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Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 4:45 PM
RegnR8's Absolute Rule of the Monarchs - March 5th and 6th,
RegnR8's Absolute Rule of the Monarchs
March 5 & 6, 2005
Hi all,
Welcome to this special double edition of the tournament
report we all know and love!
Thanks to all who have emailed me! I try to answer all of
them when I have the time, but I am getting more and more
so, it's becoming increasingly difficult to answer them all.
I'll do my best, so don't be offended if I don't answer
right away!
This weekend was frustrating and interesting at the same
time. The Mantis program screws me AGAIN! This time, I am
fed up with how it keeps messing up everything and I took it
to the store owner and he is going to look into it for me.
More about that later.
I made minor changes to the deck and substantional changes
to the side deck. I was looking through my cards, thinking
about what hurts me the most and how I could shore up my
defenses. I also was looking at what seemed to help me the
most and how I could strengthen that aspect of the deck.
In looking for cards to help my defense, I came across Royal
Oppression. There are many people that rely on special
summoning of monsters (including myself) and I thought Royal
Oppression may be a good asset in my side deck, especially
for Taka-shi and his Chaos deck, which is VERY heavy on
Metamorphosis/Scapegoat and the summoning of the Chaos
monsters. I didn't want to main deck any, but I did throw
three in my side deck. They proved to be VERY effective
throughout the weekend. I had to be careful when I activate
one though, because it did actually hurt me in one duel. I
also found the Magic Drain to be helpful so, I decided to
main deck one to see how it did.
Offensively, the one card that really helps me the most is
Metamorphosis. So, I decided to up the count to three. This
too, proved useful a couple of times. After the ban list
takes effect, I may opt for returning 2 Night Assailant to
the deck and switching the Magic Drain to Magic Jammers.
Just a thought. The deck will be easy to switch out to the
new ban list. No problem there.
So here's the deck this week:
x3 Nimble Momonga
x3 Berserk Gorilla
x2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
x2 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
x1 Thestalos the Fire Monarch
x1 Tribe Infecting Virus
x1 Sinister Serpent
x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
x1 Morphing Jar
x1 Twin Headed Behemoth
x1 Fiber Jar
x1 Magical Scientist
x3 Scapegoat
x2 Creature Swap
x3 Metamorphosis
x1 Nobleman of Crossout
x1 Pot of Greed
x1 Change of Heart
x1 Snatch Steal
x1 Swords of Revealing Light
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Painful Choice
x1 Premature Burial
x1 The Forceful Sentry
x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Ring of Destruction
x1 Call of the Haunted
x1 Magic Drain
x3 Kinetic Soldier
x3 King Tiger Wanghu
x1 Magic Drain
x3 Royal Oppression
x1 Jinzo
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Nobleman of Crossout
x1 Royal Decree
x1 Enemy Controller
March 5th
Sports cards and Collectables
Fayetteville, Ga.
$5.00 to enter
Around 25 people today. Excellent turnout.
6 rounds of Swiss
3 packs for first
2 packs for second
Nothing for the losers
Well, this was the first tournament in the store's new
location. It's bigger and better for sure! Horray! BUT! I
can't walk to the Dunkin Donuts anymore so, that's negative
points for the location. It is within walking distance to a
convienence store, so that's a plus, I guess.
First things first, I bought two boxes of Flaming Eternity
and was pretty happy with what I got. Especially the
Lightning Vortex. I pulled two, one of which is an Ultimate
Rare. SCORE! Other cards of note were: 2 Blast Magician (one
Ultimate), Gearfried the Swordmaster, 2 Deck Devastation
Virus, Ultimate Behemoth King of All Animals, Granmarg the
Rock Monarch and assorted Rares and Supers. I did have to
trade a couple of Silent Swordsman LV3 for an Ultimate
Phoenix, but I was happy. I will probably purchase one more
box next weekend and then trade out of that for what I need.
Enough of the blah, blah, yakkity schmakkity. On to the
I roll a two, so I'm thinking my bad luck of die rolls is
continuing but, he rolls a one. Hooray. I go first and draw
Scapegoat, Morphing Jar, Metamorphosis, Swords, Gorilla and
Twin Headed Behemoth. I set the Scapegoat and summon the
He plays Pot and summons a Mirage Dragon, Book of Moon's my
Gorilla and attacks. He sets a S/T card and ends. I activate
Scapegoat in his end phase. He says, "Why did you do that?"
Little does he know....evil laughter....
I draw Pot and play it. I get Tribe and Heavy Storm. I Heavy
his set Card Destruction and know he's got nothing. I Morph
a token to TER and take his Mirage Dragon and attack him.
He plays Smashing Ground on my TER and attacks a token with
a Masked Dragon.
I draw Snatch, summon Tribe, discard for dragon and attack.
He summons a Luster and attacks my Tribe.
I draw MST and activate Swords.
He sets a monster and ends.
I draw a Nimble and set it.
