Before we get started with the interview I like to
thank Pojo for putting this interview up.
Pojo Screen Name:
Ally: Before we get
started with the interview I like to thank you for
doing this interview with me. For my first question
what is your full name?
Michael: Michael Timothy Songloke
Michael: And no problem about the interview.
Ally: You're very welcome ^_^. I like to get a basic
introduction about your Yu-Gi-Oh! career before
going into your Shonen Jump winning. Can you tell
the Pojo readers a little about your creditianls
before winning SJ Anaheim?
Michael: Well I started I think at Metal Raiders,
but at ten I quit maybe a lil after Magicians Force
came out; but I still play people once in awhile and
at ten I came back about a month ago when there was
the Long Beach regionals where I got 28th place out
of more then 200 people; and tat’ wazs’ my 1st
regional as well but other ten’ tat’ I wud’ go local
tournaments every once in awhile.
Ally: Interesting to say the least. What was your
first regional top 8?
Michael: None
Michael: I just went 2 tat’ one lazt month tat’ was
my 1st one.
Ally: Wow now that is something. You never topped 8
a regional in your life, but you won SJC Anaheim O_O.
Did you feel any accomplishments when you finished
28th at your first regional or disappointment?
Michael: It is an accomplishment cuz’ I haven’t
played in awhile and getting 28th.
Ally: What deck were you running at the regional?
Michael: Gadget with shrink and decree plus I only
ran 2 sets of each gadget.
Ally: That's not too bad. Anyways can you please
tell the Pojo readers about your SJC Anaheim 2007
Michael: O well it waz’ kool’ cuz’ it waz’ my 1st 1,
and I felt kinda stupid at myself some parts of the
day cuz’ I could have went 10-0 I think.
Michael: And then there waz’ sometimes I felt like I
was going 2 lose.
Michael: It waz’ just a crazy day, but it ended very
Ally: Well you won the Shonen Jump and that’s
something you shouldn't feel stupid about. How did
the Demise deck work for you throughout the jump?
You said at times you felt like you were going to
lose and how did you come out of those situations?
Michael: It worked great like sum’ games I would
great or bad hands, but I would just keep my head up
and just keep playing; and sometimes I would fine a
solution 2 win the game. I got out of those
situations with decree, and megamorph; those cards
saved me in some games.
Michael: When I thought I waz’ about 2 lose 2 David
Rodriguez I drew a Senju, summoned him, grabbed
demise, brought him out, but I didn’t have enough 2
pay so juz’ equipped a megamoph 2 each of tem and
won my next turn.
Ally: Wow that's great that you came back from that
duel. How were the rest of your matches in top 8?
Easy or semi-hard?
Michael: Some where easy and sum were hard like a
few games I would pull the OTK fast, but sum’ games
I would have 2 juz’ play it right and win.
Ally: How did it feel to face Chris Bowling in the
final round?
Michael: It waz’ kool I didn’t really care who I
played juz’ couldn’t believe that I waz’ in the
Ally: Yeah I bet it was hard for you to believe
hehe. Well good job on the SJ win and good luck at
US Nats! Now onto a different topic! Are you
currently on any teams?
Michael: Thanks, currently not right now I juz’ go
to the events with my brother Mathew Songloke, David
Williams, JC, and Ray, but sum’ teams were wanting
2 pick me up after I won.
Ally: Seriously? Which teams wanted you on the spot?
Michael: Well there waz’ Team D3mo where Andrew
Taylor asked me to join and Team Ascension.
Ally: Nice! Oh I forgot to ask you one question
(someone wanted me to ask you this) How Does It Feel
To Beat The OTK Master David Rogeriquez? I know you
answered it earlier but now you know about him being
a "master" your opinion still says the same?
Michael: it felt great and it waz’ challenging
becuz’ I waz’ playing a mirror match and he had a
great side deck.
Ally: In the end you still came out on top. Ok I
like to discuss the current banned list with you.
What do you think of it?
Michael: I think it’s great more deck types 2 choose
Ally: If you had to change the forbidden list what
would you do to it?
Michael: Hmmmm....nothing really I like how it iz’.
Ally: How would you feel if D.D. Warrior Lady is at
three instead of one?
Michael: I think that would be kinda’ a lil crazy
maybe 2 but not 3.
Michael: Three I think would be a lil’ 2 good.
Ally: Aw I see. Here’s a question for you did you
think UDE would give us a surprise ban on Demise
like they did with Stein?
Michael: I think they mite, but hope not 2 its not
supa cheap I think it’s pretty easy 2 stop u juz’
gotta know how, but after I won every 1 waz’ saying
they are gonna ban it cuz’ of me hope they don’t if
they do I’ m a have 2 go 2 my other crazy deck idea.
Michael: But not 2 sure if it’s consistent enough
Ally: Is that Geoffrey Fisicaro Demise your using in
your metagame picture? XD
Michael: Yes it is.
Ally: Senseker asks do you like Popcorn lol.
Michael: Lol yeah I love it.
Ally: Do you like Butter or Salt on your popcorn?
(Blame Senseker!)
Michael: Both
Ally: That’s cool! That's cool! Ok Sen is done with
his questions. What kind of decks do you like to
play for fun?
Michael: Umm exodia.
Ally: Do you play that at your locals are just on
your spare time?
Michael: Spare time.
Ally: That's pretty cool. Are you a role model to
any YGO! Players out there?
Michael: Umm I’m not 2 sure, but I hope so.
Ally: Is there any YGO! players you look up to?
Michael: Ummmmm not any in particular.
Ally: Awww oh well. Well the interview is almost
over :<. Is there any advice you like yo give to new
YGO! players out there?
Michael: Just play the game and don’t get mad when u
lose juz’ keep on playing and keep ur head up at all
times makes the game more enjoyable.
Ally: Thank you that is helpful advice. Can you
plase give a closing statement now?
Michael: Just keep dueling and make sure ur having
fun well Michael Songloke out. |