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For Rent
Fire Princess v2.2 - By Creon316
Space Coast Games, Palm Bay Florida
About 15-20 participants
April 16th, 2005
Format: Err…post-ban list, not sure if that’s called
traditional or advanced. $2 to compete, pairings based on
win-loss ratio.
Hot on the heels of the IRS gang-beating our nation’s
wallets, I took my beloved Fire Princess deck into the third
straight weekend of tournament play. I only did some minor
tinkering with a couple cards. I did practically tinkle
myself earlier in the week when I bought 2 boosters on my
lunch break at work and found a card called Wave-Motion
Cannon. I’d forgotten about that one. I had my deck with me
in my desk, and I immediately found a place for it. The most
sweeping changes were to my side deck, as the one I had
going was horribly outdated. You know, when you run an
unpopular deck type like this, it seems hard to build a side
deck that will prove lifesaving. I stacked it with a few
counters for cards that tripped me up the week before and
just went with that.
Main Deck Total: 44 / 5 Fusions / 15 Side Deck
Normal Monsters: (1)
Aqua Madoor
Effect Monsters:
Cyber Jar
Sinister Serpent
Cure Mermaid
2x Magician of Faith
Cannon Soldier
Lava Golem (BWAHAHAHA)
Balloon Lizard
Mother Grizzly
Marie the Fallen One
Mask of Darkness
Spirit Reaper
2x Fire Princess
Exiled Force
Bowganian (this guy worked so well last week, I kept his
spot…why does this game have so many DARK Machines? Why
would something mechanical be aligned with the evil ones?
Well, read “The Mangler“ by Stephen King and you‘ll
understand. Please don‘t see the movie, Robert Englund
thanks you.)
Night Assailant (Man Eater Bug for the new millenium)
Mystic Tomato
Penguin Soldier (I think this will be gone by next game)
Ma--er, Spell Cards:
Pot of Greed
Magic Reflector (this was a new one. I envisioned evil with
Wave Motion Cannon, but ended up using it for Messenger each
time. This works with or without a faceup magic card--if
you‘re just drawing MST/Storm hate, you can leave it
facedown by itself and they WILL try to destroy it, wasting
a card. Then you can say PSYCHE!)
Premature Burial
2x Heart of Clear Water
Fissure (for once I wasn’t the only one playing this today)
Graceful Charity
Wave-Motion Cannon (this replaced my ever-useless The
Shallow Grave)
2x Messenger of Peace
Mystical Space Typhoon
My Body As A Shield
Trap Cards:
Solemn Judgment
Ring of Destruction
Mirror Force
2x Gravity Bind
Call of the Haunted
Judgment of Anubis
2x Magic Jammer (these were also seeing some play by others)
Solemn Wishes
Fusion Deck:
3x Thousand-Eyes Restrict (The hills have eyes…and so do the
shoulders, arms, and that weird pedestal thing below the
mouth. I wish they’d make a Toon Thousand Eyes..I once drew
a picture of that when I was bored at work…all the eyes were
bloodshot, it had on boxing gloves, dorky thin legs, and a
tongue hanging out of the mouth/opening/vacuum/thing/deal.
Hey, I’m rambling.)
Reaper On The Nightmare
Dark Balter The Terrible (Debated this one…still like the
idea of being able to negate spell cards. Never have
summoned it. Not like it takes up deck space anyway.)
Side Deck: (15) new and improved
Nobleman of Crossout
Torrential Tribute
Ekibyo Drakmord
Robbin’ Goblin
Eternal Rest
Dark Core
Obnoxious Celtic Guard
Reverse Trap
Collected Power
Monster Reincarnation
..that was only 13, so to keep it legal I just threw in 2
more that were handy: Crush Card
The Seal of Oricalcos, seriously, I just borrowed from my novice dragon deck
and popped in Magician of Faith and Soul Exchange.
And off we go. There were fewer people than normal at the
top of the tournament. Not near as many little kids. Dang,
no free rides today. Hopefully I won’t get as long-winded
here as I tend to…comes from being an adult and having
nobody to discuss this with. Greg wanted to discuss trades
with me, and said we’d do it after the 1st round.