He flips his Fiber Jar and summons Twin Head, then plays
Card Destruction and I get a Metamorphosis, Gorilla,
Breaker, Forceful and my Twin Head. He attacks me with the
Twin Head.
I draw Zaborg and Forceful his Change of Heart. Hey, that's
two cards we won't see in a few days. I set my Twin Head and
a Metamorphosis as a bluff.
He summons a Luster and attacks my Twin Head. He attacks
directly with his Twin Head and I bring mine back during the
end phase. He sets a S/T card.
I draw MST and use it on his Cylinder. Heh. I tribute my
Twin Head for Zaborg and destroy his Luster. I attack his
Twin Head. He forgets to get it during his end phase and
could have won the duel if he hadn't made that error.
I'm losing 3200 to 4800 when he Snatchs my Zaborg and, if he
had remembered to get his Behemoth back, he could have
attacked with both and won. He realized his mistake too late
and I would not let him get his Behemoth back. He didn't
complain too much because he knew he blew it. He attacked me
with my Zaborg, the tributed it for a face down monster.
When he tributed my Zaborg for a face down monster, I said,
"That's a Kaiser Glider." He said, "I need to change my
deck". I just activate Scapegoat.
He summons a Masked Dragon and attacks a token.
I have a Metamorphosis in my hand and I want the Kaiser
Glider face up so I can suck it up with TER but I can't
remember what it's defense is. I only have 800LP left to his
3500. I go ahead and attack his set Kaiser Glider with a
Gorilla and it's defense is 2200 so, I take 200LP damage but
at least it's face up now. I Morph a token to TER and take
it. More evil laughter.
He sets a monster.
I attack his set Luster with TER.
I stall a while, tribute the Gorilla for Thestalos and do
400LP damage by taking out a Spear Dragon. I NoC another
Masked Dragon and when I Creature Swap a token for his other
Masked Dragon, he can't recover and I snatch victory from
the jaws of defeat!
I was losing again by a couple of thousand LP when TER
stalls for a good while. Soon he has only one card in his
hand and an open field (after I MST the monster I hand on
TER to take his set monster). I have kept setting monsters,
and when I tribute TER for Thestalos and take the only card
he has left out of his hand (it was Kaiser Glider), I hit
him for 6500LP damage with Thestalos, Tribe, Behemoth and
finally the Nimble for the win. GO NIMBLE!
I had no idea what this deck was. He played Final Countdown
on the second turn and stalled like crazy with LLAB, Swords
and everything else you could think of. I lose by Final
Countdown. Wheeee! That was neat!
I side deck the Tigers and Torrential and another NoC and
other stuff and I really get lucky. I NoC two Stealth Birds
and Mobius takes care of all his ST fairly early in the game
and I win this one within three or four turns.
Once again, Nobleman of Crossout comes through and Zaborg
takes care of all his pesky monsters while Mobius takes care
of his S/T.
Grrr. It's Taka-shi and his evil deck. Well, I've got
something for him today. I'm probably going to lose the
first game, but I am going to side deck in the Royal
Oppression and see how it goes.
I'm psychic. I lose really badly.
I side deck in all three Royal Oppressions and the Tigers. I
think I side decked 11 cards if I remember correctly (which
I probably don't).
Beautiful. He tries to Morph and I negate it with Royal
Oppression. He tries to remove a light and a dark for Chaos
Sorceror and I negate it. The Royal Oppression and the
Tigers do their job wonderfully.
He choses to go first and sets one S/T and one monster.
I get a Goat, Ring, Morphing Jar, Nimble, Tiger and Magic
Drain. I set the Goat and the Ring and summon the Tiger. I
attack his monster and he activates Waboku. He still has to
flip up the monster and it's Exiled Force. It's
automatically destroyed by the Tiger's effect. Now, before
people get bent on me, the Tiger's effect doesn't work on
cards that are "flip summoned". Attacking Exiled and having
it flip is DIFFERENT from a flip summon. It's simply
"flipped face up" it isn't considered summoned. So it is
He MSTs my Ring. I knew I should have set the Magic Drain!
He uses Monster Reincarnation to get his Exiled Force back
(like it's gonna matter...Evil laughter). He sets a monster
and another S/T.
I draw a Nimble and set it. I attack his face down with the
Tiger and he Cylinders. Meh.
He tributes for Airknight and attacks my Tiger. I activate
Scapegoat, and the next turn I Morph a token to TER and take
his Airknight. When I Premature Burial the King Tiger he
can't recover and I win.
Zombies have been giving me fits lately. No matter what I do
I can't seem to get on top of them. Well, my little side
decked friends can come out to play. I figured I would lose
the first game.
OH! My psychic abilities failed me! For once I am wrong.
This duel goes back and forth for a long time. We manage to
counter everything the other does for a long time. After he
rams a Turtle into my Zaborg to get a Ryu Kokki, he suicides
and has 200LP left. We are both top decking and I am like at
800LP or something stupidly low and I top deck a Gorilla for
the win!
