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Tournament Reports
Dragon’s Decree
The Gathering Place
Casselbury, Florida (about 15 minutes north of Orlando)
Date: December 26th
Time: 2:30 PM
Attendees: Only 9 (Day after Christmas Sales?)
Fee: $5.00
Prizes: All entrants will receive a pack of their choice,
top 4 receive two packs of choice, and the winner walks away
with 6, while 2nd place gets 3. The prize always changes
depending on the amount of participants.
Greetings to all! Hope you enjoyed last week’s submission.
The day after Christmas found me with some free time, so I
stopped into the Gathering Place and discovered that they
were looking to have a tourney. I said sure sign me up (with
my friend Dre). I also picked up an Elemental Energy Special
Edition pack, and finally pulled the Bird (Phoenix). I have
wanted that card for a while now, so needless to say I was
content. I also took out the Cursed Seal and added in a
Drilloid, and then later I learn why I should have left it
in the sideboard. On to the deck:
Dragons’ Decree
Monsters: 18
1x – Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
2x – Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
2x – Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4
1x – Blade Knight
1x – Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x – Cyber Jar
1x – D.D. Assailant
2x – D.D. Survivor
1x – D.D. Warrior Lady
1x – Exiled Force
1x – Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1x – Legendary Jujitsu Master
1x – Magician of Faith
1x – Sangan
1x – Twin Headed Behemoth
1x – Book of Moon
1x – Brain Control
1x – Dark Hole
1x – Heavy Storm
1x – Messenger of Peace
1x – Mystical Space Typhoon
1x – Nobleman of Crossout
1x – Nobleman of Extermination
1x – Premature Burial
1x – Reinforcement of the Army
2x – Rush Recklessly
1x – Scapegoat
2x – Smashing Ground
1x – Snatch Steal
1x – Call of the Haunted
2x – Royal Decree
2x – Sakuretsu Armor
1x – Torrential Tribute
Side Deck:15
1x – Drilloid
2x – Kinetic Soldier
2x – Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x – Mystic Swordsman LV2
1x – The End of Anubis
1x – Nobleman of Extermination
1x – Smashing Ground
1x – Wave-Motion Cannon
1x – Bottomless Trap Hole
1x – Dust Tornado
2x – Solemn Judgment
1x – Widespread Ruin
Round 1: BYE
The BYE was a very difficult opponent. I dueled someone with
my water deck while waiting. It was a warrior deck with
Freed and The Fiend MegaCyber. Not bad.
My friend Dre loses to some kid with his earth deck. I go
over to make a ruling because the kid thinks that he can
special summon Gigantes from the graveyard by removing an
earth creature from the graveyard. I explain to him that
Gigantes cannot be NORMAL summoned, and can only be special
summoned by removing a creature from the graveyard. If you
summon him that way first, then he can be Prematured,
Called, etc.
Record: 1-0
Round 2: Me vs Warrior CC.
Kid asked me “So what kind of deck do you run, I say “You’ll
find out!” He says “Why does everyone say that?” I laughed
and shuffled. Actually, what I thought was going to be a
nice duel turned into an annoying one. Dice rolls in my
favor, and first hand I get Torrential, LV6, DD Assailant,
Kycoo, Sakuretsu, and draw Smashing Ground. I set the
Assailant and Sakuretsu. He goes, MSTs Sakuretsu, NoC’s
Assailant, Reinforces for GAF, and smacks me for 3500 with
Marauding and GAF, sets an S/T, and ends.(8000 – 4500) I
remind him to put GAF in defense, and he is like, “Oh I
forget all the time, you’ll have to remind me!” He has a
smile on his face like he is thinking “I am OWNING right
now.” I draw Dark Hole and play it, and then summon Kycoo
who promptly falls into a Bottomless Trap Hole. I set
Torrential and end. He sets a creature and ends. I draw
Sangan and summon it, and attack into . . . Needle Worm?? I
lose Premature and a LV4 with other stuff. It doesn’t seem
like this kid is paying attention because every five seconds
he is like, “Is it my go yet? My go?” I laugh as I let him
know that I am not done yet, and then I think a minute. I
review his graveyard and then say “Your move.” He draws,
summons Exiled, and tributes to kill Sangan, I get DDWL with
his effect. I draw DD Survivor, and summon him, and attack
for 1800. (6200 – 4500). He draws, summons Sangan, equips
him with United We Stand and kamakazies into DD Survivor,
searches for Magician of Faith, and then tries to set
Magician of Faith, and I explain that he already summoned
this turn. In his end phase I Call Sangan, draw Royal,
summon DD Warrior Lady, attack for 2500, and set the
Royal.(3700 – 4500) He draws and sets the MoF (because he
does not shuffle the cards in his hand, so I knew which one
it was). On my turn I draw NoE, tribute Sangan for LV6, get
my MoF, swing LV6 into MoF and DDWL into his LP. LV up at
the End phase, and he scoops.
