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Tournament Reports
From: Tyler Ulsch []
Sent: Tuesday, August 01, 2006 7:48 PM
Subject: Make Me Scene's Ojama Burn (one last hurrah!) Dream
Wizards Rockville, MD - Tyler
Name: Tyler "Make Me Scene" Ulsch
Date: July 30, 2006
Location: Dream Wizards in Rockville, MD
Deck: Ojama Burn
Number of Participants: 18
It had been about 6 months since I had last been the
tournament scene, so I knew I needed to be careful when
choosing my deck. I decided that my best bet would be to run
the b urn deck that I had used to devastate the local
metagame in January. I wasn't sure how it would fare against
Chaos, so trying it out would also help to test the
playability of the deck in this format. I did make a few
changes to it to gear it up for anti-chaos.
Ojama Burn (42):
1 x Sangan
1x Magician of Faith
1 x Morphing Jar
1 x Mask of Darkness
1 x Night Assailant
1 x Tsukuyomi
1 x Des Koala
2 x Stealth Bird
1 x Mecha Dog Marron
1 x Lava Golem
1 x D.D. Warrior Lady
1 x Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
1 x Swords of Revealing Light
1 x Messenger of Peace
1 x Level Limit Area B
1 x Scapegoat
3 x Wave Motion Cannon
1 x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Graceful Charity
1 x Giant Trunade
2 x Gravity Bind
3 x Threatening Roar
2 x Trap Hole
1 x Magic Cylinder
2 x Ojama Trio
2 x Solemn Judgment
1 x Ceasefire
2 x Secret Barrel
2 x Just Desserts
1 x Torrential Tribute
1 x Mirror Force
I don't even remember what was in the side deck. It didn't
matter much anyway, for I wasn't able to take advantage of
any of it.
Hopefully you can tell the idea behind this deck. Use Ojama
Trio to lock your opponent's Monster Zone, then Just
Desserts and Secret Barrel for a lot of burn. Also, use Wave
Motion Cannon and Stealth Bird for big hits early on. Solemn
Judgement, Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, and Trap Hole
are used to count whatever my opponent throws at me, and
Threatening Roar stops those heavy hitters, while being
chainable to Mobius or Heavy Storm. Gravity Bind, Level
Limit Area B, and Messenger of Peace provide the usual burn
stall, while Morphing Jar, Lava Golem, and Magic Cylinder
can instantly turn the game around.
There you have it, the final reincarnation of Ojama Burn.
Personally, I think it's at its best. Only time will tell,
We (my girlfriend and I) got to Dream Wizards right when it
opened. I signed up, turned in my decklist, and went common
hunting. There were a few cards I needed for a Dark World
Exchange deck and a Inferno Reckless Summon Return deck. Of
course, Dream Wizards being as it is, I found nothing. Oh
well, on with the tourney.
Round 1: Me vs. Semad (Water Beatdown)
The thing about the first round in a Swiss format is it
either screws you over or sets you up beautifully. Luckily
for me, I got the latter. The kid was running a water
beatdown, most likely a Structure Deck with a few additions.
First game, I hit him with a few Stealth Birds, then follow
up with a Ceasefire for 1500. He gets my Sangan with a
Hydrogeddon, which is just good news for me. Finally, a
Magic Cylinder reflects his Legendary Fisherman back at him.
Me: 8000-7400
Semad: 8000-7000-6000-4500-3500-2500-300-0
Second game, more of the same. I started with two Wave
Motion Cannons and an Ojama Trio. He tries to hit the
Cannons with a Mobius, but Solemn Judgement says "No." I
topdeck a Secret Barrel, causing some small damage before
the Cannons exploded doing 6000.
Me: 8000-6500-3250-1750
Semad: 8000-7700-6500-5300-0
After the first round, I was left with questions. That water
deck didn't help me figure out if my Burn could stand up to
the almighty Chaos. I didn't even know if it could beat
Warrior Toolboxes from last format. Fortunately, I was about
to get my answer.
Round 2: Me vs. Geoff(Warrior Toolbox)
I was actually surprised to see a toolbox. I didn't know
this guy, but apparently the regulars did.
He got caught off guard during the first game. He kept
expecting Spirit Reapers in my face-downs. So when I hit
Messenger of Peace and a Des Koala, followed up by an Ojama
Trio/Just Desserts combo, he was hurting. He wasn't drawing
into Heavy Storm, and I Solemn Judgemented his Mystical
Space Typhoon, so he was stuck. I kept him at bay, steadying
my Life Points to 3300 before topdecking a Mecha Dog Marron.
He, being only 200 Life Points away from 0, couldn't attack
or destroy the Dog. That allowed me to draw into another
Secret Barrel.
Me: 8000-4000-3600-3500-3400-3300
Geoff: 8000-6000-3500-2500-1600-200-0
The next game was terrible. He slaughtered me. I couldn't
get a single point in. 'Nuff said.