Oh crap. My psychic abilites were off by one game. Even
after side decking all my Royal Oppressions and King Tigers,
I got hammered within three turns by a zillion zombies at
once. I attacked his Cyber Jar and I didn't get anything
useable and he totally destroyed me with Despair and
Patrician and V Lord and was sad.
WOOT! Total reversal of game 2. My Tigers do the job and all
his Reapers and Turtles can't save him this time.
What!?! This has got to stop!!! I have to play Taka-shi
again in the semi finals. There are 4 of us left. I am the
ONLY undefeated player. Everyone else has one loss. I have
beaten two of the three players left. Mantis is retarded.
I'm sure Taka-shi and I get paired up because we probably
have the highest points, but that doesn't seem. Shouldn't I
play the one person I have not faced yet instead of a player
I have already defeated? This makes no sense to me
I lose badly. The Royal Oppression actually hurt me because
I was losing by a couple of thousand LP and I had Tribe in
the graveyard and Call of the Haunted set. I could have
cleared out Taka-shi's field but I knew he would have paid
the 800 to negate Call.
I lose even worse than game one.
I am ticked off. How can it be that a person I defeated
earlier in the day, has the opportunity beat me and then go
to the finals? That is wrong and unfair. Our win loss record
against each other is the same. It is not right that he be
able to move on to the finals after tieing one/one. Now, if
I had played Taka-shi in the Finals and lost, I would have
no problem with that at all. I should have played the player
I had not played during the day in the Semi's. I complain to
the store owner and he is willing to check into it for me
although I'm sure nothing much can be done about it except
go to single elimination which, is ok, but I like Swiss
better because it gives more opportunities for people to
Well, that's just great. I get over it.
March 6th
Newnan Sports Cards
Newnan, Ga
Free to play
Advanced Format
Single Elimination
1st gets 4 packs
2nd gets 3
3rd gets 2
20 - 25 people
Well, I figured the weekend isn't over and I still have a
chance to win a tournament. I have been finishing in the Top
4 pretty consistantly so, I guess that is still a testament
to the deck. Maybe I will do better today.
I get to go first but he manages to stall with a LLAB and a
Swarm of Scarabs and I keep sitting out my Sinister Serpent
and he keeps destroying it and attacking me for 500LP every
turn. He does get Lava Golem out but I tribute it next turn
for Zaborg to destroy his Swarm so, it didn't hurt that
much. I manage to get in a few hits here and there with a
Nimble on the rare occassion. His deck stalls well and we
are getting close to the end of our decks. I think he has
about 6 left and I have one card left! I am winning 2600LP
to 1000, but I will lose because I only have one card left
in my deck. I draw, and it's Ring of Destruction!! Amazing.
I set it and then Ring my Zaborg for the win in his draw
phase! Wow! That was close! If I was really paying
attention, I would have known that Ring was the last card in
my deck.
I side deck in all the Royal Oppression, the Tigers and
Torrential and they all come in handy. When I activate the
Royal Oppression, he can't special summon the Lava Golem. I
get lucky and have a ready supply of Mobius and Zaborgs
fresh for the killing of his monsters and S/T, and I win in
about three to four turns.
That was very fun!
This guy is very fun to duel. He is a good deck builder and
a good duelist, too. We haven't played each other in a few
months so, we are looking forward to it.
I'm looking pretty good early in this game. An early
Forceful Sentry takes out the only threat in his hand (a
Widespread Ruin) and I know the only monster he set after I
summoned a Berserk Gorilla is a Command Knight. I Nobleman
the Command Knight and open up with a strong attack of
2000LP damage.
A Change of Heart later and I'm looking at a Horus LV6 and I
can't get rid of it and soon Horus LV8 is on the field and
it goes downhill from there.
I side deck in all the Royal Oppressions and Torrential and
anything else I could think of to stop him. He tends to
special summon a lot so, I'm thinking the RO's will hurt.
I go first and get nothing but a bunch of garbage and a
Fiber Jar. I do manage to Magic Drain his Painful Choice but
he summons a monster and attacks my Fiber Jar and I get
nothing but two tributes and a bunch of spell and trap
I keep drawing S/T cards and he's attacking me, and soon
gets Horus LV6 out on me and I don't want to summon or set a
monster because I do not want the LV6 to destroy it. I can't
continue to take the damage and am forced to set a monster.
He destroys it and gets Horus LV8 and I have two Scapegoat,
Metamorphosis and a Bottomless Trap Hole in my hand. I draw
Breaker and thats not good. I get killed.
I NEVER drew any Royal Oppression. That really could have
helped. As usual, we hung out and ate Pizza and dueled some
more. I tested out my defense deck and it's working pretty
well. It's almost ready to use in a tournament!
Oh well. That's it for this week.
I have been working on revising my deck to the new ban list
and creating and tweaking some new ones. Some of you may
remember my Panda deck. It has gone through DRASTIC
revisions and now doesn't even have a Panda in it! It
actually works better without them now! Wierd.
Well, until next week, happy dueling!