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From: "DENNIS, KEVIN D" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 11:33:05 -0400
Tangled Web Tourney Report - Kevin D
Another day, another tournament, another report. This is
your friendly neighborhood Super Ra with this edition of the
Tangled Web Tournament report. Today we had about 25
players, and a few newbies. I didn't know half the people at
the tournament this week, and I found out several people who
I've played against a long time have been banned for several
weeks. Oh well, easier prizes for me. Ok I lied there I
prefer good competition to prizes. Anyway here's my new
model of the Flight of the Monarchs deck. Compliments of
Reg8n and Evan Vargus's designs.
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch (x2)
Mobius the Frost Monarch (x2)
Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
Exiled Force
Nimble Momonga (x3)
Berserk Gorilla (x3)
Tribe Infecting Virus
D.D. Warrior Lady (Nicknamed Sarah)
Morphing Jar
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Cyber Jar
Sinister Serpent
Spirit Reaper
Snatch Steal
Mystical Space Typhoon
Swords of Revealing Light
Scapegoat (x2)
Metamorphosis (x2)
Soul Exchange (x2)
Monster Reincarnation
Graceful Charity
Lightning Vortex
Delinquent Duo
Premature Burial
Heavy Storm
Pot of Greed
Mirror Force
Call of the Haunted
Ring of Destruction
Torrential Tribute
Side deck:
King Tiger Wanghu (x3)
Kinetic Soldier
Nobleman of Crossout (x2)
Wave Motion Cannon (x3)
Royal Oppression (x3)
Dust Tornado (x2)
Thousand Eyes Restrict (x3)
Flame Ghost
Darkfire dragon
Reaper on the Nightmare
Dark Balter the Terrible
Fiend Skull Dragon
Ryu Senshi
Dark Blade the Dragon Knight (x3)
Dark Flare Knight (x3)
King Dragun
Gaia the Dragon Champion
Gatling Dragon
I woke up and watched Pokemon and Batman on Kids WB and went
on to Tangled Web. I arrived just in time to sign up and
then I got to play a fun duel against Daniel who was using
Bruce's Bind deck. I beat Bruce's bind deck a few weeks ago,
but we ran out of time as the first round was called.
Kevin D. vs . . .Don't remember his name. (Sorry Dude)
Round 1:
First round I got a bad opening hand, but I managed to combo
Soul exchange and Metamorphosis to get out Dark Balter. I
then was able to take control of round 1.
Round 2:
Second round was a better hand. Early on I go tout Zaborg,
and then followed it up with Thestalos, and took Black
Luster Soldier, Envoy of the Beginning out of his hand. He
then conceded.
OK well that was rather anti-climatic. I looked around, and
found a DVD I wanted, but it was $30.00. Wow expensive, then
again most Anime DVD's are. Daniel had lost Round 1, and
Bruce had won. Jack and Jeff both won their rounds too, as
did Mrs. Burgess, who when I looked at her playing realized
that she was playing Jack's Beastdown deck that had wore me
out the last time I had been there. Isn't life grand.
Round 2:
Kevin D. vs Ben Dunlap
I've watched Ben play before, and he gets so nervous while
he's playing its almost ridiculous. He was running a really
strong fire deck. Round 1 was hard fought. I managed to get
past his bind stuff with Mobius, and narrowly pull out a
Second Duel I side deck, King Tiger Wanghu (x3), and Jinzo.
Well I didn't manage resources too good, and he eventually
pulled out the win.
Third Duel:
Left the deck the same. This was hard fought. I Zaborg, Soul
Exchange, and Jinzo on the first hand. He had two creatures
on the field, when I drew and summoned King Tiger Wanghu. I
killed his UFO Turtle and he searched out Ultimate Baseball
Kid, and it was destroyed automatically. Other people
laughed, I just stayed calm knowing I was still in trouble.
I ended, and he set another creature face down. I tributed
King Tiger for Zaborg, and destroyed a face down Solar Flare
Dragon. I attacked his face down Sangan, and he searched out
Ultimate Baseball kid. ? ? ? I ended, and he drew. He set a
monster in def, and a s/t face down. I Played Soul Exchange
and tributed his face down for Jinzo. I ended, and he gave
Two surrenders in one day, am I on that much of a roll. Gosh
I hope not because I don't like it when people surrender. I
restored my deck to its original state, and waited on the
next round.
Round 3:
Kevin D. vs Ian Hastings
Alright I've beaten Ian before it wasn't going to be big
Duel 1:
Kevin got cocky, Ian won.
Duel 2:
I side deck King Tiger (x3), and Royal Oppression (x3).
But it didn't matter, he Creature Swapped My Spirit Reaper
for his Pyramid Turtle, summoned another Pyramid turtle,
Suicided them into each other and searched Out two V-Lords.
That was game.
Ok the lesson, Don't get cocky! ! ! A lesson hard learned.
Well Round 4, and if Ian wins maybe I'll still make the
finals and hopefully get my DVD. ::crosses fingers and
Round 4: OMG
Kevin D. vs Chi Yang
When I first started coming to Tangled Web Chi used to
intimidate the heck out of me. He's still a good player and
I have to be on my guard against him, but I've improved a
lot in my 2 years going there. Well we sat down and drew
opening hands. I found out quickly it was another Zombie
Duel 1:
He managed to get Ryu Kokki out fast and I couldn't make a
Duel 2:
Alright well I almost side decked, but for some reason I
didn't. It worked out ok. I played hard, and we forced each
other down to about 5 cards each in the decks. Chi had run
out of creatures, when I got my last Monarch on the field.
