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For Rent
Deck Name: Chaos Rampage
- Alex Davis
Tournament Location: The Fine Art of Baseball (Entry Fee:
$10 even, with Duelist benefits, like trading with the store
owner and his single cards in the store, and discounts on
packs/boxes/tins, etc.)
City and State: Columbia, SC
Date: April 16, 2005
# Of Duelists: 8
Today was a rather small tournament, because everyone is
probably saving up for the box tournament next week, which
I'll be participating in. The usual guys showed up and we
got started. I changed my deck around and stopped messing
around with originality. I hate to say it, but when I try
original decks, they suck. If I'm going to be paying $10
freaking dollars for a tourney, I'm going to be getting my
money's worth!
Chaos Rampage: 43
Monsters: 19
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of The Beginning
Vampire Lord
Airknight Parshath
Berserk Gorilla
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
Blade Knight
Blade Knight
Breaker The Magical Warrior
Tribe-Infecting Virus
D. D. Warrior Lady
Injection Fairy Lily
Magician of Faith
Magician of Faith
Sinister Serpent
Spirit Reaper
Magics: 17
Pot of Greed
Graceful Charity
Snatch Steal
Lightning Vortex
Delinquent Duo
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Swords of Revealing Light
Card Destruction
Creature Swap
Book of Moon
Nobleman of Crossout
Nobleman of Crossout
United We Stand
Emergency Provisions
Traps: 8
Mirror Force
Call of The Haunted
Ring of Destruction
Torrential Tribute
Dust Tornado
Bottomless Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor
MATCH #1: Alex's Chaos vs. Andrew's Spellcasters
Duel #1: The only hit I took was from my own Delinquent Duo,
which I hit his Premature Burial with. He had a horrible
starting hand full of tribute monsters and creature swap. He
stalled a bit with his apprentice magicians whcih later got
magician of faith, but a direct hit with both BLS and IFL
got him low after the magicians died out. I SS his monster
for a few turns, and he was able to stall again, but I still
won a few turns later. WIN.
Me: 8000-7000
Andrew: 8000-7700-1300+2300-1500-0
Duel #2: This one was much closer, but an early BLS helped
put 4000 on him early on. He attacked with an Apprentice
magician one turn... which was totally screwy. Later on,
when he had 2400, I had Magician of Faith in ATK mode, and I
Prematured Berserk Gorilla, putting him at 100. I won
shortly after. WIN.
Me: 8000-6400-6000-5200-2800
Andrew: 8000-4000-2700-2400-100-0
MATCH #2: Alex's Chaos vs. Marcus's Meta Control
Duel #1: Early on, I ringed his Berserk, putting us both at
6000. Later on, HE ringed either my Blade Knight, or Tribe,
I can't quite remember, but that was all it took. I believe
it was a Ceasefire that finished me off at the end, but I
still felt that I played a pretty good duel, since I lasted
that long with only traps and a magician of faith for most
of the duel. LOSE.
Me: 8000-6000-3400-1800-1500-0
Marcus: 8000-6000-4400
Duel #2: While this one went better for me, he still played
great. This whole match, I have to say, is one of the best
I've ever played. I got Airknight out early, and hit with
him once. Then a Berserk a few turns after that got a direct
hit. I was also able to play Emergency Provisions on an
early turn in the duel, I think it was by playing Heavy
storm, then chaining from my hand with EP. Later, he SS one
of my monsters and gave me 1000, so that helped a bit. I was
able to get him down to 700, then he used Scapegoat, and
later ANOTHER scapegoat, after he got his field clear, and
played United We Stand on one of his tokens, getting his
last bit of damage on me. It was getting down to it. It
didn't look like I had much to counter with. So I SS his
powered-up goat, and did the best I could with it. Later, I
was able to draw some monster, clear his field, and take the
win. WIN.
Me: 8000+9000-8600+9600-8100-4700-3100
Marcus: 8000-6100-4100-2100-700+1700+2700-0
Duel #3: He went first and set a M/T and Monster. I heavy
stormed it, and he chained with Ceasefire. I then smacked
him with a 3500 hit a few minutes in. He was able to come
back a bit later on, and it looked a little bleak for me as
I was running out of resources to work with. Then. It.
Happened. BLS topdeck. Bang. Gameover man. Gotta love
unoriginality. Still, I feel like these were some of the
best duels I've ever had. He were matching each other move
for move. WIN.
Me: 8000-7500-6700-6400
Marcus: 8000-4500-3700-0
MATCH #3: Alex's Chaos vs. James' Horus/Dragons
Duel #1: I started with a trap and ended my turn. He
summoned spear dragon and I let him hit me. I then SS it and
tributed for Airknight, got a hit in and ended my turn. He
then Prematured his dragon, and sac'd for Horus LV6. I was
very afraid of the egyptian god monster, because last week,
I lost in the first round to an expertly built Horus/Fire
deck, and then in free-duel (right after the first round
loss) again I lose to a horus deck. Both beat me easily (of
course not with THIS deck that I'm playing today, but I was
still wary of facing off with it.). But I then used Tribe on
it XD. I used Premature later on, but that was pretty much
the extent of the damage I took this duel. Berserk and Kycoo
rocked. WIN.
Me: 8000-6100-5700-4900
James: 8000-6100-5300-1800-0
Duel #2: I started by setting ceasefire, and then playing
something else, it doesn't matter. He started off playing a
Defense mode monster, and set 1 card, then played Swords. I
played Delinquent Duo, chained with ceasefire, then chained
Emergency Provisions from my hand. I destroyed his swords
and facedown card, discarded two from his hand, did damage
to his LP's, flipped his monster face-up, and gained 1000
LP's in one move. I pretty much pwn'd him afterwards. This
was one of the easier duels I've had to go through in the
final round of the tourney... WIN.
YAY! Again I'm able to win the tourney! I got 4 RDS packs
for winning, 1 which I gave to devon. I then bought 3 SOD
packs, and got my 1 TP5 pack. The only good cards I got were
Mystic Swordsman LV2, my last needed Horus LV4, and Triangle
Ecstacy Spark, only because it was the only Super or higher
I got >_>. I'm going to be going to the box tourney next
week, and I'm going to get a Hobby box of SOD, to try and
get Horus LV8, and another Horus LV6 (Devon let me borrow
his LV6). I'll try and combine my Chaos deck with a Horus
deck, to make a Horus/Chaos hybrid deck. The only problem is
that I only have a 1/4 chance of getting Horus LV8 in that
box (because the newer sets of SOD, RDS, and FET only
contain 1 Ultra Rare card in each 24 pack box, with only 4
Ultra Rares in each set.), and there is absolutely nothing
else I need or WANT from SOD other than the two Horus cards.
I don't know... maybe I'll get a different box, it all
depends. Anyway, I'll write about that next week.
+ Winning the Tourney!
+ Devon may not have won, but he's going back to his control
deck, and he won the Toon Gemini Elf this week!
+ Beating Marcus AND Andrew in the same tourney... when you
beat guys like those, you DO deserve to win the tourney,
cause they're some of the best there.
- Not getting anything in the packs.
- Everyone ragging on me for using a Chaos deck, when there
are at least 4-5 other people that come to the relatively
small night tourney that uses it >_<.
- For not having anything in the store owners stack to trade
Name: Alex Davis
Email Address's:,, |