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Tournament Reports
Title: March 11th – YuGiOh Regional Qualifier in Tampa -
Descr: Regional Debut of Team Fallen, Orlando & Tampa
Deck: Black Flame Fury
Place: Comfort Inn and Conference Center; Tampa, Fl
Date: March 11th, 2006
Time: 10:30 AM
Style: Swiss
Attendees: 134
Fee: $15.00
Prizes: Top 8 receive placemats and packs; top 4 receive
invitations to the YuGiOh National Tournament. Top 4 each
receive a Box of Shadow of Infinity Booster Packs. Top 16
get 6 packs.
This was my first ever Regional tournament, so I was very
excited and nervous to say the least. I got up at around
5:00 AM and my teammate David “Dre” Hunter and I left at
5:30 AM to pick up the rest of Team Fallen Orlando. We got
underway towards Tampa at around 6:30 AM, arriving safely at
about 8:15 AM. We filled out our UDE Decklists, registered
on time, and met up with the rest of Team Fallen Tampa. I
also met members from Team Alpha, Team Paradise, and Team
Total Anarchy from Jacksonville.
I had the hardest time getting my deck together, because SOI
is not yet legal for Premiere Tournament play. As such, the
deck had to undergo a little bit of tweaking, and I wanted
to run a little bit of tech as well, so here is the decklist.
Creatures: 19
Nomi/Tributes: 4
1x Cyber Dragon
2x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
4-Star and lower: 15
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x D.D. Assailant
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
1x Exiled Force
1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1x Magician of Faith
1x Mystic Swordsman LV2
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Sangan
2x Spirit Reaper
Spells: 15
1x Brain Control
1x Dark Hole
3x Enemy Controller
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x Nobleman of Extermination
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Premature Burial
1x Reinforcement of the Army
2x Smashing Ground
1x Snatch Steal
Traps: 7
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Dust Tornado
2x Royal Decree
1x Torrential Tribute
Sideboard: 15
1x D.D. Assailant
1x D.D. Survivor
2x Kinetic Soldier
3x Kuriboh
2x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1x Nobleman of Extermination
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Ceasefire
1x Royal Decree
2x Solemn Judgment
1st Round: Me vs. Rafael M.
1st Duel: I was so nervous I could feel goose bumps on my
arms. My first match, and it is at Table 8??? I tried not to
read into that too much, and I tried to relax. My opponent
arrives and we shuffle and cut each others decks. Dice roll
and I lose. So my opponent draws his six and summons Zombrya
the Dark and sets a face down s/t. I draw my sixth card, MST
his facedown (BTH) and Brain Control to sac his creature for
my Cyber Dragon, and then hit him for 2100 directly. I set
Dust and end. He draws, sets an S/T and ends (I dust). I
draw and hit him again for 2100. He draws and scoops.
Me: 8000-7200
Him: 8000-5900-3800-0
2nd Duel: I don’t remember too much, but I remember seeing
Malevolent Nuzzler. That told me everything I needed to
know. Oh, and a Magic Cylinder AND a Draining Shield, during
the same attack phase L
Me: 8000-7500-7400-6600-5100
Him: 8000-6200-5400-3600-5400-1800-0
2nd Round: Me (1-0) vs. David C. (Team Fallen – Tampa)
1st Duel: Only reason why I remembered he was on my team was
because I spoke to Bryan about 2 minutes before the match.
Before the match Team Fallen had already decided that if we
were paired up that we would just play it out. So the good
news was that someone from Team Fallen was guaranteed to be
2-0. I remember that he ran toolbox, and Reapers and
Assailants kept up advantage on me. I never hit his points,
and he Prematures to finish me off.
Me: 8000-7700-6000-5200-2800-400-0
Him: 8000-7200
2nd Duel: I side in the anti-toolbox, but never draw it. We
go back and forth a bit, but a Snatch Steal and a couple of
hits with Kycoo hold him down, and then I sac for LV6, and
level up and he scoops. Interesting part is I get LV6 out
early, and attack, he chains Sakuretsu, I chain Royal
Decree, and the guy chained a SECOND sakuretsu. Who does
that??? Ouch.
Me: 8000-5800-4000-3700-2900
Him: 8000-7400-7000-6600-7600-4500-5500-3400-4400-0
3rd Duel: Finally I draw the Anti-Toolbox. I out swarm him
for the win, he can never get going: Kinetics pwned.
Me: 8000
Him: 8000-5650-3250-1900-0
3rd Round: Me (2-0) vs. Rudy P.
1st Duel: I really don’t remember the matchup too well, but
I could not maintain advantage with him. I remember an early
Solemn, and I thought I might be able to press the lifepoint
advantage. I cannot draw any creatures that are strong
enough and in the end a Snatch Steal trib for Mobius and
Prematured Zaborg bash me in the face.
Me: 8000-4700-0
Him: 8000-7200-3600-2700
2nd Duel: This duel went on for a very long time, with him
hanging on at 100 and then 50 lifepoints for a while – LOL,
but in the end I finally get him with Sangan.
Me: 8000-7700-7400-6500-4100
Him: 8000-6500-4900-100-50-0
3rd Duel: He never lets up, and I cannot match resources
with him. He is able to establish early advantage, and I
cannot keep up. A great duel nonetheless.
Me: 8000-6100-5300-3500-1700-0
Him: 8000-6300-5900
4th Round: Me (2-1) vs. Logan Mize
1st Duel: Sets and goes. I special summon Cyber Dragon and
Normal Summon LV4. LV4 attack and kills Don. Cyber for 2100
straight. LV up. Next turn he sets another creature and a
f/d. I draw and play Nobleman of Extermination, and yep I
hit the Armor. I attack with LV6 and kill something and hit
again for 2100. Set Royal and EC and LV up to 8. He summons
DD Warrior Lady and attacks and I chain EC. I draw Kycoo and
summon, he activates BTH and I chain Decree, and he says
good game.
