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Tournament Reports
From: Jason Reeves []
Sent: Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:25 PM
Subject: Local Brookhaven, MS Tourney "Thats the Way the
Cookie Kicks Your*" by Jason "Pippin" Reeves
Place: The Computer Place, Brookhaven, MS
Time: Saturday, 1 pm
Admission: $5
Prize: 1st Place - $5 and pack of choice: 2nd place - Pack
of choice
Decks seen: Cookie Cutter Chaos, E-Heros, CyberStein/CyberDragon,
Machine Mania, Earth
Beatdown, Ritual Summons, some others unnamed.
The weekly local Brookhaven, MS Tournament at the Computer
Place was held this Saturday,
June 10. It has been a while since I competed in a
tournament (being a dad takes things out of
ya). So I finally broke down and made time to go. I hoped it
would be quick and painless for all
those envolved, but it was not to be. Evil Casey had once
again reared his head, but he was not
sporting his machines. No no, this time he had a ritual
summon deck with Relinquished and
Demise. Raphael was there with the Cyber Dragon deck we have
all come to know and love (to
throw in front of a moving zamboni) but I digress. Brandon
brought the heros and even Danny
Boy Friss showed up sporting his own version of E-Zeros
FIRST the deck.
Tribute Monsters = 7
2 x Cyber Dragon
2 x Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1 x Jinzo
2 x Chaos Sorcer
Non-Tribute Monsters = 13
1 x Magician of Faith
2 x Spirit Reaper
1 x Breaker the Magic Warrior
1 x Sangan
1 x DD Warrior Lady
2 x Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
1 x Injection Fairy Lily
1 x Treeborn Frog
1 x Magical Merchant
1 x Tsukoyomi
1 x Mirage Dragon
Spells = 12
1 x Book of Moon
1 x Brain Control
1 x Snatch Steal
1 x Mystical Space Typhoon
1 x Heavy Storm
2 x Smashing Ground
1 x Graceful Charity
2 x Nobleman of Crossout
1 x Premature Burial
1 x Last Will
Traps = 8
1 x Return from a Different Dimension
2 x Sakuretsu Armor
2 x Bottomless Trap Hole
1 x Mirror Force
1 x Call of the Haunted
1 x Torrential Tribute
My best build to date. Unfortunately, it is not the most
original of decks. But I did add some of my
own flare to it. The IFL is a great game ender, other than
that, it is pretty much Cookie Cutter to
the Core. Oh well, its fun. TO THE DUELS!
Round 1
Vs. Andrew (Hinds 57 Deck, there is a little bit of
Lots of lucky hits right off the bat, and my deck cannot
seem to bounce back. After much jockeying for possition, I
FINALLY get to hit him a bit. At 4400 to 5200 it happens. I
have Zaborg and Last Will in my hand, a Spirit Reaper on the
field, and he has a monster FD and no backfield. I tribute
for Zaborg killing his monster, the play Last Will and
Summon IFL. I attack both directly and pay the 2000LP to hit
for 7800 total points of damage. Good game Andrew. NEXT!
Round 2
Vs. Michael (LV Deck)
Swapping licks with the bottom of the barrel. My Spirit
Reaper keeps the LP ok'ed and a Treeborn Frog keeps tribute
bait coming. He manages to get Insect LV3 (I think) on the
field, but it is abruptly Bottomless Trapholed. He does keep
me guessing though. With high attack monsters like Luster
Dragon and the like, I really had to be careful to keep the
LP's up. At 4800 to 7200 I get Zaborg and clear his field
knocking him to 4800. He sets 2 S/T and ends. I special
summon Treeborn and tribute for Jinzo attacking with both
for game. Good game and on the match-up I dread.
