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 Yugioh Tournament Reports


From: Sam Mattiske [mailto:scalrag@hotmail.com]
Subject: Dark World Devastation, Infinity Games, Adelaide



Dark World Devastation, SamM, Special Awesome Prizes 2-Week Tourney Round 1, Infinity Games, Adelaide, South Australia4/10/06


With school holidays here in Adelaide, my local card shop holds tournaments on Wednesdays as well as Saturdays: awesome twice the fun. And even better is that whoever has the most points at the end of the holiday gets awesome prizes. So, without further ado I will begin the report of round 1 of the awesome prizes tourney.


I decided to run my Dark World deck this week (which I have been working on since EEN came out), as it’s solidly been doing well since the beginning of the new format unlike my Destiny Hero deck and my Mausoleum deck. I figure it’s good because it disrupts the agro strategy of attack attack attack which everyone seems to think is strongest right now, and also messes with control decks using Deck Devastation Virus to kill their recruiters.


Dark World Devastation (41 cards)

Monsters (19)

Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World x 3

Sillva, Warlord of Dark World x 3

Brron, Mad King of Dark World x 3

Giant Orc x 2

Morphing Jar

Magical Merchant x 2


Breaker the Magical Warrior

Treeborn Frog

DD Warrior Lady

Spirit Reaper


Magic (15)

Graceful Charity

Gateway to Dark World x 2

Dark World Lightning x 2

Card Destruction

Brain Control


Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Smashing Ground x 2

Swords of Revealing Light


Premature Burial


Trap (7)

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Ring of Destruction

Bottomless Trap Hole

Sakuretsu Armour

Deck Devastation Virus x 2


The idea of the deck is to pummel the opponent with Goldd and Sillva and put the pressure on, forcing them to use Smashing Ground only to trigger my Virus. With a knowledge of the opponent’s probably-not-very-good-now hand (thanks to the Virus) for the next three turns I can usually win. Magical Merchant fetches Magic needed to summon Dark World monsters or the dreaded Virus and feeds the graveyard for Gateway. Summon Giant Orc set DDV is one of my favourite moves: so transparent but there’s nothing the opponent can do about it: the only way around is to summon Jinzo and that happens not very often. Metamorphosis is awesome to get Balter or Fiend Skull Dragon depending on situation (I did try out Necrofear so I could Meta into Cyber Twin but 90% of the time I wished Necrofear was an extra Sillva so ditched him).


Match 1: Dark World v ‘Top of the line’ deck

First round I get paired with the winner of the last Adelaide regionals. He’s pretty confident he’ll win with his excellent monarch control deck since it’s ‘the best’ deck going around at the moment. On his first draw he complains about a bad hand and I proceed to make it even worse using Deck Devastation Virus early on and then using Card Destruction to gain even more card advantage: he is left with a hand of Magic/Trap including Last Will and Creature Swap. That’ll learn him.

Second game he side decks two cards: two Banisher of the Radiance. But he doesn’t draw either of them and my Dark World strategy proceeds to crush him once again. He complains of bad draws and that I ‘got lucky’ with Deck Devastation Virus (it wiped out the majority of his draws) but this just goes to show that monarch control is not so great.


Match 2: Dark World v Macro Cosmos

I groan when I hear of this match-up. My opponent is one of my brother’s friend and I know he runs Macro Cosmos which will obviously absolutely smash my Dark World effects.

Game 1 he only draws into one Macro Cosmos for which I have saved my Heavy Storm. I pummel. Game 2 I side a Dust Tornado, but don’t need it because he surrenders after he Smashing Grounds my Goldd I chain Deck Devastation kill his in-hand Sangan and Exiled Force. I had nothing much left at this point and he probably could have come back but oh well – Dark World triumphs v Macro Cosmos against all odds!


Match 3: Dark World v Gravekeepers

Awesome I get to play my brother’s other friend with a wicked Gravekeeper’s deck. I saw the end of his last match against a crazy Earth Skill Drain kinda deck and it was a good game. It’s close because for once my Dark World monsters aren’t the biggest on the field: Gravekeeper’s Spy packs a mighty 2500 defense with Necrovalley on the field, and the pesky valley negates my Gateway to Dark World (something I luckily realized before I made the mistake of setting it while Necrovalley was on the field). But I manage to destroy the Necrovalley and then I finally draw Metamorphosis. I morph Golld into Balter and negate Sangan: he has a hand full of normal magic and draws no Sakuretsu, Mirror Force or Ring of Destruction. I laugh as I swing for 2000 each turn to finish him off.

Game 2 is also close, and at one stage I am forced to Torrential my field of Goldd, Giant Orc (in defense) and Sangan to destroy his Spy and Assailant. This seemingly stupid and negative card advantage move (4 for 2 but then Sangan effect so 3 for 2) won me the game because with that field he could have taken control and proceeded to Gravekeeper swarm me to death. I came back strong with DDV for the win.


Because there wasn’t many people playing we only went three rounds so I came in first undefeated. Awesome. I hope I got all accounts right, I am writing this after a very long day at work so forgive me opponents if I missed a round where you actually won.



  • I won with an original deck (aka not Monarch Control/Warrior toolbox boringness)

  • I beat the ‘top of the metagame’

  • I beat Dark World’s worst enemy

  • Used all my cool combos: Giant Orc DDV, DDV Card Destruction/Morphing Jar, Meta Goldd

  • Proved that Dark World is powerful deck

  • Won a tournament the day after a night of drinking



  • Didn’t get to test my mettle against the dreaded Chimeratech (my side deck was ready)

  • Only won second round against Macro Cosmos because he surrendered (shows you the power of psychology in Yugioh – he got Virused, he thought he was going to lose)

  • Only three rounds



Well, I can’t wait for round 2 on Saturday I am going to pwn again!!!


SpoonMan SamM



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