Me: 8000
Him: 8000-5900-3800-0
2nd Duel: We both side, and I have to ask myself why did I
side if my deck was working? Well I learn the hard way
because a 1st turn Confiscation destroys me. I try to push
the issue, but I cannot keep up with his advantage. Great
duel, but I believe he had control almost all the way
through, and I couldn’t do much, Strike Ninja keeps him on
the field.
Him: 8000-7000-5300-3800
3rd Duel: We both open with really garbage hands. I hit
directly with a LV2, and again with a Tomato. I set
Ceasefire. I still have Snatch Steal and D.D. Warrior Lady
in my hand. He sets. I remember either hitting his set with
MST, or I baited it out with Premature. Now here is where I
lose the game and match. I summon D.D. Warrior Lady, flip
Ceasefire and up comes his D.D Assailant. If I play Snatch
Steal and take his DD Assailant, I win. But alas, it is not
meant to be, as I instead ram into his DD Assailant with
DDWL and attack for a measly 1400. It ends up costing me the
duel as I never do any further damage.
Me: 8000-7200-6900-6600-2700-0
Him: 8000-7100-5700-4200-2800
Round 5: Me (2-2) vs. Guy W.
1st Duel: I finally play someone who doesn’t run toolbox. It
is Dark World, but I get out LV8 early as LV6 runs over
Brron. Decree lock comes next and I hit him directly with
Sangan and LV8.
Me: 8000-7100-6500
Him: 8000-7500-4500-3300-0
2nd Duel: He plays Dark World Lightning on my set creature
and hits directly with Brron, bringing out Sillva and smacks
me for a lot, but in end phase I activate Call and trib for
LV6. Smack his Brron and set Royal and LV8 brings the pain
to Sillva next turn, and he scoops
Me: 8000-3900
Him: 8000-7500-6700-5700-0
Round 6: Me (3-2) Vs. Rob S.
1st Duel: I barely remember this one, but I do recall
swinging with Kycoo and DD Assailant directly early. I am
sure he drew badly.
Me: 8000
Him: 8000-4500-0
2nd Duel: This one was more back and forth, and I hit with
Reaper early to press advantage, and Breaker lends a hand as
well. Tomatos hit in for one, and DDA mops up.
Me: 8000-5200-4500-3700
Him: 8000-7700-6100-4500-2800-1100-0
Round 7: Me (4-2) vs Tyler M.
1st Duel: He ran toolbox with flips and a teched Tsukuyomi.
First duel Breaker swings early and next turn Reaper follows
up. Kycoo then swings in with the help of a timely Nobleman
of Extermination to kill all the Sakuretsus. DDA swings in
and Premature ends it.
Me: 8000-7200
Him: 8000-6400-6100-4300-2000-0
2nd Duel: Here he presses with Reaper early game to keep his
advantage, but I fight back with LV2 and a Reaper of my own.
He attempts to activate Premature Burial to swing advantage
back to him, but thank god for Dust Tornado. LV8 is on the
field and he uses Tsukuyomi to flip him facedown. Breaker
swings for 1600, and I flip up LV8 in MP2 he bottomlesses. I
set Reaper along side Breaker and he activates Dark Hole.
It’s his two cards in hand and none on the field to my Cyber
Dragon and set card (I think it was a bluff). He reinforces
for Don, and has Tsukuyomi in hand. Only problem is that I
am at 4500 and he is at 200. He sets a creature. Somehow, I
just KNOW it is Don, and I KNOW I will rip DD Assailant of
the top. I draw and Special Summon Cyber Dragon and Normal
Summon Assailant (yes I know I topdecked). When I attack
with Cyber he flips the Don, and that is good game.
Me: 8000-7700-7400-7200-6400-5500-4500
Him: 8000-7100-6800-6500-5700-5400-1800-200-0
Round 8: Me (5-2) vs. Kevin L.
1st Duel: I remember this guy because he and his friends
wanted to trade with us before the event, but it ended up
not going through. He seems like a cool guy though, and
hindsight being 20/20, he probably had better tiebreakers,
but I was thinking I might still have a shot at top 8,
definitely a top 16, besides it was my first regional and I
wanted to finish strong. I Horus lock him midgame, but he
topdecks Exiled Force. Tomato with the strength of Decree
finish it.
Me: 8000-7500-5600
Him: 8000-7000-5100-4600-2300-1400-0
2nd Duel: He swarms the field and I cannot maintain enough
defense. Blade Knight, my old friend makes an appearance and
whoops my butt.
Me: 8000-7300-4300-3700-2700-1000-0
Him: 8000-6600-5800-5300
3rd Duel: One thing I remember is that NEITHER of us
sidedecked. It was going to be main deck vs main deck, and I
liked that idea. LV8 strikes again, and wins it for me.
Me: 8000-6600-5000-3400-2800
Him: 8000-7700-4400-400-0
I finish with a record of 6-2, and although I am kinda
bummed about Round 4, Logan was a great guy and I’m glad I
lost to him, because I learned a lot in that duel. I end up
15th place and pull two Treeborn Frogs from my packs. All in
all, it was a great regional, and I will definitely be
competing again. I felt good to be competing against high
level talent, and look forward to the Shonen Jump. I will
try to keep notes and record my journey through the SJC as
best I can.
If you have any questions regarding myself or Team Fallen,
please feel free to contact me at