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Tournament Reports
HaiYena's Earth Phoenix deck
After deciding that my King of the Skull Servants deck was
no longer competitive in
this format, I tried to build this deck instead of tweaking
the KotSS deck around for
the new format. Well actually I did modify it and I started
winning w/ it, but I got
bored w/ the deck.
When I got to the card store I wanted to look for an Old
Vindictive Magician, but my
friend gave 1 to me for free. yay! I put that Old Vindictive
into a sleeve and
slapped it on top of my 40 card deck. I also got a Spell
Canceller for trade, and put
that in my side deck to counter this nasty Final Countdown
deck that has been causing
a few ppl some grief.
MONSTERS x22 (22? Absolutely unheard of!)
1 Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
2 Gigantes
1 Hand of Nephthys
1 Sangan
1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
1 Cyber Jar
1 Exiled Force
1 Old Vindictive Magician
2 Apprentice Magician
1 Injection Fairy Lily
1 Magician of Faith
3 Nimble Momonga
2 Goblin Elite Attack Force
1 Drillroid
2 Giant Rat
1 Dark Hole
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Heavy Storm
2 Enemy Controller
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Snatch Steal
1 Scapegoat
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Premature Burial
2 Smashing Ground
3 Sakuretsu Armor
2 Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Call of the Haunted
Date: 14th of January 2006
Location: Card Heaven
Lv1, 105 Chapel St
Windsor, VIC, Australia
Format: Advanced, Swiss
Attendance: 16ppl
Modified Water structure deck
Ye, this kid was new to the game. Yes, it is a nice way of
saying newb
1st Duel
After he summoned Tribe Infecting, he immediately lost the
1st duel. I checked
through the deck for other banned cards and removed them
from his deck (eg monster
reborn, change of heart... etc etc). Ended up reducing his
deck size down, but he had
50+ cards
2nd Duel
- he kept on apologising for the illegal deck and I assured
that it was alright. He
felt so bad that he let me go 1st even though I said he
didn't have to make me go
- I got rid of his monsters pretty quickly.
- Mobius got rid of ALO and Tornado Wall and smacked him
directly (I also found out
that he set his ALO on the main m/t field.
- next I summoned Injection for game
Afterwards I helped to reduce his deck down to 40 cards. I
know I know, your not
suppose to change your deck in the middle of a tourney, but
it was just a small
non-premier tourney.
Me: 8000-7200
Him: 8000-7200-6500-4100-0000
Slightly modified Warrior structure deck
1st Duel
Don't underestimate these decks. They can surprisingly hold
their own.
- The strength of these decks are also their biggest
- I basically got rushed with warriors which is why my life
points went pretty low
for both duels, but if you can weather the storm, then you
have a good chance of
Me: 8000-6000-1700
Him: 8000-4600-3800-1400-2400-1000-0000
2nd Duel
Me: 8000-7900-6100-4900-2900
Him: 8000-6600-5900-4900-3300-0
XYZ Return from DD deck
1st Duel
- Well this round, the deck just worked like a dream. Just
the way I had planned.
- I just set an apprentice on its own w/ no backfield to
entice him to attack and I
tried to look a little dissapointed w/ my hand (hows that
for psychology?)
- He obliged and attacked my Apprentice, and I searched out
an Old Vindictive. He
just sets 1 m/t and ends.
- I drew a Mobius (just the card I needed). Flipped Old
Vindictive to destroy his X
Cannon Head and tribute it for Mobius and destroys his f/d
Widespread. MP2 I set an
- He tries to Snatch my Mobius but I chained w/ MST. He
Smashing Ground Mobius and
set 1 m/t
- Turning into conservative mode I just set a Nimble and set
a CotH and ended. About
here is where my memory gets a bit hazy
- Skipping a few moments, I remember him having an X out. I
think I might have used
Enemy Controller to Switch it to DEF when it attacked me.
- He summons Z Metal Tank, removes them and summons XZ,
calls priority and destroys
my set CotH. Attacks my set Nimble and I gain 1000LP and 2
more Nimbles on the field.
