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Tournament Reports
Warrior Toolbox at DreamWizards
Deck: Warrior Toolbox
Tyler Ulsch
DreamWizards in Rockville, MD
Number of Participants: 25+
It’s been a while since I’ve been in the tournament scene. I
took a break from YGO to go into Magic, but I suck at that
game, so I’m back. Today’s tournament was a sanctioned store
tournament held by DreamWizards. I got there at about 11,
bought two packs of sleeves for my deck (mine were falling
apart), and registered. Here’s the deck I registered:
Warrior Toolbox (mostly)
Monsters (17)
Mobius the Frost Monarch
Cybernetic Magician
Cyber Dragon
D. D. Assailant
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Blade Knight
D. D. Warrior Lady
Elemental Hero Wildheart
Exiled Force
Mystic Swordsman LV 2
Mystic Swordsman LV 4
Cyber Jar
Spirit Reaper
Magician of Faith
Magic (15)
Lightning Vortex
My Body as a Shield
Reinforcement of the Army
Smashing Ground
Nobleman of Extermination
Snatch Steal
Swords of Revealing Light
Creature Swap
Dark Hole
Heavy Storm
Book of Moon
Premature Burial
Nobleman of Crossout
Trap (9)
Dust Tornado
Call of the Haunted
Widespread Ruin
Bottomless Trap Hole
Sakuretsu Armor (3)
Torrential Tribute
Negate Attack
Total: 41
Side Deck (15)
Sillva, Warlord of Dark World
Slate Warrior
King Tiger Wanghu
Apprentice Magician
Mystic Swordsman LV 2
Kinetic Soldier
Dark World Lightning
Nobleman of Extermination
Wave Motion Cannon
Reinforcement of the Army
Royal Decree
Return from the Different Dimension (2)
There you have it. Almost a CC Warrior Toolbox, but I tried
for a bit of originality. Unfortunately, I’m low on a lot of
good cards, such as Don and another Smash. I can deal for
now though. This set up is interesting as well, because
first, the Cybernetic Magician is sometimes useful. Throw
out some goats then summon it, discard your hand, OTK. But,
I never actually got to use it. Also, The King Tiger Wanghu
in my side deck is godly. Seriously, at least in my area’s
meta, it kills Reapers, MSLV2, Exiled, Tsuku and Marauding
Captain, which is used a bit more than I would’ve thought.
Anyway, first round came up soon after I turned in my deck
Round 1 (me vs. Sean)
Sean was actually someone’s dad who entered the tournament
with his kids. He was running a Dragon deck with major Horus
support (LV 4, Servants, the whole nine yards). It starts
off a little slow, we each get some stuff down and so on. I
get Breaker out and Mobius, crushing his face downs (Brain
Control and Burial?) I get some hits in with LV 2 and then
level it up to LV 4. At some point, I snatch his monster and
get out a Cyber Dragon. From there on I beat him with MS and
the dragon.
Game one: Me: 8000
Sean: 8000- 5100- 2700- 0
Second game, we start out slow, I get LV 4 out, which
surprisingly does quite well in this deck, and he Brain
Controls it, attacking me with it and a LV 4 Horus. I take
the swordsman back and bring out a Blade Knight. I take out
a defense and lv 4 does 1900. After that, Sean goes on
defense. I take it out with a Nobleman, then take him down
to 2600. He doesn’t have anything else good, but he does
manage to Premature a Horus back before I took him out with
a Spirit Reaper.
Game two; Me: 8000- 4500
Sean: 8000-6100-2600-1800-0
The round went rather quickly, so I had time to go walk
around and check out some other games. Then, round two came
Round 2 (me vs. Eric)
This guy had a raw Earth Warrior deck. I wasn’t sure what to
make of it at first, but during the second game, a few quick
sideboards and I started to get it. Basically, he slaps me
with a Sangan, then a Giant Rat, then another rat, then
another, then snatches my Jinzo and finishes me. Game one,
Game one: Me: 8000- 7000- 5600- 4200- 2800- 2000- 1700- 0
Eric: 8000
Second game, I side in a Kinetic, Wanghu, and Decree, to
deal with his removal traps. Unfortunately, there wasn’t
much I could do about it anyway. I got the worst hand:
Premature, Jinzo, Storm, Vortex, and Creature Swap. Luckily,
I was able to make due with a Vortex and premature combo,
got Jinzo out and he Cyber Jars it. I get nothing again, he
beats on me with a wildheart, some rats, and his own Jinzo.
