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Tournament Reports
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: RegnR8's Total Body Control - June 11, 2005
RegnR8's Total Body Control
Tournament Report for June 11, 2005
Sports Cards and Collectibles
Fayetteville, Ga.
$5.00 to play and you get a pack
5 rounds of Swiss
Advanced Format
3 packs for first
2 packs for second
Nothing for third cuz you suck
25 or 30 folks today
Hi all,
Welcome to today's edition of the tournament report! I hope
this writing finds you well and winning!
I had an interesting week! I wasn't able to go to any
tournament last week because I had a company picnic in the
morning and my eldest daughter's dance recital that evening.
I had forgotten about both of those events so, when I didn't
show up at any of the tournaments, the rumors started
flying! Everyone thought I had quit playing Yugioh! I must
have been asked by half a dozen people if I had quit! Even
the store owner asked me! Well, I didn't quit and here I am
with a new deck! I call it "The Total Body Control" deck.
Basically, it's a "damn the torpedos" type deck, nearly a
suicide deck. It's based around taking all my opponents
monsters and tributing them for my own. I had heard so many
people complain about how bad Brain Control is, I decided to
show them how broken it can be in the right deck. Now, the
deck performed well, but I had never playtested it until the
tournament. I discovered a few bugs, but I think I can work
them out before the next tournament tomorrow. Here it is as
it started the day.
Total Body Control
x3 Mobius the Frost Monarch
x3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
x2 The End of Anubis
x1 Jinzo
x1 Dark Magician of Chaos
x2 Berserk Gorilla
x1 Big Shield Gardna
x1 Tribe Infecting Virus
x1 Sinister Serpent
x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
x1 Blade Knight
x1 Pot of Greed
x1 Graceful Charity
x3 Scapegoat
x3 Stray Lambs
x3 Enemy Controller
x3 Brain Control
x3 Soul Exchange
x1 Snatch Steal
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Premature Burial
x1 Call of the Haunted
x2 Light of Intervention
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x3 King Tiger Wanghu
x2 Enraged Battle Ox
x2 Smashing Ground
x1 Torrential Tribute
x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Ring of Destruction
x1 Magic Cylinder
x1 Royal Oppression
x1 Ceasefire
At first glance, it looks really horrible and stupid but, it
works. One card I am definately taking out of the deck, and
not even bothering with, is Dark Magician of Chaos. Every
time but once, it was dead weight in my hand. Two cards that
surprised me with how well they worked were the Big Shield
Gardna and the Light of Intervention, especially the Light
of Intervention. That one card screwed people up to no end.
Magician of Faith? Ha. Book of Moon? Ha! I laugh in your
face. The End of Anubis came in handy, too.
The biggest single problem I had with the deck was, now get
ready for this because it sounds unbelievable, it doesn't
have ENOUGH tribute monsters in it! I thought it had too
many but, in retrospect, it doesn't have enough. The
majority of the time, I had plenty of opportunities to take
my opponents monsters, but didn't have a monster to tribute
for it. Oh well, I think I am going to drop one of the
Berserk and the DMoC for maybe two Ancient Gear Beasts.
They're only 2000Atk, but the trap and spell negating thing
may be nice. We'll see how it goes.
Basically, the deck relies on Mobius, Breaker and Heavy for
the S/T removal. I did side deck in the MST for the DMoC
between many duels because, like I said, the DMoC was just
too slow and unreliable. The side deck is built to switch up
the deck to more of a beast down deck but, I never sided out
of the Body Control. There is one card I am definately going
to add to the side deck and it's DD Survivor. Many of my
monsters got Bottomlessed and I saw DD Assailant and DD
Warrior Lady everywhere.
OK, enough of the preamble. I got there right on time and
playtested my Skull Servant deck and didn't lose a duel all
day with it! It worked beautifully and a 3000 attack King of
the Skull Servants is nothing to be laughed at! Well, I
laughed at it when I attacked my opponent!
Wahhhahahahahahhhaa......ahhhh....too funny.
I also did some trading for a couple of Ancient Gear Golems.
I traded off my last BLS-EotB for it and an Ultimate Card of
Every one says Card of Sanctity sucks too, but they're
wrong. A good card in the hands of a good deck builder can
be abused to no end. I have two now, and that deck is just
around the corner. Mid game, a DD Survivor and a Card of
Sanctity could make a huge difference but, I digress.
First pairings were called and I get paired up with the 2nd
place finisher at the last Georgia Regionals. What?! Oh
gosh, test me out right out of the bag. I was sure I would
Ok. Well, I didn't expect him to be using a burn deck that
sided into Exodia. Wierd. He said he won with it last week.
