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 Yugioh Tournament Reports

From: Jason Reeves [mailto:jreeves@dailyleader.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 09, 2006 12:08 PM

Subject: Local Brookhaven, MS Tourney "Toolbox Terror" by Jason "Pippin"Reeves

The weekly local Brookhaven, MS Tournament at the Computer Place was held this Saturday, May 6. It had been a month since the heavy hitters had all met in one place. Three weeks of tourneys without the hardest and most challenging competition. This week was different. Competition seemed slim 15 minutes before beginning. The rain probably kept all but the most hearty of players at home. But as the rain poored, so did the players. A record turn-out with several new faces. I hope the word is spreading. I had abandoned my Hamon burn for a more practicle, tourney worthy deck. My toolbox. It started as a fiend deck that mutated into a toolbox with no fiends in to be found. Casey, Evil Casey, had brought back his Machine Dragons that had nearly cost me the tournament last month against Hamon. Would this tournament be the time that he finally puts a nail in my coffin and runs into the rain screaming his victory over one of Brookhaven's top duelists? Read on.

FIRST the deck.

Tribute Monsters = 4
1 x Cyber Dragon
1 x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1 x Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 x Jinzo

Non-Tribute Monsters = 16
1 x Injection Fairy Lily
1 x Magician of Faith
2 x Gravekeepers Spy
2 x Mystic Tomato
2 x Giant Rat
2 x Spirit Reaper
1 x Mystic Swordsman LV 2
1 x Breaker the Magic Warrior
1 x Don Zaloog
1 x Sangan
1 x DD Warrior Lady
1 x Exiled Force

Spells = 12
1 x Brain Contol
1 x Enemy Controller
1 x Snatch Steal
1 x Mystical Space Typhoon
1 x Heavy Storm
3 x Smashing Ground
1 x Graceful Charity
1 x Nobleman of Crossout
1 x Premature Burial
1 x Pot of Avarice

Traps = 8

3 x Sakuretsu Armor
2 x Widespread Ruin
1 x Mirror Force
1 x Call of the Haunted
1 x Torrential Tribute

A decent build, but by no means original. It gets the job done, or so I thought.

Round 1
Raphael (Cyber Stein/Cyber Dragon Deck)
This is always one of the highlights of my time at tournament. Playing Raphael. He is by far one of the best at the tournament, and is heavy favorite anytime he plays. For him and me to be playing first round is rare, but interesting. He gets a few licks on me early, but nothing to major gets through. I keep a GK Spy on the field for protection, and Sakus keep me safe from most harm. Then he plays Cyber Stein. I have a FU Magician of Faith, FUD GK Spy, and FUA Don on the field. He has no hand after playing Stein and summons Cyber Twin, so he kills the Don and Magician for a hefty chunk of LP. But he has no backfield and no hand. I play Snatch Steal and Brain Control on his Stein and Cyber Twin, remove a dark and a light for Chaos Sorcerer (which was taken out after my second round), then summon Sangan to the field. I attack with all 5 for game.
GG Raphael

Me 1:0

Round 2
Evil Casey and the Type Confused Machine/Dragons
Casey had beaten me second round last time I played in the tournament. But that was against a tricky Hamon deck. This time I hoped would be different. How'd that go you ask? NOT TOO GOOD!! We smack away at each other and really have a good duel going. I get IFL and Don Zaloog on the field and get him down to 450 LP with me having 2750. He Brain Controls my Don and flips his stinking little quarter and destoys IFL. I get hit for all the Damage and that gg me. >:(
EVIL CASEY! I WILL STICK A PORK CHOP THROUGH YOUR HEART! (Steaks work on Vampires, Pork Chops work on Evil Caseys)
I took out Chaos Sorcerer and a Magician of Faith for 2 Widespread Ruins to counter the attacking onslaught.

Me 1:1 >:(

Round 3 (Losers Bracket: AKA The Path of Hades)
This next duelist, James, was incredible. Not for the playing, but for the player. I played a one armed duelist. I was extremely impressed by his skill in just handling the cards, and in dueling in general. With a little tweaking, his deck could be tourney worthy. I beat him with an attack with Don Zaloog along with several other weaker monsters. I never got any heavy hitters out, but still got the job done. I shook his hand and told him I was impressed with him.

