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Tournament Reports
Dragon Lockdown Deck by
Bhret "The Dragon Master" Luscombe
Infinite Quest of Bluebell, PA. ,,
2:00 PM, Sunday, 10/23/05.
I had been working on this deck for quite some time, but had
always had problems getting it to work in the old format.
Thankfully, BLS and Tribe are now gone, so theme decks
actually have a chance in real competition. Thank you Upper
I play tested my deck the day before at Head Games,, in Pottstown, PA. Head Games has a
nice set-up but they get a light turnout; only 7 people were
signed up for the pro tournament. However they do give out
TP packs for an entry prize. My deck ran great this day;
Horus Lv6 came out early and often, many times on my first
turn, locking up my opponents spells after leveling up to
Lv8. My Royal Decrees and Solemn Js took care of anything
else they could come up with to get rid of him. I easily
sailed into the top 4, losing only one duel due to my own
stupidity. The finals consisted of myself and every one of
my earlier opponents. I dispatched them all quickly and
received 3 TP6 packs for my prize. Not bad, but only a warm
up, for Sunday is a whole different animal.
I guess you want to see my deck, huh? Here it is:
FUSIONS: The norms +
3x King Dragun
3x Reaper on a Nightmare
3x Sanwitch
3x Cyber Twin Dragon
3x Dark Blade Knight
2x Gatling Dragon
2x The Last Warrior from Another Planet
1x Cyber End Dragon
1x TER
2x Horus Lv8
3x Horus Lv6
2x Cyber Dragon
Lv4 or Less
2x Mystic Tomato
2x Dark Hex Fusion
2x Lord of D
2x Mirage Dragon
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Sangan
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Morphing Jar (TP2)
1x Cyber Jar
1x Magician of Faith
2x Giant Trunade
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x United We Stand
1x Premature Burial
1x Book of Moon
1x Snatch Steal
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x MST
1x Enemy Controller
1x Big Bang Shot
1x Reload
2x Solemn Judgment
2x Royal Decree (TP4)(TP6)
1x Bottemless Trap Hole
1x Ceasefire
1x Call of the Haunted
You probably noticed I run Lv6s and 8s only; Lv4s suck! I
left Jinzo out too. Anyway, I try to get level 6 out early
by either dumping and reviving, tributing a spec summoned
Cyber Dragon or tributing Mystic Tomato leftovers i.e.
Sangan, Spirit Reaper, another Tomato, Dark Hex, or even a
Lord of D., or, my favorite, special summoning it due to
King Dragun’s effect. Once Lv8 gets out I do whatever I can
to keep him out.
I have several traps in my arsenal to assure his survival; 2
Royal Decrees ensure no Bottomless Trap Holes or Torrential
Tributes catch him coming to the field. And If all else
fails, I will always be glad to give up half my life points
to negate whatever else gets through with a Solemn J or 2.
I try to get King Dragun out to protect my Lv8 from Exiled
Force, Night Assailant and such targeting effect monsters as
well as stopping traps like Sakuretsu Armor and Magic
Cylinders. I get him out by putting Dark Hex and Lord of D
together on the field through either the death of Mystic
Tomato in battle, revival of the pieces with Call or
Premature or even Cyber Jar’s Effect. Of course, Dark Hex
comes in handy by also fusing with Sangan, or Spirit Reaper,
Heck I can even steal my opponents Sangan, Dark Magician,
Blowback Dragon, or Barrel Dragon.
This Deck negates magic cards, traps, and even monster
effects, so when everything comes together right nothing can
stop me.
Sunday comes and I drag my brother with me to IQ. He is
trying out his ritual deck for the first time at tournament
today. Zork is a son of a B!!
We get there on time for a change, but, as always, we get
started a half hour late. I notice Brent Yetter is here
again. You bastard, go play in DE!! Sorry, if you don’t know
he is # 1 in North America. Like I said the competition here
is very tough. We regularly have 9 of the top 50 players in
PA, as well as many of the top 100 in the US, such as; #1
Brent Yetter (DE) , #7 Roy St. Clair (MD), #20 Brian Long
(DE), #58 David Dyen (#2 PA), #75 Rocco Catalano (#3 PA),
and #97 Sean Rosenthal (#5 PA). I am 140th in PA.
I spent some time talking over some specific rulings with
Dave Brent, the head Judge. He is a Level 3 judge; he judged
at Nationals, Worlds and some of the Shonen Jump events. His
knowledge about the rules is the main reason I started
coming to this tourney. The also hold Pre-releases and
Regional events. However, they do not give away prizes for
entering, only for the top eight; I usually end up ninth. We
finally got started around 2:30. There were about 42
participants, which is normal for here, so the winner gets a
box, and there is plenty to go around for the rest of the
top 8; again, nothing for ninth.
1st Round: Dragon Lockdown vs. Andrew, Final
Duel 1: He started out with Upstart goblin, Final countdown,
Messenger of peace and Level limit area B but no monster. I
drew, summoned Sangan, and hit him directly. He draws sets a
monster and ends; I chain ceasefire revealing a Sangan of
his own. I draw, tribute for level 6, and kill his Sangan;
he gets something useless, instead of Exile Force or Lilly.