Let's give it a whirl.
I didn't know what he was running. I thought it was CCCC. I
win the die roll and go first. My opening hand is pretty
good. Sinister, Light of Intervention, Call of the Haunted,
Brain Control, Jinzo and I draw another Brain Control. I set
the Sinister and the Light of Intervention.
In his draw phase, I activate Light of Intervention. He sets
2 S/T and discards a Thunder Dragon to get two more to his
hand. I'm thinking this is definately Chaos. He summons a
Des Koala in face up defense position and now I guess he's
using burn with BLS tossed in. I Brain Control his Koala and
tribute it for Jinzo. A turn later, I'm beating him up
pretty good with TiV and Jinzo when he special summons a
Lava Golem. He activates Gravity Bind. I take 1000LP damage
in my standby phase, but Call Jinzo back and attack him for
5400 and the win.
He side decks a lot and I don't.
He goes first and plays Upstart Goblin and now I'm thinking
he's switched to Last Turn. He stalls with LLAB for a while
and I still don't know what he's doing. When I tribute
something for Thestalos and take out his head of Exodia, I
know what he's using. The Light of Intervention messes him
up again because he keeps having to summon defense position
Night Assailant and Old Vindictive Magician and MoF. Ha.
Mobius takes care of his LLAB and then I swarm with a
Thestalos, Mobius and Sinister Serpent! GO SINISTER!
Well, that was interesting. A problem I had was deciding if
I should leave Jinzo off the field with a Light of
Intervention activated. Hmmm, had to think about that
several times today.
Argh. Another Top 8 Regional finisher. He plays with "The
Mat". Respect "The Mat".
I go first and draw an ok hand. DMoC, Berserk, Premature
Burial, Light of Intervention, Brain Control and Stray
Lambs. I set Light of Intervention and activate Stray Lambs.
He plays Graceful, discarding Jinzo and Scapegoat. He plays
Pot of Greed. Lucky, lucky, lucky. I'm guessing Delinquent
Duo is next. Nope? OK. He summons a Berserk and attacks a
Lamb token.
I Brain Control his Gorilla, tribute it for Mobius and he
chains his Scapegoat. I attack a token. I activate Light of
He does nothing. I know he likes to draw cards when he can,
and not do anything until he can string a big combo on you
so, I play carefully, too. I keep attacking his tokens.
Finally, he summons a DD Assailant in defense position.
Soon, his tokens are gone and I do not want to attack his
Assailant because I am holding a totally worthless DMoC in
my hand and I can't get it on the field. The Mobius is my
only protection.
My luck runs out. Lightning Vortex wipes out my field and I
have a stupid DMoC in my hand. Big Shield Gardna stalls for
a bit, but I have no tribute monsters I can use my Brain
Control or Soul Exchange on and he kills me. That sucked.
This time, the deck works like a charm. Soul Exchange takes
all his DD Assailants and he finally runs out of options.
Light of Intervention forces him to play his MoF's face up
and A Called Jinzo takes care of him. It was 6300 to
negative 3100. Not bad.
This is why I must add more tibutes into the deck. I draw
all S/T cards for my first three turns and when I finally
draw a monster its a weak Blade Knight. To add insult to
injury, he used Enemy Controller on one of my Scapegoat
tokens and attacked me with Kycoo. I didn't have any
monsters in my graveyard though. I got beat down by a single
Kycoo after he Bottomlessed the second monster I drew. I did
manage to get Tribe on the field to get rid of his warriors,
but he Snatched it next turn and I was at 700lp. Crap. Oh
Man! Is it my day to play against all the DIFFICULT people!
This person finished 15th at the regionals. He killed me two
weeks ago with this CCCCrap deck.
This was actually pretty fun. Light of Intervention stops
his dumb Magician of Faith (he uses three) and I Snatch his
own Kycoo and remove his own monsters from his graveyard to
stop him from BLSing me. He stalls a little with Book of
Moon when Jinzo is on the field. Here again, I had to think
twice about tributing for Jinzo with my Light of
Intervention active, but I do it anyway. He NoC's my Jinzo
and pretty much plays defensively. He has one S/T set and I
tribute my Big Shield for Mobius and destroy his Graverobber
(?) What the?! Whatever. He's top decking. I have Mobius on
the field plus a set Sinister. I have an Enemy Controller
set and the Light of Intervention face up. Total field
advantage. I have 6400 LP and he has 600. Total LP
advantage. I have four cards in my hand and he has none.
