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Tournament Reports
Title: March 5th -
Coliseum of Comics -
Descr: Debut of Team Fallen, Orlando Division
Deck: Black Flame Fury
Place: Colosseum of Comics; Orlando, FL
Date: March 5th, 2006
Time: 2:00 PM
Style: Hobby League Single Elimination
Attendees: 21
Fee: $5.00
Prizes: All entrants receive a pack of their choice, top 4
receive two packs. Top 2 receives a Parallel Rare copy of
Heavy Storm, and the winner gets three packs plus TP7 pack,
where 2nd place receives three packs
First of all I would like to apologize for my recent hiatus
regarding tourney reports. I wanted to keep up with it, but
unfortunately my other duties kept me from participating in
tournaments for about a month. Although I was able to keep
up to date with the web and forums, I had not gotten a
chance to duel until about two weeks ago, where Deathjester
(Yes, DJ from the Pojo articles) approached me about
starting a new organization. I heard his pitch, and agreed
to help him in his endeavors, and as such I am now a member
of Team Fallen, Orlando Division.
I suggested this tournament to be our debut. Since we
normally play at the Gathering Place, I thought this would
be a true test and a great place to find new talent as well
as new competition. This would be the first tournament in
which we would debut as Team Fallen Orlando, so I wanted it
to be in a neutral setting. Deathjester and his brother were
in Jacksonville judging the Best Team in Jacksonville
tournament, so it was up to us to make a strong showing. Tom
Katt, David Hunter (newest member) and I went to Colosseum
of Comics to compete in the Hobby League Tourney.
SOI was legal, and given the poor showing that my deck had
the day before (Saturday at the Gathering Place), TK and I
tweaked the deck. Here is what I ran:
Creatures: 19
Nomi/Tributes: 5
1x Airknight Parshath
2x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
1x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
4-Star and lower: 14
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2x D.D. Assailant
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Exiled Force
1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4
1x Magician of Faith
1x Morphing Jar
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Treeborn Frog
Spells: 13
1x Brain Control
1x Confiscation
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Premature Burial
1x Reinforcement of the Army
3x Smashing Ground
1x Snatch Steal
Traps: 8
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Royal Decree
2x Sakuretsu Armor
1x Torrential Tribute
Sideboard: 15
3x Elephant Statue of Disaster
2x Mobius the Frost Monarch
2x Kinetic Soldier
2x Kuriboh
1x Ceasefire
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Royal Decree
2x Solemn Judgment
1x Mystic Swordsman
1st Round: Me vs. Chris H.
1st Duel: This was quite amusing, and the only match I
remember each detail about. They put me at the last table
with this 8 year old kid who then starts freaking out
because he had left his deck in the car. His mom runs out to
get it, and makes it back and gives it to him, and then I
remind him to say thank you to his mom. So we shuffle and
draw and I let him know he can go 1st. He draws and plays
Wave Motion cannon and sets two more S/Ts and ends. I set
Mystic Tomato and end. He draws and then activates Jar of
Greed and sets a fourth S/T. I draw, flip up Tomato and
attack him directly. I set both DDWL and Bottomless and end.
He summons the Creator Incarnate and I activate Bottomless,
and he Fissures my tomato. I summon Sangan and attack. He
draws, summons Exiled and uses his effect on Sangan. I
search out Morphing Jar (my hand was low). He then passes
his turn. I draw, summon DD Assailant and attack but he
activates Gravity Bind, and when I chain Decree he MST’s
(great move). I set the Jar and Snatch Steal and end. He
Draws and passes. I draw the Frog, and set my other two
S/T’s (Brain Control and Sakuretsu) and flip the Jar. I draw
some good stuff, MST his Gravity Bind and attack with DD
Assailant and the Jar and pass. Then this is the strangest
turn of events. He draws, does some math, and is like “DARN
I can almost WIN!” so I start to worry about why I was
taking it easy on this kid. He summons Luster Dragon, plays
Tribute to the Doomed on my facedown DDWL, and prematures
for Red Eyes Black Dragon. Then he launches Wave-Motion for
4000, attacks D.D. Assailant with Red Eyes, and Morphing Jar
with Luster Dragon, and I am down to 900!! He’s all about
“If I only had the Inferno Fire Blast spell card…” and the
funny thing is that he is absolutely right. I had misplayed
and was taking it easy, and almost got schooled. On my turn
I flip Snatch Steal for his Luster and game.