Match #1: I got put against a guy I just missed beating last
week. I don’t remember much about his deck…normal Warrior
stuff, Kycoo, tricky counter cards, that 2400 ATK Rock guy,
First Duel: None of my monster cards lasted for very long,
so it was hard to get a good burn going. Most of my M/T’s
were gone after staying just long enough to make their
presence felt. He got in a few jabs with Spear Dragons while
I jabbed him back with Cannon Soldier and Fire Princess/Cure
Mermaid. We were both in the realm of 3000-4000 points when
he whips out Jinzo, threatening me. I just happened to draw
Lava Golem and gave it to him right away, getting rid of the
Android Psycho Shocker. A turn or two later he was able to
torrential it. At one point his field was totally empty and,
in one of my few attacks for the day, I hit him directly
with Mystic Tomato and Spirit Reaper, discarding his Mirror
Force. Bad planning…? When he was down to 600 LP and I was
sitting pretty at 2600, I drew Ring of Destruction, and
hungrily eyed his Spear Dragon. On his turn I flipped ring
and declared game…he checks his M/T field and chains with
Call of the Haunted on Jinzo. Nice! I was holding a Cyber
Jar, and as he was fresh out of Noblemans, Jinzo didn’t last
long. He’d already used his Heavy Storm and MST’s, so my
defenses were safe. I wasn‘t doing any burn damage, and my
thoughts turned toward simply holding the fort and hoping
he’d deck out. He lasted quite a while longer, as all of my
burn monsters were downed and my Call was at the very bottom
of the deck, as I found out after. He couldn’t attack me
directly because, in a semi-desperate move, I’d gotten
Exiled Force into faceup DEF mode with a Heart of Clear
Water keeping them safe for the rest of the duel. On the 5th
card from the bottom, I drew Wave-Motion Cannon. I activated
it right away. He goes, looks whipped, I destroy it on my
turn for 1000 and the game. Ok, Cannon can stay, I like it.
Second Duel: He got off to a good start by ignoring my
defenses and tribute summoning his Sangan for that Rock guy
that destroys a facedown card, can’t remember its name. He
got a few direct attacks in before I could save my field.
Messenger and Bind were out before long. His Heavy Storm
sacked 4 of my cards and left my field open. He eventually
won through those darn Spear Dragons and efficient removal.
No mistakes on my part, I was just out-gunned.
However, our time for this Match had expired, and the judge
put us in SUDDEN DEATH!! With the record 1-1, we had to
start our 3rd duel, with the golden rule of the scores
following the first change in life points will decide the
winner. I wasn’t worried one bit, as my deck is structured
to gain points.
Third Duel: As my opponent counted on me drawing Cannon
Soldier and winning on the first turn, he didn’t bother
looking at his hand. He asked me how many I had in the deck
as we shuffled, and I said I can’t tell him that while we’re
playing. (It’s only 1, actually.) I drew the first hand,
with nothing to gain or burn points showing up. Well, I did
get My Body as a Shield. Won’t be using that. Of course
thanks to my slow deck, we were the last ones dueling and
everybody was looking on. I thought about getting nervous,
but just ignored it and focused on the game. He got some
nice attackers but I had the usual safeguards and there was
no life point damage. I did get Sangan into DEF mode, hoping
for an excuse to kill it and get Cannon Soldier in hand, but
I’d already made sure he couldn’t attack. On my 5th turn I
drew Solemn Wishes, everyone behind me said OOOH! And I set
it. As he began his main phase, I activated it. He said that
my deck is structured to gain points and that this is gay.
He ended his turn, I held up my next drawn card and declared
game with the score at 8500-8000. SUDDEN DEATH!!
Somebody remarked, “You need a side deck. Here’s example
#1.” Since I’d held up the whole round, Greg said we could
trade after round 2.
Match #2: Fire Princess 2.2 vs. Harpie Lady Deck
Ok, here’s something new for a change! I’ve never seen a
Harpie deck in play that wasn’t on my TV screen turned to
Kids WB. Elegant Egotist, Hunting Ground, and lots of
Man-Eater Bugs. What, no Electro Whip? The guy playing was
another adult, to boot.
