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 Yugioh Tournament Reports

WreakofHavoc of Team Rentsyy
JP Cards + Collecticbles, Ft. Myers, FL
Entrance Fee: $7.00
Entrance Prize: 1 Tournament Pack Six

_Machine-Down_ xX40Xx

_Monsters_ xX17Xx

Blowback Dragon x1x
Cyber Dragon x1x (Need 1-2 more... Hopefully get them Tues/Wed)
Jinzo x1x

Breaker the Magical Warrior x1x
Cyber Jar x1x
D. D. Warrior Lady x1x
Drillroid x1x
Gear Golem the Moving Fortress x1x
Heavy Mech Support Platform x2x
Magician of Faith x1x
Mechanicalchaser x2x
Reflect Bounder x1x
Sangan x1x
Steamroid x2x


Book of Moon x1x
Brain Control x1x
Card Destruction x1x
Confiscation x1x
Creature Swap x1x
Dark Hole x1x
Different Dimension Capsule x2x
Heavy Storm x1x
Lightning Vortex x1x
Limiter Removal x1x
Mystical Space Typhoon x1x
Nobleman of Crossout x1x
Premature Burial x1x
Smashing Ground x2x
Snatch Steal x1x
Swords of Revealing Light x1x
Wave-Motion Cannon x1x

_Traos_ xX4Xx

Bottomless Trap Hole x1x
Call of the Haunted x1x
Ceasefire x1x
Torrential Tribute x1x

_Side-Deck_ xX15Xx

Amplifier x1x
Bottomless Trap Hole x1x
Cannon Soldier x1x
Cybernetic Magician x1x
Despair from the Dark x2x
Dust Tornado x2x
Magic Cylinder x1x
Metamorphosis x1x
Roulette Barrel x1x
Scapegoat x1x
Steamroid x1x
Trap Hole x1x
Tsukuyomi x1x

_Fusion-Deck_ xX3Xx

Cyber Twin Dragon x1x
Dark Balter the Terrible x1x
Thousand-Eyes Restrict x1x

Night Before/Morning Before

Henry and I, the Commander and Lieutennant of Team Rentsy met at his
house the night before and worked on our decks and practiced on each
other until about 4:08 in the morning when we dragged ourselves into bed.
I was excited. This was my first tournament down here, and JP's is kinda
famous for their tournaments, considering JP's been doing tournaments
since before Yu-Gi-Oh was popular down here. We awoke at about 6:30
in the morning and got ready to leave. We were out the door a bit after 7
after getting our daily caffine fix. With Mountain Dews in hand we drove
down the highway, discussing what sort of decks we would probably
see. I wondered about what the new banlist would bear, and so did
Henry (he runs Earth Swarm using Gigantes; He was experimenting). We
got to the tournament at about 8. There was a good showout; 66 people
actually participating in the tournament, and at least 10 or more there just
to buy cards. We signed up, opened our TP6's (now I remember why I
don't like any of the Tournament Packs) and pulled all commons. I sorta
complained about it and Henry laughed. The tournament didn't actually
start until about nine-ish. I didn't get anything for my deck. I was hoping
for getting ULT versions of my Lightning Vortex and Brain Control, but to
no avail. Everyone held on tightly to their cards, but that was okay. I
dueled some kids and won easily both times. My deck was running
pretty smooth that morning, and I hoped it would continue.

First Round: Pat vs. Manny (Machine Aggro with Cyber-Stein)

First Match:
I didn't know what to expect. He had his fusion deck face-up and a
Cyber-Twin Dragon in it. I didn't poke any farther. I should have. He won
the dice roll, and started off by setting one monster f/d and one card f/d.
I MST'd into Bottomless, and summoned Drillroid to attack his f/d. It turned
out to be Sangan. He searched out... something. I can't remember what,
really. He drew, summoned Cyber Dragon, then summoned DDWL. Cyber
Dragon killed Drillroid and DDWL hit direct. He then set one f/d. My turn,
drew into Vortex, special summoned my own Cyber Dragon, Vortexed and
discard Jinzo, Hit him for 2100. I set CoTH and ended. He Sp. Summoned
another Cyber and then Fissured mine. He then summoned Reflect and
attacked. I chained CoTH, just to be met by his Royal Decree. The duel
didn't last much longer. I managed to get rid of Cyber and Reflect, and the
duel ended with me having a f/d Sangan. He summoned Cyber-Stein,
paid 5000, summoned Cyber End, and trampled me for game. Life looked
something like this:

