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Starter Decks
Yugi |
Joey |
Yugi 2004 |
Kaiba 2004
GX: 2006 |
Jaden | Syrus
5D: 1 | 2 | Toolbox
Zexal: 2011 | 2012 | 2013
Yugi 2013 | Kaiba 2013
Structure Decks
Dragons Roar &
Zombie Madness
Blaze of Destruction &
Fury from the Deep
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Spellcaster's Judgment
Lord of the Storm
Invincible Fortress
Dinosaurs Rage
Machine Revolt
Rise of Dragon Lords
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Zombie World
Spellcaster Command
Warrior Strike
Machina Mayhem
Dragunity Legion
Lost Sanctuary
Underworld Gates
Samurai Warlord
Sea Emperor
Fire Kings
Saga of Blue-Eyes
Cyber Dragon
Promo Cards:
Promos Spoiler
Coll. Tins Spoiler
MP1 Spoiler
EP1 Spoiler
Tournament Packs:
TP1 /
TP2 /
TP3 /
TP5 /
TP6 /
TP7 /
Duelist Packs
Jaden |
Jaden #2 | Zane
Aster | Jaden #3
Jesse | Yusei
Yugi | Yusei #2
Kaiba | Yusei #3
Reprint Sets
Dark Beginnings
| 2
Dark Revelations
1 |
2 |
3 | 4
Gold Series
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Dark Legends
Retro Pack
1 | 2
Champion Pack
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Turbo Pack
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7
Hidden Arsenal:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
5 | 6 | 7
Brawlermatrix 08
Evan T 08
X-Ref List
X-Ref List w/ Passcodes
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Video Games
Millennium Duels (2014)
Nighmare Troubadour (2005)
Destiny Board Traveler (2004)
Power of Chaos (2004)
Worldwide Edition (2003)
Dungeon Dice Monsters (2003)
Falsebound Kingdom (2003)
Eternal Duelist Soul (2002)
Forbidden Memories (2002)
Dark Duel Stories (2002)
About Yu-Gi-Oh
Yu-Gi-Oh! Timeline
Pojo's YuGiOh Books
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DDM Starter Spoiler
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Millennium Board Game
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For Rent
Tournament Reports
Regionals – by Lidnsey Mantos
Ok so i found out about regionals a couple days before it
happened and decided to call into work that day with a
doctors excuse that is so fake my gradmother would see
through it, anyway i get off work and manage to get asleep
by about 4am. I wake up a 8am and take a shower, run some
errands for my mom, meet up with Ted and Adam and then we
head over to regionals and register. WOW... it's in the same
place when i went undefeated, so i joke with Ted and Adam
about doing that same feat again. lol.... So after teasing
the judges and trying to get stupid people to try this crazy
hot sauce that you had to sign a waver to actually try.
(yeah, it was that strong, the waiver said that you couldn't
sue us, and all that good stuff) After being threatened
about a D.Q. if i ask one more person to try our crazy hot
sauce by Theresa the head judge we start the tournament. (I
can't remember all the players names so i apologize in
advance if your reading this and it says random guy, please
dont take any offense)
Round 1.
Okay, i figure there are very few people i actually have to
worry about.
Lindsey Mantos vs. David
This kid was really decent, said he was from Iowa and that
he had heard about me from one of his friends, said i was
one of the few good players in colorado. Game one i should
of lost but top deck into pot, ring and all the colors of
the rainbow for the win. He's pissed. I saw a don zalloog
and some serious hand control so i side in three goldds. I
lose game 2 cause my deck wants me to topdeck into 3
straight goldss. Wow, i hate goldd. Game three i was slowly
losing and topdeck into twin-headed behemoth and it shuts
down his hand, he won't mirror force or smashing ground it
and i finish him for exact damage with zaborg.
Game 2
Lindsey Mantos vs. Random guy
Game one i win with stein after exhasuting his options. Game
two i win with zaborg and frogger.
Game 3
Lindsey Mantos vs. Random guys friend
Ok, so i'm a little worried he knows i play jar of greed and
stein, so i win game one with stein and game two, he
misplays a couple times and i make him pay dearly for it.
