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For Rent
LV_Deck_Garden_Ridge_Plano - Robby Stewart
Subject:Second big tournie with LV deck
Location: Garden Ridge
Fee: 15$ Prize:
1st 150$ store credit
2nd- Box of Dark Revelations
3rd,4th,5th- 4 packs of w/e you wanted
6th,7th,8th- 2 packs of w/e you wanted
Duelist and Deck: My names Robby and i wanted to just make
the finals again,and these guys were talking trash and i
wanted to beat them.....
Rules: No Elimination but if you lost two, chances are you
wont make finals
Date: April 9 2005
Deck: Tribs:6 Horus The Black Flame Dragon LV8 X1 Silent
SwordsMan LV 7X1 Jinzo X1 Silent SwordsMan LV 5 x1 Horus The
Black Flame Dragon LV6 x2 Lv4 Monsters or lower: Magician of
Faith X2 Horus THe Black Flame Dragon Lv4 x2 Silent
SwordsMan LV3 x2 Breaker the magical warrior x1 Twin Headed
BehemothX1 Spear Dragonx2 Cyber Jarx1 D.D. Warrior LadyX1
Spirit Reaper X2 Tribe Infecting Virus X1 SanganX1 Sinister
SerpentX1 Maraudin Captain X2 Magic- Giant TrunadeX1
Delinquit DuoX1 Heavy Storm X1 Graceful Charity X1 Pot of
GreedX1 Mystical Space TyphoonX1 Premature Burial X1
Lighting Vortex X1 Snatch StealX1 Swords of Revealing
LightX1 ScapeGoat x1 LV up! x2 Traps- Nightmare WheelX2
Mirror ForceX1 Ring of DestructionX1 Magic Cylenderx1` Call
of the Hauted X1 Sakurestu ArmorX1 Torrential TributeX1
well i was excited more than nervous this time, i made
finals the week before, and was pretty confident i would do
the same this week. My friend Andre was in this tournie,
i'll keep you updated on his results. well the rules pretty
much were u win 4/5 games and your in the finals. They have
some kinda point system that i don really know about but
some how it works.
LET THE DUELS BEGIN! Round ONE! LV vs Some kinda weird deck,
a kid was playing, i think it was kina a lv/war thing
Game 1- he actually wins, i dono what happened. i learned
not to underestimate my opponent. he had so much random
stuff i din know what to expect, and i was a little brazen
too. i figured he was a kid so it was an easy win. He pulled
out the win though with some horn of the unicorn, and things
like that, i wasn't feeling to confident after that.
Game 2- First turn he lays down 4 cards face down, i was
praying for heavy storm. No good though, I got Jinzo though,
so i thought that was good. i was able to get some monsters
out, he used his traps of course, nothing huge. Things like
Compulsory Evactuation Device, and one Raigeki Break. I got
out Silent Swords man LV 7, then he used penguin soldier to
send him back to my hand. he set a card next turn. I side
decked BLS, and summoned him out. I removed his cyber jar. I
brought out jinzo next turn, then it was over.
Game 3- He tells me to go first?? i havent seen that much.
Well i Delinquent Duo his hand. Then i Bring horus lv 4 out
and set Nightmare wheel. He summons a monster face down and
3 s/t. I decide to activate nightmare wheel so he can lose
500 lp cuz i got heavy storm to take care of his s/t. he
loses 500,heavy storm, then i sack lv 4 for LV6, and destroy
his nimble he brings out two more i bring out lv 8. so i don
really care. Je draws summons nothing and sets nothing. I
figure he's got tons of tribs in his hand, so i draw Silent
LV3 summon it, play swords then bust out lightin vortex so
he doesn't get nimbles effect. So i deal him 4000 damage,
next turn he sets monster. I go and draw NoC hahaha good top
deck. Well LV 3 lved up, so i NoC then attack him for game.