I level up and it is all over; He uses his Call to bring
back Sangan, but I chain Royal decree and Call of the
Haunted getting back lv6, and shutting down his traps at the
same time. After that he sets a useless monster which I
crossout. He dies soon after, his Area B and Messenger
sitting uselessly on the field as Horus Lv6 runs wild.
ME: 8000-9000
Him: 8000-7000-6900-5900-5800-3600-3500-3400-3300-1000-900-0
He had me at about 8 turns left on final countdown, and he
remarks how he almost had me. I try not to laugh because I
did not get a single Trunade, Heavy, or even an MST.
Duel 2: I side deck in Breaker, and a third Trunade. I stop
an early Heavy storm with a Solemn J. But other than that I
take only 200 damage. I fuse a Spirit reaper with Dark Hex
and rape his hand. After that, Horus runs all over his set
Exodia pieces. I even let an Upstart goblin through so I can
gain some life points. My final field consists of 2 Lv6s,
Lv8, Reaper on a Nightmare, and Breaker.
ME: 8000-4000-3800-4800
Him: 8000-6600-5600-4900-5900-6900-3900-0
I win easily, and my brother loses.
2nd Round: Dragon Lockdown vs. Alex, Light Deck
Duel 1: He kicks the snot out of me with Angels, and Freed
the Wanderer. What the F!!!
Him: 8000
Duel 2: He is all cocky, and talking crap, but I am not
shaken. I had a crappy hand last duel and no Reload. He gets
an early lead until I attach a big bang shot to his monster
and trunade it to oblivion. He puts out luminous spark which
powers up my Cyber Dragons, Mirage Dragons, and D.D. Warrior
Lady, thanks little buddy! I trounce him soundly.
Me: 8000-6500-6300
Him: 8000-7000-4700-500-0
Duel 3: He looks worried now. This is a great Duel. I get
Lv6 out 4xs as well as getting both Lv8s out; he bottomless
T-Holes one. King Dragun makes an appearance to guard all my
dragons and a Royal Decree helps out too.
Me: 8000-6500-5700-4900-3200
Him: 8000-6700-6400-6300-4100-0
I win again, and my brother loses again!
3rd Round: Dragon Lockdown vs. Andrew S. (Aggro Warrior
I don’t remember too much about this match or his deck. It
was some kind of warrior deck or something. I remember
Command Knight, Exiled, Reinforcement, and Captain.
I do Remember crushing him in the third match with Lv8, King
Dragun, and 2 Lv6s. Me:8000-7800
Him: 8000-6800-6500-3800-0
Me: 8000-4800-4500-1300
Him: 8000
Me: 8000-6000
Him: 8000-4900-0
Undefeated through 3 rounds, Woo Who! My Brother wins his
first round!
4th Round: Dragon Lockdown vs. Brent Yetter (Confi-Hand
I played Brent only once before; it was about a month or so
ago, that was pre-ban right after Nationals. I was using
this deck, he played torrential tribute before I could take
advantage of priority. He tried to take back the move, but I
immediately called him on it. The judge gave him a warning
and he was allowed to replay. It was a pivotal, for I could
have used the dark hex to fuse into Dragun. See, tributing
is a cost so after Torrential resolved King Dragun would
come to the field and then I would have summoned Lv6 and won
the game. He as an experienced player, #1 in North America,
should have known about priority. Anyway, I freaked out,
made a big scene and forfeited the match in protest. We
haven’t faced each other since then, but I did trade him my
translucent green 6-sided die for a little 6er an opaque
green 6er a white 6er and a 8-sider last week.
Duel 1: He starts off with Confiscation and sets a monster.
I draw, summon, and attack his MoF. He gets back Confi.
Great! I Solemn J but he still gets advantage. He confies
again and rapes me with Don. My Morphing Jar manages to go
off to refill my hand, but it helps him out more than me. I
lose quickly.
Me: 8000-4000-2800-1200-0
Him: 8000-7000-6000-5700-5100
Duel 2: I stall but he gets Mobius and destroys my Royal
Decree and Swords, which I had been reusing thanks to
Trunade. I try to snatch for a big hit and the game, but he
has a set Dust Tornado ready. Game Brent.
Me: 8000-7000-6200-4200-0
Him: 7400-6300-4700
I lose to #1 in North America. My brother wins again!
5th Round: Dragon Lockdown vs. Young kid
I lost my notes, and I lost the match too. It took 3 games
and the final duel came down to the wire, but my deck just
didn’t come together. My brother wins again, go Zork!
The results go up and I am….10th; at least I’m not 9th
again. Both me and my brother end up 3 and 2. I never
thought we would end up with the same records. We stick
around and played each other while we wait for Daid
ElBardissi, this kid we give a ride to. He loses quickly to
Yetter, and I finish up with my brother and we head home.
Not a bad weekend overall. I am bound to make top 8 again
soon! I look forward to pot of avarice and two party one
lose for use with dragon mirror. Have a good one,
Bhret Luscombe