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Yugioh Tournament Reports
Hiya people! I just wanted to say that I am so dedicated to Yugioh that I was willing to ride my bike to and from the card shop in the rain to play in a tourney. Here’s the deck:
Monsters x22
Spells x 15 Exchange
This deck has served me well for a while and even won me the tourney a little while ago, and almost won me it today.
Today it was raining. Pouring. And the old man WAS snoring. I went anyway. There was about an average turnout for our place with 9 people or so. We run a double elimination tourney so as to make it go on for a while. We traded for a while and then got down to business.
Match #1 GeneralZorpa V. Stephen Stephen is relatively new to our store scene, but he runs an ineffectual E-Hero deck. I helped him to fix it after.
Duel 1 This duel was fast. I beat him down the whole game with Breaker, Reaper and Sangan. He got in a few lucky shots with Avian and Sparkman, but they amounted to almost mo damage.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7400-6100-5400 Stephen: 8000-7900-7100-6100-4500-2900-2600-1800-200-0
Duel 2 This one was even faster. Third turn I got out Horus 6 and then came the big Horus 8. He couldn’t play any cards at all and tried bluffing, but Exarion, Goblins and Horus beat him down to Chinatown.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6200-7200 Stephen 8000-6200-3200-200-0
Match #2 Bye I got the bye and traded for a while. I also partook in a fun game or too, but they weren’t very interesting. I would wish I had this later...
Match #3 Alex V. Nelson Nelson uses a Warrior Toolbox with Cyber Dragons and almost always takes the top slot. He almost completely dominated me this tourney and I just couldn’t come up with a win.
Duel 1 This duel I was beat down by Don’s for what seemed like forever. I lost my premature and Horus 6 from my hand and six cards from the top of my deck. This pretty much sealed the game, but I fought back and even managed a few lucky shots and killed a Don.
GeneralZorpa 8000-6600-5200-2200-1900-500-200-0 Nelson 8000-6300-4100-3900
Duel 2 Arrgggh! This duel was close. He got in a Cyber Dragon attack early on, and soon it came to topdecking. I had snatched his Don and this is what killed me. He had enough life to survive even though I was pummeling him at times. I did get in a few shots with Don though, and that was what made it close.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-5900-4500-3700-3600-3300-2300-1200-0 Nelson 8000-6400-4200-2800-3800-4800-5800-5000-4400-3400
GeneralZorpa 2-2
Match #4 Alex V.Duffman Duffman uses a Dark World deck. The people who duel at my card shop STILL believe that discarding D-world monsters due to a cost activates their effect. I brought this up the last time we dueled and they ignored me. I brought the official ruling from UDE and they still didn’t believe me, so, it was pretty tough goin for a while.
Duel 1 This duel was back and forth a lot. He snatched my GAF early on and managed a lot of damage with it as well as attacking with Goldd a lot. At the end though, I topdecked Dark Hole and used Exarion to blow him away.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-5700-6700-5300-3200-900-200-1200-400 Duffman 8000-6400-5300-3000-1500-0
Duel 2 This was where the ruling came in big time. He used Lightning Vortex and Monster Reincarnation to bring back his Dark World monsters as well as Special Summon them. It cost me this duel. I just got owned in 5 turns by Card Destruction, and Sillva’s, Goldd’s, Lightning Vortex, Monster Reincarnation and a Necrofear. I got in some pot-shots, but not much else.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-5700-3400-1500-0 Duffman: 8000-6100-7100-5200-2900
Duel 3 This was a sweater. He always had D-World mosnter son the field, but I fissured them out of the way and destroyed his s/t’s with my destruction cards. His cards ended being useless because of Horus 6 beating down his front door and he had no answer at all. GeneralZorpa: 8000 Duffman: 8000-7000-4700-2400-100-0
Match # 5 Alex V. Eric Eric runs a cc like deck that is trying to copy Nelson’s and Christian’s, but with his own sense of style. I like that. He uses Marauding captain and Command Knight in a more traditional toolnox deck. This was also the second of the right after another marathon duels that just tired me out to the extreme.