Sets 1 m/t and ends
- I flip Summ both Nimbles and Smashing Ground his XZ and
swing for 2000LP directly
- on his turn all he could do was activate RfDD and swung
his X and Z at my Nimbles,
but I end up gaining 700LP
- I think I drew Gigantes and Spec Summ it for the win
Me: 8000-9000-9700
Him: 8000-5600-3600-1800-0000
2nd Duel
Cant remember much
lets see. firstly He summoned Z metal tank and activated
Luminous Sparks
- I think i Smashing Ground his Z and set a nimble
I think he rammed into one of my Nimbles w/ a DDA
- I trib one of the Nimbles for Mobius and flip summoned the
other Nimble, Smashed
DDA and swung for 3400 damage.
- He got rid of my Mobius some how and hit my ATK Pos
Nimble. I think my Injection
came into play here somewhere and I basically won the match
from here.
Me: 8000-8300-7800 He must have used his DDA to hit my ATK
Pos Nimble. That would
explain the 8000-8300 LP change
Him: 8000-7000-3600-2800-0000
Earth Warrior Swarm Toolbox
I was expecting to face against someone else with his
Tsukuyomi lock deck, but ended
up losing the the guy I'm facing in this round.
1st Duel
This was a pretty fast pace Duel. He won the die roll and
opted to go 1st
- I think he set 1 mon and activated Gia Power. Ahhh, he
swarms the field and uses
Gia Power to pump up his earth warrior monsters.
- I set 1 Apprentice and MST and ended.
- He MST my f/d MST, so I chain to destroy his Gia Power =D,
2 for 1 =D. He flip
summoned an Obnoxious I think, and Summ Command Knight. He
attacked my set
Apprentice, I searched out another Apprentice, He attacked
that and then I searched
an Old Vindictive. He ends.
- I draw Hand of Nephthys. cool. Flip Old Vindictive to
destroy his Obnoxious, Summ
Hand and trib it and Old Vindictive for Phoenix and attacked
his Command Knight.
- I kind of thought to myself, "He probably has a Snatch
Steal", well my premonitions
were correct (If you want me to read your future then call
1900 *** ***). He stole my
Phoenix Summ Command Knight and Prem his Obnoxious and hit
me directly. OUCH!
- I was forced to exile my Phoenix and prem my Phoenix back
and attacked his Command
- When I was on 2400LP and he was on 800, he was forced to
use Dark Hole while
phoenix was on the field and Summ Blade Knight to swing for
- At this point I was just on 400LP and he was still on
800LP. I just needed to draw
a monster and I would win, but I didnt. However I got the
next best thing - Enemy
Controller - Phoenix came back, it alone would not win the
match, so I just used
Enemy's 2nd effect to take control of Blade knight and Swung
for the kill with his
own monster. Don't you just love that? =D
Me: 8000-7200-2200-3200-2400-400
Him: 8000-memory lapse-6400-800-0
2nd Duel
Dont remember much but his opening move was SoRL and Summ
Obnoxious in ATK Pos.
-I summ Breaker, broke his Swords and attacked his
Skipping a few turns...
- when I was on 2800LP and he was on 3600LP, my injection
was on the field and had a
set Spiritual Earth Art - Kurogane. He had nothing on the
field so he used Vortex to
get rid of my injection hoping that he would survive 1 more
of my turns.
- I drew. Removed Injection to Spec Summ Gigantes, attacked
directly for 1900
He asks "My turn?"
I respond "not yet" (this is pretty much the conversation
near the end of each of my
and then activated the set Spiritual Earth Art to tag team
another earth monster from
my grave for the game
Me: 8000-7800-4800-2800
Him: 8000-7000-3600-1700-0
Well there you go! I went through the whole tourney
undefeated. As the wise man from
Mortal Combat would say "FLAWLESS VICTORY!" although the
field isn’t top class
(especially the 1st 2 opponents) like at a regional event.
Props for the day
- theyre quite obvious arent they?
- That free Old Vindictive
- to Jarrod's? (i think thats his name) for running a very
original Final Countdown
deck. At a "Win a Box" tourney last Wednesday, he went
undefeated up until the Semis.
- Also to Will's Tsukuyomi lock deck (who came 3rd). Nice to
see that not everyone
always plays with the CC stuff and still places highly on
the tourney’s rankings.
- Pulled nothing from my 3 packs of FET and 1 TP1
If you want to catch me on the forums, then good luck! The
only time I was on was
during the announcement of the YGO World Champ.
Otherwise you can (I dont encourage you to) email me at