First Duel: I’d never seen this guy before and wasn’t sure
what to expect. I began with my usual Red Shirt Strategy. [
© 2005 Creon316 ] By that I mean putting out cards that I
don’t mind losing with no effects on the very next turn, to
stuff like MST, Nobleman, Sasuke, etc. so that I can retain
my more useful cards. Remember on the old Star Trek? Kirk,
Spock, Bones, and Guy In Red Shirt would beam down to an
unknown planet. Guess which one wasn’t coming back? In this
case I put facedown my Balloon Lizard and Heart of Clear
Water. No fear, he puts out one of those newer Harpie Ladies
and hits the Lizard, causing some rebound damage and
beginning its effect. Since he didn’t try any removal, I put
out Messenger of Peace, amped it up with Magic Reflector
which I had to explain to him, and Fire Princess into ATK
mode with Solemn Wishes. By this time he’d summoned that
other Harpie Lady that boosts all WIND monsters, so that
made his harpie’s too strong to attack with Messenger. He
got around that quickly, tributing her for Spell Canceller
(???) putting the other back to 1300 ATK. He was also indeed
using Sasuke Samurai, so I had to be careful of my flip
effects. Fortunately they’re not hard to kill, even with my
sissy monsters. No Gravity Bind yet, so he summoned another
HL and kamikazed one into my Fire Princess. OK, not
expecting that. He also destroyed my Lizard with something
and took some minor damage from its effect. It looked good
for him as he also got Jinzo out, giving him some killer
field control with no Spells or Traps to worry about. That
would also be his undoing. I got my trusty Lava Golem to
take out his Jinzo, while his Spell Canceller remained on
the field for the rest of the duel. I got my Gravity Bind
going, so all of his monsters were now useless while all of
our Spell cards took up space. I had all my M/T zones full
by now, but with My Body As A Shield, that negated
Messenger, and facedown Heart from my first turn, I couldn’t
do anything else. Many turns went by with us simply passing
and discarding since we had hands full of useless crap.
Seriously, I was discarding Pot of Greed and Ring of
Destruction, because my zones were full and I couldn’t
activate what I had. He eventually summoned a Blue Eyes just
for effect. I had Sinister Serpent facedown, and finally
noticed the Cannon soldier sitting in my hand. He had 3 or 4
facedown M/T’s, making it risky, but I summoned Cannon and
he didn’t respond. I wiped out the rest of his points with
the Cannon Soldier/Sinister Serpent lame-o-rama. I had like
10,000 points for most of the game.
What was I saying about not being long-winded? Anyway…
Second Duel: He did better here. Wisely keeping Spell
Canceller off the field, he got lucky with his Heavy Storm
and lone MST. He got me down to 4500 LP and I was on the
run. Right about the time he drew Harpie’s Hunting Ground
and I had no stall cards handy, the judge declared time was
up and I was the winner of the match by decision, as it was
1 win to nil. Harpie guy was a bit frustrated but stayed
cool and all smiles. I could hear the first guy complaining
about my stunt with Solemn Wishes.
It’s nice to win, but I always seem to win because time is
up, and not because I whooped someone twice. I don’t
intentionally waste time, it’s just kind of how my deck
Match #3: Fire Princess Burn vs. br0/<3/\/, whacked-out burn
Good Lord! I’ve never seen a deck like this in my life. I
dueled this guy a couple of weeks ago when he was using a
Pyro/Solar Flare/Burn deck, and he smoked me. He was using
underplayed stuff like Relinquished, Metamorphosis, Night
Assailant, Thousand-Eyes Restrict (never seen anyone else
use that in a duel), Scapegoats, and worst of all, Stealth
Bird! I’ve never heard of this card, and it SO needs to be
in my deck! I don’t own any and nobody offered to trade.
This had a lot of stuff from my deck, but only better. A
Kotodama might have helped me here. He had a couple
Wave-Motion Cannons, too. Lots of people using them today.
He had Swarm of Scarabs too.
First Duel: Well, this guy was more interested in his iPod
than in the duel. I’d never heard of Stealth Bird, but
quickly learned about them. He got one out, and with 1700
DEF the only way I could destroy it was with Solemn
Judgment, which of course doubled the overall damage to my
life points. I did so anyway. He summoned another one, and
my feeble attempts at using my own flip effects were met
with his summoning Relinquished, sucking them up, then using
Metamorphosis on it to get out a 1000 Eyes, taking my other
faceup monster, Ringing it, resuming Stealth Bird flip,
using another Metamorphosis on his 1000 Eyes to get out
ANOTHER one, sucking up, etc. Two Stealth Birds are flapping
at me, my head spun and it was over quickly.
Second Duel: I didn’t bother side decking, I wasn’t even
sure I understood what had happened and was just grateful it
wasn‘t single-elimination. With the iPod still blaring, I
could make out System of a Down while I activated
Wave-Motion Cannon early on, figuring it’d get destroyed
soon but better than nothing. He activates Scapegoats right
away, throwing out another Thousand-Eyes Restrict. (Hey,
Scapegoats can’t be used for a tribute summon! However,
Metamorphosis is a Special summon, the same reason you can
use goats for Toon monsters.) Then he whips out a
Wave-Motion Cannon. And I thought *I* was creative. However,
once his Monster Zones were full, he suddenly panicked and
complained about locking himself out. I didn’t get to burn
him, but continued to tick up the counters on my Wave Motion
Cannon. He continued to complain about only drawing monster
cards. About the time I reached for another die to continue
my turn count on the Cannon, he conceded. My cannon would
have blasted all 8000 of his points in another turn, and he
must have had no recourse for that.
