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Tournament Reports
From: henry
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2005 1:01 PM
Subject: Agrro-Warrior Deck By Guardbear At JP's Sports
Aggro- Warrior Deck
By: Guardbear
JP's Sports, Fort Myres FL
Entry Fee: $7.00 and we got a pack.
Style- single elimination, around 30 people.
Monsters- 18
2x Cyber Dragon
Magician of Faith
Morphing Jar
Mystic Swordsman LV2
Spirit Reaper
Exiled Force
Don Zaloog
D.D. Warrior Lady
Breaker the Magical Warrior
3x D.D. Assailant
D.D. Survivor
Exarion Universe
Zombyra the Dark
Spells- 16
2x Brain Control
2x Smashing Ground
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
Enemy Controller
Book of Moon
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Nobleman of Crossout
Reinforcement of the Army
Swords of Revealing Light
Traps- 6
Call of the Haunted
Torrential Tribute
2x Dust Tornado
2x Sakuretsu Armor
Side Deck- 15
Cyber Jar
Kinetic Soldier
Bid Shield Guardna
Airknight Parshath
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Lightning Vortex
Wave Motion Cannon
Creature Swap
Royal Decree
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
Fusion Deck- A lot
Thousand Eyes Restrict
Flame Ghost
Dragoness the Wicked Knight
Karbonala Warrior
Darkfire Dragon
Giltia the D. Knight
Reaper on the Nightmare
Flower Wolf
Flame Swordsman
Fiend Skull Dragon
2x Dark Balter the Terrible
Ojama King
Mokey Mokey King
Ryu Senshi
Emperess Judge
Punished Eagle
Roaring Ocean Snake
Dark Blade the Dragon Knight
Dark Flare Knight
Last Warrior for another Planet
King Dragun
Thousand Dragon
Gaia the Dragon Champion
St. Joan
Gatling Dragon
Cyber Twin Dragon
Dark Paladin
Master of Oz
B. Skull Dragon
UFO-roid Fighter
Cyber End Dragon
I got to the Bowling alley where the tourney was going to be
and paid my registration and got my pack…it was AST and I
pulled garbage. I decided to sit down and have a few
practice duels and make some trades before the tourney
My first practice duel was against a guy who I’d dueled
before. He was probably in his 30’s and he ran a pretty
original deck. He was experimenting with a toon deck. I
don’t remember much of these duels except that it made me
realize why I never ran toons. He did everything right…but
toons are just too hard to play well…one MST killed a toon
mermaid and a toon Goblin Attack force…snatched a slate
warrior and summoned Don…his defeat soon followed.
He tried his other deck on me and it did a lot better. It
was a toolbox warrior deck and he had some interesting
techs…like an E-hero bubbleman. He also ran Mataza the
zapper…but no equips to power it up. I found that odd.
I dueled one other person for practice…he had absolutely no
theme to his deck…I schooled him without much thought.
Anyway…on to the tournament
Round 1- Aggro warrior vs Kyle (toolbox warrior)
Fist duel- This duel went fairly quick. D.D. Assailants were
everywhere…his removing my monsters, mine removing
his…eventually I got a Don Zaloog out and forced him to
topdeck…until he lost
Me- 8000 – 7000
Kyle- 8000 -6600 -5600 - 2800 - 1000 – 0
Second duel- I won’t lie…I drew a horrible starting
hand…like no monsters…it wasn’t good. His Spirit Reaper
nuked my hand early on…not pretty…
Me- 8000 - 7700 - 6700 - 4100 – 0
Kyle- 8000- 7000- 5300
Third Duel- This one went a little more in my favor. It was
fairly even until after kyle dark holed and set a monster. I
special summoned DD Assailant and Noblemanned his face
down…big shield. I then snatched it and tributed it for
Cyber dragon. He in turn set another face down…I activate
swords…another big shield…I smashing ground it and attack
for game.
2nd round- I got a bye…I went over and watched matt duel a
bit. Matt is another older guy who plays at JP. Matt always
has a fairly good deck and manages to use something original
in it. I saw he was running a warrior type deck with mystic
tomatoes, shining angels, chaos sorcerer and Mage and
United. I didn’t like the thought of having to go against a
chaos deck…I’ve seen too many of them in the last year and a
half. I guess it didn’t matter…Matt got beaten pretty badly
by a kid named running a burn deck. Having looked at the
tournament bracket…I knew I’d have to play the winner of
this match. I got prepared to face the heat…
3rd round- Me vs. Kyle (burn)
Before the match started I sided in some anti burn stuff…a
mobius, wave motion cannon, and a drillroid. Not really
much…but It’d have to be enough.