Duel 1 This went pretty quick. I just fissured his monsters and reached inside with GAF and Spear Dragon for a win. H eonly damaged me off the first turn with a nobleman to my facedown and Marauding summoning a GAF. That hurt man! He scooped after he had no answer to my reaper and Spear Dragon.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6800-4500 Eric: 8000-7400-5500-3200-2900-1000-SCOOP
Duel 2 This duel did not go to plan. I had to stop and think a lot to keep myself alive, which I didn’t do very well at all. Don and Marauding Captain owned me for a long time and I scooped after I lost all the cards in my hand and he still had 4. I did manage to get in GAF attack though...
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6800-6000-4800-3400-2200-800-SCOOP Eric: 8000-7200-4900
Duel 3 This was a very fun duel. He beat me down with a used Breaker, but I was unperturbed as a I set up for a long time for the game win in one turn! I Used Call to use my GAF a lot and also got in some damage with a Twin Headed Behemoth. He drew with non hand and scooped.
Match #6 Alex V. Christian Christian has won many of the tourney’s here. His deck is innovative, using ready for intercepting to flip his warriors and Spellcasters facedown. By this time however, I am exhausted from two six duel long matches. Nelson is undefeated and I would have to win 6 more duels to win the tourney. Highly unlikely.
Duel 1 This duel epitomized my deck. It was swift and deadly with little chance for him to react before he was oozing lifepoints. I used Horus 6, Tsukuyomi, Breaker (spent), Twin Headed and Breker to game. He managed to kill all of my monsters but the last however and it was a topdeck war. My GAF beat his spent Breaker with enough damage to exactly win the duel.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7400-6600-5000 Christian: 8000-6900-5300-3700-2200-700-0
Duel 2 This was ugly. He beat me in three turns with a smashing beatdown of warriors. I did not even get a single hit in, which is unusual for this deck.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6500-4900-0 Christian: 8000
Duel 3 This was another topdeck war. I snatched his Cyber Dragon and was beating him down with cards like Sangan, and believe it or not, exiled force. They clinched the win for me, even though Jinzo totally destroyed me for a while with a clear field. Man that Cyber Dragon was handy.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6200-6100-3700-1300 Christian: 8000-6600-4500-5500-3400-4400-2900-1900-900
GeneralZorpa 8-5
Match # 7 GeneralZorpa V. Nelson (Part II) See other match. I was very tired at this point. I had been dueling straight for 2 ˝ hours and it was playing into my performance.
Duel 1 This duel I couldn’t touch him except with Exarion, and Cyber Dragon really beat me down hard as well as Don getting in a few hits too.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-6500-5700-4300-2200-100-0 Nelson: 8000-7100
Duel 2 This was pretty close. He was drawing nothing good, and neither was I. Horus 6 got in a hit as did my Gaf on Cyber Dragon but Jinzo killed me while I was sitting in Sakuretsu Armor. I scooped after a while, just wanting to go home at that point and not wanting it to go on for any longer.
GeneralZorpa: 8000-7200-6200-3800-SCOOP Nelson: 8000-7100-6900-4600-4000
Final Result- 8-7 and a second place Jaden pack that came with nothing.
This was a tiring duel, but it proved I had a right to be in the elite of this crowd since I have top 3'd every tourney I participated in.
Props -Second Place -More pieces for my VWXYZ deck -Blade Knight -Exarion # 2 -The Grave of Enkindling -Miscellaneous rares
Bad Stuff -Second Place -Rain -Rain -Rain
Thanks to Dan who owns Bizarro World and to Drew who runs the Tourney (no matter how misguided your views on Dark World are).
To get in touch with me email me at GeneralZorpa@hotmail.com And don’t forget to check out my Team, Team Aegis in the Team Discussion Thread!
:) GeneralZorpa
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