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Tournament Reports
From: []
Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 9:29 AM
Subject: RegnR8's Return of the Monarchs - 8/13/05
RegnR8's Return of the Monarchs
Tournament Report for 8/14/05
Hi all,
Welcome to this week's tournament report. I hope this
writing finds you well and winning!
Normally, I have two tournaments each weekend but, I only
went to one this week. You see, a few months ago, my
daughter and I were driving home at night from a tournament.
It was dark, and while we were on the expressway, my sunroof
suddenly flew off and I haven't been able to replace it yet.
I had to drive my car today and the forecast was for a fifty
percent chance of rain, so I decided to not go to the
tournament in the afternoon. I would have hated to have
gotten caught in a downpour with a big hole in my roof! LoL.
I've been messing with decks for the past couple of weeks
and returned to the Monarchs for this week. I did change it
some, simply because I was already using Metamorphsis and
Scapegoats for TER (thanks to bryu for the suggestion to
begin with) WAY BEFORE the battle position rulings changed
so, adding a couple of Tsukuyomi was a no brainer. I'm
thinking of putting in a couple of Magician of Faith and a
Book of Moon or two, too. Man, that's so cookie cutter,
This week I get screwed by MANTIS again.
Return of the Monarchs
x3 Mobius the Frost Monarch
x1 Jinzo
x1 Berserk Gorilla
x1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
x3 Nimble Momonga
x2 Tsukuyomi
x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
x1 Tribe Infecting Virus
x1 Sinister Serpent
x1 Exiled Force
x1 DD Warrior Lady
x1 Sangan
x1 Pot of Greed
x1 Graceful Charity
x1 Delinquent Duo
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Snatch Steal
x1 Swords of Revealing Light
x1 Premature Burial
x2 Nobleman of Crossout
x3 Scapegoat
x3 Metamorphosis
x1 Call of the Haunted
x1 Ring of Destruction
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Mirror Force
x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x2 Royal Decree
x1 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
x1 Chiron the Mage
x1 Berserk Gorilla
x2 Enraged Battle Ox
x3 King Tiger Wanghu
x2 Light of Intervention
x1 Ceasefire
x1 Dust Tornado
x1 Lightning Vortex
x2 Smashing Ground
The sad thing about this deck is, it keeps leaning toward a
cookie cutter everytime I switch it up....I mean really,
look at the trap line up. Except for the Decree it's pretty
standard stuff. The spells? Man, if that isn't so close to
nearly staple these days, I don't know what is.
Oh well....
Sports Cards and Collectibles
Fayetteville, Ga
$5.00 to play and you get a pack
5 rounds of Swiss
Advanced Format
1st gets 3 packs
2nd gets 2
3rd gets a kick in the pants because they suck
About 15 people showed up today
Not a good crowd today. Much smaller than usual. I did get
like, my eighth Deck Devastation Virus though. Whatever. It
works well in the right sort of deck.
MONARCHS VS Phoenix/Chaos
I am paired up with MasterLance in the first round. he and I
haven't played in quite a while. I've kept an eye out on him
when he duels others, so, I'm pretty sure I know his deck
I win the die roll and chose to go second...No, just
kidding. I wanted to make sure you were paying attention. I
go first and draw a decent first hand consisting of
Metamorphosis, Tsuku, Breaker, Graceful, RoD and Gorilla. I
activate Graceful, draw Mobius, Call of the Haunted and my
second Tsuku. I discard Mobius and Tsuku. I summon the
Gorilla and set ring.
He sets 1 S/T and one monster. Come on NoC!
I draw a BTH and activate Swords, flipping up his Cyber Jar.
He gets a bunch of unsummoneable stuff except TIV. I get
NOTHING out but my TiV. I Ring his TiV, tribute mine for a
Mobius I had gotten in the Cyber flip and destroy his set
Gaint Trunade. HA! A bluff! I set a Scapegoat and attack him
directly for 2400. I activate SoRL.
He draws and activates Graceful Charity, discarding Sinster
(of course) and Kycoo. He sets one S/T, activates SoRL and
sets a monster. I'm fairly certain it's a Magician of Faith
this time. Right after Graceful you set a monster? Come on,
that's a MoF for sure.
I draw MST and use it on his set S/T and not his Swords.
It's a Dust Tornado and he chains it on my SoRL. I Nobleman
his set card and guess what it was? If you guessed Magician
of Faith, you'd be correct! Both his MoF's go OUT of the
game and I summon Breaker, get rid of his SoRL and attack
him for 1600 and then 2400 with Mobius for game. GG.