Third Duel: He announced he was side decking. I did so as
well, subbing in my Ceasefire, Nobleman of Crossout,
Prohibition, and Torrential Tribute. Again with the Stealth
Birds. I once again used Solemn Judgment on one of their
flips bringing me down to 3500, knowing I was doing more
immediate damage but stuck for a better idea. Out pops his
Wave Motion Cannon. When it was on its 3rd turn, I began
doing a search for my downed Tomato, but then just dropped
it on the table and slap-jacked it, declaring I give up.
He went on to the final match of the day, but was beaten by
Greg with his dragon deck, and said he felt like quitting
the game altogether. Ehh, I’ve been there. If you read my
first ever report on Pojo, I described this in detail.
This time I finally got to trade with Greg. In exchange for
4 of my holos and the $4.50 I had handy in my pocket, I
obtained Stone Statue of the Aztecs, Guardian Sphinx,
Kaibaman, Mind Control, and Dark Magic Attack. I gave up
Reinforcement of the Army, Scapegoats, Last Turn, and my
spare Exiled Force. I later bought a Dark Room of Nightmare
from the store for $2. That should go in my deck, but I’m
not sure. Everybody wants to trade for my Delinquent Duo,
Windstorm of Etaqua, Blade Knight, and Winged Dragon of Ra,
but I don’t want to part with those.
Match #4: Me vs. Greg with his Dragon deck
First Duel: So now that we’ve traded, I get put against him.
A couple weeks ago, he was the judge. I’ve also seen him
almost get ejected from a tournament for swearing. Today
he’s just competing and has a high powered Dragon deck with
nasty surprises like Newdoria and Wave-Motion Cannon.
This one actually went back and forth. His deck had only
faint traces of the Dragon’s Roar structure deck, loaded
with many ultra rares that I can’t remember the names or
effects of. However, my stall/burn put up quite a fight. My
Red-Shirting worked like a charm, opening with Penguin
Soldier and Magic Reflector face-down. He later pulled out a
Heavy Storm, but my Judgment of Anubis fixed that while
killing the strongest monster in his deck for some hefty
damage. When I had 3900 points and he had 5300, I slapped
him with the Lava Golem while Gravity Bind was in play. It
burned him for 2 turns, and he announced he wasn’t dealing
with it anymore and Ringed it, putting me at 900 and him at
300. It stayed this way for a while. This is the second time
today I could have won a duel with an Ookazi. I’m thinking
about trying one next time. I finally drew my Ring and
looked for a way to end this. My Spirit Reaper was still
facedown, after being summoned 2 turns ago. Noting its 300
ATK, I set my Ring and planned to flip summon my Reaper on
the next turn and then do Ring. Stop me if you see my
mistake. He draws, says “Yes, I‘ll take it!” and summons a
Spear Dragon, following up with Stamping Destruction on the
Gravity Bind. Then he declares an attack, but I chained with
Ring on the Spear Dragon, causing a draw. The judge was
standing behind me watching and told me about flip summoning
my Reaper before ending my turn, then chaining his Draw
phase with Ring. Well, live and learn, it wouldn’t be a full
day if I didn’t make a stupid mistake that cost me a duel.
One thing about Dragon Decks--you know, I am so glad they
restricted Mystical Space Typhoon, because there was no way
to have any fun with a stall deck when everybody had 3 of
those and Heavy Storm. But Dragons get their own form of MST
in the Stamping Destruction, with 500 damage to boot.
Rejoice in this, lovers of dragons.
Second Duel: This is hazy. He opens with Delinquent Duo, but
I’d already set my Magic Jammer and was holding Marie the
Fallen one. He’s out 1000 points and I’m up 200 every turn.
Here come the nasty, flappy dragons with their big names,
Stamping Destructions to mess me up, high ATKS, and broken
effects. Not even an Anubis to a Stamping could help. He was
stronger, I lost. Nothing fancy here.
I asked if he would play me vs. my Dragon deck-in-training
just for fun, and he agreed, but reminded me it was 1 tie-1
win and the Match wasn’t over yet.