Intermission- well that din make me feel to confident, but i
decide to go to the next round with my head up... record 1-0
andre 1-0
Round TWO! LV vs CCC (cookie cutter chaos) Game 1- Godly
hand. I have PoG, D. Duo, Graceful, NoC, Reaper, Heavy. I
then got Breaker, and Horus LV6, with Pot, then with
graceful i get, Mirror Force, Nightmare Wheel, and Premature
Burial. he sets two s/t i heavy the Noc, His night
assailants. Premire LV 6, summon reaper, duo his hand so
he's down to one card, nuff said. Game 2- I dono how i
pulled it off but i had Silent LV7 and Horus LV 8 on the
field, i somehow got jinzo out, so i suicided with his BLS
with horus lv 8 tthen murded his life points. record 2-
andre 1-1( lost to a strike ninja deck ) Round THREE! LV vs
Strike Ninja ( the same one my friend lost too )
Game 1- I remember not getting a great hand, but it wasn't
bad either. He thrashed me, i coudln't really do anything, i
wanted to get rid of his friggin strike ninja but coulnd't,
Game 2- one again he takes me apart, he got 5 monsters out
like 3rd turn and i just couldn't fight back, he had two
strike ninjas on the field, and i never drew any of my
traps. i was kinda dissapointed record 2-1 ( dang! ) andre
2-1 ( go Andre! ) Intermission- well were still in the game
but it's getting close
Round FOUR! man i knew iw as going to lose, this guy was a
judge and had won plenty of tournaments with his deck,
people there have even copied it, and done really well. He
had 3 wins, but i was playing above my record, i dono why.
LV vs Machine/Chaos Game 1- not so good, he got Jinzo out
while i had no monsters and he double LImiter Removal AHH!!
Game 2- I thought i was doin ok, got his life points down to
2100 he had me at 4800, well he snatches my Jinzo, LImits it
and i take 4800 exactly he totally top decked snatch and i
was mad.. record 2-2 ( not so good ) andre 2-2 ( lost to a
last turn deck ) Intermission- well chances were me and
andre wern't in the finals, but we were ok with that. SO we
decide to play the rest of the tournie to see who does get
into the finals for fun, and do some trading.
Round FIVE! LV vs Dark Magician man i thought i was going to
lose, he had also won tournaments with his Dark Magician
deck, so i was pretty bummed out, but i dueled anyway. Game
1- Starts off he does some fancy smanchy Dark Magician
Tricks, and he teaches me a couple good techniques about
just standard dueling, like turn you sinister serpent side
ways in your graveyard so you don't forget about it, or set
a stack of quarters on your deck so you don't draw when you
don't have too, always like learning new things. Well i get
out my fav monster Silent Swordsman lv 7 out and he had 4
magic cards in his hand. I got pretty lucky on that one and
i won. GO SILENT!
Game 2- I do really well, i bring his life points down to
500, and i though i had the win cuz i had a nightmare whell
face down, He brings out darkmagician and uses Dark Magic
Attack. he NoC my face down monster he attacks me directly
then uses Dedication Through Light and Darkness to bring
DMOC and hits me for game. DANG!
Game 3- Well i thought i was going to lose this one, so i
went in pretty reluctant. I was doin well, and so was he,
our duels had been really long so time was running short. I
had gone through one DM already by the time things were
getting drastic. He Dark magic attacked and i had a cyber
jar face down. he had a breaker,DM,a Apprentice magician,
and he summoned a kycoo. he attacked and cyber jar went off.
he was taken by suprise, and was kinda mad. He dindn't get
anything, i got two monsters. well i had gone through 2 DM's
and dark magic attack, so i thought i was doin pretty good.
well i bring out Horus LV 8 and all i have is ring and
sinister serpent, he's got one face down monster, and 3050
life points, so i pray and pray that's it's not something
that can save him, so i summon Sinister in attack mode, i
attack with Hourus and it's an apprentice magician, and he
doens't have nemore lv 2 or lower spellcasters HAHAHA i
attack deirectly with sinister and then i ring horus lv8 for
the win. YA! GO LV DECK!
Record 3-2 ANdre 3-2 Well by a friggin stroke of luck 2/5
people who were 3-2 were able to get into the finals, guess
who they were? ME AND ANDRE! FINALS! LV vs Machine/Chaos
Game 1- I get out Horus LV 8 and he has three magic cards in
his hand, i win!
Game 2- he get's me with two friggin limiter removals with a
roulette barrel directly for a win.
Game 3- i stalled for a while. with spirit reapers and a
messenger of peace, but he wins and i lose, i was kinda mad
cuz he was a guy who talked alot of trash and i wanted to
beat him. well Andre loses too the guy who got 2nd in the
tournie, but we both made finals so it was pretty nice.
Slops: losing to a guy who talks alot of smack not getting
anything from my two packs! my deck needs a big revision
Props: Getting in finals again two times in a row me and
andre both making finals Contact
(please send helpful things, i like hearing my deck is great
and all, but i would like to win, so please send advice)