From: []
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:03 PM
Subject: Dagreenbeast 62's Tourney report at Comic Book
Craze for 7-15-06.
Dagreenbeast62’s Report for 7-15-06
Location: Comic Book Craze
Format: Advanced, Swiss
Time: 12:30pm
Price: $7 and you get a tourney pack
1st: 5 packs
2nd: 3 packs
3rd: 3 packs
4th: 3 packs
5th: 3 packs (I’ll explain later)
Hello, fellow pojo readers, and hello potential first
timers. I haven’t written one of these in a while for
numerous reasons. Firstly, after attending A-kon, funds
have been low. Secondly, I don’t like the format enough
to continually pay to play.
As most of you know, this weekend was the big Shonen
Jump Arlington tournament. I debated all week on going,
but then again, remembering the current metagame,
decided not to attend. So my brother and me went up to
the local store, and just as I expected, very few were
there. So we decided to enter the tournament, just for
fun. I got a Chaos command magician as my rare in my
tourney pack. I also received a Haniwa, and my brother
gave me his pack ( Yay! Another Haniwa!) Being there
thirty minutes early allowed us to trade among everybody
(5 regulars , but 8 new comers) and I decided (sadly) to
run Chaos return (again, sadly) instead of my extremely
fun D-Hero deck (it still needed two cards.) And without
further ado, here’s the deck list:
Chaos Return with weird tech.
40 Cards
Monsters: 18
1x Mobius
1x Zaborg
1x Jinzo
1x Cyber Dragon
1x Chaos Sorcerer
2x Magician of Faith
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Night Assailant
1x Dekoichi the Battle Chanted Locomotive
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Tsukyomi
1x Treeborn Frog
1x Sangan
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
1x D.D. Warrior Lady
1x Exiled Force
Spells: 15
1x Clocktower of Destiny
1x Scapegoat
1x Snatch Steal
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Graceful Charity
1x Last Will
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Book of Moon
1x Swords of Reveiling Light
1x Soul Exchange
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x My body as a Shield
1x Smashing Ground
Traps: 7
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mirror Force
1x Waboku
1x Ceasefire
1x Return From the Different Dimension
1x Call of the Haunted
So after trading, the matches were called, and the games
Round 1: Me vs. V
Game 1: I have seen V before, but I didn’t know how good
of a player she was, or what she ran. I won the die roll
(amazing since 97% of the time, when using my dice, I
never win) and went first. My hand had all spell cards.
I drew a Night assailant and promptly set it. She went
and she also sent a monster. I drew dekoichi and flipped
night assailant, destroyed her monster, and attacked
with night, and set dekoichi and mystical. A couple
turns later, I came out on top with a well-timed Zaborg.
Game 2. I had a better understanding of her deck. It was
a girl spellcaster deck. She went first and my hand was
the complete opposite of the first one. All monsters.
She snatched my Jinzo in three turns and had a united we
stand equipped hand of nephthys. I had to stall for
cards (she didn’t do damage thanks to Clocktower J), and
then I used pre mature on my exile and exiled my own
jinzo and brought it back with Call of the Haunted. Two
turns and a Chaos Sorcerer later, I won the game.
Round 2: Me vs. Another Chaos Return (I cant remember
his name :p)
Game 1: I couldn’t do anything and he immediately had
advantage from the start. It was ugly.
Game 2: Opposite of game one.
Game 3: It was pretty even for a while, but he drew the
“right cards” and pulled a win.
Round 3: Me vs. Charlie
He was a kid who I had never met before, and his deck
was a combination of the Zombie, Rock, Spellcaster, and
Dragon structure decks.
Games 1 and 2: I won both of these in a combined 7
He asked me if I could help him build his deck, and I
agreed. I built him a spellcaster and dragon deck, and
we were waiting for the fourth round because the two
kids next to us (Charlie’s friend and E-hero Kid) were
taking forever. It was tied and If Charlie’s friend
would have flipped his Guardian Sphinx one turn earlier
and attacked, he would have won, but he didn’t and the
E-Hero kid came back and won.
Round 4: Me vs. Small Kid.
I played this kid two weeks ago, and he thought he could
beat me before and wanted to play for cards. I told him
ok, and came out with a Dark Necrofear. He wanted
Game 1: His deck is like this uber beatdown with
chainsaw insects and united we stand.
I beat him in like 8 turns, because he couldn’t do
damage thanks to my clocktower.
Game 2: He did the same thing as V and snatched my Jinzo
while he had hand of nepthyes , but he didn’t sacrifice
them. Oh well, I guess some will never learn. I mst’d my
Jinzo and beat him with Jinzo and Zaborg 9400- 0.
While we were waiting, I was hoping I got at least third
place. Mike came back with the standings and gave me
three packs. I asked him what I was, and he said “Fifth”
I did a double take and he laughed and said me and four
others were tied for second. I didn’t know what the
first place guy got, but everyone else got crap. I
opened my packs and got a Banisher of Radiance. Not a
good start. But the next two made up for it. I pulled an
Ultimate Cyber Prima, and a Superelectromagnetic Voltech
Dragon. I traded my Banisher for a Harpies baby pet
dragon. All in all, it was a good day. I got my third
Diamond dude, and I got another Clocktower along with
other commons I needed.
Now its that time again:
- Me for winning three packs, and pulling the best cards
over everyone
- My brother for not having cards stolen from him (for
the first time in 3 trips there)
- My brother again for getting the cards stolen from him
- Mike, for having the tourney
- Shonen Jump for taking all the really good players :p
- To my Brother for losing to people he shouldn’t have
lost to
- Me for using CC when I should have had fun with D
- Me for not going to Shonen Jump Arlington
And that’s that. I enjoy feedback, so if you have any
questions, comments, angry remarks, or Mystical Shine
Balls, send them to…