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Tournament Reports
No. I Am your father... NOOOOOO!!, Local MS Tourney,
JasonReeves at the Computer Place
November 6, 2006
It happened. It finally happened. I have faced my demon long
enough and decided to take a walk on the dark side. Thats
right, I listened to country music. Beware my evil. While I
did that I decided to get even more wicked and watched the
first season of Dawson's Creek. I cringed like a frightened
school girl through every homophobic and cheaters break-up.
My soul was stained for life. Somewhere during it all, I
blacked out and the evil raccoon living in me awakened, and
put CYBER STEIN in my deck. Ooohhhh! Such evil has never
before graced my deck during tournament play. So lets see
how it did, if you dare.
Here is how the tournament ran. First the deck:
Monsters: 22
1 x Mobius
2 x Zaborg
1 x Jinzo
2 x Cyber Dragon
1 x Treeborn Frog
1 x Sangan
1 x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 x Exiled Force
1 x Spirit Reaper
1 x Magician of Faith
1 x Injection Fairy Lily
3 x Nimble Mamongo
2 x Apprentice Magicians
2 x Old Vendictive Magicians
1 x Cyber Stein >:)
Spells: 11
1 x Graceful Charity
1 x Nobleman of Crossout
1 x Premature Burial
1 x MST
1 x Heavy Storm
1 x Last Will
1 x Swords of Revealing Light
1 x Smashing Ground
2 x Creature Swap
1 x Scapegoats
Traps: 7
1 x Ring of Destruction
1 x Mirror Force
1 x Torrential Tribute
2 x Sakuretsu Armor
2 x Bottomless Trap Hole
3 x Kuriboh
1 x Ceasefire
1 x Magic Cylinder
2 x Des Wombat
2 x Magic Jammer
3 x Threatening Roar
1 x Sakuretsu Armor
2 x Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1 x Cyber Twin
1 x Master of Oz
Anyway, thats the list. Here is how the tournament
Me vs. Neal - Bumrush Agressive Deck
Neal is a good player, with a decent deck. I started to lose
early, but the evilness that I had implanted in my deck came
forth and condemned his soul to the pits and perils of hades.
It wasn't that bad, but it was a good duel.
Both of us having to work hard to outwit the other. The duel
hinged on the last 2 turns. I had a FD Magician of Faith and
a Face Up Zaborg in attack.
He tributes for Dark Ruler Ha Des and has a choice to make.
He decides to attack the FD and negates her effect leaving
my with a face up Zaborg, and him with a Ha Des and a FD
Monster and no back field. My turn. I Creature Swap him my
Zaborg for his Ha Des and play Stein (I know I could have
played Stein and used his effect then Swapped him, but at
the time, that didn't seem like a good idea, so back off). I
activate Stein and get Cyber Twin. I attacked his FD
Magician with Ha Des, Zaborg with Cyber Twin, Cyber Twin to
him, and Stein to him. He survived, but only to set another
monster which was dispatched by Ha Des and the game was
ended by Twin.
Me: 8000-7700-6900-1900-1200
Neal: 8000-7950-1650-0
Me vs. Tyler - never had time to figure out his deck Tyler
is relatively new to our tournament. I don't remember him
from before.
I special summon a Cyber Dragon and attack a 4FD backfield.
He triggers Spell Binding Circle stopping the attack, but
also signalling he probably had no more damage doing or
monster killing traps. I set a Nimble Mamongo in effort to
defend against an attack. I try out my theory about his
traps when he sets no monsters and ends. I summon a Nimble
in attack and flip summon the other. I attack with both. He
does nothing. I decide to end this next turn. He goes and
sets no monsters, only fills up his last Backfield slot. I
sumon Stein >:), pay 5000, get out Master of Oz (I don't
have an End). I attack with Mamongos first. He does nothing.
I attack with Stein. He does nothing. I attack with Master
of Oz. He does... nothing. He falls. His face downs were
mostly magic cards and bluffs. Bad hand I guess. We let this
one live as he was young and needed to grow a little more. A
catch and release policy you might say.
Me: 8000-3000
Tyler: 8000-6000-0
Me vs. Raphael - Cyber Dragon Deck
Raphael (or Cyberdragon Master as he is known on the forum)
is a very good duelist with what seems to be limitless
resources for cards. His mom is a sweetheart too (got to
meet her at the regionals in Jackson). I side board in
accordingly and we begin. I got the God hand of hands:
Zaborg, Cyber Dragon, Last Will. He T formations with 1
Backfield and 1 FD monster. I summon Cyberdragon. Sac for
Zaborg, play Last Will, and go get (not Stein, I feared his
backfield) Injection Fairy Lily. I attack with Lily. He
plays Call of the Haunted and brings back his Dekoichi. I
attack Zaborg to Dekoichi and IFL to him direct. I pay 2000
he takes 4400 and loses his Stein suprise on first turn. He
sets one monster and ends. I draw into Treeborn Frog which I
play in attack mode. I play Creature Swap on his FD UFO
I ram Zaborg through the frog and IFL for game. My deck had
done, what it was supposed to do against Raphael. Win and
win FAST! Given time, Raphael can win quick, and without any
warning. His soul was spared my evil counterpart, but this
did not bode well for my next opponent.
Me: 8000-6000-4000
Raphael: 8000-3600-0
Me vs. Daniel - Adrenalized Beatdown Deck (lots of big scary
4 star monsters and such) I had not used Stein in my last
duel, and the evil within me was not pleased. So what did it
do? It took over. My will crumbled and my mind was lost to
Dawson's Creek loving evil in my heart. He sets one monster
and one Backfield. I play heavy, Special Cyber Dragon, Sac
for Zaborg, Play Last Will, get Stein, pay 5000 lp, get
Twin, attack with all for 8700 damage. I awoke to Daniel's
face in a stunned twisted evil pool of bleh. His soul,
frozen forever in orange sherbert.
Me: 8000-3000
Daniel: 8000-0
Me vs. Daniel - Adrenalized Beatdown Deck Free from his
orange flavored eternal prison of torment, Daniel had clawed
his way back from defeat and once again rose to challenge
me. hehe Good.
This time would not be so quick and painless. He came out
swinging and as though the citric void had empowered him, I
seemed to be faltering. But this was only temporary. It came
down to a battle of the Monarchs as Stein could not be found
quick enough for his evilness to be felt. Zaborgs and Mobi
fought for what seemed forever until finally he was open.
Both combatants weary from their strugles braced for the
final blow. From where to whom this blow was not yet
directed, but came it did, from a Cyber Dragon to a weary
rival sprawling him to floor, once again into the void never
again to see the light of day. Forever tormented in his
frozen juicy citric prison. I win. I live.
Me: 8000-6050-5250-4950-4550-2450
Brandon: 8000-6350-4350-2450-350-0
As for all the evil talk, it was kinda fun, but the real fun
came from playing. Trash talk taken to a high volume and
extreme extent is annoying and childish, as I think everyone
at the tournament would agree.
Props: To Mr. Freels as always for holding the tourney.
To Stein for actually working well in my deck.
To Raphael for trading me the Cyber Twin just before
Slops: None really
Pulled crap from the pack I won, gave it to Daniel.
Until next time, if you ever duel someone and a cold shiver
fills your spine as the stench of orange flavored ice cream,
beware, for you may be facing me. Believe me, you have
nothing to fear, or do you?
Bye from Brookhaven.
Jason "Pippin" Reeves
Proud Leader of TEAM Insert Clever Name Here.