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Deck: Advanced Hand Control Deck. Name: Leprechaun71588 Where: Vintage Stock, Overland Park, KS When: 11:00, Saturday, April 30, 2005 Cost: $5, comes with a TP5 pack after you are done Attendance: 6 Prize: 1st – 3 packs of choice 2nd – A firm handshake
This was a pretty sad turnout this weekend. I had only
seen 2 of the other 5 players there before. Deck: Advanced Hand Control - Leprechaun71588
I didn't even expect to go today until the last minute. My dad decided he didn't want to go looking for car parts since it had been raining the past couple days. The only problem with this was the fact that I hadn't been practicing much with my deck for the past 4 weeks. I just heard last night that there would be regionals in our area, so I designed a deck and wanted to look to trade for the cards I needed.
Duel 1: Me vs. Sergio (Chaos) There's nothing I hate more than not going to a tournament for 5 weeks, and then having my first round against a good player using a Chaos deck. Oh well, I got decent starting hands and was able to gain card advantage. I ended up winnign first round. Me: 8000-7000-6800-5100-4100-2100 Him: 8000-6300-5500-5200-800-0 This round was actually a little closer than it looks. I sidedecked in 2 Kycoos. I Snatched his Mobius, then he played Swords so he gained like 4000 off of it. BLS came into play for him here, I killed him once only to see him back later with Call. At one point while I still had Mobius, he had 2 goats and 2 facedown monsters, he then summoned Breaker and nuked Snatch Steal…the only problem was that he didn't realize his monster zones were full, so Mobius just died and he was left fairly open. Me: 8000-7400-3000-2200-1400-1100-800-500-200-0 Him: 8000-7200-5600-6600-7600-8600-9600-9400-8400-8800-7300-5800-4700 I had to win the third round, I hate getting beaten because of that damn BLS. He starts out by getting 2 Thunder Dragons to his hand, giving him plenty of stuff to discard later on. Eventually I gain card advantage, but I am pretty far behind. I use Last Will, sac for Mobius, get out Don and finish him off after another turn or two. Me: 8000-6200-4400-2600-900-300 Him: 8000-7000-6900-3100-1700-1300-0
Duel 2: Me vs. Matt (#1 Player in the state, Chaos/Morph with some Soul Control….really weird) This was the semifinals already. I thought it was kinda weird that neither of us got the bye, I always thought the higher ranked players got the byes…oh well. I wasn't nearly as nervous against Matt as I was during my first duel. Unfortunately….that quickly changed. First round I had great card advantage and was getting ready to win. A topdecked BLS with a Swapped attack mode goat finished me off. Me: 8000-7000-6800-6600-6300-5900-0 Him: 8000-7000-6200-5800-3600-3000 This round was much better. I sided in 2 Kinetic Soldiers because I noticed he had a lot of warriors. I was able to take card advantage like usual, and just destroyed him. Me: 8000-7600-6200-6000-5900 Him: 8000-5600-4200-2600-1000-0 I went into the final round feeling much better, the game was back in my control. Then I saw my starting hand….nothing but magic and Mobius. On top of that, I get Duo'd…twice. He just keeps hitting me with Tribe and Blae Knight. And that's the end of that chapter. Me: 8000-6400-4800-1600-0 Him: 8000-7000-6000
I ended up pulling absolute crap from my tournament pack once again. I asked to look through everyone's cards for trades, but nobody had what I needed for my regional deck. I did trade one of my 4 Kycoos for a Hammer Shot and a Brain Jacker.
Pros: - Actually getting to go to get some practice before regionals. - Last Will being an underrated card. - Advanced Format allowing people with skill, but not all the good cards, to have a chance to win. - My dad actually driving us out there. - Advanced Format allowing people to use originality in building a competitive deck. - Trading for Hammer Shot…but I'm not sure if I should put it in instead of Fissure, I think I probably will. Cons: - Losing - Pulling crap - Nobody having what I want for my Regional deck. - Only 6 people showing up.
If you want to contact me… E-mail: leprechaun71588@yahoo.com AIM: Leprechaun71588 Yahoo: Leprechaun71588
Please, I don’t want to hear about how I should change my deck around, it’s the best I can do with what I’ve got.
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