Total hand advantage. I tell him if he top decks BLS right
now, I will smack him upside his head. He draws and REMOVES
A LIGHT AND A FREAKIN' DARK for Chaos Sorceror. Oh, well,
not too bad. I go ahead and activate my Enemy Controller,
tributing my Sinster to take control of it for a turn and he
doesn't use priority. Next turn, I Brain Control BLS's
little brother and remove itself from play then attack him.
He side decks about eight or nine cards. I keep the deck the
same but take out the retarded DMoC for my MST like I did
between most duels.
He opens out with Pot of Greed followed by Delinquent Duo.
Great. He takes out a Scapegoat and I choose Thestalos. I
have Premature Burial left in my hand, so all is not lost.
He sets one S/T and one monster. Magician of Faith I bet.
I draw The End of Anubis and Soul Exchange his Night
Assailant for it and set Enemy Controller.
He MST's my Controller and Brain Control's my Anubis,
tributing it for Airknight, drawing a card. He's getting way
ahead in the number of cards he has in his hand. He has
twice as many cards than I do.
I draw TiV. Man, I hate this card. I hate playing it. I play
it anyway and discard for fairy and attack. I set the
Premature Burial as a bluff.
He sets a face down monster.
I tribute my TiV for Jinzo, Premature Burial Anubis and
attack what I thought was a Magician of Faith, but it's a
Royal Magical Library. Meh. I attack him directly for 2500
with Anubis.
He draws and conceeds. Ok. Not bad.
Well, hot diggity dog, I made it to the semi finals with a
totally unconventional goofy deck! Way to go! One loss to
the luckiest person on the face of the earth and the other
wins were fairly convincing. Hooray.
again over and over ad nauseum. Barf.
Once again, it's the Chaos deck of choice. Man, doesn't
anybody think anymore? Apparently not. This guy use to run a
more control type deck with Don Zaloog, Spirit Reaper, Drop
Off and that sort of thing, but he switched it to CCCC
because he wasn't winning with it. He was undefeated today.
Until he got Body Controlled.......Totally. That was a joke.
Ha....hmmm, yeah.
I get Light of Intervention, Graceful, Soul Exchange, Brain
Control, Berserk and End of Anubis. I play Graceful, get
Premature Burial, another End of Anubis and Soul Exchange. I
dump one End of Anubis and one Soul Exchange. I summon
Berserk, set Light of Intervention and end my turn.
He Delinquent Duo's me and picks the Soul Exchange and I
discard the second Anubis. He plays Heavy Storm, summons a
Goblin and attacks my Gorilla.
I Soul Exchange his GAF for Mobius and destroy his set card.
He summons a Reflect Bounder, falsley assuming it's going to
protect him and I won't attack it. Who cares? I'll attack a
Reflect Bounder any time, buddy. But I don't. I Brain
Control it for another Mobius, getting rid of his set S/T. I
Premature Burial Anubis and attack him for 7300LP damage and
that would be GG.
I draw the ever so useless DMoC again and it sits and sits
in my hand. I have the same problem I had in an earlier
duel. I never draw a tribute monster I can use all my
control cards for. I lose miserably. DMoC just doesn't cut
it in this deck.
To make a long story short, this guy will dump his hand all
the time and he certainly did it this game. He set three S/T
cards, two of which were Dust Tornado and activated SoRL on
his first turn. Thestalos takes out his BLS (hahahah) and
Light of Intervention kills his stupid little Magician of
Faiths and I simply over power him because he has no cards.
WOW! I made it to the finals! Excellent. I'm thinking the
deck can work really well with a little fine tuning.
I lost to this deck in the second round. I lose to it again
in the finals. I'm not even going to go into any great
detail because you can guess how the duels went. This guy is
the LUCKIEST duelist in the world and is a prime example of
how my motto, "He who draws the broken cards first, wins!"
is so TRUE!
Heavy Storm, Vortex, Delinquent Duo.
Heavy, Graceful, Delinquent, Lightning Vortex and Mirror
Force. By the third turn, he has BLS out on the field. Tribe
gets rid of it but he top decks Premature Burial. The duel
is done in four turns. Crazy luck.
I get a little ticked off because there's no skill in that.
CCC decks are so no brainer.
Oh well. It's ALL GOOD!
I made it to the finals! Cool. I had no idea the deck would
do that well. Now, it's off to tweak it a little for
tomorrow! I get my packs for coming in first loser position
and pull nothing worth keeping. It doesn't matter.
Until next time, happy dueling!
RegnR8 |