Round 3
Vs. Raphael (Cyber Dragon Deck)
I must state that I think Raphael had a bad hand, but there
are no mulligans in Yu Gi Oh. Anyway back to the duel. He
set 1 and 1. Standard opening. I Nobleman his set Light Hex
Seal and summon my own spirit reaper and attack him for 300
discarding a Shining Angel, much to his dismay. He sets
another monster and a Trap. I draw another Nobleman and
remove his Spirit Reaper. Then I turn my Spirit Reaper in
defense and set a Bottomless Trap Hole (I am scared of his
deck's Cyberness *squeels like a school girl*) He does
special a Cyber Dragon that just keeps falling and falling
and falling and falling due to the Bottomless Trap Hole I
opened under his shiney metallic butt. He sets yet again. I
tribute for Zaborg and kill the FD Spririt Reaper and attack
a FD Monster. He playes Shallow Grave, and we both get a
Spirit Reaper FD. I tribute for Zaborg and kill the FD
Spririt Reaper and attack a FD Monster. He Premies his
Shining Angel and then Giant Trunades, playing Premie again
on something, I dunno I wasn't paying attention, but he
cannot get his monsters through my Reaper. He sets another
monster and ends. I play 2 smashing grounds and tribute for
Zaborg. I attack him at 8000 to 6100 (after a reaper hit and
2 Premies) to get him to 3700. He Compulsary Evacuates my
Zaborg and sets a monster. I special a Treeborn from the
graveyard and tribute for Zaborg killing his FD and hitting
him down to 1300. He Call of the Haunted his Shining Angel
and ends, I attack his Shining Angel with Zaborg and he is
down to 300. He draws and ends. He falls. 8000 to 0. Good
Round 4
Vs. Frankey (Hinds 57)
Not much to type here. He goes first, standard 1 and 1. I
Special Cyber Dragon, Tribute for Zuborg and Premie Cyber
Dragon. I hit him with both to get him to 3500. He sets no
monster, just 2 S/T and ends. I tribute Cyber Dragon for
Jinzo and attack for game. NEXT!!
Now I wait. I had managed to stay out of The Path of Hades,
also known as the loser's bracket, and assured myself a
finals bid. I watched with silent anxiety as Raphael climbed
his way out. BUT! He fell. HE FELL AGAIN! He was beaten by
none other than Dr. Zoidberg Nerveball (Brandon)! and his E-Heros.
A Stein Cyberdragon deck beaten by E-Heros. Granted, the
good Doctor got the GOD hand of all hands. He was able to
summon by third turn Flare Wingman, Bladedge, and Sangan. He
smacked Raphael around. But no discredit to Raphael. Just
really good hand management on the Doctors part.
Evil Casey and the Doctor match up and Evil Casey falls due
to a card error. He forgot that Deal with the Abyss requires
an EXACT star sacrifice to use. So no Relinquished. He falls
to the floor rything in pork grease as The Holy Pork Chop of
the E-Heros plunges deep into his soul and renders it moosh.
Unfortunately, I never got to play him. "Alas poor Casey, I
knew him well". BACK TO ME!
Brandon faced off against Frankey and had barely gotten
comfortable when it was over. Brandon got up victorious and
moved on to the Finals against ME!!
Final Round!
Vs. Dr. Zoidberg Nerveball (E-Heros)
The finals were a bit anti-climactic to speak of. Good hand
advantage and summoning both Zaborg and Jinzo led to a
pretty clean and short. But Zoidberg and I have never dueled
in the finals before and I am glad to say he fought hard to
get debunking some of the mythos revolving around E-Heros.
He made some of the greats shift in their seat and play more
aggressively just stay alive. Well done Doctor.
Of course props to Mr. Freels for keeping the tourney going
and for suggesting another Wednesday tourney during the
summer, and to all that attended.
For all the good trades I got (Traded E-Hero Shining Phoenix
Enforcer for Raviel. Though I wouldn't call it a trade
exactly, I gave him a Phoenix Enforcer last Wednesday, and
he gave me Raviel today. Its a good relationship we got
here, but I don't think I am ready for marriage or
To Daniel Friss for getting a OTK with Cybernetic Magician,
3 cards, and Scapegoats :)
None really. Not getting to Pork Chop Evil Casey is always a
downer. I did play him after the tourney and beat him there,
but its kinda like making a hole in one AFTER the round is
Well that just about does it for me and the other goof offs
down here south society but north of hickville in
Brookhaven, MS. To find us, just go south, and if ya hit
Cuba, you've gone too far.
Jason "Pippin" Reeves