#24 - Champion Vs. Creator - 1
Running to the scream they find Mai being kicked out of a dueling arena-
she’s lost all her starchips to the Eliminator Panik. Panik claims it was
easy and shoves her. Joey wants to make Panik pay for shoving Mai, but
Yuugi says the only way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them, and
transforms. He then challenges Panik to a duel. Panik agrees- Pegasus has
promised a special bonus to whomever defeats Yami Yuugi.
They mount the platform, and Panik promises that if he looses he will give
Yami Yuugi all Mai’s starchips back, but if Yami Yuugi looses he will loose
his life (since he doesn’t have enough starchips to cover Mai’s.) Yami
Yuugi’s legs are grabbed by metal handcuffs, effectively trapping him in
place. Panik fires two fire jets, the fire barely missing Yami Yuugi just
for a display. His friends beg him to stop, but Yami Yuugi is not
intimidated (“It will take more than a cheap show of Pyrotechnics to scare
me, Panik.? They start the duel.
Panik plays his floating castle, which covers all the field in darkness.
Yami Yuugi plays various monster cards which are destroyed by whatever is
lurking in the darkness. Yami Yuugi then plays Sealing Swords of light,
freezing all of Panik’s cards in place for 3 turns. Panik plays Chaos
Shield, protecting his monsters. Yami Yuugi plays Gaea the Fierce Knight
and combines it with Curse of Dragon (using a Polymerization card.) Panik
plays a large metal monster, to guard his monsters even further. Yami Yuugi
plays Catapult Turtle, and launches Gaea the Dragon Champion at Panik’s
Floating Castle. The floatation device on the castle is destroyed, but it
does not fall. Yami Yuugi’s lifepoints are reduced to 300, and he has no
monsters left on the field (except Catapult Turtle.) Yami Yuugi’s friends
think he’s doomed, but Yami Yuugi says he’s already won. What if the only
thing holding up Panik’s castle are Yami Yuugi’s Sealing Swords of Light?
Three turns have passed, and the Sealing Swords of Light disappear. The
castle comes crashing down on Panik’s monsters, who cannot escape as they
are trapped inside the Chaos Shield. They are all destroyed, taking Panik’s
lifepoints with them. Panik is enraged and fires all his fire jets at Yami
Yuugi, smashing the control device. The arena becomes a huge fire tornado.
Yami Yuugi’s friends are forced to jump away. However, the Millenium Puzzle
protects Yami Yuugi. Panik is shocked, but Yami Yuugi is disgusted by
Panik’s show of fowl play and destroys him with his magic. He then returns
to the group, Mai’s starchips in hand.
Mai won’t accept them, but when Joey grabs them for his own, she is tricked
into taking them back, and then promises to repay Yuugi when she can, and
have an honest duel with him.
Bassam S.