Me 2:1

Round 4 Tyler
This duel was over quick. He tried for a stall burn, but just ended up getting beat by low level monsters. Final attack came from a Mystic Tomato, Mystic Swordsman LV2, Don Zaloog, and a Giant Rat. 4 Monsters less than 1500 attack. I never was touched during the whole duel. Oh well, gg little man and keep tweakin that deck to get it just right.

Me 3:1

Round 5 Michael
This duel too, took no time, but saw some heavier hitters. Again I won with full health. Not much to say about the duel. Breaker and Giant Rat dealt the final blow.

Me 4:1

Round 6 Brandon (Captain Zoidberg Nerveball) E-Heros
Brandon's E-Hero deck defies the logic we know to be true that E-Heros stink more than rotten skunk roadkill on a hot Mississippi mid-day. His is very good, and even eliminated the heavy hitting Stein deck of Raphael. So when I play him I expect a good duel. Suprisingly this duel lasted 5 turns. BUT his first turn after I went first was to get Bladedge on the field and smack me with him and another Fusion doing 5500 points of Damage to me FIRST TURN! I really though I was a goner. But I drew 2 Smashing grounds and whittle him down wo 4000 LP to 2500 LP. Next turn I Attacked direct with IFL and Cyber Dragon for game. Brandon consistently places in the top 4 at tourney and is known to win on occasion.

Me 5:1

Round 7 "J"
A cocky little feller with a suprisingly good deck. A burn deck that made it into the semifinals. It was a Pyro burn at that. He used, or tried to use, Solar Flare Dragons. I only took 500 LP in damage from one of them one turn until I Smashing Grounded him. He set a UFO Turtle and ended with no back field and 3200 LP. I have a FU Mobius and a FD Enemy Controler. I attack his turtle and he digs Thing in the Crater, but cannot capitolize. He draws and ends, as I draw and grab his Thing in the Crater with Enemy Contoler and attack for game.

Me 6:1

The undefeated Casey has been wainting for the losers to catch up to him to see who would play him in the finals. It was me, yet again. Because he had not lost, I had to win twice in a row, YET AGAIN! De Ja Vu all over again. But that being the case, I new how it would end. :) We started and after a little jostling, I summoned Jinzo and Giant Rat. He cannot seem to keep anyting on the field as I attack him twice for 3800LP a piece during 2 turns. He is down to 400 LP to my 7200. But his final act is to just scoop. He picks up and starts shuffling. GG Me :)

ME 7:1 (revenge is a dish best served cold, and with a side of mac and cheese)

Round 9 FINALS Part 2 EVIL CASEY! (with a loss under his belt)
Ah, yes. I could smell his fear, either that, or he bathed every June, and he was 11 months ripe. He attacks me for 1700 LP damage but then cannot seem to get anything through. Even with his precious Blowback Dragon on the field. My final act of retribution is to Special Summon Cyber Dragon, summon Giant Rat, ram the rat into the stinking, over-grown water pistol, dig IFL, grind Blowback into powder with IFL, and attack for game with Cyber Dragon.
BOOYAH! Again, I have fought out of the Path of Hades and into the victory. Casey gets a pack and I get my entry fee back and a pack. We both get nothing in the packs, but it still was fun. ESPECIALLY SINCE I BEAT CASEY AGAIN!

Me 8:1

Well there you have it. 9 duels is a personal record for a Brookhaven Tourney. Lots of playing and trading. This was my first Saturday to appear with a complete collection of the E-Hero fusions. I was getting offers left and right. I traded for a few, but ended the day breaking even.

Props: Hamon takes a seat, and Toolbox reigns supreme
Mr. Freels for continuing to hold tournaments
All who participated.
Evil Casey for continuing to make things interesting
Brandon for eliminating his nemesis, Raphael.
Cons: Losing one round to a LUCKY FLIPPY McFLIPPERSON AGAIN!!!!
Getting into a car crash the following night and totalling my car.
Being in pain from a bruised hip.
Having to type this with my toes. (so please forgive the typos)

Toolbox may not be original, but it does work, and it is fun, PLUS it can be beat.

UNTIL NEXT WEEKEND! If you can't find Brookhaven on the map, don't worry we're there, just head south and if you hit Cuba, you've gone too far.

Jason "Pippin" Reeves

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