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Tournament Reports
My Nationals Fiend Deck, Androfrost, Origins, Columbus, Ohio
July 2, 2005
Participants: 482 (I think)
Well, its been a while since Nationals, but I have decided
as my first tournament report I would send my Nationals
report. Will I send more? I don’t know.
First for my deck:
Monsters (18 )
2X Dark Necrofear
1X Jinzo
3X Slate Warrior
1X Archfiend Soldier
1X Breaker the Magical Warrior
3X Giant Germ
1X Sangan
2X Night Assailant
1X Exiled Force
1X Sinister Serpent
1X Tribe-Infecting Virus
1X Magician of Faith
Magic (16)
1X Pot of Greed
1X Graceful Charity
1X Heavy Storm
1X Mystical Space Typhoon
2X Book of Moon
1X Lightning Vortex
1X Swords of Revealing Light
1X Premature Burial
1X Snatch Steal
2X Nobleman of Crossout
2X Scapegoat
1X Smashing Ground
1X Creature Swap (I never should have used this thing)
Traps (6)
1X Call of the Haunted
1X Bottomless Trap Hole
1X Ring of Destruction
1X Torrential Tribute
1X Dust Tornado
1X Mirror Force
Total Cards: 40
Tourney Report!!!
What a weekend it was. Three friends and I started out on
Friday to get to Origins early for registration and some
other fun events. I had only had 4 hours of sleep the night
before since we were leaving at 6 and I had to get up at
about 4, but that was not too bad. I had one version of my
deck set up the way I liked playing it at home and was
really excited to get to Origins and try it. When we arrived
it was about 9 a.m. my time and 10 Ohio time. We decided to
walk around for a while before heading to the line and wait
to get badges for the day and Nationals day. It was nice to
hear that the day at Nationals was being paid for by UDE.
After quite some time my friends and I entered a box
tournament. Not much to say about the action, but I did very
poorly and so I knew that night I would have to make some
changes. First thing I made sure to do was to add the
Scapegoats. I realized I wasn't holding my field position
too well and was taking unnecessary hits. Other things were
added including the stupid Creature Swap which came into my
hand at way too many bad times.
This night I got about 6 hours of sleep and had to get to
Origins by 10 for a brief meeting and then to game play. If
I confused any of the names with decks or messed anything
else up I am sorry it was a long day:
Match 1: Me vs Clayton Wilson
He seemed like a nice guy. However, I pretty much
obliterated him. I am pretty sure this guy ran a type of
Chaos, but I defeated him fairly easy. I think I was kind of
lucky with great hands for this duel. I think this guy ended
up 74th for the day as well.
Duel 1: My life went up due to Snatch Steal, I don't recall
much else.
Me: 8000 - 7400 - 8400 - 9400 - 8600 - 6700
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 6500 - 6500 - 6000 - 4100 - 1700 - 0
I Win
Duel 2:
Me: 8000 - 7000
Him: 8000 - 7300 - 6300 - 4100 - 0
I Win
Record: 1 - 0
Match 2: Me vs Tony Martin
This match would go to three, but the two I won, I did so
fairly easily. The second one I had a horrible hand. I think
this is one of the Tsuku decks I faced, but he used Tsuku
mainly on his Chaos Sorcerors. He would remove with Sorceror
summon Tsuku flipping Sorceror down, flipping him and
attacking. Kind of interesting and a fun duel. He also used
Zombyra the Dark.
Duel 1: I can tell a few things about this. I am pretty sure
he surprised me a bit with getting great hand advantage with
searchers and such. Zombyra could take down some of my
stronger monsters, too. However, Chaos Sorceror would only
be a slight nuisance.
Me: 8000 - 7200 - 7000 - 5500 - 3200
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 4800 - 2900 - 600 - 0
I Win
Duel 2: I lost... bad hand and nothing I could really do. It
was a fairly close score though.
Me: 8000 - 5700 - 3800 - 2200 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7700 - 6900 - 5300 - 4800 - 4300 - 2900 - 2100
I Lose
Duel 3: This duel was a matter of big hits mainly. He first
attacked one of my Giant Germs, which promptly attacked him
directly the next turn after I took out his monster. A short
while later he was able to get out Tribe-Infecting Virus and
clear my field, then summoned BLS and attacked me for 4600.
My hand was basically set for a win since he had no m/t set.
