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From: []
Sent: Sunday, May 07, 2006 5:19 PM
Subject: Thunderpant's SJC Columbus '06 Deck, by
Thunderpants in Columbus, Ohio
Thunderpant's SJC Columbus 06 Deck
by Thunderpants!
Columbus, Ohio Veterans Memorial
There were over 550 participants...
Ok... I think the appropriate place for me to start is
aproximately 1 month ago at a windsor regional on april 1st.
I don't do too hot with the new banlist cause i cant be flip
flop. Thats fine, i figure out some pretty hot cards for
this new format. I find out I lost my binder there...
great... So it took a whole lot of convincing to let my
parents take me up there since i was doing not so hot in
school... by the way... Nationals in San Fransisco and NOT
in columbus is pretty much grounds for a RIOT! Plus its
during my school's finals... how ridiculous.
I was gonna bring my friend up there too, but i didnt feel
like it in the end... So we leave at like 4 AM, i get there
at 8:30ish. I meet up with team xtream nd we talk and i tell
Chris how proud of him i was for him getting 2nd at SJC
Baltimore. So I play him and Rob and end up having some back
and forth matches... Hayton smacks me for making fun of his
hair... So i run around getting my mat signed after having
to go next door to a baseball card convention and find a
human looking figure that would allow me to have a sharpy.
So the meet and greet go up and with that, I reveal my
This deck is pretty much a fusion of Chris Pitao's deck at
Baltimore and my tech deck warrior/reaper tech I used at
Monsters: 21
Spirit Reaper x3
Magician of Faith x2
Mobius x2
Sangan x1
Tsukuyomi x1
Cyber Dragon x1
DD Warrior Lady x1
Mystic Swordsman lv 2 x1
Breaker the Magical Warrior x1
DD Assailant x1
Twin Headed Behemoth x1
Zaborg the Thunder Monarch x1
Elemental Hero Wildheart x1
Exiled Force x1
Chaos Sorcerror x1
Magical Merchant x1
Treeborn Frog x1
Magic: 13
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Smashing Ground x1
Graceful Charity x1
Heavy Storm x1
Reinforcment of the Army x1
Confiscation x1
Snatch Steal x1
Brain Control x1
Premature Burial x1
Metamorphasis x1
Scapegoat x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Trap: 8
Sakuretsu Armor x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Mirror Force x1
Spell Shield Type 8 x1
Call of the Haunted
Ceasefire x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Total: 42
Sideboard: 15
Royal Oppression x2
Kinetic Soldier x2
Magic Cylinder x1
Cyber Dragon x1
Mobius the Frost Monarch x1
Sakuretsu Armor x1
Bottomless Trap Hole x1
Book of Moon x1
Memory Crusher x1
Smashing Ground x1
The End of Anubis x1
Injection Fairy Lilly x1
Swords of Revealing Light x1
Fusion Deck: Everything you would expect and more
SOOOOOO i hear about the new prize card RIGHT before i tell
everyone siting around me it will be shrink... I am right,
therefore i am god. So then we get our real pairings and the
action begins.
Round 1 Thunderpants vs someone whos name starts with J:
Ok so this guy has a playmat from some team elite noobs or
something... That is fine and dandy, plus i liked the pink
Match 1:
I remember seeing blade knight in his deck somewhere... He
hit me with overflow from it... I also remember Exarion
Universe and how it was pwning my reapers... he did a little
overflow to me, but basicly i just manhandled him soon as my
monarchs started comming out.
Match 2:
I whittle him down in the beggining... but he gets advantage
and i end up being the one who is manhandled.
Match 3:
I knocked him down to 800 pretty fast... but the problem
was, i couldnt finish him off!!! (this will be the
reoccuring theme throught the report) Finaly, he draws into
premature and since it was a negative card against his
advantage, he was overwhelmed the next turn.
Not much happened between rounds... that round took a long
time so i just pretty much got to get up, go to the
bathroom, and refocus my mind.