I got a Cyber Dragon out, but he just snatched it and took
me out. I looked at his deck after the round. It was
amazing. Earth Arts and Wildhearts and DDAs. Good original
Game two: Me: 8000- 6500- 2700- 1700- 0
Eric: 8000- 7200 (P Burial)
This round finished fast and I was 1 and 1. I was ready to
play again. I really wanted to at least win two more rounds,
cause that would have been better than I have ever done in a
large tournament. So, Round three.
Round 3 (me vs. Michael)
This guy played a pure warrior deck. Rather interesting,
even with GAF and Command Knight. Some good support too.
Marauding Captain to name one. Anyway, first game, not much
I could do. His goblin tore through me once, then I LV 2’d
him directly and he used goblin again. Game.
Game one: Me: 8000- 5700- 4900- 3900- 1900- 0
Michael: 8000- 7100
I sided in Wang and Kinetic as well as a Reinforcement. Next
game, he got nothing. I was able to counter everything he
tried and left him useless against Wanghu (blocked his
captains and command knights) and blade knight. Game. 1 and
1 now.
Game two: Me: 8000
Michael: 8000- 4700- 0
Third game, we got some hits against each other. I hit him
with Cyber Dragon and LV 2 for 3000. I hit him again with a
Jinzo and dragon. He then takes out a huge chunk with a
combo of Command Knight, Marauding Captain, and the A.
Forces. Didn’t take out my Jinzo though, which cost him. I
cleared his A forces with a storm then ate up his lifepoints
with Jinzo. Nice game. Original Deck. I’m happy.
Game three: Me: 8000- 7100- 6900- 4800- 2900
Michael: 8000- 5000- 500- 0
Round 3 was over, I went and bought an Exarion Universe tin
cause I have Trample deck ideas. Got crap in the packs
though. Ectoplasmer and Ultimate Machine Duplication. Woo
hoo… Anyway, I’m 2 and 1 now, and the fourth round is up.
Round 4 (me vs. Chris)
Ok. Let me start this one off by saying that this guy gave
me the most incredible duel I have ever had. Ever. And he
was so cool about everything too. It just made me a lot
calmer. He was playing a VWXYZ deck. I never thought it
would work, but was I wrong. First game, it went back and
forth forever. I hit him with a blade knight, he hits with a
Z cannon, I hit him with Jinzo, he hits Jinzo with Freed, I
hit him with DDA and a dragon. First game done. I side in
some things to deal with the Dimension Fusions, or at least
Game one: Me: 8000-6500-5700-4700-3000
Chris: 8000- 6000-3600-1600-0
Game two was incredible. I’m kicking myself because I forgot
to take notes. I do remember he removed a lot of my stuff, I
removed a lot of his stuff, then as the lifepoints dwindled,
he dimension fusions v, w, x, y and z all in one go. I
torrential luckily. He still brings out XY and Jinzo and
finishes me. Most incredible duel I’ve had. It was just so
neck and neck the whole time, and I was able to try some
interesting stuff, like Wanghu again. Great game. I was even
able to book of moon Jinzo face down so I could Torrential
Tribute it.
Game two: Me: 8000-7000-6200-5600-5100-1100-0
Chris: 8000-6000-4400-4300-2300-1150
Game three was extremely quick. The guy must have had all
his stuff clumped together from the last game, cause he
didn’t draw anything useful. The only damage I took was from
a Confiscation I used. Got rid of his Vortex too. Anyway, I
hit him with Blade Knight, Breaker, Jinzo, and Mobius. Game.
Game three: Me:8000-7000
Chris: 8000-4800-0
Round 4 was amazing as I said. I had no idea a VWXYZ deck
would even work that well. I might even want to work on one
myself if the set wasn’t so expensive. Anyway, round five
came up, I looked at my table and I knew I was screwed.
