mike: It’s better than cyber jar lol.
Bryan: LOL.
Mike: My preference of course.
Bryan: Would you like to see UDE offer cash prizes at
Regional, National, and future Shonen Jump tournaments like
they do with Marvel?
Mike: Definitely, cash in my pocket would be nice and my
parents would really like that.
Bryan: LOL I'm glad you think so; I think many YuGiOh
players are getting a little envious of the amazing prizes
Marvel has.
Mike: I thought of playing Marvel just for the cash, but I
like where YuGiOh is right now.
Bryan: Alright then last question. Do you have any advice
for newcomers and beginners looking to bring their game to
the next level?
Mike: Take your time in becoming better and take advice from
more experienced players. They sometimes may be cocky, but
they usually know what there talking about. Always play it
your way.
Bryan: Great advice from a great player.
Mike: Thanks for recognizing me as an accomplished player
Bryan: Thank you very much for your time Mike, I really
appreciate it
Mike: You’re very welcome, anytime.
There you have it everyone! These words are straight from
Mike himself without any editing; except of course for typos
and what not…So to answer the question: Who IS Mike Pianka?
He’s a cool and level-headed player who’s got his game in
check. He’s definitely going to be a force to be reckoned
with at Nationals. It was a rewarding and fun opportunity to
be able to talk to Mike about his game and get to know him a
little better. Thanks again for the time Mike; you’re a
really cool guy and an awesome player.
With so many great players lined up for future interviews
and going to Nationals, it looks like Nationals is going to
be one event that will completely change the face of this
game. Tomorrow I’ll be interviewing Justin Carter so you can
get another “View from the Top” on Monday. Until next time
everyone, remember to practice, stay focused, and most
importantly…have fun!