Me: 8000-7700-7400-6200-4500-2800-0
Geoff: 8000
Final game and I drew perfectly. Gravity Bind, Solemn
Judgement, Stealth Bird, Wave Motion Cannon, Mystical Space
Typhoon, and Trap Hole. Few turns later, no S/T destruction,
Cannon goes off for 5000 and I hit him with a Secret Barrel
for the rest.
Geoff: 8000-7000-6000-5300-300-0
Well, Toolboxes still don't hold a candle to the Ojamas, but
that pesky Chaos. I counted three Chaos decks out of 18.
That meant I was sure to run into one before the end of the
day. Soon enough, the third round started and my luck ran
Round 3: Me vs. Eric (Chaos)
Yup. Just my luck. Oh well, at least I'll be able to see if
I cant still hack it. Of course, I was surprised to have
moved down a table. Blah. Eric was running Cookie Cutter
Chaos. Plain and simple. Time to figure out if my deck was
worth keeping around a little bit longer.
Game 1. I get 100 in from something, then its a slaughter
fest with Spirit Reaper, Zaborg, Cyber Dragon, and
eventually a Chaos Sorcerer.
Game two was a big turn around. He pulled nothing, which
left him with a huge dent in his Life Points before he
finally draws his Storm. Of course I had a Solemn Judgement,
which forced him to just sit and die.
In the last game, I totally screwed up. The only Solemn
Judgement I had, I wasted on a Mobius, when right behind it
was a Storm. A few hits from a Mirage Dragon, Sangan, and
Mystic Tomato and I was toast.
Ok, so Chaos isn't Ojama's bed buddy. I get that. I also get
that losing in round 3 gives you an easy win in round 4.
Round 4: Me vs. Chris (Beatdown)
It's hard to categorize this deck because it was basically
just a jumble of strong cards. The kid was obviously
inexperienced. That's ok though, he was a good sport.
I let out quickly with a Stealth Bird, then Lava Golem by
third turn. He filled his field with monsters and I Just
Desserts him and drop a single turn Wave Motion Cannon for
the game.
Me: 8000-4000
Chris: 8000-7000-6500-5500-4500-3500-1000-0
Next game wasn't much different. Beatdown without any theme
support is pretty much useless against a themed deck.
Me: 8000-6600
Chris: 8000-7000-6000-3500-0
I talked to the guy afterwards and explained themes to him.
We traded a few cards and then parted ways for the next
round... Which would land me against....
Round 5: Me vs. Adam Lam (Chaos Stein)
Oh joy. Adam. I know this guy from way back in January. The
time I top 8'ed with my Toolbox. We were going back and
forth for a while but I finally dropped to help him get in
the top 8. He goes and loses (so do I). Story of my life.
Game One and he tries opening with Cyber Stein and Cyber
Twin Dragon. I of course had a Night Assailant down. Bye-bye
Dragon. 3000 Life Points left, and a Stealth Bird and Wave
Motion Cannon out, two turns and it was game.
Adam: 8000-3000-2000-0
Side Decking happened, and the game went rather quickly. He
got a Royal Decree out very early on and I was screwed.
Me: 8000-4000-3000-0
Adam: 8000-7100-6300
Third game I get crushed. A poorly played Solemn Judgment
left me Royal Decree'd again. Open fields hurt.
Adam: 8000-6900
I don't like Chaos. I also don't like Stein. Unfortunately,
that's what my Meta is. Oh well. I ended up Top 8ing (got
7th), so I went up and squared off against my opponent.
Top 8: Me vs. Joseph (Chaos)
Joseph is on Team Solo, a local team I'm guessing. He's also
one of the best players in the area. Him and Adam anyway. I
was scared when I walked in the store, let alone actually
playing him.
I figure I must have been too worried about not screwing up
that I screwed up. First game, I couldn't touch him. He
Creature Swapped my Tsukuyomi for his Tsukuyomi (on
accident), then Royal Decree and a bunch of damage followed.
Me: 8000-5300-3200-800-0
Second game wasn't much better. Crap draws followed by a
beast hand on Joseph's part lead me to a crushing defeat.
So, obviously Ojama Trio Burn has potential in this format,
if played by the right person. Looking back on it, I
probably would've done a lot better if I had mained (or even
sided) a Heavy Storm. Royal Decree crushed me four games in
a row. bad decision by me. Still, Ojama Burn has potential.
I was able to do seemingly well with it, but I think I'm
going to put that deck on hiatus. I need cards from it to
run some Anti-Chaos builds I've been working on. Until then,
I'll leave you with my Pros/Cons for this weekend.
* Got quite a few cards I needed for my future builds
* Pulled a Cyber Phoenix out of the packs I got
* Got my girlfriend into Yu-Gi-Oh!
* Top 8 after 6 months!
* Ojama Burn for not doing so good this format.
* Almost traded an Ultra Luminous Soldier for a bunch of
stuff I needed.
* Elemental Heroes for being crap (good trade bait though)
Until next time, keep fighting the CC and rocking the
-Make Me Scene
P.S.: I'll be at the Pre-Release in College Park on
Saturday. Anyone who'll be in the area, drop me a line