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Yugioh Tournament Reports
Tim Hill_ Robins Nest_ Rockford IL_ Pure Soul.
Name: Tim Hill Place: Robins Nast Cost: $4 Prize: 3 packs for first, 2 for second, 1 for everyone else.
If you actually remember me (which you don’t), then you might think I’ll be playing a weird “Stupid” deck. Sorry to disappoint. This is (or was) my real deck. Thoughtfully stolen from regenr8.
Monarchy Monsters:
3x Mobius the Frost Monarch
3x Thestalos
2x Zsa Zsa Gaborg
1x Jinzo
1x Sangan
1x Treeborn Frog
1x Magician of Faith
1x Spirit Reaper
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
2x Exiled Force
1x DD Warrior Lady
1x DD Assailant
3x Soul Exchange
3x Brain Control
2x Smashing Ground
1x Heavy Storm
1x MST
1x Premature
1x Graceful
1x SoRL
1x BoM
1x Scape Goats
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrent
1x RoD
1x CoTH
1x Magic Cylander
1x Ceasefire
1st Round Tim vs. Vernon This guy seemed to be part of a team (by team I mean three guys at a local tournament). He was running E-Heroes. NEVER RUN E-HEROES.
Tim, 8000-7200(Premature)-5500(Sparkman Directly)-5000(Who gives a care)-4900, Vernon,8000-6100(Breaker Directly)-5600-5100-2700(Mobius J)-300(New MobiusJ)-Ring.
Vernon got a Wild Wingman out. I got Zaborg out ;-)
Tim, 8000-7000, Vernon, 8000 -7900 -7000-6700(Reaper!)-4700(Reaper!With something)-3000(still trying to figure out how I did 1700 twice) - 600-Ceasefire.
He starts swearing after being Mobiused (pronounced “Moby Used”) a lot. After two games, I think I used him 5 times (which is bad for this deck because I need a good mixture of Monarchs).
1-0 Yay!
2nd Round Tim vs. Ishmael
D-Heroes! This “team” must have not gotten any sleep last night. You must realize that both my opponents are like 20! Maybe not quite sleep but some other kind of…
Tim, 8000- 7200(Brain Control). Ishmael, 8000-3900 (I don’t know how) - 3600 (Reaper!)- 0 (Technically done in two attack steps).
Tim,8000- 6400- 5600. Ishmael, 8000-5600 (Za…BORG)- 5100- 4300- 1900 (Thestalos… Finally)- 0
His deck was much slower. Not good for this format.
2-0 Yay!
3rd Round Tim vs. Will
This round would decide whether I would play in the final round. But I lose! He had already lost once, but that didn’t hold his punches. He was running cookie. I have the life point totals, but they are a mile long, and I lazy. It was so close. We were inching on life by the hundreds. He Brain controlled for game bringing him to 300. Made to a third round though. .
2-1 Crap!
My friend, Bj, made it to the final round, and lost.
In my AST pack, I pull…Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower.
Bj, however (gritting teeth) pulls a Warrior Elimination from his TP7 and a Chaos Command Magician. Trades his new Warrior Killer fore an anything killer(Mirror Force) to the shop Talk to me at cloakkandagger@yahoo.com
Props: Not much
Slops: - Bj lucking out. He faced Noobs until the Final Round. - Me for unluckiest pulls form these tournaments - Jacob, for not winning with his Red Eyes Deck (although, It would’ve been a slop if he won). - My sticky Keyboard for not counting some of the letters, making me have to edit this report a lot. It stinks like a Cr
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