Round 5 (me vs. Jimmy)
Jimmy is about 8 years old and he got 4th in the last
regionals. It also didn’t help that both games I got screwed
with my hand. So yeah, I didn’t even bother taking notes.
Game one: me: 8000-3300-1800-0
Jimmy: 8000-4800-4100
Game two: Me: 8000-7000-6500-5700-3600-1800-0
Jimbo: 8000-7800
Well, now I was 3 and 2. My best record so far. I was
already happy, but I wanted to see if I could go 4 and 2.
So, Round 6.
Round 6 (me vs. Adam)
Adam was a really cool kid. He was the top qualifier, and he
was playing a draw machine deck with metamorphosis. First
game, I thought I was screwed. He started off breaking a
Saku, then morphs the breaker into a Darkfire Dragon. I’m
not sure how many good level 4 fusions there are, so I’m not
going to say anything about his choice. He hits me a bit, I
hit him, he clears my field with a Mobius. I have 1000
points left, he attacks… Cyber Jar. He had only 5 cards left
in his deck, no monsters, so I just ended and decked him.
Great duel, although it felt cheap winning by mil. Oh well.
Game one: Me: 8000-6200-2500-1400-1000
Adam: 8000-7200-8200-9700-6200-Decked
I forgot to sideboard anything, so I was stuck without a
very much useful Royal Decree for this second game. We go
on, I don’t think Adam drew anything good. I kept hitting
him with some small stuff, whittling him down to 2400 and I
had a Mobius. I was about to attack when I thought for a
second. That kid Jimmy had been saying the entire game that
Adam had to win for all of his friends (like 3 guys and him)
to get into top 8. I guess it had something to do with
tiebreakers. I asked him if he really needed to win to get
his friends in, he said he wasn’t sure, but I decided to
scoop to him. I would’ve won, but I knew I couldn’t make top
8, so I just let him have it. He was cool about it too. He
even gave me his prize packs after he lost in top 8. I
didn’t even really want them. But, free cards are free
Game two: Me: 8000-6500-7500-7000-drop
Adam: 8000- 6000-4400-3600-4600-3500-2400
After the final round, I hung out with Adam and his posse.
They were all really cool. I even dueled Adam again because
no one thought he could’ve lost, and of course... He got
everything he needed and I got nothing. He crushed me 2-0. I
couldn’t have expected to win twice off of a fluke anyway.
After everything was done, I was able to trade for another
Reaper and I got an Airknight Parshath in my Tournament
Packs. It was only later that I realized I made 12th and my
tiebreakers were better than the 8th place, 7th place, and
6th place guys. If I hadn’t dropped that last game, I
would’ve gotten 6th place and got in the top 8. I know that
I would’ve been crushed though. The guy who got second used
a zombie deck and the guy who got first had a toolbox, but
with gravekeeper’s spy and deikoichi. Oh well, I still got
the prize packs. I was also to get a bunch of free
tournament pack cards from the guys who didn’t want them. It
was all cool in the end.
Props: Awesome Duels
Original Decks (that was the one biggest reason I left YGO
the first time)
Second Spirit Reaper
A bunch of free cards
Adam and Chris for being awesome guys and giving me the best
games of my life.
My deck actually doing good, despite the fact I thought I
would get crushed by Dons and DDAs. No one used a Don on me
all day.
Breaking my last tournament record and even almost making
top 8.
Getting 12th, the best I’ve ever done.
King Tiger Wanghu!!!
Slops: No one wants to trade a Don…
Jimmy was loud and obnoxious the entire time. I hate it when
skill goes to peoples heads.
DreamWizards stupid trading policy. We weren’t aloud to
trade the entire tournament!
Elemental Energy for giving me the worst luck out of any
Sillva. I got 2 in 5 packs. Now I have 5!
Yup. Great time. I hope to get back next week, maybe even
with a Don or another DDA. That would be nice. I might even
run something a little more original. Beast trample and
swarm? Chaos? Mokey Mokey Smackdown? You bet.
Contact me with deck ideas, questions, suggestions, I’ll
take them all:
-Tyler Ulsch
Love is love.