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Tournament Reports
Horus Beatdown, Bizarro World, Davis California, February
Hi all you Pojo Yugioh lovers. I am back with another
tourney report from Davis California. Here is my deck.
Monsters x22
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 8
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 6 (x2)
Goblin Attack Force (x3)
Goblin Elite Attack Force
Spear Dragon (x2)
Exarion Universe
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV 4 (x2)
Twin Headed Behemoth
Dekoichi the Battle-Chanted Locomotive
Exiled Force
Cyber Jar
Mystic Swordsman LV 2
Magician of Faith
Spirit Reaper
Spells x 15
Book of Moon
Brain Control (x2)
Dark Hole
Snatch Steal
Lightning Vortex
Giant Trunade
Heavy Storm
Fissure (x2)
Pot of Avarice
Swords of Revealing Light
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Enemy Controller
Traps x5
Torrential Tribute
Dust Tornado
Call of the Haunted
Sakuretsu Armor
Magic Cylinder
Side Deck x15
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Toon Gemini Elf
Indomitable Fighter Lei Lei
Royal Decree
Bottomless Trap Hole
Luster Dragon #2
Magic Drain
Card Destruction
Needle Ceiling
Spear Dragon
Steamroid (x3)
Solemn Judgement
Today’s tourney was a low turn-out. We only had six people,
which resulted in a lot of byes. There was a lot of Trading
going on and I collected an E-Hero Necroshade. Does that guy
look cool or what. After about half an hour we got down to
business. We run a double elimination here because of the
lack of 40 or so players. So it gets a little complicated.
Match # 1 GeneralZorpa Vs. Kevin
I have not played Kevin before, but know that his deck is
based all around fiends. No branching at all. Just fiends.
He still plays La Jinn. And Kryuel. And absolutely no
synergy whatsoever. I helped him adjust his deck after the
Duel 1
The first duel was pretty straightforward. I had a slow
start with a Horus 4 being killed by Archfiend Soldier, but
I came roaring back with Exarion Universe, Fissure and
Tsukuyomi. My Goblin Attack Force and Brain Control sealed
the deal in a win for me.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7700-7600-6800
Kevin 8000-6200-4400-2100-300-0
Duel 2
No sideing out here. It was pretty much the same story,
except that He kept on having Opticlops and La Jinn in
attack position to keep me from using my Mystic Swordsman LV
2. Goblin and Horus 6 establish an early lead killing off
two of his 1800 ATK fiends. Then Exarion hits for 1800
direct. Horus 8 ends the duel, even though he never attacks.
He actually pulls off a good stalling move, setting Jowls of
Dark Demise which my Spear Dragon attacked, stealing my LV 8
and buying him a turn. But after he draws, he Scoops.
GeneralZorpa: 8000
Kevin 8000-7500-7000-5200-2400-Scoop
GeneralZorpa 2-0!
Match #2 Bye
This was the first of many byes. I ended up trying to trade
a little, but we needed to establish the losers bracket, so
it took about 15 minutes.
Match # 3 GeneralZorpa Vs. Drew
I have faced Drew many times before. He runs a warrior
toolbox with Mataza the Zapper, and several equip cards. It
is really fast and prone to top-decking. Drew kinda runs the
Sunday tourney and makes it run smoothly. Thanks to him for
Duel 1
I start off well since I go first, and set a Reaper. He
doesn’t play a thing. So I summon Horus 4 and attack with
him and the reaper for 1900 and discard E-Hero Wildheart. He
smashes my Horus and I switch reaper to defense. He hits me
with an Exarion and I wince very visibly. I fissure his
Exarion and smack him with the Choo-Choo. He plays Swords of
Revealing Light and I set a dust Tornado and a Horus 4. I
dust his swords, but get clobbered by his Fiend Megacyber. I
braincontrol his Megacyber but get drilled with 2200 from
Magic Cylinder. I set Cyber Jar and end. He attacks my Jar
and he gets all spells and traps that won’t help him and I
get Goblin Elite Attack Force, Spear Dragon, and Horus 4. He
scoops with a clear backfield.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6800-6200-5400-3200
Drew 8000-6100-4700-Scoop
Duel 2
This was very interesting. I almost lose several times, but
pull through because of topdecks. I start off with a
braincontrol sack for Horus 6. And beat him for 2300. I
summon Breaker and attack hisfacedown monster, but don’t
attack with Horus for fear of Sakuretsu Armor. Nope- It’s
Magic Cylinder for facedown # 1. I end. He summons Fiend
Megacyber and equips United We Stand. Horus goes down in
flames. Then I switch Breaker to defense, and set Cyber Jar.
