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Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2005 10:56 PM
NiGhT WinG WiTh TeAm PuNiShMenT At A WoRlD Of BoOkS - NiGht WiNG
Name: NiGht WiNG
Date: April 10, 2005
Loacation: A World Of Books in San Leandro, Calinfornia
Tournament start time: around 1
Price: ^ bucks
Number of people: I forgot I think about 16
Formatt: Advanced what do you think ? I'm not a n00b.
Deck Master: Dick Greyson - Night Wing defender of blu haven
Deck: Zombie/Phoenix
Crew: Team Punishment
Wilson Yu AKA NiGhTW1NG
Mac Chu AKA DaI Lo MaC
Matt Chu AKA Phatz
Sasa Bibic AKA Hot Sauce
Keanson Ye AKA Kenni4life
Raymond Ye AKA Smiley
Tomas Mijares AKA THeONe
Tony Yee AKA DarkeDragon
Joseph AKA 7-11
Monsters: 39
3 Dark Magician Of Chaos
3 Vampire Lord
3 Pyramid Turtle
3 Spirit Reaper
3 Hand of Nephthys
3 Breaker, the Magical Warrior
3 Sinister Serpent
3 Cyber Jar
3 D. D. Warrior Lady
3 Magician of Faith
3 Tribe-Infecting Virus
3 Sangan
3 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
Spells: 102
60 release Restraint (yea I know what you're thinking, it's
3 Pot of Greed
3 Graceful Charity
3 Enemy Controller
3 Book of Life
3 Book Of Moon
3 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Scapegoat
3 Heavy Storm
3 Lightning Vortex
3 Nobleman of Crossout
3 Snatch Steal
3 Creature Swap
3 Delinquent Duo
3 Premature Burial
Traps: 15
3 Call of the Haunted
3 Ring of Destruction
3 Royal Decree
3 Torrential Tribute
3 Mirror Force
Side Deck: 15
1 Black Luster Soldier (ritual version)
1 Black Luster Ritual
1 Airknight Parshath
1 Insect Knight
1 Mobius The Frost Monarch
2 Swarms Of Locusts
1 Swords Of Revealing Light
1 Metamorphosis
2 Wave-motion cannon
3 Phoenix Wing Wind Blast
1 Dust Tornado
Fusion Deck: 25
2 Gatling Dragon
3 Thousand-Eyes Restrict
3 Dark Balter the Terrible
3 Ryu Senshi
3 Dark Blade the Dragon Knight
1 Dark Flare Knight
1 Reaper on the Nightmare
1 Ojama King
1 Dragoness the Wicked Knight
1 Charubin the fire knight
1 Flame Ghost
1 Fusionist
1 Darkfire Dragon
1 Karbonala Warrior
1 King Dragun
1 Twin-headed Thunder dragon
1 The Last Warrior From Another Planet
Today I just couldn't get up in the morning, so i got to WOB
later then normal but most of the crew still didn't arrive
yet so i wasn't that late.
So i just went to go chill with the part of the crew that
was already there (sasa, & Tomas). I wanted to make a new
deck today so i had to wait cuz Mac wasn't there yet, but
once he got there with matt and ray all of us were making or
moding our decks and Keanson got there a little later. Too
bad tony and jospeh couldn't go (tony is qutting and joseph
is broke (-_-) ). Ok
time for the good stuff.
Round 1
NiGhT WiNG (Zombie/Phoenix) Vs. Smiley (Zombie/Chaos) Game 1
Iw on the dice roll so i went first. My opening hand was
Pot, Graceful, Delinquent, crossout, book of moon, and
something else forgot. It took a while to bring him down but
it wasn't too hard Because I forgot what mostly happend but
by the end i had 2 reapers, Phoenix, and a decree on the
field, So he couldn't come back from that.
Game 2
Man I don't know what happend I almost killed my whole hand
by the fourth turn. I was down to 2 crards in my hand (DMOC,
& Phoenix (-_-) ) and i had 3
goats on the field. after 2 turns i Drew a Hand of Nephthys
and was able to sac my last goat for a phoenix and regain
some field control. But he had a sinister and meta in his
hand so it was gg.
Game 3
This was like the first game I was able to kill him but it
took a very long time. I was able to kill to kill off his
bls and v lord but he couldn't kill
mines so yea zombie swarm won me the game. Yea i know what
you're thinkng and yes I do have shitty memory
Round 2
NiGhT WiNG (Zombie/Phoenix) Vs. Phatz (Zombie/Chaos) Game 1
I won the dice roll so i went first. Like normaly matt was
down to 2 cards set in his m/t zone and one card in his
hand. He must have been bluffing with those cuz I hit him
with one v lord like 3 times before he killed it with vortex
and used book of life to remove my v lord and to bring back
his v lord (i dropped it with delinquent), so he hits one of
my face down monsters and it was a turtle so i used it to
get another turtle (he looked confused). My turn i flip up
my face down reaper and swap the turtle to him,
got his v lord and he was owned from there.
Game 2
Don't remeber much about this game except he hit something
good with delinquent first turn and i got owned (-_-) so
Game 3
Again I don't remeber much lol. This game was actually
pretty even (good job
matt), but I still won at the end of the game i had a reaper
and a v lord and he couldn't top deck, so he scooped.
Round 3
NiGhT WiNG (Zombie/Phoenix) Vs. Francisco (GK control)
Game 1
He won the dice roll so he went first. He terraforming first
turna nd got necrovalley played it set a m/t and summon a
spear soldier. My turn I snatch
the soldier summon hand and trubted for a phoenix in my
deck, But he had a bottomless waiting for it (damn) So i set
a scapegoat and ended my turn. He summons a GK Assailent and
attacked me so i just took it. At the end phase of his turn
i activate goats. My turn i switch the position of a goat to
attack and swap it for the assialent and saced it for a v
lord and for the next 4 or 5 turns he couldn't kill it so i
just drop his lp to 0 with one c lord.
Game 2
I don't know what happend but i ended up getting attacked by
2 spear soldiers, 1 tribe and breaker(no counter) and died
from it. (-_-) so sad.
Game 3
I don't remeber how i got to it but, I killed him with a
phoenix a vlord and
a reaper. The duel was totaly one sided in my favor.
Right now the crew is trying to buy most of the cards from
this one guy's deck (mario) there were 2 decrees , a
morphing jar, ultimate vortex etc. The
dude was being tough about it but we got him to do most of
the deck like 2/3
of it including the decrees and jar for 300, all i gotta say
is pretty good deal. Also right now TheOne was playing kenni
so after they heard I won they
just stop playing because we were the only ones left in the
tourney, So it was an early lunch for us.
Getting decrees and morphing for most of the crew Winning so
much with a deck i made in 10 minuted at midnight To seeing
most of the crew showing up
Not pulling anything from our entry packs Only getting 8
packs (3 fet, & 5 DR1) for winning (why couldn't more people
Only pulling lava golem, and vortex from the packs Taco bell
for being so damn so with the food (idiots)
If you wanna come by to A World Of Books we won't mind a
Pojo Sn: NiGhT WiNG