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Tournament Reports
Place: Downtown Comics, St. John’s, Newfoundland
Time: 1:00 pm, Newfoundland Time
Participants: 13, give or take one or two
Entry fee: $5.00
Prizes: 1st = 3 packs
2nd = 2 packs
3rd = 1 pack
Random door prize pack for half the players, usually a TP
pack or it can be a pack
of your choice.
Format: Advance.
Date: Sept 4th, 2005
Tournement Structure: 3 rounds of Round Robin, followed by
the top 4-8 in Finals.
Hello one and all! It’s Shugotenshi Kintaro once again. Now
I know I don’t many fans… or if any at all, but to those who
noticed, I never submitted a report for last Sunday. Well,
that’s cause I was getting prepared to enter into the
college life. For the past three years, I’ve been working
hard to prepare for Medical Radiography training, which I
officially entered into it last Monday, and I’m very VERY
proud to be in it. And to those who are wondering what
Medical Radiography is… it’s X-ray. :P
So, with moving into a new apartment, dealing with dozens of
forms to get through, figuring out bus routes, and trying to
find my way around a massive college (along with paying lots
of money for books and courses…. Stupid spod-heads…), I am
ashamed to say that I couldn’t make it to my tourney.
Luckily, I managed it all out and now Sunday’s my day to
cheer out and go to the tourney. J
A lot of the usuals were there, except for Matt and Brad
(from now on, I’ll be calling everyone by their first names,
or if they have a Pojo name, their account/nickname if I
know it), who couldn’t make it out due to transportation
problems. Or maybe it was money problems… or maybe it was
cause they slept in… Ah! I can’t remember! But it was legit,
that’s all I know. :P
M, who is Absolute Xero on Pojo and will be called such from
now on, was still working on his Mechs, and by the end of
the day, he had 3 Cyber Dragons! I’d like to know how the
hell he does that! Last time I checked, there were barely
any Cyber Dragons pulled! But I did miss a week, and a
week’s a long time.
I had bought the new YGO DS game, and with my new game
(which kicks a lot of arse!) and my new set of Silent
Magicians, I decided to try something new out. So, here it
is, my proto-type of my Silence deck:
Monsters: 17
1x Silent Magician Lv4
1x Silent Magician Lv8
2x Silent Swordsman Lv3
2x Silent Swordsman Lv5
2x Shining Angel
3x DDA
1x Breaker
1x Tribe
1x Sangan
1x Morphing Jar
1x Jinzo
Magic: 17
1x MST
1x Heavy Storm
1x Snatch Steal
1x Premature
2x Level Up!
1x Pot
1x Graceful Charity
2x Book of Moon
1x Lightning Vortex
2x Enemy Controller
2x Scapegoat
2x Nobleman of Crossout
Trap: 8
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential
1x Ring
1x Ceasefire
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Royal Decree
2x Good Goblin Housekeeping
Total: 42
Side deck: 15
2x Dark master Zork
2x Ritual of the Dark Master
1x Cybernetic Magician
3x Manju
1x DmoC
1x Cyber Jar
1x D. Duo
2x Mataza the Zapper
1x S. Serpent
1x Dust Tornado
Now, this is a proto-type of my deck. I still need one more
Silent Mage Lv4, and there are still some kinks to work out,
but for something I literally threw together, I felt the
deck wasn’t half bad. And, just in case, I could switch it
up with good ol’ Zorc! I don’t care what you say, Zorc’s
awesome if you can keep the advantage. But, see, I was
daring today. Well, daring or stupid, depends on how you
look at it, I suppose. Main purpose of this deck? To win,
duh! :P Get Lv5/8 out, and keep pressure on the opponent
with negation.
Anyway, not much happened before the first round, so let’s
just get to the meat and potatoes of this, shall we?
Round one:
Me (Silence) Vs. Tyler (Rock Defense)
Figures. Last time I played, it was against this little
guy’s Dad in the finals, Jan (aka J from my last tourney
report, but using letters is boring, and it’s only first
names anyway). Now, I’ll admit, there are a lot of kinds who
can play only somewhat well to bad. This kid… he ain’t one
of them! He’s good! Trust me, Tyler can duel with the best
of them! I never knew what kinda deck he would be running,
but if I know Jan as well as I think I do, it could have
been any of his former decks, but that was still a wide
range, as he had run Chaos Control, Horus, Rock defense, and
several other things that escape my mind.
(Stupid Biology… making me forget about important stuff like
deck types and replacing it with stuff like the 9 Process of
Living Organisms…. Who needs to know that! And in case
anyone’s wondering… I can ring them off the top of my head).
Match One:
Me: 8000-7100
Tyler: 8000-6600-4300-2000-0
Well, this was strange. We both had gotten tribute hands
with few usable cards (I found out afterwards), and Tyler
had gotten in a quick hit with a Medusa Worm and I had run
into a minor defense hit as well. But it wasn’t long before
I had SS Lv5 out, and was hitting him constantly with it.
Even Tuskyonimi wasn’t enough, thanks to a CotH and a Mirror
Force. A quick, but lucky win.