Round 2 Thunderpants vs Some guy with first name startign
with S:
Im not going to do the full analasis on this one... I could
tell he was decently good, but was drawing into terrible
stuff. He was just setting flip flop monsters that were
getting manhandled. Pretty much, he gets completely
spanked... I 2-0 him with the only damage to me being from a
snatched monarch.
Between rounds nothing happened, again... even though i had
a lot of time to focus
Round 3 Thunderpants vs Brandon i wanna say?:
This guy was pretty cool... This was his first big tourney
and he was really lightspirited and was definatly all about
the fun. As it turns out, he will go on to follow me around
and be part of my own little crew... The full analasis isnt
needed... we go 2-1 with me winning. He was good and in the
last round my dad showed up and realized i was sweating a
lot and that the match got intese... But basicly, the ending
score was 9500 (me) to 0... yeah... But he was good and i
helped fix his deck up a little bit later. A little more
experience and i can see a definate top 8 wildcard out of
In between rounds, i eat taco bell that my dad bought me
instead of the crap that was insanely expensive they were
serving here... I prepare for next round, my dad goes to
cosi... so far Me and Team Xtream are all 3-0...
Round 4 Thunderpants vs I want to say Zach
I was wondering why i was at talbe 110... They screwed up
and said i lost instead of won... so me and the other guy
just switch places... table 18 felt a LOT more like it...
Cant remember much from this... just that I won 2-1...
I find out team xtreme is now all 4-0 exept for Chris who
had to face Rob... He scooped to him so that Rob has a
chance to t8... how nice...
Round 5 Thunderpants vs Some J Name Guy:
At this point... everything was real serious like... we were
at table 8 or something...
Match 1:
I do a COMPLETE manhandling... 7500 to 0... i remember cuz
this one was a quickie right there... i had to keep myself
from getting too cockey.
Match 2:
We go back and forth but he eventually builds his force up
bigger than mine and i loose
Match 3:
My little possy has gathered at this point to watch me... I
will never... EVER forget this play... He gets out a cyber
dragon and a jinzo on me... clears my field... my go...
he..he..he.. (he was already at 1300) All i have is snatch
steal and morph... oh and MoF... So i Brain Control jinzo
and hit his cyber, but i get switched to D cuz of enemy...
Ok... mp2, i morph jinzo into... Senshi? so he can get
mauled by cyber? hmmm what else could i get... I get...
OJAMA KING!!! he goes sets something and says go, bla bla, i
go, MoF into grace, i now have a hand... he goes... *game
ender is right here* he tries to snatch Ojama King... i call
judge... he TECHNICALLY has a full field, snatch fizzles and
it all goes downhill from here... He flips MoF *cyber
somehow dissapears cant remember how* and gets snatch back,
snatches finaly... my go i summon wildheart, crush to
magician, GG.
At this point, the judges were wondering as if to interview
me... who wins with an ojama king... and wildheart...
honestly now... Plus, is still 5-0... insanity... Chris
drops to do side events, team xtream still undefeated...
THIS RIGHT HERE is where i get a little too cocky...
Round 6 Thunderpants vs Andrew Hayton...:
Yes... im vs a member of team Xtream... before the match we
both start complementing eachother and everything about how
weird it is nd how best man win, lets both t8 bla bla bla...
we get deck checked >= /... how here we go
Match 1:
We go back and forth smacking eachother... extremely close
to the finish even though it was a quickie... it was pretty
much, i hit you, you hit me, i hit u, u hit me... i loose...
Match 2:
Jeff Jones comes by, talks smack to me, shuffles Haytons
deck for him giving him "jones luck". I cut... i pull
decent... i set froggy and mst... he goes... *it pretty much
ends here* mst my mst, special cyber, noble froggy, summon
reaper... right... he hits my snatch steal... oof... i
battle back and eventually i knock him to like 41 im at like
29... he goes, return from the different dimention, GG to
BOOO!!!! oh well at least i could still get in... right?...
Hayton and Rob r now 6-0 thunderpants is 5-1...
Round 7 Thunderpants vs Brent Yetter:
Ok... I was feeling the effects of loosing and this was
definatly getting to me... inevitably my downfall...
