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Tournament Reports
Bouncing Warriors: Zac at
A+ Comics
Lexington Kentucky
March 11, 2006
Woo! It's been a long while since I've played Yu-Gi-Oh at
all, much less participated in a tournament, but I'd heard
that a comic shop in a
town near where I go to college held a YGO tourney every
week, so I just had to give it a shot. I'm glad I did; 27
people showed up and we
had an awesome time. My deck was as follows:
Mystic Swordsman Control (41 cards)
Monsters (20):
1x Mystic Swordsman LV6
1x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Silent Swordsman LV5
2x Mystic Swordsman LV4
2x Mystic Swordsman LV2
2x Marauding Captain
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Exiled Force
1x Goblin Attack Force
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x Tsukuyomi
1x Sangan
1x Magician of Faith
2x Command Knight
2x Spirit Reaper
Spells (13):
2x Level Up!
1x Swords of Concealing Light
1x Smashing Ground
1x Hammer Shot
1x Snatch Steal
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
1x Premature Purial
1x Lightning Vortex
2x Reinforcements of the Army
Traps (8):
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Dust Tornado
2x Sakuretsu Armor
3x Time Seal
Sidedeck (15):
1x Dark Mimic LV1
1x Jinzo
1x Goblin Attack Force
2x Ninja Grandmaster Sasuke
1x Scapegoat
1x Divine Wrath
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1x Nobleman of Extermination
2x Creature Swap
1x Swords of Revealing Light
2x Legendary Jujitsu Master
I got there around 11:45 and it didn't get started until
about 1, so I had plenty of time to mill around and trade.
One guy wanted a
Smashing Ground so bad that he actually traded me a Chaos
Emperor Dragon for it. :D I know they're banned, but the
darn thing's still so
sexy, I'm rather pleased with getting it in return for a
common. I also traded something else to get a Silent
Swordsman LV5, which I had
been hoping to get into my deck. Feeling the beast was now
nearly complete, I entered my first match.
The tournament was semi-swiss style; four rounds with
players going against randomly assigned opponents and
accumulating as many
wins as they could, followed by the top 8 going at it. In
the first round I was initially set up to go against a forty
year-old looking guy, which
was fairly intimidating, but I was somewhat relieved when I
noticed his deck had like 80 cards in it. Then two people
showed up late and
the matches had to be re-randomized because of the software
the organizer was using to keep track. So I played a kid
named Chester
Round 1: Zac Vs Chester
Chester had an E Heroes deck with Sparkman and that
iceskating chick. This was probably the best round I had,
because I actually
managed to get out my Mystic Swordsman LV6 and Silent
Swordsman. I got him in a lock and he couldn't do anything
while I pounded on
him to win the first duel. He won the next one because he
drew Kinetic Soldier and basically shut me down. >_< I came
back in the third
duel with a Creature Swap sided in to try and deal with
Kinetic Soldier, but he never drew it and I beat the pants
off him.
Round 2: Zac Vs Ryan
This was an interesting one. Ryan was running a VWXYZ deck.
He had a couple copies of every fusion the set has, but
anyone with any
sense knows that you'll never get VWXYZ out. He surprised me
when he started fusing cards from his hand, though- I could
have sworn
those monsters need to be fused from the field. o_O I didn't
know how to contradict him, though, so I just let it slide.
He made good use of
Return from the Different Dimension, but whenever he got a
fusion out I smacked it with GAF or Smashing Ground and I
ate up his LP. He
had this annoying habit of dramatically pronouncing his
moves: when he used Heavy Storm, he said, "Just like
outside, there's gonna be a
storm." Whatever kid. He got out Kinetic Soldier (must be
really popular in this meta) in the second duel, but I
managed to nullify it and
smacked him down for the round.
Round 3: Zac Vs ??????
My opponent in this round was incredibly skilled and
powerful- I had almost no hope of winning against him, and
yet, somehow, I came out
on top. Because he wasn't there. Whoever I was supposed to
duel in this round had to leave for some reason, so I
basically got a bye.
Sweetness. I played against a kid who had apparently lost
really fast, and after I beat him too we did some trading.
He practically peed
himself when he saw I had an Obelisk, but he didn't have
much to trade in return- I think I could have gotten him to
give me his Creator if I'd
held out, but I felt bad for the little guy and I'd only
gotten the card to excite newbies with anyway, so in the end
I traded it to him for
some Dark World commons and Silva. I regretted it later when
he came over to me twice complaining that someone told him
it was a fake.
>_< Dumb little kids read stuff on the internet and take it
for gospel, but some other guys backed me up. I also traded
with another guy
who gave me a Dark Paladin and Book of Moon for a Zaborg and
my second Thestalos. I really like Zaborg, but Dark Paladin
is so rentsy I
couldn't resist. :P
Round 4: Zac Vs D
D's a really good duelist- he played a lot of popular cards,
but I managed to beat him in one duel by shutting him down
with Mystic
Swordsman LV4 and Spirit Reaper, destroying all his face
down cards and slowly nibbling his lifepoints and hand away
with reaper. He
beat me for one duel too, so we were one to one. The last
duel was intense, but just as I was about to take him down
by emptying his
hand with Spirit Reaper... and he shows me the only card
left in his hand is Goldd. No! He swept my monsters off the
field and attacked
me directly for the round.
So I was 3-1 going into the final set of rounds, and
apparently not many people did better because I got into the
top 8! I was up against
this odd androgynous kid whose name I didn't manage to
catch. He played a Soul Control with 3 Treeborn Frogs and
lots of Monarchs.
Round 5: Zac Vs Androgynous Kid
I hate Treeborn Frogs. >_< I can't wait for the things to be
limited. This kid never set any S/T cards, so I was sitting
there every round
looking at a wall of frog, which he promptly sacced for
monarchs and kicked my butt with. The first round I wound up
with a hand full of
Mystic LV6 and Silent LV5 and no mons to tribute for them.
>_< The next duel was pretty much the same, he kept
summoning the frogs in
face up defense mode and my swordsmen couldn't do anything
about them. Made it through 4 rounds and I get knocked out
in the first
elimination round. :/
Everyone who participated got a pack, but they didn't have
any Tournament packs so we chose between Magic Ruler and
Sanctuary. I chose AST and drew absolute crap. Oh well.
To A+ comics for holding the tourney.
To my opponents for mostly being good sports.
For getting into the Top 8.
For getting CED, Book of Moon, and a Dark Paladin.
For crappy pack prizes.
Peace out.
Zac |