Yay.... lunch break. So we go out to Qdoba to eat and i ask
for a water cup and get pop (sue me, buddha would have
wanted me to have it) and i stack 2 cookies on top of each
other and the girl charges me for one (buddha wanted my
friends to have it) After that we head back for round 4.
Round 4
Lindsey Mantos vs. .....
Don't really remember this match much cept i kill the guy
both games end of story.
Round 5
Lindsey Mantos vs. (i've see this guy so much but can't
remember his name)
Anyway game one i confiscation him and set it up so he
tributes for jinzo and next turn i drop cyber dragon and
breaker with a counter, play creature swap and take jinzo
and the dragon and deal him just enough damage to stop the
stein in his hand. Basically his jinzo kills him and when he
finally kills it, it's to his d.d. warrior. Game two, i
tribute for zaborg and attack into jujits master. Now he's
screwed. He has three cards to my four plus two monsters on
the field and a zaborg on the top of deck. If he kills
tomato i get stein and win, if he kills the other monster
then i win anyway and topdeck zaborg FTW. GG?!
Round 6
Lindsey Mantos vs. Michael Hlavaeck
Game one i go first and top deck confiscation as my sixth
card and stop his otk, after that i win. Game two i just
shut him down and win.
Round 7
Lindsey Mantos vs. Dennis Dalton
Ok, i have my invite he doesn't, were both undefeated, need
i say more? I scoop to him and (Insert sarcasm) since i was
so nice he says that he'll give me his mat. (insert sarcasm)
Wasn't he nice?
We play it out for fun and i win game one. Game two he beats
me and game three i go first and open up with treeborn,
creature swap, enemy controller, heavystorm, jar of greed,
mystic tomato. So i set frog and jar and end. He summons
cyber dragon and kills frog and confiscations the swap out
of my hand and ends his turn. End of turn i flip jar and rip
last will of the deck! I draw return frog tribute for enemy
controller and then bring frog back again and play last will
get stein and get cyber-twin and attack and kill dalton with
his own cyber dragon. WOW.... that was pretty cool.
Ok so now i just have to win the next one and i'm guaranteed
top eight since i scooped to dalton anyway.
Round 8
Lindsey Mantos vs. Randy jr.
Surprise, surprise, i get to play another friend. So yep
same thing as with dalton, yay, now i have two mats.
I'm now offically 6-2, but here is the astounding part. My
friend adam played dalton last round and scooped so now adam
makes it for sure along with randy and dalton. So my only
losses are to and undefeated player and a player that is
7-1. So i figure best case scenario i top 8 and get three
mats plus packs and other stuff or very worse i make 9 and
walk away with 2 mats...... huh, my luck says.....
Lindsey Mantos 7th slot....
yeah, i scream, now i have three mats, at this statement
everyone's head go errrrr and look right at me, now i know
my mistake, everyone rushes me for my mats as i make my way
to the top 8 table.
Guess what i play randy in the top eight as my first match,
what do you think i do..... yep i scoop so now randy has and
So i trade 8 packs for 3 goldd, wu-lord of dark world and a
common asura priest for a chimeratech overrated dragon, and
walk away with three regionals mats.
Overall it was a great day, afterwards we went to roberto's
house and everyone forgets about falling asleep and i
jigglypuff everyone's face with permanent marker and both
zamarano's faces look like cats, tanner's face had ass
written on it in silver sharpe marker and nathan looked like
a clown with a red nose, cresent moon on forehead, my
initials on the back of his neck, little swirlis on his
cheeks, the harry potter lightening scar on the side of his
forehead and many other things, also roberto got lotioned
and ted got jigglypuffed and tanner got hot sauced to the
point where his lips were peeling and he was using a piece
of bread as a cheese grater on his tonge, lol...
Making top 8
Walking away with three mats
Walking away with three goldds that were pratically free
Walking away while looking for cops cause of the biggest rip
off in yugioh history, common asura for chimeratech
overrrated dragon
Having fun with my friends
Having fun at Robs house
Eating lots of chinese food afterward
Waking up early
Getting no sleep cause afraid to wake up looking like a
zebra after jigglying puffing everyone
buying rubbing alchol for Nathan
So it was a pretty decent regionals. LOL........