I sidedeck two Kinetics for Blade and Kycoo, and my opponent
does not. He goes first and does the traditional one and
one. I draw my sixth card and look at my hand, MST, DDS,
LV4, Call, Sak, Book of Moon. I MST his BTH and summon LV4
and attack into . . . Needle Worm again? Annoying but I lose
a Royal, Smashing Ground, DDWL, Scapegoat, and Kinetic
Soldier. I am sure that last card caught his eye. I set Call
and in end phase I special summon LV6. My opponent draws and
then plays RotA looking for Marauding Captain. I would have
thought he would search for Exiled unless he already has it.
As expected, he summons Exiled and tributes for LV6. He sets
and ends, and in his end phase I activate call of the
haunted to bring back 6. I draw, and he Drop Offs my Twin
Headed. I summon and attack with DDS and LV6 and set
Sakuretsu. (3900-8000) He draws, summons Marauding Captain
and GAF, attacks with GAF and I respond with Sakuretsu. He
sets one and ends. I draw Messenger of Peace, attack with DD
Survivor and end, I figure that his face down might be a
Sakuretsu, but I have no protection for my LV6, and no means
by which I can get him back, so I am careful and set Book of
Moon (3300-8000). He draws and summons Berserk Gorilla, and
attacks my DD Survivor (3300-7800). I draw Royal, activate
Messenger, set Royal and end (3300-7800). He draws, summons
DD Assailant and ends. I draw Kinetic and summon, he
responds with Torrential and I chain Royal. Then, I attack
with Kinetic and he takes
1650 and then I attack for game with LV6. He tried to tell
me that I couldn’t attack, but I reminded him that Horus was
unaffected by Messenger of Peace, so LV6 could attack.
Record: 2-0
Round 3: Me Vs Clown Control/Stumbling
My friend is 0-2 at this point, and I am about to beat
someone who beat him. He runs a Clown Control deck, and by
now he is very aware about my deck. We sit and exchange
pleasantries while shuffling, and I win the roll. First hand
is Sangan, MST, Brain Control, LV6, Smashing Ground, and TT.
I summon Sangan and MST. He draws, summons Giant Rat, smacks
my Sangan and Sangan fetches me Cyber Jar. I MST his fresh
set at his end phase (8000-7600). I draw NoC and set my
Cyber Jar and TT. He draws, and with a puzzled look on his
face he asks “Where’s all my stall cards?” He NoC’s my
Cyber, attacks directly and sets a S/T (8000-6200). I draw
LJM and set him. He draws, and attacks, which activates
LJM’s effect and he is bounced back to the deck. He summons
another Giant Rat and ends. I draw Royal, set it and end. He
draws the Giant Rat, summons him, sets another S/T and ends.
I draw Dark Hole and smile on the inside. I tribute LJM for
Horus, and he responds with Trap Hole, so I chain Royal
Decree. I attack a Giant Rat, which brings out Dream Clown.
MP2 I Dark Hole, set NoC as a bluff and end phase I SS LV8
(7100-6200). He draws, sets a creature and ends. I draw BoM,
flip NoC (crossing out our MoF) and smack for 3000
(4100-6200). He draws and concedes.
I side out my MoP, Blade, Kycoo, LJM, Rush, and Scapegoats
for two Solemns, Dust, Wave Motion, NoE, and Mystic
Swordsman LV2. I remember wishing I had the Cursed Seal, so
that I could negate and prevent him from activating future
Stumblings. He begins with the one and one. I draw NoC, and
add it to my hand of LV4, MST, Solemn, Sak, and Cyber. I set
Cyber and Sak and end. He draws, flips up Dream Clown, and
attacks Cyber. I got Breaker, MoF, Exiled, Heavy and MSLV2.
He got a Giant Rat, Threatening Roar, and some spells. He
then summons Mighty Mouse as I set my MoF, Exiled, and
MSLV2, and summon Breaker, He attacks Breaker and I flip
Sakuretsu. He sets 3 and ends. I draw Premature, play Heavy
and he chains Threatening Roar among all the other S/T’s I
flip summon MoF and get back Heavy I set MST and Solemn and
end. He draws, plays Level Limit Area B (which I Solemn),
one f/d creature, and then sets a S/T which I MST in the end
phase (8000-4000). I draw Wave-Motion, summon LV4, attack
his facedown Crass Clown with LV2, and Breaker, Exiled, and
LV4 attack directly, move MoF to def, play WMC, and end
(3800-4000). He draws, sets a creature and 2 S/Ts and ends.