Third Duel: Just more power than I could deal with. This was
over even faster. Don’t look, it’s not pretty. I do remember
having an open field with a full host of stall M/T’s, with
an extra Magic Reflector on my Messenger. He whips out Heavy
Storm…the Messenger stays but is no help against his Masked
Dragon, Newdoria, and Reaper. Ouch. I did a solemn judgment
on something minor even while his Wave-Motion Cannon was
out, speeding up the damage. The Cannon finished me off. So
I didn’t feel so bad about losing the 1st duel to a stupid
mistake, since it just would have been 1-2 anyway. This put
me out of the tournament. Greg went on to win the tournament
for the day, beating the previous guy with the Stealth Bird
deck who announced he was selling all his cards to the store
and wanted to give up. My final ranking was 9. Well, I
lasted long enough to face the winner, I guess that’s, er,
After this, we had time for another full match with my
55-card dragon deck. He whooped me 2-0. I had fun stuff in
hand like Flute of Summoning and Axe of Despair, but wasn’t
drawing the level 4 monsters I needed to get things in
motion. Well, that’s what you get when you rely on Tribute
Doll or Lord of D to do the work. He also foiled my
Reasoning by calling the correct number of stars. My Tribe
never showed, and Garuda The Wind Spirit only gets you so
Since the girl I thought I was going out with tonight still
hadn’t called, I stayed to watch the semifinal and final
matches. She called a while after I got home, we’re going
out tomorrow instead. When you’re my age, seems wrong
somehow if Yugioh and a date occur on the same day…or same
year…Anyway, I didn’t understand a lot of what was happening
in the final duels. Still haven’t even heard of some of
these cards. Guess that’s why I’m not a champion yet.
Props and Slops.
--To getting what I thought was a good trade deal. I’ve been
wrong about this before. I tend to trade based on what decks
I have or would like to build, not on how shiny the cards
--Yay Lava Golem, killer of Jinzo.
--To my Solemn Wishes stunt in the first match, and my not
panicking while the whole store looked on. One more time:
--To Wave-Motion Cannon. Much more useful than Shallow Grave
ever was.
--Penguin Soldier: This just doesn’t seem to be that
useful…Graceful Charity bait or one of my opening-move Red
Shirts. Not once in my reports have you ever seen me type:
“Next turn, YES! I drew Penguin Soldier!“ I originally
planned this to help me reuse flip effects while stalling
attacks, but that only seems to happen in my Dawn of Destiny
video game. (Great with Needle Worm to make people deck out.
In that game is probably the only chance I‘ll ever get to
own a Needle.) Sometimes you gotta give up a card for the
greater good, but when you consistently use the same card as
a discard or victim, it probably doesn’t belong in your
deck. You know, like when you get Graceful on the first
turn, use it, and before discarding you have 8 awesome cards
in your hand that you don’t want to give up any of…that’s
when your deck is tight. I think this will be moved out for
Stone Statue of the Aztecs or Obnoxious Celtic Guard next
--My slip-up in the last match with the Spirit Reaper/Ring
deal. At least it wasn’t a Match-deciding move like last
week, twice.
--I bought 4 boosters of different sets and got absolute
crap, all with normal rares. Ooh, Dark Blade! Ahh, Arsenal
Robber, now I can go to the regionals in Orlando! YES!! I
needed a Different Dimension Gate! I should have just paid
the guy my $15 for the Charmin in the bathroom, I’d have
gotten a better deal.
Most hated opponents’ cards:
--Book of Moon. I didn’t mention this in the reports b/c I
can’t remember who or when, I just remember these messing me
up a few times, like being used against my Exiled so they
could be attacked F/D next turn, or against a Lava Golem so
it was harmless and tribute-ready, or by my opponent on
their Magician of Faith so they got double the recycling.
--Stealth Bird!! I’d never heard of this card, I need to
find some, and it totally clobbered me in Match 2.
--Wave-Motion Cannon. My newest addition was also used
against me by 2 other players, coincidentally the 2 I lost
That’s all for today. Hmph, I’m getting kind of bored with
this deck, but it’s the only strategy that I seem to have
something other than a humiliating defeat with. I don’t know
how you kids get all these Ultra Rare decks with your
allowances or jobs bagging my groceries. Maybe the card I
need to think about is MasterCard, then I can do some real
I could probably retool this deck into a neat Clown
Control/Weenie Rush deck by trading out the LP gain and burn
cards. If the next tournament is interesting enough to keep
writing the reports for the same deck, you’ll hear about it,
otherwise I’ll see you in the Shadow Realm.