Me: 8000-4000-2300-900
Him: 8000-6600-5600-2200-1400-0
2nd Duel: He tells me I can go first. So I summon Sangan and
set Bottomless and end. He activates Wave-Motion Cannon
(CRAP again), summons Marauding Captain, and uses his effect
to special summon Luster Dragon (which I bottomless). He
attacks for 200 damage and I fetch Mystic Tomato. With the
Wave on the field, I do not have time to play with the Frog;
I have to take him out quickly. I summon Tomato and attack
his Captain. He Fissures and ends. I activate Reinforcement
and search for DDA. I summon Assailant and attack for 1700.
He draws and passes. I draw another DDA and summon and
attack for 3400. He launches Wave for 3000. I draw and
attack for game.
Me: 8000-7800-4800
Him: 8000-7800-6100-2700-0
2nd Round: Me vs. CJ S.
1st Duel: Now I move to the top table to duel the friend
that came with the kid I played in the last round. I figured
that this kid was going to want some revenge for me bumping
out his buddy (this kid is either 8 or 9, but I refuse to
take him lightly). I don’t remember much, but I do remember
telling him he could go 1st, and he started with WAVE-MOTION
CANNON (what is this, a re-run?) and two more set cards. I
play Heavy and set Treefrog and end. On his turn he sets an
S/T and ends. I draw, tribute Treeborn for Airknight,
attack, and draw a card. On his turn, he sets a creature and
ends. I cannot remember what else I did, but somehow I did
5200 damage in one turn. He never touched my lifepoints.
Me: 8000
Him: 8000-6100-900-0
2nd Duel: More of the same. At least I did not see Wave
Motion, and again I was able to build up a huge swing in LP.
Me: 8000-6800-6400
Him: 8000-7200-1800-0
3rd Round: Me vs. Paul S.
1st Duel: Now this is one of the better duelists there, and
the funny thing was that he said he recognized me from a
pre-release. I didn’t remember him, but he remembered me and
my deck (Horus). That is when I remembered him, and we
shared a good laugh. This was an intense duel; unfortunately
it was so riveting that I did not take any notes. What I do
remember is that in this duel, I got him down to 300 points
with a double LV6 hit, but could not level up, nor could I
push through any more damage. In the end an unblocked Don
Zaloog gets me.
Me: 8000-7500-7200-6900-5200-3500-2700-1200-0
Him: 8000-7200-4900-300
2nd Duel: This one I am determined to win, but the TO is
determined to stop me. An early swing in LP because of a
Solemn Judgment does me in, as the match is called on time
(with no end of match procedure). Oh well, at least I made
top 8.
Me: 8000-7600-3800-3300
Him: 8000-7200-5700
Interesting, this opponent was very courteous and friendly
after the match, although his friend was over my shoulder
all throughout game 1. However, when I said something to his
friend, so did he let his friend know to back up because it
was a very good duel. Very classy, and very knowledgeable of
the game. We were a step ahead of each others’ moves, and
the slightest swings in advantage were the key moments in
this game. Great duel.
So I was bounced out of the top 8 on time, however Tom Katt
represented Team Fallen very well with a 2nd place finish
(incredible duels). Tom then presented me with the Parallel
Rare Heavy Storm to add to my Deck, with a smile letting me
know that we will be back to get more, and perhaps I will be
able to join him in the top spot.
Team Fallen finishes with a combined record of 8-2, with two
members in the top 8, and one in the top 2.
My record: 3-1
Tom Katt: 5-1
If you have any questions regarding myself or Team Fallen,
please feel free to contact me at