I draw Sangan, (WMC=1) and swing with LV2, who gets
Sakuretsu’d. I swing with LV4 and flip over Swarm of
Locusts, and swing directly with Breaker and Exiled. I
launch the cannon for 1000 and set the Royal, and at end
phase LV6 is summoned, which trips the TT he set. HA! Didn’t
see that one coming (200-4000). He draws and Sangan pokes at
me for 1000 (200-3000). I draw Smashing Ground, play
Premature Burial, summon LV6 and as he chains Bottomless I
chain Royal. He then shakes my hand and I am in the finals.
Record: 3-0
Finals Round 1 Top 4: Me vs. Last Turn
This guy who played last week with the regionals’ mat sees
me and says, “Hey we are in the top 4, I’m playing the Clown
Control guy and you’re playing him (pointing to some 15 year
old). I’m like “OK”, but then he tells me that my opponent
is running Last Turn. In my head I am kinda worried, I never
do well in a Last Turn matchup, and I do not think I really
have anything in my side deck specific for Last Turn. He
sits down and I greet him and we get started. He wins the
roll draws six, and sets a f/d creature and an S/T. I draw
my six; getting BoM, MST, DDWL, LV6, Smashing, Sak. I summon
DDWL and attack into Cat of Ill Omen, which fetches him Last
Turn. I set MST and BoM and end. He draws, activates Upstart
Goblin, draws for its effect, activates the facedown
Reckless Greed, summons Jowgen, sets three, and then plays
Reload on two cards. He shuffles them into his deck, I cut,
and he draws two. Then he tries to activate the facedown
Reload he just set, and I remind him because it is a
quickplay card that he cannot. He says, “Oh yeah, you’re
right” and then he ends his turn. In his end phase, I MST
one of his two facedown cards, and I pray that it is Last
Turn. He thumbs the target of MST, and then the other card,
and then says, OK and Last Turn is destroyed (8000-9000). I
draw LV8?? My luck is definitely not good. DDWL attacks
Jowgen for 1300 damage. I set Sakuretsu and end (6700-9000).
Now, he has two cards in his hand, but he cannot draw. He
will be able to shuffle them back into the deck with Reload,
which he activates. When he draws his two, he does not have
a happy face. He ends, and I draw Scapegoat. I attack again
for 1500 and set the goats (5200-9000). He removes the final
counter designating the last draw phase he skips and says
go. I draw Kycoo and attack with both for 3300 damage and
end (1900-9000). He draws and scoops.
I side and so does he. In go both Solemns, Dust, two Mobius
and the MSLV2, out comes MoP, Scapegoats, two Rushs and two
sakuretsus. My opponent draws first, looks at all six cards
and says GO without setting a single card. I am like WOW!
First time I have ever seen that. I draw and look at my six;
Breaker, Decree, Solemn, NoC, Brain Control, Snatch Steal. I
summon Breaker and swing for 1900, and set Decree and Solemn
(6100-8000). He draws his 7th card, and plays, LLAB, LLAB,
two facedowns, and ends. In his end phase I activate Royal
Decree. His eyes open wide and he is like “Are you serious?
1st turn Decree?” I love that look. I draw Sangan, and
summon him to the field. Breaker destroys a facedown (Dust
Tornado) and Sangan pokes for 1000 (5100-8000). He draws and
sets a creature. I draw LV6, NoC his creature (forgot what
it was) and tribute Breaker for LV6. Sangan and LV6 swing
into his lifepoints (1800-8000). He draws and sets an S/T. I
draw Blade Knight and swing for game.
Record: 4-0
Finals Round 2 Top 2: Me vs. Stumbling Deck
I ended up matched against the Clown Control deck again, and
so I asked him if he wanted to split packs, he said sure,
and we did. I gave him the extra pack I kept four EEN packs,
and pulled an Ultimate Rare Broww. Also, during my fun duel
later against Clown Control guy, I traded the Widespread
Ruin (out of my sidedeck) and a Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
for an Enemy Controller! W00T!
n To the store owner for having an unscheduled tourney as
there was quite a turnout.
n To the Special Edition pack where I pulled my Sacred
n To the Clown Control deck, from what I heard I was his
only loss, and I knew of a few Cyber Dragon/DD
Assailant/Warrior decks out there.
n To the kid who traded me the Enemy Controller J
Until next time! Feel free to hit me up with questions or
comments and note the new email address! Everyone have a
safe and happy new year!!