Me: 8000 6000 3200 2400 0000
Him: 8000 5900 6900 1900


Second Match:
I don't remember much. I sided in another Bottomless for Ceasefire. I
rushed since the beginning of the game and he couldn't keep up. I
remember we both used DDWL's, and I removed a Cyber Dragon and so
did he. Sorry I couldn't remember.


Third Match:
Was much like second. I remember the game started off with me Con'ing
his Cyber Dragon, and after that, nothing he could do. He drew Jinzo a
few turns later... Maybe set a monster. I don't remember much. I knew I
ended up with Jinzo, Mechanicalchaser, Cyber Dragon equipped with
Heavy Mech and a Drillroid.


Second Round: Pat vs. No Themed Deck

First Match:
This kid didn't want to play. That was apparent. He got really annoyed of
my Jinzo and Heavy Mech quickly. I ended up beating him with a
Steamroid and Jinzo. When he finally did manage to destroy Jinzo, he
destroyed Heavy Mech instead. Made him curse the existence of my


Second Match:
I side decked in Amplifier. That's how much the kid didn't want to play.
Same as the match before, controlled with Jinzo, Drillroid, and Limiter.
He was afraid when my Jinzo was permanently stuck at 4800 ATK.


Third Round: Bi
I sat around, and went and watched Henry play. He went up against a
Spellcaster Chaos Hand Disruption deck in the third round against the
best person in the store. He lost this round. I went and got some soda
and some food. I won a pack, and pulled a UFOroid. There's my second
one. I won it through a raffle that the store holds. Another kid won a box
of CRV. I was mad, too! My raffle number was so close!

Fourth Round: Pat vs. Fat Kid With Burn Dek
Attn: No offense against overweight people. I am overweight myself... But,
this guy was bad. He was eating french fries while we were playing, and
kept grabbing at my cards with his greasy fingers... ick.

First Match:
I didn't draw anything, and every time I did draw something, the kid had a
counter... I think his name was Josh. It was bad. I lost.


Second Match:
Went little better then the first. I sided in Dust Tornados, and got him
down pretty low. However, I learned my mistake during the last few turns.
He was down to 2400 life points, and i had 2100. He had two Wave-Motion
Cannons out, and both were at 1. It was now or never. I had Drillroid,
Sangan, and Reflect Bounder out. I summoned Mechanicalchaser and
attacked... straight into his Gravity Bind. I had overextended all of my
S/T destruction early game. I ended my turn somberly. It was


However, I made 4th round. I was pretty proud. I got into the top 20 at least
and of 64 people, I'm kinda happy about that. Team Rentsy makes their
regionals debut on October 22, 2005. My deck's different now, and I'll
keep you all posted with my decks and tournament reports!


Respect: After I got to the fourth round, the guy I dueled in the first round
was still there, and was commenting about how I already had gotten up
to the fourth round after it only being my first time there. It felt pretty good.

UFOroid: ....woo. I pulled a Super!

Insight: I gained a bit of insight of the new tournament environment, and
can't wait to play in it again.


UFOroid: ....woo. Why did it have to be a Super?!

Tournament Packs: Ugh, I don't like them. I pulled a Burglar, Ryu Senshi,
and some other thing. Anyone collect tournament pack cards? Please
contact me.

Only Getting 4th Round: Eh, maybe I'll do better next time though. That kid
wasn't so tough. I'll do better next time!

Well, I've enjoyed sharing as much as I can with you!

Contact me Patrick Simmons at:
wreak_ofhavoc @yahoo.com

If you're on tcgplayer.com, check my h/w list and rate my decks!
name: wreakofhavoc

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