Zaborg Bless you.
Duel 3:
This one was all Thestalos. I got him out early, and hit Ryu
Kokki in his hand. Thestalos was then Snatched, and I got
hit for 3600 from him and a Pyramid Turtle. I drew Soul
Exchange, sacked his Pyramid Turtle for Mobius and Destroyed
Snatch Steal getting back Thestalos. Next turn he played
Lightning Vortex discarding his Sinister, which was the only
card he had in his. Next turn I drew and set Cyber Jar. Then
he used Nobleman, and Book of Life to get back Ryu Kokki,
and discarded Sinister for Cost down to summon another Kokki.
I responded with Scape Goat. And prayed. He attacked, and I
responded. He attacked and I responded with Scape Goat. Then
I drew and played Metamorphosis, and summoned TER (Thousand
Eyes Restrict). I sucked up a Ryu Kokki and ended. Next turn
Snatch Stole my TER and attacked my last Scape Goat. I drew,
Sinister and used Metamophosis on my Sinister, and sucked
back up my own TER. I ended. We both set their and just drew
for a few turns. Then set a card. That's when I realized
what he had done. Nobleman of Crossout removes all flip
effects in the deck. Doesn't affect the ones in he hand. He
had been hoping to draw his Tribe, but instead he had been
holding his Cyber Jar. I drew, and set Torrential Tribute
face down. Sure enough I was right, Cyber jar. I got
Breaker, Sarah(My D. D. warrior Lady), and Morphing Jar,
with Delinquent Duo, Monster Reincarnation. He got nothing.
I drew nothing important, so I dropped Sinister for Monster
Reincarnation got back Thestalos, and sacked Morphing Jar
for him, and took his Vampire Lord out. I attacked and he
responded with Waboku. Dang it. Next turn he set one card. I
attacked and he responded with Waboku. He drew and ended. I
attacked for game.
Yeah I made the finals.
Finals Round 1:
Kevin D. vs. Ian Hasting
Not taking him lightly this time. I'm going in Guns Blazing.
And I did duel 1. I won that one fast.
Alright well like almost every other Yugioh player I know
I'm a level 1 Judge. In my free time I read tournament
reports and forums learning all I can about rulings and
such. Well this time I got in an argument about a card
rulings with a guy who wasn't even involved in our duel.
Wouldn't you know it. The guy (Tracy) was trying to argue
that I had to have a monster on my side of the field to use
Soul Exchange. I knew I didn't, and then my opponent, saw it
as an escape from loosing his face downs when I summoned
Mobius. I called Dennis (The Judge) over and ruled in my
favor. Ian responded with Ring, Scapegoats. OK. Well I set a
card and ended. He flipped his Spirit Reaper, and Summoned
Pyramid Turtle. I responded with Mirror force. He ended, I
drew and looked at my hand. Thestalos, Mobius, Zaborg,
Metamorphosis, and Morphing Jar. Ouch. I set Morphing Jar,
and Metamorphosis. He Summoned Regenerating Mummy and
attacked my Jar. I lost a lot in my hand, and he lost his. I
drew 5 cards, and well let's just say: Delinquent Duo, Ring,
Berserk, Tribe, and Breaker. I drew Sinister. I Delinquent,
and kills his Pyramid Turtle, and he drops a Book of Life,
OK? I summon Berserk, and Kill his regenerating. He sets. I
draw Pot and play it, and get Soul exchange and Monster
Reincarnation. I Play Reincarnation, discard sinister, and
Call Thestalos back. I Summon Breaker and break his face
down Mirror Force, and Attack. He sets again and ends. I
draw, and Sack Breaker for Thestalos. He looses Ryu Kokki,
what a shot. I attack a face down Spirit Reaper. Dang it. I
set Call of the Haunted. He draws and ends. I draw Zaborg. I
trigger Call and Revive Mobius, Sack Berserk for Zaborg,
blow up Spirit Reaper and attack for game.
Kevin D. vs Tracy (Mr. Argue rulings.)
Round 1:
Stupid Black Luster soldier envoy, he timed it so perfectly
and I couldn't make a come back.
Round 2:
I can do more damage than that. He snatchs my Berserk
Gorilla, and Summons Breaker hitting me for 3900. Ouch. I
play Snatch on his Breaker, remove Breakers counter to get
my gorilla back, summon another Gorilla, and attack for 5600
HA! He didn't recover.
Round 3:
Hard fought till the last round. He plays Mind control
(Huh?!?) on my Tribe, and discard Sacred Phoenix Nephytis
kill both my Berserks. I get Tribe back, and attack with
everything I've got trying to kill him. Nephytis returns
next turn, and he finishes me with that.
Second place wasn't bad. I was able to trade in my Packs for
store credit and get Gundam Seed Volume 3. Woo Hoo
Dennis and the Tangled Web Staff.
All my opponents.
Thestalos, Oh my gosh you are awesome
Soul Exchange for being so awesome
Arguing a stupid ruling.
Nephytis. (Oh well. )