Match 1:
We go back and forth... he eventually catches me after i
reaper into his teched goldd.
Match 2:
This was the wost luck i think ive had... EVER... and i KNOW
bad luck... Ok, I go first... opening hand is... ALL traps
and a nobleman of crossout... He goes, sets monster sets mt...
i go... i draw... spell shield... yes! another TRAP! -_-...
i noble his deko... he goes sets my go... i draw into...
treefrog... not bad... i set... he goes... flips something
and brings out jinzo... nobleman... GG... the next 2 draws
are ceasefire and my other nobleman... im
2-0ed yet again...
So i am loosing pretty much all hope now... and i challenge
Jeff after he talks all his smack... we go back nd forth but
he beats me 2-1... i play dwight we go 1-1 nd i decided i
gotta get up and refocus before i loose the next match...
So... i give myself a pep talk, realize that YES i am STILL
IN IT, and walk outside into the sun for a minute or so...
that helped SO much... here we go
Round 8 Thunderpants vs James:
This guy is from Michigan so i see him at a lot of regionals
and stuff...
Match 1:
I completely rape him...
Match 2:
He completely rapes me...
Match 3:
I get him from the get-go... another 2-1
At this point i find out Hayton is 7-1, and cedar is 6-2...
nice... if hayton keeps going... my tiebreaker will be
Round 9 Thunderpants vs a guy with a first name starting
with M:
Ok... for some reason my watchers started popping up with
angry looks at him... i find out why later...
Match 1:
I open up with a direct cyber and twin headed behemoth * I
chose 2nd and nobled*... After that, he tries stalling for
like 2 turns nd conceeds... I wonder why... He shows me
cyber stine and i realize with my opening play i knocked him
below 5000 lps... this is also y people evidently are angry
with him...
Match 2:
He sides out cyber stine, and he beats me since i shouldve
seen it comming and sided in my tech... ouch...
Match 3:
He acts like hes siding again, i side back to my origional
deck... i was right, he stays noncyber stine... Spanked...
Ok... one last round... hayton is still 8-1, so is Brent
Yetter... i could honestly do this... wow... I play my buddy
Lee inbetween rounds nd we just mess around...
Round 10 Thunderpants vs Alexander:
Oh... My... God... My dad comes halfway through the match
and tells me... If you loose this... You will NEVER live it
down... Why? I am playing, what appears to be a 5 year
old... I dont wanna play by play this... but basicly i win
BARELY by 2-1ing him... i had to psyche him out with weird
stares and stuff... i felt kind of bad... as it turns out he
was actually 11 and from New York... pretty kool kid to go
7-3 in this tourney...
SOOOOO... i prolly wouldntve top 8ed anyway but idve at
least came really close... Andrew Hayton LOST to Jerry
Wang... Brent Yetter LOST to, i wasnt paying attention...
BOOBERRY!!! I am out of t8 contention... heh, Rob goes
7-3... Hayton gets 9th... Yetter gest 10th... i get 18th -_-
HEY that isnt bad... out of over 550 people i get 18th...
just one behind matt peddle... how... delicious
Getting 18th...
Getting my invite for this (can u belive i didnt have my
invite... ;_;)
Lots of cool people sign my mat...
2 Michigan players make top 8
I will probably get to go to SJC Chicago because i did
Not T8ing
Andrew Hayton getting 9th... he deserved to top 8
Jeff Jones... nuf said
Getting like 18 packs because they extended prizes to lower
ranks... I say top 32 get prizes... nd they all get like a
billion boxes, lol
If you saw me tell me... I was wearing blue plad shorts, A
tough guys wear pink t shirt, a pink stripped button up over
it *unbuttoned*, and Pink hightop converse... I wasnt hard
to miss... Plus i was riding the top tables all day... and
hanging out with team xtream and other people.. So Im
probably going to SJC Chicago... i already thought of cards
to use that are different but so good i can hardly stand
it... i cant wait to try it out... I hope i get interviewed
by metagame...
I reply to almsot every single email... that means hatemail...
trust me... I will out diss you...