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Tournament Reports
From: Jimmie Harris []
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:01 AM
Subject: Black Attack v.Toolbox[Brandon's Breakdown]_Artifax,
San Diego CA
~Post New Years Tournament Report
Black Attack v.ToolBox
ie. Brandon Harris [exAlchemist]
[Mira Mesa, Artifax]
San Diego, CA
It was like...20-30 some people iono
Its all good back for the first time...
It was the Saturday before New Years...yea that was it, Yea
I don't do dates very often. All I kno is that its 06' right
now and it was 05' at the its all good.
I hit up mah man Jay and gave him a ride to the spot and set
up. Hamza, Justin, Cody, Art, Uncle, even Ludwig was thurr.
Tim I think is dead, Rex is just lazy, and Justin...well
he's Justin so they weren't there...but its all real they
don't play a role in this. Anyway lets continue, we were
playin Swiss and as usual Jim and Chin Chin were running the
tourny and Hamza was judging...seriously why does he do
that, it has no purpose!
Whatever so me and Jay get there and I play test with him
for a few until the tournament starts. And JT rolls in with
his laptop so we are dueling and watching Advent Children at
the same time. So the duels are meaningless and OmniSlash is
just phenominal. Then we watched multiple videos of Capcom
SNK tournaments and Guilty Gear, bombness. Below is my real
deck that I run, I believe in freedom of expression. Since
this is cookie cutter no one would waste there time net
decking it anyway xD.
Black Attack v.Toolbox
[1]Mobius the Frost Monarch
[2]Cyber Dragon
[1]D.D. Survivor
[1]Breaker the Magical Warrior
[1]D.D. Warrior Lady
[2]D.D. Assailant
[2]Mystic Tomato
[2]Don Zaloog
[2]Spirit Reaper
[1]Magician of Faith
[1]Mystic Swordsman Lv.2
[1]Exiled Force
[1]Enemy Controller
[1]Nobleman of Crossout
[1]Book of Moon
[2]Smashing Ground
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Snatch Steal
[1]Swords of Revealing Light
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Mystical Space Typhoon
[2]Reinforcement of the Army
[1]Premature Burial
[3]Sakaretsu Armor
[1]Dust Tornado
[1]Torrential Tribute
[1]Trap Hole
[1]Bottomless Trap Hole
[1]Call of the Haunted
Side Board/Deck/Extra Cards in a Box/15 Card Piece of
Filth~[15] [2]Nobleman of Extermination [1]Mobius the Frost
Monarch [1]Newdoria [1]Kinetic Soldier [1]Tsukuyomi [1]Enemy
Controller [1]Confiscation [1]Brain Control [1]Ceasefire
[1]Dust Tornado [2]Royal Oppression [1]Waboku [1]Blast With
Chain [bad filler...bad!]
Fusion Deck/Board/Whatever~[?]
...too lazy to mention, even though its sitting right next
to me.
With that out of the way let's go on with the opponents and
the tourny and all of that ilk.
Round 1.)
My first opponent was Ludwig.
He was runnin that Soul Control junk [darn it Vargas...u had
to get original didn't u! *shakes fist*] The biggest
difference was that it held ridiculous amounts of card
advantage [iono his probably did, but Ludwig generated
madness]. He wins the dice roll and goes first...the game
bypasses and I end up sneaking game one. He sides and we
continue. I get snaked old school and the final game ensues,
a slaughter.
exAlchemist [0-1]
Round 2.)
I faced the worst opponent of all...the bye, god that was a
tough match. I was all sweaty and like crazy after like ten
minutes it was intense. I wandered around and look at stuff
and then Jim was Justin.
Profanity rang through the air as I sat down to face him.
exAlchemist [1-1]
Round 3.)
Justin came to be the third round competitor of this
astrange tournament. He ran the classic toolbox warrior
cookie cut me all over the place, pimp me with a spoon,
aggro hand control Don, violence...yatta yatta. Anyway I won
dice roll and started, the dust settled and I took the first
game. The next game was a violent blur of chaos and ketchup
[ was messy]. He crept up and owned me. I tried to
side some 't3ch' [...] but it proved foolish as he spanked
me like a weak dog for the win. Once again the Alchemist had
exAlchemist [1-2]
Round 4.)
I was feelin pretty hot under the collar as I sat down to
play my next opponent. And loan behold...It was Mike
Rosenburg, amazing isn't it. That such a great
writer/duelist would dare grace our humble store. Bless ur
heart Mike, bless ur heart. From what Jim shouted he said
that some people that were 2-2 might make top 8, this
brought joy to my heart as I readied to fight Rosenburg.
Originally he scooped to me, but he decided to fight when he
heard of a shot at the top 8 xD.
I win the roll and go first, I suppose I shouldn't reveal
his deck he might grow wrathful. Anyway I set the usual and
he matches it, then I bring it down hard. MST x Crossout +
Reaper + Don = Rape. Decent Equation, so violent that
Rosenburg scooped. I was nearly flabbergasted but he
explained his reasons and I conqured. I sided in my anti-Rosenburg
t3ch...yes I did name it that. The next game he opens with
four sets and one set monster, I fart and set one of each.