Match Two:
Me: 8000-6100-5300-4600-1200-0
Tyler: 8000-7900-7400-5500-4700
He had high defenses, VERY high defenses. He had an Aztec
Statue out, along with Chorus of Sanctuary as well. I
couldn’t do much damage to him at all, and when I could kill
a mon, it was either a Medusa Worm or a friggen’ Dummy
Golem! He had his tribute material, got out TWO Guardian
Sphinxes (yes, two), and it wasn’t long before all my
defenses were shot down and it was a quick kill. What really
kills me was my next card was Silent Mage Lv4, and I had Lv
Up in my hand. I could of put up some type of fight! :P
Match Three:
Me: 8000-6000-5300-4800-4000-3500
Tyler: 8000-7000-5300-3600-2600-0
The first two turns had begun, yet both of us had already
taken over 2000 damage each. Tyler started out with Aztec
and CoS again, but I wasn’t going to let him get away with
it this time. I played my set Ceasefire, exposing his Aztec
(this is how I found out about it), which also flipped up my
DDA, summoned DDWL when the coast was clear (MSTed his
facedown card) and attacked his Aztec with DDWL, causing
2000 damage to me, but opening him up for a clean hit with
DDA. The rest of the match ws me trying to get through his
defenses, and keeping his Sphinxes in his hand (if he had
them), causing small piece of damage to us both, until I
managed to get through with SS Lv 5 and Lv3 for the game.
Now that was one hell of a match! And a long one two,
apparently, as the second round was just about to begin!
Me: (Silence Deck) vs. David (Weenie/Beatdown/Burner)
Match One:
Me: 8000-7200
David: 8000-6400-4000-0
This was a really quick match, and nothing more. Tribe hit
him, got killed, Prematured Tribe, then snatched for a Jinzo.
Game over. :P
Match Two:
Me: 8000-7500-7000-6500
David: 8000-6400-3800-1200
Pretty much the same here, except he managed to lock me down
for a bit with a combo of Gravity Bind and Solar Flare
Dragon, getting the bits of damaged done to me. A decree, a
Tribe, and some other attackers later, and it was game.
Sorry, but I can’t really remember the match too well. :s
The Duel had ended pretty quickly, so my friend and I
stepped outside and had a chat while we waited. It was then
I received a pack of cards from the random door prize.
Stupid CRV… I wanted a Ultimate DDMaster, not a Miracle
Fusion. Ah well, at least it was free. :P
Duel Three:
Me (Silence) vs. Chris (Water deck)
You ever see one of those guys who plays his cards REALLY
quickly and seems to tries to get away with forcing you to
not to chain? Well, this guy was something like that. He
wasn’t too bad about it, but it had happened a couple times.
One of his friends was a lot worse about it though, but
that’s a tale for another time. But, I don’t enjoy duels
like this, cause it takes the fun outta of it, intentional
or not
Match One:
Me: 8000-4050-3250-2350-2250-0
Chris: 8000-7800-6200-3700-3600-2600-1200
This was a really close match. I remember him getting very
early advantage with a rush of Bugroth, Abyss Soldier, and
something else that escapes my mind. A quick Vortex turned
the tide and I slowly managed a comeback with DDAs and a SS
Lv5, but it wasn’t good enough, as I ran into a Mirror
Force, and lost control from there for a loss.
Match Two:
Me: 8000-7750-6950
Chris: 8000-7000-5400-2800-0
A quick rush of Ceasefire and two SS Lv5s and a pumped up
Silent Mage Lv4 (which was so friggen awesome!) gave me a
quick win. Man, Silent Magician rocks! :D
Match Three:
Me: 8000-6500-7500-5500-3500-1500-0
Chris: 8000-7000-6600-5200
This lose was due to two reasons:
One – I had nothing but tribs in my hand
Two – Abyss + S Serpent. :P
There really isn’t much to say. The only card I had to play,
monster-wise, was Breaker, which was snatched away, but a
heavy storm got it back for a SS Lv5, then the Abyss Solider
hit the field and I was done.
That was pretty much it. A two outta three record was pretty
good in my mind, and I did have a chance to get into the
finals. And though I didn’t care, I hoped I did and placed
well, so I could maybe get some packs, or even better, use
the packs value as credit to get a tin! :P But alas, I never
made it, but I think I placed 5th or 6th or something. Meh.
You either make it or you don’t, so it doesn’t really
matter. J
Afterwards, I was talking to Xero and he said he might be
getting the Yugioh DS game as well, and if he did, he might
trade me the Magician’s in it, which I thought was really
great! I just hope I have enough cards that he wants for
trade. And to make it better, he even gave me and my friend
Mark a ride home. Now that’s what I call cool and something
to respect from a guy.
Anyway, here’s the Props and Slops.
- Doing well with a proto-type deck.
- Buying a Horus Lv 6 Super at the flea market afterwards
for 4 bucks. :P
- Starting up my DD deck with an Ultimate DD Survivor and a
- Jan’s son proving that age isn’t always a factor in skill.
And for Jan spending so much time with his kid by doing
something they both like.
- Xero for being a standup guy.
- Having my first ever DS duel with the judge at the flea
market! :P We both had junk decks, but it was a good
reminder of the good ol’ days, when you had to work with
what you had, and it was fun as hell!
- Not getting a tin. I want Gilfford, dammit!
- One guy constantly complaining that he lost his duels due
to not having Nobleman of Crossout in his deck. There’s
having a rant about it, then there’s going too far with it,
- Being poor… :P
Well, that’s it for this week. If you have anything to say
to me: love or hate mail, questions or comments, or
whatever, feel free to email me at
ShugotenchiKintaro@hotmail .com
Til next week readers!