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Three Time Shonen Jump
John Jenson
By Tony Mera
Mera: What's your
Jensen: John Jensen
Mera: Where do you live?
Jensen: Coral Springs , FL
Mera: How old are you?
Jensen: 18
Mera: What made you start up Yu-Gi-Oh?
Jensen: I watched the anime when it first came out,
then I wanted to know if there was a card game, then
I was hooked
Mera: Can you tell us your credentials you achieved
in this game?
Jensen: I am Co-Champ Orlando SJC 2005, 1st place in
Atlanta SJC 2005, 1st place in Indianapolis SJC
2006, and 2nd place in Boston SJC 2006. I also was
qualified for 04-07.
Mera:What team are you on?
Jensen: Team NeXus
Mera: How did team NeXus come together?
Jensen: We were at our friends house, and we saw
Team Comic Odyssey and Team Savage on Metagame and
we saw how it would be a good idea, if a bunch of us
would create a team to travel to events and to just
have a good time.
Mera: Can you explain the success of your team?
Jensen: We always won the local tournaments we
attended and the Regional Qualifiers and we felt
confident we can also be an impact on the National
Level if we were just able to travel. Once we
traveled and earned respect on our accomplishments,
It felt really nice to be part of something that you
know is doing well.
Mera:How many members does NeXus currently have?
Jensen: 15 members are currently on Nexus.
Mera: Who from your team will be representing Team
NeXus at Nationals?
Jensen: All of us, besides Miguel because he
couldn't make it to any regionals. He had to work a
lot, which kind of sucks. He would of been attending
nationals with us.
Mera: What do you plan on accomplishing this year?
Jensen: To get my Worlds invite and hopefully
another SJC win. My main goal is to win Nationals.
Mera: Does NeXus plan on team battling with any
teams at Nationals?
Jensen: None as of yet, but who know until we
actually get their. Maybe will have a team battle
against Overdose.
Mera: That would be a great team battle.
Jensen: Yeah.
Mera: What are your views on the current banned
Jensen: I feel that the bringing back of Snatch
Steal and banning Breaker was terrible, plus
limiting Mind Crush to one and semi-limiting Meta
was also big mistake. They made OTK's better which
is really not that good. They should of brought
Scapegoats to 2 and I'm kind of missing Chaos. I
feel their the only way to punish over-extenders
that use Monarchs.
Mera: Who do you think is the best team?
Jensen: I think Overdose has the most success so far
because they can get a lot of their members to the
SJC's in which most other teams can't. They have a
lot of power hitters on their team, such as Emon and
Anthony which makes their team really good.
Mera: Has this game changed you in any way?
Jensen: The game really hasn't changed me at all,
but it had boasted my spirit, because now I know
that I'm really good at TCG's. Plus the money that I
get off this game from the SJC's is nice too.
Mera: How much have you made off Yu-Gi-Oh?
Jensen: 3 Laptops, $6,000, and a bunch of cards.
Mera: Wow, that's really good. Do you have anything
to say, to the people who say you can't be a
Professional in Yu-Gi-Oh, because you can't make
that much money off it?
Jensen: I would say you could be a Professional in
Yu-Gi-Oh, you just need to practice really hard to
try to be consist at major events. I'll take T for
example, he is a Pro at the game because he has Top
8'ed a whopping 8 times and won numerous prizes and
won 2004 Nationals. The key to being a pro is to be
Mera: What was your best Sjc experience?
Jensen: My favorite tournament experience will have
to be Orlando SJC. It was my 2nd major tournament
(First Nationals 2004) and I was doing really well
and all my friends were there supporting me. I knew
most of the players in the Top 8. I reached the
Finals and I had to face a friend, Andrew Fredella.
We decided to Prize split top 2 meaning there was no
Champion to that SJC but we played out a game for
fun to see who would have their picture taken with
the card and so could have a Finals
match-up to write about. Both Andrew and I both
consider ourselves to be Co-Champions instead of No
Champion, even though he was the one that got credit
for it on Metagame.
