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From: Sheridan Challis []
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 2:13 PM
Subject: Rat Toolbox Deck - Sheridan Challis, Homerton
Library (Hackney), London, UK
My Deck: Rat Toolbox Deck
My Name: Sheridan Challis
Tournie Location: Homerton Library, Hackney
City: London, UK
Date (English): 5/11/05
Date (Everywhere else):11/5/05
No. of Particapants: About 25
Tournie Type: City Championship
1st: Trip to Nationals, Boosters
2nd: Less boosters then 1st
3rd/4th: Less boosters
5th/6th/7th/8th: 2 Boosters
Here's the Deck I used:
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Ryu Kokki
2x Steamroid
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2x Giant Rat
2x Newdoria
1x Pyramid Turtle
1x Tsukuyomi
1x Exiled Force
1x Sangan
2x Des Lacooda
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Magician of Faith
1x Dark Mimic Lv1
1x Dark Hole
1x MST
1x Premature Burial
1x Nobleman of Crossout
2x Creature Swap
1x Snatch Steal
2x Fissure
1x Heavy Storm
1x Scapegoat
2x Wave-Motion Cannon
1x Messenger of Peace
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Dust Tornado
1x Trap Hole
The Sidedeck had some stuff in it; I won't go into detail.
It didn't help much. It had a Second Messenger of Peace, not
much else. Also, just before the Tournie started, I bought a
pack of Dark Revelation and got... Breaker.
Best thing I've ever pulled. But on with the Tournie.
This was the first official Tournie I'd entered. I don't
netdeck, so I hadn't got some souped-up CC deck that won the
last World Championship, I admit. Besides, that would have
banned cards in it.
Forgive me for being bad with names, I forgot who most of my
opponents were.
The first 4 rounds were swiss, then knockout after that.
When the first round match-ups came out, I was against this
guy who was off playing casual or something, and couldn't be
bothered to play. So I got a bye. Good start.
After this, in the second round I had to play a guy named
Round 2
Me vs. Ray (Horus-Tomato [I think])
Ray was running a Horus-Tomato, I think. He never properly
explained it, but
it had Horus LV8 in it, that pretty much qualifies it as
Horus, right? And there was definetely a Mystic Tomato in
there, and you don't usually shove them in without a good
The first game went his way. Pretty simply, he beat me down
and I couldn't respond. He didn't even use Horus, so I
wasn't sure what tpe his deck was.
My excuse is that he warmed up in Round 1 and I didn't. I
sided out the Messenger of Peace, as the only link I had was
a rogue Mystic Tomato, so it could have been that. Game 2
was pretty tight. Right near the end, we were both going for
it. I killed Horus Lv6, and then he Prematured it. Because
Horus' Effect, when I killed it again the Premature stayed
on the field.
Then he Giant Trunaded the Premature back to his hand, and
played it on Horus again. I killed Horus again, with
Newdoria (I think). He had some low LPs because of Premature
and attacks with the Steamroids. Then he had a stall card
(either Messenger of Peace or Swords) and I had Steamroid
and Spirit Reaper, and he had no monsters. My Topdecked
Mobius finished the game. 1-1. Game 3 went on time, and I
was about 1000, maybe 2000 LPs above him because of
Wave-Motion Cannon. He was very good, though. He could have
easily taken it if it hadn't been on time.
2-0 up right now.
Round 3
Me vs. Zombie Deck Man (Zombie deck, beleive it or not.) In
round 3 I was playing someone who's name I didn't catch. He
was from somewhere in mainland Europe, sounded German or
something. Sorry for not knowing. Anyway, he was good. Very
good. His Zombie deck had all the staples
and 2 Vampire Lords, and a Kokki or 2. First game, he tore
through me. My deck has almost no answer to V. Lord, as I
don't have the DD guys (Assailant
or Lady), and I can only get Mobius through Tribute or
Graveyard. The only way was with Kokki (or Snatch/ Creature
Swap), and that just wasn't coming.
With V. Lord, he always went for spells. At the end of game
1, I only had about 2 left in my deck. That meant Snatch and
Creature Swap weren't there when I needed them. Game , it
was the same story. I should've put in 2 Messengers and
maybe a second Turtle to find Kokki.
Round 4
Me vs. Overconfident Guy (Gren Maju de Eiza Deck) This guy
was nuts. I met him outside the library before the Tournie
and he was way confident. He played a Gren deck, which was
weird. He first played Banisher of the Light, then Card
Destruction. His next move was so dumb. Wait for it... he
played... Card of Sanctity! What a joke! Sorry mate,
but Card of Sanctity Turn 1 is not justified. I beat him
down with Steamroid, and he was flabberghasted (gr8 word!)
when I beat him 8000 - 0.
Game 2 was very similar. Easiest match I've had in a long
time. Sorry, but it was like playing a 10 year old newb.
Just shows how the overconfident guy
isn't always the greatest player.
Round 4 - Top 8
Me vs. Someone from Team Platinum (Warrior Deck) Once again
I apologise for not remembering names. This guy was a
representative from the newly formed Team Platinum, a group
of guys a lot older than me (about 18 or 19 years old). For
all those who don't know, I'm 13; everyone I'd played so far
had been older than me. This guy had a black headband on.
Actually, it might have been a cap, I can't quite remember.
Anyway, when I told him it was my first tournament he was
pretty amazed, having Top8ed already. Anyway, on to the
First game was dumb. First turn, I played 2 Wave-motion
Cannon. He was wetting himself when I took the first game
8000 - 0 on turn 4. It was hilarious. Next game was more
interesting. In a fit of stupidity and overconfidence, I
sidedecked 2, when he didn't sidedeck any. Pretty dumb move.
He took the next game, 2600 - 0. The end was good. He played
Chaos Sorcerer, and then I had nothing - no field or hand. I
Steamroid! Just enough to smack Chaos Sorcerer's fat mouth
in. Next turn he had like 1 backfield and 2 in hand. He
drew, set i and ended. By the way, I was on 300 LPs and
Topdecking, which is not a place you want to be in. I drew.
It was something you have nightmares about topdecking, I
think. Either
a Dust Tornado (nooo!) or something equally jank. No, wait,
I got Messenger of Peace, that's it! And I only had 300 LPs,
but what difference does it make. I ended. He got just what
he needed; Reinforcements of the Army. One Exiled Force
later and I was dead. Game 3 was boring. I can't quite
remember, but I'm sure I lost pretty quick. Either way, I
lost. Game over, and I was out.
Well, a Top 8 finish for the first Tournie isn't too bad,
even if I say so myself. Also, that guy who beat me went on
to the final, but I had to go and
didn't find out who won. His opponent looked about the same
age as me. I bet
he was sick of people 5 years younger than him getting in
the way. Tough luck. And the Zombie Deck Man, he got to Top
8 as well, though I don't know where he finished @.
The Prerelease event was right after, I entered but there
was only about 8 people in it. I won, and got 5 boosters for
my effort. 5 boosters for playin
3 people isn't a bad thing, so I was happy. I pulled Pot of
Avarice and E-Hero Shining Flame Wingman, plus a load of
other stuff. The cover card, chase card, 2 boosters for Top
8ing (one had a DD Designator!), and Breaker the Magical
Warrior for just buying a booster seems like a good day to
me, especially for only £22 (£12 for Prerelease, £5 for
City, and I bought 2 boosters).
I hope you enjoyed my article as much as I did playing it
out (although it's
Comments? Send them to
Thanx for Listening!
Sherry, who is someone you will have forgotten in a weeks