He attacks the Jar, and I get Horus 4 and MoF face-down. He
then pulls off a brilliant move. He summons another Fiend
Megacyber, then sacks it for Jinzo, then prematures the
Fiend back. I lose my monsters. Next move I play
MST+Trunade+GAF and attack with Twin Headed Behemoth for
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7200-5300-3000-2200
Drew 8000-5700-4100-2500-1000-0
GeneralZorpa 4-0!
I don’t duel for like the next half an hour due to the
losers bracket finishing up, so I drift around looking at
the games. The Match between Kenneth and Drew was very fast
paced and exciting, with much monster removal on both sides.
In the end, Drew wins and faces off against me in the
Match #4 GeneralZorpa Vs. Drew
Duel 1
This duel was intense. With my first ever Bizarro World
tourney victory on the line we began.
I started with a direct attack by Exarion. But he followed
up with a smashing and DDA direct. I summon Sangan, because
I fear a Nobleman. He summons an E-Hero Wildheart. And he
attacks. I get Reaper with it, and a load of hurt from that
1500 that Wildheart dished out. I summon Horus 6 via Horus 4
killing Wildheart, and fissure his DDA. I attack direct
twice with Horus 6 and set a MS LV2. He manages to summon
Jinzo and tries to kill my Horus, but I Enemy Controller him
to defense. I Tsukuyomi his Jinzo face-down and kill it with
MS LV2 and attack with Tsuku and Horus for game.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6300- 5600-4100
Drew 8000-6200-6100-3800-1500-400-0
Duel 2
This was a very fine showing by both of us. I Summon Sangan
since he has played nothing and poke for 1000. He STILL
doesn’t play anything and I summon MS LV2 for a smack of
1900. He finally plays a face-down trap and it’s Waboku to
stop my poking. He then summons Mataza the Zapper and slaps
my monsters for 400 and 300 respectively. I fetch reaper
with Sangan and Premature Sanagan. He kills my Sangan again
I fetch Twin Headed Behemoth and his second atatck stops
with the reaper. He plays Lightning Vortex to clear my
field, sets a monster and equips Mataza with United We
Stand. I get nuked for 5800. I play Dark Hole and attack
with GAF and only have Brain Control, Dust Tornado, and
Horus 6 in my hand. He plays smashing and his topdecked
Premature to revive Mataza and attacks for game.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7600-7300-7000-1200-0
Drew 8000-7000-6000-5100-2800
Duel 3
This was it. The big tamale. Since I was undefeated he had
to beat me in another match, but I was still worried. It was
a wacky duel all around. He manages to get V-Lord onto the
field and attacks my face-down reaper. I Brain control his
V-Lord and attack. Discarding Cyber Jar from his deck when I
declared monster and a Smashing Ground from his hand. I kill
his V-Lord somehow with enemy controller, and attack with
reaper again, discarding a Marauding Captain and set MoF.
Next move he does nothing but place his hand on the
backfield. I attack with reaper, GAF and MoF (got back Enemy
Controller) He summons Wildheart with United We Standand
kills my Called Breaker. I Fissure his Wildheart and Reaper
and MoF attack. He draws nothing and scoops.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7200-6300-5500
Drew 8000-5700-5400-2500-1900-Scoop
Well that was the tourney pretty much. We were all
disappointed to hear that there would be no tourney next
weekend, due to the Sneak Peek. But on the plus side we
traded a lot and were all excited for the release of the GX
packs tomorrow.
Good Stuff
-Won the tourney for the first time (Nelson and Christian
weren’t there)
-GX packs come out tomorrow
-Got Archlord Zerato, Horus 8, E-Hero Necroshade, E-Hero
Bladedge, two rare Siilvas, VWXYZ Catapult Cannon, and rare
XYZ Dragon Cannon (GX packs) from packs and trades.
Not so Good Stuff
-Low Turnout =Lower Skill than normal
-No tourney next week
SO that’s that. If you want to get a hold of me
This is GeneralZorpa of Team Aegis. (Check us out!)