I snatch stole his BLS, summoned Dark Necrofear and Slate
Warrior and took him out.
Me: 8000 - 3400
Him: 8000 - 7500 - 5500 - 0
I Win
Record 2 - 0
Match 3: Me vs Brian Peterson
I got way too lucky in this match. Both games I opened with
Tribe and Serpent in hand. He was running a Metamorphasis
stall deck with Chaos probably... didn't see it, though.
Duel 1: I know I hit him with Tribe twice early after
clearing his field. He summoned Fusilier and morphed him
into Last Warrior from another Planet. I Snatch Stole LWFAP
and pretty much beat him with it.
Me: 8000 - 7250
Him: 8000 - 6400 - 4800 - 4050 - 550 - 1550 - 0
I Win
Duel 2: The life points got a bit messed up and we had to
take some time to figure it out, but I think it went like
Me: 8000 - 6100 - 4400 - 1400
Him: 8000 - 6400 - 5900 - 4200 - 2200 - 400 - 0
I Win
Record 3 - 0
Match 4: Me vs Gary Kutcha from Team Nexus
Time for my luck to run out. This was another Chaos deck. I
had a really hard time dealing with his field. I was so
close to winning one of the duels, but nonetheless I lost.
Duel 1: My Germ or Sangan was bashing him and he either
couldn't or wouldn't stop it for at least 4 turns. I got so
close before I think BLS came out and messed me up
Me: 8000 - 5700 - 4300 - 3500 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 6000 - 5000 - 2700 - 1900
I Lose
Duel 2: I think he snatch stole my Necrofear and Metamorphed
it into Gatling Dragon, but I am not sure.
Me: 8000 - 7600 - 6600 - 2000 - 1000 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 6500 - 5700
I Lose
Record 3 - 1
Match 5: Me vs Hunter Miller
Have you ever had one match that became a really depressing
loss? This was mine, probably a lot of the reason I forgot
to write down the name of my next opponent. This guy ran a
burn deck with BLS!!! What the... Anyway, I made one big
mistake that probably cost me the match that I will get to
in a moment.
Duel 1: I went up in flames by the burn. Completely
unexpected, but I knew my side deck could help. He finished
me by activating 2 Secret Barrels at once. His damage was
only caused by his own Messenger of Peace.
Me: 8000 - 6100 - 5100 - 3600 - 2600 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7900 - 7800
I Lose
Duel 2: Massive side decking. I put about 7 cards in to help
out. I drew most of my help cards early including Mobius,
Cursed Seal of Forbidding Spell, and Mystic Swordsman LV2.
Cursed Seal hit his Wave Motion Cannon and Mystic Swordsman
wiped out his Stealth Birds.
Me: 8000 - 6100
Him: 8000 - 7900 - 5300 - 4300 - 0
I Win
Duel 3: I sided in one more card and he side decked as well.
I made the mistake here. When I Call of the Haunted my Jinzo
to stop him from finishing me with Secret Barrel I forgot to
use my set/summon for the turn. I should have set my Night
Assailant and I could have cleared a monster that I forget
now from really hurting me later on. I did hit him for a lot
with Jinzo, Lava Golem, and King Tiger Wanghu on the next
turn, but I failed in the end. He used ring on his BLS
finishing me and putting him at 300.
Me: 8000 - 7000 - 6900 - 6200 - 5200 - 4200 - 3200 - 1300 -
Him: 8000 - 3300 - 300
I Lose
Record 3 - 2
Match 6: Me vs Guy I forgot to record the name of...
I know this was a Chaos deck, but I don't recall much else.
I Ringed a DD Assailant early, heh. This was a sad loss.
Duel 1:
Me: 8000 - 6300 - 5300 - 2700 - 100 - 0
Him: 8000 - 6300
I Lose
Duel 2:
Me: 8000 - 6400 - 4500 - 2400 - 300 - 0
Him 8000 - 7500 - 5200 - 6200 - 7200 - 6200 - 5700 - 6700 -
5100 - 3200 - 1000
I Lose
Record 3 - 3
Match 7: Me vs Reynaldo Lizo
This guy had to go to the bathroom the entire time the duel
was going on and he was easily distracted as well. While we
were dueling the guy sitting next to me was basically thrown
out of the place for dueling under someone elses name. This
guy was running a Chaos deck with Wave Motion Cannon in it.
