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From: []
Sent: Sunday, May 22, 2005 7:49 PM
My tourney report from satruday the 21 - Williamsville NY
Kenshin Himura - Shadowslayer Field Lock, Mike Powers, Dave
and Adams Card World, Williamsville, NY. 5/21 We had an
average 28 people there today.
Here's the Deck - 17-15-8
Monsters - 17
Airknight Parshath
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Don Zaloog
Exiled Force
Gyaku-Gire Panda
Gyaku-Gire Panda
Magician of Faith
Magician of Faith
Mystic Tomato
Mystic Tomato
Sinister Serpent
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Spells - 15
Book of Moon
Book of Moon
Delinquent Duo
Graceful Charity
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Nobleman of Crossout
Pot of Greed
Premature Burial
Smashing Ground
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light
United We Stand
Traps - 8
Call of the Haunted
Mirror Force
Mirror Wall
Ojama Trio
Ojama Trio
Ring of Destruction
Torrential Tribute
Windstorm of Etaqua
Side Deck - 15
Kinetic Soldier
Kinetic Soldier
Kinetic Soldier
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Injection Fairy Lily
Gyaku-Gire Panda
Bottomless Trap Hole
Bottomless Trap Hole
Dust Tornado
Dust Tornado
Wave-Motion Cannon
Wave-Motion Cannon
Wave-Motion Cannon
D.D. Warrior Lady
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Well, we had the usual amount of people there today. It's my
local store so im friends with all of the good players
there. We started the first round and i played against some
kid i've never even seen before.
Match 1 vs. Rashawn - not a clue what his deck is
Game 1 - I don't know what to expect cuz i've never seen him
before but i go first and I set two ojama trios and set a
don zaloog and then ended turn. (wierd hand!!!) He summons a
mystic tomato and attacks - BOOYA!! i drop a jinzo via don.
he does nothing else and ends his turn. during his endphase
i play ojama trio and i draw. smashing ground. summon
shadowslayer and have donnie - Z attack a token. he has two
left. i activate ojama trio - LOCK! w00t4ng. it went quick
and i was loving it. he showed me an all monster hand and
Game 2 - he goes first sets two m/t and a monster and ends
turn. i bust out nobleman of crossout and hit a wall of
illusion (at this point, i'm thinking if i lose, i suck ><).
I onslaught his scapegoats with airknight and a gyaku-gire
panda- quickly ending it.
Round 2 vs. Joe S. - zombie-beatdown hybrid
I know joe, he's one of our good players so i'm expecting a
good match. I greet him and we begin!
Game 1 - very close game. He got out Vlords real quick and i
was starting to get into trouble. I got swords - scapegoats
- and busted out a zaloog with united on it, special
summoning jinzo and he couldnt stop it
Game 2 - He side decks - ooh! interesting! i also side deck.
i side in wave-motions (nobody sides in m/t removal vs this
deck) a bottomless and the DDWL. He swarms REALLY fast and
my only playable monster until turn four was a shadowslayer,
not much i can do.
Game 3 - Again a really close game. it starts off with some
zaloog trade-offs but in the end hes up 6000-500. but i lock
his field and bust out swords so im still alive. i draw a
gyaku-gire panda and start rocking his field. eventually it
gets down to 1500-500 and all i've got is a f/d sangan and
f/d scapegoat. his field is three ojama tokens kycoo and
Vlord. He attacks i get a panda and he attacks and i stop it
with scapegoat. he's go no traps to stop me and i get an
exact 1500 onto his kycoo . w00t i win again~
Round 3 vs. Carey (his last name) this is one of my two best
friends at our store and i didnt wanna play him but hes
testing out his Ocean Dragon Lord deck and it promises to be
Game 1 - His opening hand is more or less levia dragons and
no monsters, his only defense is scapegoat and i bust out
the lock. game 1 - me @!#
Game 2 - Again my donnie - z is my savior because i waste
his hand real early on with mirror wall and monster removal.
but ive almost go it won when he gets oceand dragon lords
effect off.. noo!!!!!!! but i topdeck g0dly. tribe with
serpent in graveyard. i win game 2
Round 4 vs. *Carl33t0* C00l - CCCC - that i fixed for him a
bit. i shouldnt have cuz my fixes owned myself. :) . My
other best friend at the store and i was like what! both of
em! grr!@..
Game 1 - It starts off quick when he sets a mon and i attack
direct with shadowslayer. he cant do anything so i do it
twice and nobleman his MoF. mine are gone but at least he
doesnt get his stuff back. He has to mirror force two guys
and then i just resummon more and his only defense was
scapegoat but i topped airknight. game 1 - me
Game 2 - He side decks and altho im still not quite sure how
he just gets off 3 duos - bls and jinzo... i get smoked
badly game 2 - him
Game 3 - It's really close the entire time. at the end it's
my 3 goats his bls and snatch steal. hes got a f/up atk pos.
MoF and Airknight with 3400 left and 1 f/d m/t. he hasn't
used only two traps -p T.T. and mirror force. i assume
itsmirror force and RFG airknight, he topdecks breaker and
kills me off... it was torrential tribute - DAMN!!!!!! game
3 - him
7-3 - CCCC
Round 5 vs. Jemmot (we nicknamed him jammons after somene
got his name wrong :) we always say - Im -gonna bust out the
jammons on you!!)
He's a little guy and hes not that good so im thinkin i got
an easy match goin. i was right.
Game 1 - my mirror walls and zaloogs dominated game 1 then
after dropping his hand i lock his field and bust out panda
and 2x shadowslayer w/ united... yikes!!! game 1 - me
Game 2 - I get out jinzo and airknight turn 2 via call of
the haunted, premature and graceful charity. i exiled his
f/d DDWL and blast for game. game2 - me
Now is when we go into the top 16 ppl and play it out. im
feelin great cuz im 9-3 and even tho i lost i shoulda won
and i saw the person carl played and i knew i woulda beaten
him. but i dont care i was 2nd seed anyway.
Top 16 - Me vs. Matt Dillon - mystic swordsman - warrior
rush. He's not a great player but has a lot of cards. he
gave me my only windstorm xDD :)
Game 1 - I get him with 5 tokens and summon zaloog and
airknight and then windstorm his tokens during his turn and
gain serious advantage really quick. game 1 - me
Game 2 - He gets out BLS really quick - turn 3. but i heavy
storm a mirror force, scapegoat, and torrential tribute.
snatch steal + panda vs his goats = g.g. game 2 - me
Top 8 vs Tim - byser shock control - i built this deck
entirely myself card for card and it was a project we were
working on together. i wanted to play vs this :)
Game 1 - he byser shocks 5 cards and summons bls - yikes!! i
get owned really really fast.
Game 2 - i have an all monster hand and he has one monster
and tons of defense and monster removal. he draws monsters
and again i get owned... kinda sucked. Game 2 - him. He
actually went on to win the tournament today so at least i
made the winning deck card for card, even tho i didnt use
it. kinda cool beans.
I lost >< It was fun tho. i love my deck and am using it at
Pros - Knowing this deck is really good. Knowing Im a sweet
deckbuilder cuz carl went 10-2 with my fixes and the deck i
built won the tournament. kinda cool :) Pullimh ultimate
nephthys and trading it for a much needed breaker DDWL
thestalos and dd assailant ( iwas borrowing someones breaker
and DDWL today after they got stolen). Having fun ?>
doesn'.t that count for anything anymore?
Cons - Being second seed and only making top 8. Losing to
decks that i fixed/made. Not winning a tournament in like 2
years... yeah im on a humungous losing streak lol. a couple
of first place splits with friends but thats about it.
Until next time