Mera: What was your favorite feature match? Is it
the one where you beat Brent Yetter in the finals
with a nice cyber dragon?
Jensen: LMAO. I felt bad in that one, luck sacking
Mera: Yeah, that was broken.
Jensen: Well, I would say another funny one was when
at the Boston SJC. When I faced Robert Ackerman and
game 2, he went first and just ended his turn. I was
confused and drew for my turn and found cyber stein
and Ring in my hand. That was my easiest match
because all I did was summon stein, pay for twink,
attack and attack, then ring for game. I found that
one funny.
Mera: Was Ackerman upset?
Jensen: Well the thing is, if he would of just set
one card as a bluff I wouldn't of summoned the
stein, and won. In fact he would of won because he
had the OTK in his hand at the time but couldn't
attack because he went first. So if he would of set
anything he would of won. That's why I was
surprised, because he didn't want to bluff. I
believe he had Cyber Dragon, Cyber Stein, Last Will,
Heavy Storm, and Exiled Force. He should of just set
his stein because he was just going to wipe the
field next turn anyways for the win. He already had
another Stein in his deck he could of searched out
with last will. So basically he had the game.
Mera: Yeah that was bad for Ackerman.
Jensen: I told him after the match that he should of
bluffed but he still said he still like his play.
What ever floats his boat.
Mera: Can you explain to everyone how you do so
Jensen: I stick to the decks that suite my playstyle.
I DO NOT net-deck because most of the time when
someone who net-decks, they are using an aggro deck
when their play style is conservative or vice-versa.
And you have to know how to change up your game a
little bit against certain players too.
Mera: How do you prepare for events that make you so
prepared and ready unlike many others?
Jensen: Me and my teammates pratice against all the
current decks that are being played in the meta and
find certain weaknesses against it.
Mera: Can you tell us about your self outside of
Jensen: Well, right now I have kind of a boring
life. I just finished High School and about to start
college in the Fall. I've been working at
PetSuperMarket for the past 2 painful years because.
I need another source of money. My friend got me
hooked to playing World of Warcraft (WoW) and I'm
regretting playing it, because it takes up my life.
LMAO. And I chill with my friends all weekend.
Mera: What is your favorite thing about Yu-Gi-Oh?
Jensen: Meeting new people at events and hanging out
with friends I haven't seen in awhile.
Mera: Who is your favorite player in Yu-Gi-Oh and
Jensen: My favorite Yu-Gi-Oh player would have to be
Jae Kim because the guy is a clown in real life.
He's fun to hang around with and how he tells you
his story's and how someone just sack'ed the hell
out of him in the weirdest ways. Plus he's a great
deck builder and player too. Just waiting for him to
win an SJC already.
Mera: How long do you plan on still playing this
Jensen: As long as I could hopefully. I like this
game a lot, and I get to chill with my friends too.
Mera: Do you have any advice to new players, and to
players who are trying to get to the next level to
be just like you?
Jensen: I would try to create a meta-breaking deck
and do really well with it, that would probably be
your best bet to becoming known player. Just keep on
playing the game, practice makes perfect, and the
more you practice playing the game, the better
you'll become. That is how i did it.
Mera: Anything else you would like to say?
Jensen: Team NeXus is sponsored by Ultra Pro and
B.R.A.D.'s Sportscards & Collectibles. Rich Brody
and his wife Denise Brody, the owners of B.R.A.D.'s
have been willing to sponsor us and allow us to
maintain full control of our team; in return, we
have given Rich a vote whenever we hold our team
meetings. Our team votes on any major thing that
will affect the team and by giving our sponsor a
vote also he can contribute to the overall success
of the team. Also, Through Rich we were able to
acquire Ultra Pro as sponsors. This definitely
lightens the load whenever we need supplies or when
we travel. Rich has a lot of things planned to help
out our team. During Hurricane Wilma when Most of
South Florida was without electricity the Brodys
still had power. They attempted to contact the
entire team to offer us to stay with them until we
each got power back. We don't consider Rich and
Denise sponsors; they are more like family, friends
and honorary team members. Expect to see Team NeXus
at more events