First duel… He went first. Set three face downs and a solar
flare dragon. I brain control solar flare and he chains
secret barrel. I tribute his solar flare for Mobius and bust
up his M/Ts attacking for 2400 and setting wave motion. His
next turn he set a face down monster and a face down mt…I
summoned breaker and must up his face down…noble his
monster…attack with both…later I launched wave motion for
the game.
Me- 8000- 6000-5600
Ryan- 8000-5600-1600-0
Second duel- Okay…this isn’t even funny…I’ve never seen so
many nightmare wheels, gravity binds, and masks of accursed
in my life…is was horrible…eventually I was burned to death
be a lava golem.
Me- 8000-6100-4600-3400-1600-0
Ryan 8000-5600-4500
Third duel I ran into way too many messengers of peace but I
got lucky. I managed to get a royal decree out to negate his
gravity bind and a nightmare wheel. It was a race to see who
would win first…he had a wave motion out that I couldn’t get
rid of…I had a Don Zaloog and an Mystic Swordsman LV2 out…he
lost before he could launch the wave motion for game…close
4th round, Semi Finals- I had never dueled Tim before…but he
had asked to trade me for an enemy controller a couple of
times…sorry man…I had a hard time getting mine as it
is…definitely can’t trade it. I had heard he ran a Horus
deck…I wasn’t too worried…DD assailant owns Horus.
First duel. Okay…this duel went by super fast. I know he
used a LV4 to attack a goat token to bring out LV6…I special
summoned a cyber dragon, normal summoned Tsukuyomi to flip
LV6 face down and ran over it with cyber dragon. Without his
LV6 to turn into LV 8…he wasn’t able to come back.
Me- 8000- 7200-6400
Tim- 8000-6300-4200-3100-0
Second duel. This one was even faster that the first. I
remember he used a monster reincarnation to get his LV 6
back (horrible card advantage) when he got it back out, I
ran a D.D. assailant into it…Don made quick work of his
hand…it was over quickly. He tried to stall with a gear
Golem…I had to enemy controller it into attack mode…
Me- 8000-7500-6000-5500
Tim- 8000-6300-4600-3700-0
5th round, Finals. This was not good…Joe was running a neo
chaos deck with lots of searchers…I simply couldn’t get past
the army of mystic tomatoes, shining angles and other such
crazyness. Once he got chaos sorcerers out…I wasn’t able to
regain the advantage. Both duels went on for a while…but
ended the same. I don’t remember the specifics but I have
the life point totals.
Me- 8000-7000-5300-3700-2600-1800-400-0
Joeseph- 8000-7500-7100-5900
Me- 8000-6600-5200-4200-1100-0
Joeseph- 8000-6200
So I ended up in second. I got another pack of AST for
placing second and pulled…more garbage. I made a few good
trades…UFO-roid and Y tank cannon for Brain Control and
exarion universe. Manticore of Darkness for Anti-spell
fragrance, Divine Wraith, and Zaboorg.
Went to a duelist league after the tourney, made a few more
trades…ripped off some noobs…dueled some kids who asked me
if I wanted to play “no sacrifice”…all in all hade a good
time. On to props and slops…
D.D. Assailant for being so mean in this format
Placing for the first time at JP and making a good showing
for Team Rentsy…thank you Lord Tranorix for giving us such a
wonderful word.
Making some really good trades…brings my total of brain
controls up to 4. Exarion is always a good thing to get in a
trade J
Getting to catch up with fellow members of team Rentsy at
the duelist league at books a million and getting to see
what they’re running in their decks.
Dueling scrubs who are so convinced of their own goodness
because they are running three blue eyes white dragons. “You
can’t beat me, I have the bestest cards ever”…such arrogance
needs to be corrected.
Homeless people
Pulling garbage in my packs
Pat (wreakofhavoc) not being able to make the tourney or
My fusion deck getting owned…story…This kid walks up to me
and tries to trade with me. His cards all bent and grimy…I
told him so. Later he walks up to me and grabs my fusion
deck and bends it. Matt looks at me and says “Your fusion
deck just got owned!”
Little kids asking me 23 times if I wanted to trade my
sacred phoenix…like asking the 24th time would magically
change my mind and make me want to trade it for your grimy
cards…you had better luck trying to hijack my fusion deck.
Tcgpalyer name– Guardbear
AIM- Guardbear85…just let me know you read this here.
Thanks for reading this and take care all!
I believe in mankind in spite of mankind,
I believe in the future in spite of the past.
- Eli Weisel