Duel 1:
Me: 8000 - 7000 - 4300 - 5300 - 4200
Him: 8000 - 7200 - 6100 - 3900 - 1700 - 700 - 100 - 0
I Win
Duel 2:
Me: 8000 - 7400 - 5400 - 3400 - 1700 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 6500 - 4500 - 3500 - 3000 - 2200
I Lose
Duel 3: He actually had to quit at the end of this because
he had to go to the bathroom so bad.
Me: 8000 - 7500 - 6600 - 4900 - 2000
Him: 8000 - 6100 - 4200 - 3200 - 2400 - 700
I Win
Record 4 - 3
Match 8: Me vs Jonny Nagel
I was kind of glad that this was an original deck, but I
didn't like his attitude too well. I won, but after I won
the guy said he would give me a card if I signed the win
over to him. I looked, but there was no way I would. This
guy was using a beast deck.
Duel 1: I Nobleman of Crossout'd his Nimble Momonga and it
went down hill for him from there even though it looks
close. I attacked his Enraged Battle Ox with Giant Germ,
summoned another and attacked it again to finish him.
Me: 8000 - 7900 - 7200 - 5200 - 3800 - 2500 - 1700
Him: 8000 - 6100 - 4200 - 3700 - 800 - 300 - 0
I Win
Duel 2: I attacked a Nimble... then all went horribly bad.
Out came too more. He played Graceful dumping Manticore of
Darkness, played Enemy Controller on my Slate Warrior,
summoned the Hand of N, tributed Slate and Hand for the
Phoenix, and attacked. At the end of the turn he had the
Phoenix and Manticore on the field so I was basically
Me: 8000 - 5600 - 3700 - 0
Him: 8000 - 9000
I Lose
Duel 3: This was interesting. He almost beat me with
Dimension Fusion bringing out 2X Bazoo, Tribe, Exiled, and
Serpent. I hung on, summoned my Tribe wiped out his beasts,
and came back for a great victory.
Me: 8000 - 6400 - 5600 - 400
Him: 8000 - 7500 - 7200 - 3400 - 1400 - 1100 - 0
I Win
Record 5 - 3
Match 9: Me vs Henry Ke
Henry would end up 38th so I don't feel too bad about losing
to him. He ran a Zombie/Chaos deck that was very tough. Dark
Necrofear did confuse him for a bit, however.
Duel 1: I think Vampire Lord pretty much had his way with
Me: 8000 - 7200 - 5200 - 3200 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7800 - 6800 - 6600 - 4200 - 3100 - 4100
I Lose
Duel 2: His Sangan was beating me up for quite a while and
then I think he summoned BLS and kept removing my stuff. I
also couldn't draw anything helpful...
Me: 8000 - 7200 - 6200 - 5200 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7500 - 6700 - 4300 - 4100 - 3300
I Lose
Record 5 - 4
Match 10: Me vs Richard Lataila (sp?)
I really do like the strategy this deck used. He ran
Serpent, Night Assailants with flips including Slate, and
Thunder Dragons to try and improve his hand size. It was a
fun duel and one of the best all day. It is the only match I
actually got to try out the new time running out rule they
created. The funniest thing about this was both times he got
to use D-Duo I won. When he didn't he won.
Duel 1: Very close game and a lot of fun. It took us over 20
minutes to finish this one and a judge came over to watch us
Me: 8000 - 7000 - 6000 - 5600 - 4000 - 2100 - 200
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 6900 - 6100 - 3700 - 2900 - 1000 - 0
I Win
Duel 2: Meh, not much to say, but I lost. It was still fun.
Me: 8000 - 7500 - 5100 - 3800 - 2300 - 700 - 0
Him: 8000 - 7200 - 5300 - 4700
I Lose
Duel 3: This is the duel that went to time. I had way too
much of an advantage when time was called for him to make a
comeback so I won. I give props to this guy.
Me: 8000 - 7400 - 6600 - 4500 - end of time - 5500
Him: 8000 - 7000 - 6000 - 5000 - 2300 - end of time
Final Record: 6 - 4
A fun day full of excitement. Three of my friends also went
6-4 and the other friend who was there went 5-5. I won 3
packs of cards. I was glad to go, it was a great day and
would go again if the chance arises. Hope you enjoyed
reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Name: Androfrost