We play with each other back and forth until Mobius and the
Nobleman get angry, once again Don was so violent it forced
Rosenburg to concide. The power of Alchemy had turn my lead
playing skills into a golden victory. We shook and spoke
upon his articles and improving his deck. He looked over my
side board and the like to learn ways to counter it. Pssh I
was so honored I made him sign my Tsukuyomi [u kno u want
it, xD]
exAlchemist [2-2]
Round 5.)
Holy Hiroshima I made top 8...believe it or not a 2-2 made
top 8. My tiebreakers were ridiculous since I faced the two
people that had a 4-0 and
3-1 record so I was down [Justin and, I really
don't kno]. I faced Tony a face I hadn't seen in awhile, but
a welcome one. He ran Monkey Madness, beatsticks and the
classic build of traps/magic. Anyway it changed from Swiss
Cheese to All or Nothin. I forgot who went first, but I
opened up a can of Don Zaloog and cards went
everywhere...there was lil left. Next game the same thing
basically happened I wideled through the insanity, bless u
Enemy Controller. Once again Don pulled out his edited
Gun/Swords and brought down the hand of justice! The power
of Alchemy once again turns this lead headed duelist into
pure gold.
exAlchemist [winner]
Round 6.)
Semi-Final Action now. I faced Art for the second/first
place spot, Cody and Ludwig were goin at it for a spot as
well. Once again the game is hazy as Jimmy Hendrix on stage,
he ran the same deck from like three regionals ago and it
works amazingly. Newdoria's...all over the place, SERIOUSLY!
I finally broke though his defenses and got the hand control
action on him, Reaper got a piece this time. Next game was
the same [startin to see a pattern here?!] Cept it was a lil
more of a beatdown this time, the hand kinda wandered away
on its own. I pulled out a shiny victory [I'm gettin tired
of the lead to gold thing, its corny as the pop]
exAlchemist [winner]
Final Round 7.)
Loan Behold the man with the 2-2 Record is in the Final
2...I would cuss, but there isn't a real need. Once again I
play Ludwig, its like Fate here its 'amazing'. Soul Control
dude xD, and against me he topdecks like a champ. I am
serious its unreal, ask anyone in that bleeding store. Only
against me though, everyone else is just normal. He goes
first and tries to get that choo choo train filth, but I
vote 'shut that up' with a Crossout.
But he ends up getting the weenie rush of 2 GK's Spy a Guard
and a Tsukuyomi, I just got pimped. I side in my
anti-Rosenburg t3ch [...seriously] and bring it home for the
Alchemaic team with a quick win. We are tyed in a dead 1-1
heat, The Monarchs are rampant but they continue to fall
into the Holes of Eternity. While Don itches to take a slice
at some life but keeps getting spanked by Saki Armor. After
the dust settles and the cattle calm themselves I emerge
exAlchemist [victor]
[1]Brandon ~ exAlchemist
[2]Kevin ~ Ludwig
[3]Cody ~ Netdecker[j/k xD]
[4]Art ~ BENDER!
[5]Justin ~ [~insert nickname here~]
Irony strikes again, a person with a 2-2 record wins the
tourny and all the people that worked hard got screwed. I
admit...its bull, but eh if not for swiss it wouldn't be
possible so I'm all good. I won 50 Store Credit and not to
burden Jim I just spent it, I got another D.D. Assailant and
some more Ultimate Rares. My collections grows...slowly I
will beat ur binder I swear it! [u kno who u are!] Anyway I
traded some got some more ultimate rares and the like. I was
pissed because I had to work, but ehh I was over it. I went
to Sombrero's with Hamza, Kevin, and Justin and threw down
on some food. I dueled Justin for kicks then I rolled out to
work. And once again peace returned to the land.
~Ludwigs TopDecking Skills [against me]
~Getting a 2-2 Record [it disgraces my ancestors] ~Smoking
Hot Bean and Cheese Burritos [it tastes like burning] ~Work
[it tastes and 'is' burning] ~Blast with Chain [no!] ~Kids
Tryin to Hustle Commons [they try...but, *sigh*] Prop[s]
~Winning [yeah had to show love for that, this redeems
myself before my ancestors] ~Swiss Tournies [only way
possible] ~Non Player's Choice Sleeves [its been like four
days and my sleeves are fallin apart] ~JT for brining in his
Laptop [E.Honda u own so hardcore it makes me hot!]
~Regionals this Saturday [w00t, NAVARRO HERE I COME U TACO
~Aight i'm good, how bout u
Deck Fix
Other than that I am out, catch me in Anahiem chillin and
might crash.
Pimping nothing and attempting to smoke grass. Peace in the
Middle East...and other war torn areas of the world, heck
Peace everywhere!