I really thought I was going to lose this duel very badly.
He goes first and opens up with Graaceful, discarding NoC
and a Trunade. He sets one S/T and one face down monster.
I'll bet you a gazillion dollars it's a Magician of Faith.
My hand is Graceful, Mobius, BTH, Heavy Storm, Royal Decree
and I draw Jinzo. Not too good. I need Graceful to give me
something useable. I draw Sangan, TiV and the second Decree.
I discard nearly $300. I am so not liking this. I go ahead
and Heavy his Dust Tornado (yeah that was a waste). I summon
Sangan and attack his, yup, MoF. He gets back Graceful. I
set Bottomless Trap Hole and end my turn. This isn't looking
too good for me.
He draws and plays Graceful again. He discards Swords and
Torrential Tribute then activates Pot of Greed. Yes, this is
going from bad to worse for me in a great hurry. He sets one
S/T and summons Asura Priest. I think about letting him
attack my Sangan, but decide to Bottomless it. Whew. I
dodged a bullet there.
I draw NoC and tribute Sangan for Jinzo. I grab Exiled Force
with Sangan just in case he brings out something nasty real
soon. I attack with Jinzo and he responds with Scapegoat.
Curses. I set NoC as a bluff and end my turn. I have TiV in
hand so, I should be ok. Jinzo + TiV = pretty good field.
Typically during this part of the duel, my big monster gets
Snatched. I am expecting it but it doesn't happen. This is
actually good. He sets an S/T and ends his turn.
I summon TiV, discard Mobius to get rid of his tokens and
attack with Jinzo. He responds with Book of Moon on Jinzo
and takes the 1600 attack from TiV. Well, that didn't go
quite as I had hoped. At least I drew frist blood. 8000 -
He summons Tsukuyomi, flips TiV down, NoC's my Jinzo and
attacks Tribe. That sucked but he didn't do any damage to
I summon Exiled, set Bottomless and attack for 1000. Wow.
I'm actually winning. 8000 - 5400.
He summons Tsukuyomi and attacks my Exiled. This is still
not looking too bad. He sets another S/T.
I draw Torrential and end my turn.
He has 4 cards in hand to my 2. He sets a monster and ends.
This is interesting. He has used PoG once and Graceful twice
but is still playing defensively. He must not have the
greatest of hands, even after all that drawing.
I draw a Tsuku. I NoC his Tsuku. I set my Tsuku. I need it
for protection.
He summons DDWL and I Bottomless it. He has two S/T on an
open field. I certainly hope it's nothing to get rid of my
I tribute Tsuku for Mobius and destroy his set Premature
Burial and Giant Trunade. !?! The set Premature Burial
really surprised me. I attack for 2400. I am really shocked
at how the duel has swung back into my favor. 8000 - 3000. I
set Scapegoat.
Eventually a flipped Cyber Jar hurts him and I Snatch his
TIV, discard for all his monsters and attack with TiV and a
Gorilla for the win.
For some reason, I have to play this gentleman week after
week! What is up with that!? He doesn't want to duel me, and
I do not want to duel him. Not for personal reasons but
because we duel each other ALL THE TIME. Well, he's been on
a winning streak against me anyway.
These two duels were very long and drawn out. Both times, I
was winning but couldn't hang on to the lead. The first game
he got Jinzo and DMoC on me for a large hit. I knew he was
holding Delinquent because he'd gotten it with MoF. I had to
set everything so he wouldn't Duo it. I had no cards in my
hand and top deck Tribe. NO!!! If I had just held onto some
cards. Oh well.
The second duel was similar to the first. He gets out BLS on
me late game for a big hit when I was winning and he caught
up in LP damage with that one. I summon Tsuku, flip his BLS
down and NoC it but he summons a Blade Knight, attacks me
down to 300LP then Rings it in my draw phase. Awww. darn.
What the ?!? MANTIS pairs me up with the guy I just dueled
in the second round! I am so getting tired of that junk! It
ticks me off and I go ahead and scoop so I can go home. If I
had won, I would have moved on and he would have been
dropped. I just don't think that's right. I think if I had
dueled him again and won, I would have scooped anyway. I
needed to leave anyway. It looks like rain and I can't get
caught driving around without a roof!
Well, that's it for this week. Next weekend is another
regional event and I am thinking about going but part of me
says it's just too big a hassle and expense. I also have
this "been there, done that" mentality about it and have
nothing to prove anyway so...we'll see.
So, until next time, happy dueling!